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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. We had a problem with a Thai teacher (at an expensive private school) assaulting my daughter. She squeezed her earlobe causing a bloodblister. My daughter was 4 at the time. European teachers at the school told us that this particulart lady had a history of shouting and bullying small children. Kicking the living daylights out of her may have been the first reaction, but violence is not the right choice. A meeting with the school owner and head of programme achieved better results. The teacher was severly demoted to a junior position and warned she would be closely monitored and dismissed for anymore breaches. I and the school owner were in favour of instant dismissal. My wife, a qualified and experienced teacher and the head of programme successfully argued for the demotion and one more chance. Now I realise they were right. The loss of face and being seen to have been demoted into a much more junior position is much worse punishment than giving her a good belting! My daughter had only asked a question whilst the teacher was hanging a Christmas decoration, which apparently annoyed her.

    On the other side, I know my wife would hit children, and indeed does with our own, if she thought they were not trying hard enough. This seems an acceptable practice in many Asian and developing countries.

  2. Outstanding, Ladies and Gentleman of the Pattaya Bikers Club.

    You are living a life of freedom and choice, and Our Boys fought and died for exactly that........to give you Freedom and Choice.

    My Aunt Nancy died yesterday, aged 90, her husband Trumpeter Arthur Smith was in a Japanese POW camp in Taiwan, I've told the story elsewhere on Thaivisa, I won't repeat it here, except to say that Trumpeter Smith lived with the effects of the War until the day he died in 2002, now 10 years later his beautiful wife has moved on to be with him, and she equally suffered the consequences of the War as her husband fought his demons.

    To log on this morning and see that you are putting in the effort to commemorate the Arthur and Nancy's of this world makes me so proud.

    Thank you very much. wai.gif

    Very well put sir! Too many people are quick to forget the sacrifices of two generations in world wars. The world and freedoms we enjoy today would be very different without their sacrifice and achievements. Many suffered physical and mental effects for the rest of the lives, like your uncle. But, they never complained or made noise about it. I think 1968 is the only year since the end of the second world war in which no British service personnel have been killed. A time to remember all our service personnel, past and present.

  3. It's a bit worrying for the nation's security that senior Deputy PM Chalerm should have more faith in Pingpongtae's Facebook page than the resources of Thai Defence Ministry.

    But perhaps not entirely surprising.

    I'm sure Khun Oak and Senior Deputy PM Chalerm will be on fb and twitter appologising for their comments based on misleading information that someone provided them with, as well as making similar TV and press statements. Just another honest mistake ................ and you can't be too careful, better safe than sorry. whistling.gif

  4. The social media gives opportunity for morons to make absolutely stupid statements so that the idiots that follow it can laugh at them.

    Besides the farcical assassination plot, there was also an American girl who "tweeted" after Obama's victory "I am moving to Australia where the president is a christian who does what he says" (more or less) completely missing that the Oz PM is a woman and an atheist. D'oh!

    I think she meant NZ thumbsup.gif

  5. They protect democracy in the same way that Mao's Red Guards and Hitler's SA and SS did. You can have as much free speech and democracy as you want - so long as you tow the party line. If you say things we don't like then clearly you are mentally ill and/or a danger to society and the freedoms we cherrish. So sorry, but you must be eradicated.

    Interesting choice of venue to make this speach. Indonesia - champion of democracy and human rights? Just ask anyone in East Timor or the Aussie soldiers who saw their behaviour first hand.

  6. BP and The Nation did not report the initial rape story only the video story and its damage to tourism.

    Why would the Thai papers report the rape of yet another farang girl, as if they would care less and it might harm tourism. However the video is a different matter as it potentially affects finances of the rich, powerful, corrupt and indifferent, their shareholders.

    I doubt many will share this opinion but I believe Thailand is better as a sex tour destination as this is what it does best, this opposed to a family or general destination, as it has no will or desire to do anything whatsoever those type of keep travellers safe. Of course most have no problems, but I wonder out how many really do that we never hear about. After all it takes international media attention to even get a bi-line in the local tabloids, pretensious about being actual newspapers as they are.

    Hope you are right - that many don't share your opinion.

    Propogating the myopic sex tourist view of Thailand doesn't help. I remember when Spain and Greece first became hot tourist destinations. Cheap booze, loads of tourists - and the scams, beach chairs, extras on displayed prices, thieving, muggings, violence against tourists, rip-off hotels, overcharging taxis, car hire and jet ski scams too. Ever tried complaining to a Spanish or Greek cop - they make the BiB look lively. And, yes, the police and courts always favour their national against a foreigner whatever.

  7. Thais will never learn and as far as punishment is concern , it is always a slap on the hand , what would happen if a farang did this to a Thai girl

    Of course - poor Thai boy led astray by farang. "If she not here no crime" logic. The other way round and the farang guy would get several good kickings, "confess", serve a long and very uncomfortable prison sentence and then be deported and blacklisted. All seems fair in LOS!

  8. Kids are out of control all over. Give it 10 or so more years and wait and see the chaos this country is going to have. Anyone planning on being here for the next 10, 15, or 20 years should start re-thinking their location, as it is only going to get MUCH worse, not better.

    And where are you going to go? Jumping from "the frying pan to the fire"?

    Because you are right - this problem is all over - not just Thailand.

    • Like 1
  9. The British press are running it....that'll do wonders for tourism.


    Amazing how the Daily Mail morphed this in to a pack sex attack when apparently she was unharmed and they would have been free to do what they wanted to her after stabbing the boyfriend.

    So you giving the Scum credit for not attacking and harming the girl? Read the article and what is being said about the area It's not policed .

    Brit ex-pat slams Thai authorities for allowing 'gangs of teenagers, armed with knifes and machetes, to roam Ao Nang like a Hollywood horror movie'

    Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz2AQQPEoD9

    And neither are some areas in the UK! Every police force I know complains of not having enough officers. Even with more CCTV coverage than anyother country random gang attacks like this occur in the UK. I read of similar issues in Australia and the US regularly. Drink, drugs, soical conditions, gang culture, poor parental responsibility etc etc. I've witnessed bad attacks in the UK where people have intervened and waited a longtime before the police finally turn up. In one instance the police, an elderly male officer and young female officer has absolutely no appetite for pursuing a druggie who had damaged several vehicles on our business car park when they finally turned up. Police should be involved in crime prevention but need the support of the public. At least the RTP caught these nasty thugs quickly. Let's hope they get duly punished.

  10. R.I.P mate.

    Chris was a top guy always up for a good laugh.

    My heart goes out to his wife and young son he leaves behind.

    My condolences to friends and family. Yet another loss of life on the roads of Phuket. Sadly, it's almost a daily occurence now.

    I am assuming Mr. Hart lived here and his wife is Thai and his son is half Thai and half British.

    I have a slightly off topic question for those members who are married to a Thai National and have young children here, meaning Thailand, not specifically Phuket. I'm not asking about the personal circumstances of Mr. Hart and his immediate family, but a general question.

    Does your life insurance payout to someone who is in another country and who is not a citizen of your home country?

    Does the "will" you made in your home country cover the liquidation of any assets held in a foreign country? Eg. businesses, property, motor vehicles, cash at bank etc. For example, someone may have a will in England, but have assets in Thailand. Are those assets in Thailand covered under the will in England?

    Do "trust funds" exist in Thai Law?

    Without being specific, what provisions have those members of TV with a Thai wife and/or young children put in place should you pass away whilst your children are too young to take care of themselves, or your wife too old to work?

    I'd suggest that you address your comments to a reptuable lawyer. Laws are not always straightforward, Thai and English law are not the same, and the construction of the will is very important.

    A Thai lawyer told me before that the concept of trust funds is not recognised in Thai law. Also, you need to be aware of the draconian rules regarding death duties if your wife is not a born UK national or lived there for something like 20 consecutive years.

    I would like to offer my condolences to the bereaved at this sad time. Such a tragic loss.

  11. "Obama's visit was scheduled before election day in the US, and officials confirmed the US president had insisted on the visit whether he was re-elected or not.

    For once, maybe there is justification in Thailand calling itself the "hub" of something. Thailand is the longtime US ally, friend, military pal, etc...Big changes are happening in Burma and China. Thailand makes an excellent base for the US for its SE Asia relations "HQ" so to speak. Keeping China's influence in check at the south, taking advantage of economic opportunities and political opportunities in newly opening Burma, and for other reasons it makes perfect sense.

    Look soon for more Americans swarming the streets...cowboy.gif

    er..., especially men in black with sunglasses:


    The guy on the left looks very scary to me. Is he from secret service? bah.gif .

    Send with Chinese tablet

    based on the reputation of the (not so) secret service these days, we can assume they will be having a great time in Soi Cowboy

    Boys will be boys! I've seen some of these guys at close quarter during the visit of a member of the British royal family to LA several years ago. Believe me, they are very professional when working and take all aspects of the job seriously. They are the standard most equivalent similar organizations apsire too.

  12. Panthongtae wanted to rebut Defence Minister Sukampol Suwannathat, who earlier voiced scepticism about the assassination attempt

    I don't think Sukampol will be a minister after the next reshuffle. He has shown an inability to "do his job".

    since when did that really matter to PTP? therefore, he'll probably get promoted.

    Inability = promotion. Voice scepticism against the "family" = game over,

    • Like 1
  13. What a load of <deleted>! Really - weapons found, opportunity to cancel meeting due to probable embarassing lack of attendance. Save face, show "caring side for nice red shirt friends" and maybe generate some sympathy for a poor guy trying to help his country being intimidated by ruthless gang of assassins.

    Very good PR machine to generate all this though - and relies on the uneducated masses believing everything their generous benefactor tells them.

  14. Congratz America! There are a lot of countries that can only dream they had a president of that caliber.

    and that is probably the quote of quotes for this thread.. like him or hate him he's a boat load better than most other leaders in allot of areas

    Being the best of a poor bunch isn't a good recommendation! What has he done or delivered to make him "high" calibre the OP eludes too?

    He hasn't delivered on many of his promises; although he seems to have the same propensity to lie and get away with it that many leading politicians do.

    There seems to be a real lack of high calibre, world statesmen type leaders these days. Hope he really achieves some good in his second term, but I expect 4 more years of the same.

  15. Good for the world, good for most Americans. Congratulations President Obama and thank you, American voters!!!

    Why is this good for the world? I would like to understand your reasoning behind that assertion.

    Simple answer: Obama is better suited, on several levels, for dealing with international relations. The articulate answer could go on for volumes. Granted, Romney might be ok for dealing with most int'l events and incidents. Yet (for starters) Obama has a cool-headed, intelligent and likeable Sec. of State in Ms Clinton. Who would Romney have appointed? Powell? No chance, he was already burned badly once by Bush Jr. and Cheney. Look at who Romney picked as running mate. Scary and unpredictable are the the nicest adjectives I can peg on Ryan. I hope the Republicans run Ryan in 2016, then whomever is his opponent (Michelle?) will have a walk-over.

    Thank you. Interesting comments. Let's hope Obama / Clinton do a good job and help stabalise a world that seems to be rife with wars, disagreements and fundamental differences. We won't know how Romney would've performed now, but there is definetly a need for a good solid team.

  16. The two countries also agreed to new talks on a possible Thailand-European Free Trade Association (EFTA) agreement, which was suspended in 2006.

    Was this because the EU did not do deals with juntas or was it the junta trying to keep the status quo by not opening up Thailand. It was not resurrected under the cobbled together army inspired, offer you cant refuse to form a coalition government under Abhisit rule. One would think the dems and the army have the same paymaster...Oooops

    A little research was sufficient to prove you are writing crap again. From the EFTA website "The third round of negotiations is scheduled to take place in Geneva between 3 and 7 April 2006." after the second round held in January.


    The 3rd round didn't take place, and it certainly wasn't because of the coup in September. Maybe the corruption revelations stuck in their craw.

    I'm not sure Norway has the authority to unilaterally negotiate EFTA deals with other countries. Also, won't the other ASEAN members being a little concerned Thailand is off doing deals on its own?

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