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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. Is this somehow not the problem in Thailand? That many people think respect must be 'earned'? Respect should be given automatically and then given some more if it is reciprocated. If it is not reciprocated, it is no longer necessary to be respectful. Believing respect need be earned is the root of the problem... just ask many teachers about students' attitudes regarding respect. Hint: they are very much in-line with your way of thinking (the bolded part at least).

    I prefer just to remain respectful anyway as that is the way to live life in a peaceful and joyful manner. It doesn't matter how others treat me, that is their path. The way I treat them, that is my path.

    I came in through Thai Immigration at the airport last week, and the way this one Immigration officer was talking to people was downright rude. He wanted to close his booth and escorted half a dozen tourists through to close his lane. He was barking at them like they were animals. I expect this from Thai immigration officers but I wonder how first timers would feel.

    He gets no respect from me. I think he was one of the more senior officers by the way he was talking to some others.

    This is a very good post, I always said respect has to be earned, but I know now that this is not the case. If the respect you give is not returned,then you do not give the respect back.

    The rudest immigration officer I ever saw was at Heathrow. Embarassingly he was a Scot and they had him in the business class visa lane. He was shouting rudely at an African man, even suggesting he should not be in "the business class lane" and demanding to see his boarding pass before he would look at the passport. My young British daughter commented that this was the rudest person she'd ever heard. It's difficult not to judge all the apples in the barrel by one bad one.

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  2. I would think English would always be a priority. Just about every nation (apart from Thailand), irrespective of mother tongue, speaks English. China is fast learning English as well. Teaching anyone Laos or Cambodian? How many 'visitors' do we get from there? Mandarin and English I think would be a good start with emphasis on English. Japanese is way down the list at 3rd place as being essential.

    I think on huge immigrations like on the airport you should have all speak English and always 1 person on duty that speaks:







    + maybe a few more

    Cambodian: automatically yes, just have one staff from the border region

    Lao: no problem....the languages are so similar that they can understand....

    You won't get this selection of languages at many international airports. English is the international language of business,education, science and travel - airline pilots and traffic controllers use English. Mandarin and Spanish are useful because of the large number of people that speak them. The others - forget it, they are not international languages.

  3. I think it is grossly unfair of the alleged victims to come forward now long after Jimmy Savile is dead and cannot defend his name. But on the other hand I hope the investigation brings people to justice that are still alive that may have assisted in any crimes that were committed.

    Did you see this video???


    I have just watched that video and read the story from The Sun. Miss Edwards felt so disgusted she complained to a floor manager not the police so I think she was not disgusted just embarrassed maybe and without being able to hear Jimmy Savile’s side of the story who know what really happened there. Every woman has been groped (as shown in that video) at some time it is not something that will affect the rest of their lives as she claims.

    Every woman has been groped at some stage???? Oh so that makes it perfectly acceptable behaviour? So if your wife or daughter told you some guy just stuck his hand up thier skirt of groped thier tits, you would tell them to get over it and harden up, it was just a grope happens to every woman?

    To suggest every woman in the world has been groped in nonsense. What research is this based on? It is a massive problem in some countries - India is the worst I've seen, but if anyone did this in US or UK I'm sure they'd get a thump and go to court.

  4. I think it is grossly unfair of the alleged victims to come forward now long after Jimmy Savile is dead and cannot defend his name. But on the other hand I hope the investigation brings people to justice that are still alive that may have assisted in any crimes that were committed.

    Did you see this video???


    I have just watched that video and read the story from The Sun. Miss Edwards felt so disgusted she complained to a floor manager not the police so I think she was not disgusted just embarrassed maybe and without being able to hear Jimmy Savile’s side of the story who know what really happened there. Every woman has been groped (as shown in that video) at some time it is not something that will affect the rest of their lives as she claims.

    Sexual harrasment was much more common in the 70's in the UK. Many ladies had to put up with being groped at work and bosses weren't really interested unless it was very serious, and no one went to the police. It was a very different culture back then. That's why legislation had to be brought in.

    However, saying this incident was responsible for her marriage breakdown and that she has never been able to trust men since seems a severe reaction or suggests over 30 years of suffering. I'm sorry for anyone who was abused in anyway but begin to wonder if some of the "victims' are now coming forward hoping for compensation.

  5. The basic premise, the rationale offered by Thaksin for stockpiling vast amounts or Rice is also patently unrealistic.

    We are told that in the (unspecified) future there will be a disaster - man-made or natural, we are not told - and as a result there will be a major shortage of important Foodstuffs. This is what Thailand has been planning for and will immediately offer its Stockpile of Rice to the world at a price which will make a profit even after the high prices paid to Farmers.

    What nonsense!

    Imagine the worldwide reaction to Thailands' greedy exploitation of a disaster in this way! International condemnation, Trade and Tourism boycotts possibly even UN Sanctions.

    Thaksins' whole Business life has been built on greed protected by his own impunity, and he imagines that model can be projected into the world Commodities Market just as easily and without adverse effects on a Country.


    Is it really nonsense? The whole financial and trading world act on rumour, predictions, insdier knowledge and speculation. I know from experience the Saudis are very concerned about the future supply of food staples in KSA. That's why they were buying up vast tracts of farmland all over the place.

    Future food and water shortages are a common prediction amongs economists and climate change pundits just as much as energy shortages and the prediction of WW3.

    Do you think anyone really cares about the UN? They are not exactly the most effective organization. Thaksin knows that the ME will pay high prices for food should these predictions come true. They won't care about the UN or anyone else and they have the money. Thaksin's gamble is that this will happen but no one knows the timing. Rice can't be kept for ever so he may get caught out. I have said Thaksin because I can't believe any of the other numpties could work a strategy like this out.

  6. I've always felt much safer in Bangkok than many UK and Europeancities after dark.

    Pick-pocketing is universal - I've know people this happend to in Italy, Holland, France and the UK. I and a group of friends had a problem in Switzeralnd with a couple of junkie bikers asking for money - nearly turned very nasty.

    I have noticed that Thai friends are more concerned about safety these days. Recently on 2 occasions different Thai ladies gave me a lift half way home. Both were concerned about dropping me off so I could pick a taxi up. One went well out of her way so I would be on the right side of the road and not have to cross a bidge which she thought could be dangerous for "farang" at night. The other insisted on turning into her village and we sat in the car whilst security got a taxi. This was off a main road which I know very well, but she stiil wasn't happy to drop me there. Perhaps I'm just beginning to look old and an easier target?

  7. For future prevention you might try rubbing your feet regualrly with surgical spirits. I used to have a lot of problems with blisters which were caused through friction / sweat whilst practising martial arts. Someone recommended the use of surgical spirits and it really seemed to help prevent the blisters and lessen the sweating. Also put talcum or athletes foot powder in your socks prior to running as this may also help.

  8. So I am to believe that the old rules a spouse visa lasted 24 months regardless of breakdown in marriage.

    And the new rules of 30 months spouse visa regardless of breakdown in marriage.

    And if we get on after 35 months then yet another 25 spouse visa months regardless of breakdown in marriage.

    This new law then is very optimistic for the relationship to be successful?

    And if a breakdown in the relationship the spouse can easily carry on in the UK as an illegal just as before.

    So what’s the difference?

    The new rules do not hinder scam marriages then?

    There are numerous checks in place to weed out the scam marriages prior to granting the spousal visa. 7by7 has provided information on the visa FLR and ILR rules for you.

    If you doubt the sincerity of your prospesctive spouse then don't get married. Don't confuse the visa rules and the "ease" of getting a failed marriage partner out of the UK with the laws applying to divorce. I sense, possibly wrongly, that your question is "can I get rid of her easily if it all goes wrong without he taking anything off me"? Remember you will be legally married and subject to divorce laws.

  9. It's nice of Thaksin to give the PM of Thailand some say in these decisions.

    Or to make it look like she has! Helps improve her image and allows him to pretend to be disappointed about no seat for the red-shirt leader. Notice how the "clan" are always well positioned. The article makes reference to "taking it in turns" to hold cabinet seats. About right - no need to worry about skill, experience, knowledge, proven ability; it's your turn this shuffle, so take the position and just do as your told whilst you make a nice little earner.

    An interesting asside. If your bored one day try researching the family histories of a selection of UK's current politicians. Some very interesting family dynasties around. And we think the West is different! Thailand is years behind in nepotism, cronyism, and political skulduggery.

  10. Don't you just love it when a group such as the UN Development Program start manipulating the English language, so it is now suggested that in view of political correctness we refer to such activities as sex workers. Changes nothing in my opinion and will have absolutely no impact on the attitudes of individuals on both sides of the fence. Do they really think that a sex worker in Thailand gives a dam as to whether Falangs call her a prostitute or a sex worker.. Hi Mum I would like you to meet Nong who is my gf I met in Pattaya. No , no she is not a prostitute she is a sex worker !!. As I said before ,changes nothing.

    Political correctness is the way to get promoted in the UN. I have met some real "dozzies" from the UNDP including one who was suggesting 9/11 was America's fault and that the Muslim/Hindu violence in India was a result of their being part of the British Empire! So insisting "sex workers" is a nicer word than prostitute, whore, harlott, hooker or whatever isn't surprising.

    The UNDP seems adept at producing this sort of comment but at actually doing anything positive. Still, it keeps overpaid Western "experts" over here. Notice they haven't been poking around in Eastern Europe or Africa.

    No doubt laws could be improved. Prostitution will always be around, like it or not. Decriminalise, licence and control - like the Dutch do.

  11. Many parents and role models of these kids lack social skills as well. My Thai family watches soap series while having dinner at night. Discussing the daily events is non existent. Monkey sees, monkey does.

    All countries have their own social norms and people acquire social skills based on these. It's part of a countries culture. I have many friends from Western European countries who find Brits aggressive and too direct in their comments. Whilst my American friends think the Brits are reserved! Your view depends on your own social skills and norms which were influenced by your country, family and enivironmental cultures.

    Some things are very different between the cultures but neither is necessarily right ot wrong. Thailand has a particular unqiue and distinct culture and Thais equally find some of our behaviour odd.

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  12. let's not kids ourselves....this lack of social skills goes went into adulthood...

    I've seen and experienced completely grown 30 year old Thai women pout, cry and throw tandrums when they do not get what they want!

    I should know....my mother is thai and i've had thai gf's....

    To ALL the adult men who have dated thai women - i know you're nodding head to this comment right now! wink.png

    You're right - but not just a Thai phenomena, more a female one! From personal experience Thai ladies do resort to the tantrums more quickly and for less reason than others. This way of behaving will be mimicked by their children.

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  13. When I moved into a house in my village the population was predominantly Foreigners. Now years later our population is predominantly Thai. The children of these Thai families climb all over my truck every evening after school. Their parents do nothing. Sometimes I chase the kids off but to them it's a game and still come back for more. However at least now they don't mess with my Thai wife's flower's.

    The failure of Thai to return borrowed property even to the point of the becoming offensive if I ask for my ladder or tools back is typical behavior in my village. If i lend money I can never get it back so I don't lend anymore.

    Our Village money lender has the same experience so she takes security now, usually the borrower's motor bike if they have one.

    However I have to say that I've had similar problems with farang in Thailand from time to time during the past 20 years. Now I don't lend at all. This all sounds so petty, But I know that I should move because the neighbors await to guide a relative of their's into my house as happens with many houses vacated by foreigner's in my soi. Yes you're right I am rather old now.

    Not just Thailand but in some other Asian countries too there seems to be a reluctance to ensure children behave to what we maybe consider the norm. We've had visitors kids jumping on the furniture, poking the pets and generally behaving with little manners. My wife told me not to say anything because the parents would be offended and maybe not come again.

  14. That poor boy.. whatever happens to his parents with regard to this incident he will ultimately be going back to Pakistan with them. Poor kid

    Yes - I wonder if their is any kind of child welfare or social services in Pakistan? Hopefully the poor boy may have some good grandparents.

    Again, well done to the taxi driver for his prompt actions. The BiB are right to deal with this under Thai law. Whatever cultural differences there are this bitch has no right to assault her child like this. She may face some punishment when she gets home when relatives find out what she's done.

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  15. What a disgrace that these criminals are again to be allowed back into government. What a heinous crime these people committed, belonging to a government that was ousted in a military coup. Off with their heads I say.

    You are correct - many members of the current government are criminals, robbing the country blind, falunting the law, and ensuring they have exit plans just in case the people finally wake up and see through the lies, scams and vote buying.

    History, including recent times, is full of politcal family gangs taking contries over and bleeding them dry. Many of these families have paid the ultimate price when people finally wake up.

  16. Call me old fashioned but I don't think any female should be walking home alone at 3am in any country... didn't everyone learn that in college? It's not a problem unique to Thailand, why does everyone try to make it seem like it is.

    You're old fashioned. If women are not safe to walk the streets in the wee small hours, then there's a problem with the streets, NOT with the women. What do suggest - some sort of half-assed curfew ?

    Perhaps that mighty force of 400 that were proactive for all of 1 hr the other day need to spread out a bit. I wouldn't mind seeing a few BIB's walking the streets at night (instead of sitting at some of the bars in groups of 3-4, smoking, having a drink and watching the footie).

    You think other places are safe then? Have a look at the amount of assaults in the "wee small hours" in UK, US or Aussie cities. The UK has the highest proportion of CCTV camera coverage but still people get assaulted, robbed, beaten and stabbed. This isn't a problem for Thailand - try spending time in the Philipinnes or Africa and go out for a few walks if you want to do some research.

  17. Call me old fashioned but I don't think any female should be walking home alone at 3am in any country... didn't everyone learn that in college? It's not a problem unique to Thailand, why does everyone try to make it seem like it is.

    I think you're right. Any female walking around at 3am is prone to robbery or sex attacks. Males are also subject to robbery and viscious unprovoked attacks in the early hours in many so called developed countries. People take care in their home country, but relax on holiday and somehow expect things to be different.

    Maybe I'm old fashioned too, but 20 years ago I felt more safe in Bangkok than today. But, that's probably true of a lot of other cities. We seem to be in a more violent time now, with weapons used more easily.

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