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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. Oh dear. Do you wear a tin foil hat too?

    No, do you wear your blinkers all the time?

    No - and I don't need bold type to read either.

    Do you really think believe that the secretive and clandestine societies that these people think really rule the world are behind the planned closure of the British consulate in Pattaya? Or are you just trolling your own pet off topic interests?

    As many of the sensible posts here point out Britain is in deep financial trouble, created by years of overspending based on borrowing and selling off the gold reserves when prices were low. That's why an austerity policy is needed - to hopefully avoid becoming like Greece, Spain, Ireland and Porugal.

    This means cut backs. The distance from Pattaya to Bangkok is less than many people would have to travel in the UK to visit a passport office, an immigration office, various embassies for visas etc.

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  2. Yes i heard this a few days ago.

    This is absolutely intolerable and totally stupid. Typical bloody UK as like the right wing USA all they think and care about is MONEY not the big word "SERVICE" to the PEOPLE. Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of bloody Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the bloody Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

    Other than that life is good here in LoS I find, and all this crap reminds me that I am so glad I do not now have to put up with the crap and terrible way of life for the ordinary folk in right wing controlled Britain.

    It doesn't matter who is in power its always the same people behind the scenes - or haven't you noticed!

    Oh dear. Do you wear a tin foil hat too?

  3. Complaining about the level of fees is a total waste of time and energy. We have been informed over and over again that the fees are standardised throughout the world, and whether we like it or not, that's the way it's going to be and no amount of bitching is going to change it one iota.

    Same same complaining about frozen pensions.

    The ambassador is powerless on these issues.

    It is pretty clear to me that the new Honorary consul will have nothing to do with visas, marriage affirmations etc and most importantly, with the issuing of 'income letters' which in future will be taken care of in Bangkok.

    The Pattaya consul's role will be purely to deal with distressed Brits in Pattaya - mainly those in trouble with the law.

    I am guessing that there have been so many problems with local staff issuing the 'income letters' that we require for our marriage and retirement visas extensions that it has been decided to transfer this function back to Bangkok.

    If this is correct, it will create a huge amount of inconvenience and expense for a very large number of Pattaya based Brits - and it is on this matter that we should concentrate our energies.

    We must try to convince the Ambassador that this will indeed be a highly retrograde step, and by doing so will, at one fell swoop, alienate almost the entire community of thousands of Brits living in or near Pattaya.

    If anyone wishes to organise a petition, or similar protest, purely on the subject of having annual income letters dealt with locally, then I for one will happily sign up.

    But please don't confuse it with protests over embassy fees and the cost of passports.

    Very sensible comments and the way to go forward. Reasoned argument with appropriate facts may help to change this decision. Ranting against the current government, political rhetoric and complaining about other non-related issues, however annoying they maybe won't; and will infact detract from the sensible arguments. Hope you are successful.

  4. Yes i heard this a few days ago.

    This is absolutely intolerable and totally stupid. Typical UK as like the right wing USA all they think and care about is MONEY not the big word "SERVICE" to the PEOPLE. Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

    Why do I pay UK taxes on my pension for what?? At least I felt I was getting some service for my money with the Pattaya Consulate office being there where it is truly needed adn where it offered a pretty good service to the.thousands of UK nationals in the area I reckon there are probably more UK guys living or on holiday in Pattaya than even Bangkok at a guess, so why make the much needed consular service inferior ??? . Hague visiting here, so is it any wonder he wants to save money and sod the UK nationals here .

    Come on now ow much do you think that tiny office in Soi 5 Jomtien costs to rent hmm ?? Bugger all I am certain knowing Thai rental costs in areas such as that. Then the cost of one or two at most locally employed staff who they will continue to need anyway to either relocate to Bangkok or replace them up there to deal with the extra workload from Pattaya. The costings really must be very small for sure and money so well spent for the huge benefit it gives to thousands of UK nationals living in Pattaya and the large surrounding areas. If they added say 100 Baht local excess charge to each and every customer paying service then with the amount of customers here that would easily pay their added costs to keep the office open here I am sure. And it would save so many elderly guys for instance a whole day of their remaining lives dragging themselves up to Bangkok each year for their pension letter or whatever they need and still be cheaper than the Bangkok return journey and taxis etc too.


    Other than that life is good here in LoS I find, and all this crap reminds me that I am so glad I do not now have to put up with the crap and terrible way of life for the ordinary folk in right wing controlled Britain.

    Here ends the party political broadcast on behalf of the loony left!

    Pattaya - Bangkok - motorway. Not exactly a massive distance or difficult journey. The UK, like most other "developed" countries is in deep financial trouble. Doesn't matter which party is in, austerity measures and cuts will be made, the poor will be squeazed, the rich will get richer and the corrupt bankers will keep scamming. Sad, but that's how it is.

    Closing this might inconvenience you and mean that you have to travel to the embassy. Always a queue and shut at 11.00 am so go early.

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  5. Do you have any stats to support above statement?

    Do you have any stats to prove him wrong? He doesn't have to prove he is right or his stats are correct. You have to prove him wrong.

    This is a logical fallacy: the "burden of proof" falls upon the one advancing a hypothetical explanation, proposing a theory, accusing someone of a crime, etc.

    These rather "abstract" remarks do not mean that I do not the find the situation of 14 year old girl running a prostitution ring heinous: I do ! But, we have no reliable information about how she came to be in this position (should I say "prone to be be in this condition" ?), and I am sure we will never have such information.

    I agree with other posters who have suggested she was a "fall girl," who'll "take the heat" for "hidden hands," and I reject the hypothesis this is an example of some kind of "budding, young, early entrepreneurial genius, in the field of human body-rental" based on Occam's Razor, aka "horse-sense."


    no no no. If you are saying he is wrong, prove it. Right "the burden of proof" you have the burden of proof to prove that the stats he has quoted are wrong.

    Are you trolling? If not then please thinks about your logic and stop being silly. Of course the burden of proof lies with the one proposing the theory. The whole point is he isn't quoting any stats to support his statement. If he did, then someone could suport or argue against them. The statement he makes may well be his view, which he is entitled to, but it is not necessarily true or factual without reference.

  6. It's the 5th of November isn't it.

    Guy Fawkes - the only man ever to enter Parliament with the intent to serve the country.

    No. He had no intentions to serve the country and was an inept mercenary working for a group who were trying to bring England back to being a Catholic country.

    But, he was probably the only man ever to enter parliament with honest intentions!

  7. Better luck next time!

    Why is it y'all - a lot of you anyway - are as hot-tempered on this topic as the many "jai-ron" (rawn, I guess for Brits and such...)? It's still old against new money, more or less - it still baffles me that the leftists mostly chose the "New" money - allthough "new" seems a bit more ruthless; might be better at doing the freebee stunts? Whatever: none of them, and Mr. T. the least care about the people!

    Changes will only come with the grass-roots better educated and a growing middle-class tiring of handing out tea-money. You all can do your bit by not siding with you're idiot brother-in-law or whoever, stop barking up all the wrong trees and do as you're mother should have taught you: You don't all sound like you passed grade-school but I assume you have, so: Lend the coloured shirt discussions a voice of reason! Ask you're brother-in-law or whoever why politicians no matter color are so filthy rich? I a country where drug-lords, politicians, army and police control most of the country a fair country? Be a voice of reason, and hopefully this way of thought will spread. All you English-teachers have a mission, don't miss the opportunity to maybe make a difference.

    And by the way: according to a very reliable source: T. was in Myanmar last week...

    Wow - you must have all the contacts with these sources wink.png Do you really think anyone in Thailand cares about the opinions of foreigners? Do you think the majority of Thais really want change when opinion polls show they are ok with corruption? Do you think things are fair and just, with the amount of money and personal contacts you have making no difference, in the Western countries? If you think Thailand is bad try India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines and China. Nepotism, cronyism, elitists, corruption, - certainly not unique to Thailand. Have a look at the actions of Brtish, American and European bankers over the last few years - great examples of moral and ethical behaviour!

    You are correct that nothing will really change until the masses are better educated and the middle class starts to act against corruption. But, English teachers as a catalyst cheesy.gif

    The president of Myamaar joins the list of governments that welcome Thaksin which in turn legitimises the idea that he is really running the country. Why else would they be prepared to meet a fugitive criminal? This is reprehensible and shows the lack of respect for law and justice that most countries now openly display.

    As for assassination. If someone really wanted to assassinate him, they would try in Dubai. Not that hard, the Mossad managed it.

  8. This world is getting sicker by the day.

    Why? This event has been going for 10 years.

    Ok so I am a little behind. Then I will rephrase. This world is getting sicker by the day for the last 10 years. I know I will be bombarded by the PC folks but I will just take it with a smile and not get into a pissing contest.

    Why is this "sick"?

    You really need to ask?

  9. The Teachers' Council are correct. Working as an airline pilot for 30 years does not mean someone can teach children or adults. Qualifying as a pilot is not equivalent to a university degree.

    The UK's Ofqual recognises certain chartered professional bodies' qualifications as being equivalent to a first class honours degree. This is because the Privy Council monitors the rigour of the syllabue and examination requirements to be awarded graduate status.

    Many people have come to Thailand and see teaching a good way of earning some extra income or obtaining a visa and staying longer. Would you be happy for you children to be taught by someone who has no proven academic level or wide teaching experience? I wouldn't.

  10. wife went to land office and stated that "she didn't have the money to buy the house,with out my help"

    yellow book was issued.

    she die's, her family can't clam the house as theirs.house is mine until I die,after that who cares 8^)

    oh yea,we bought the house after we were married,in fact we own 4 homes,yellow book for each.

    She owns four homes, you own nothing.

    When the land was transferred to her name, you signed a document at the land office to state the property was entirely hers, and you would not have any claim on it in a divorce (You sign three Thai documents and copies of your passport and marriage certificate). If you didn't sign the form, the land office wouldn't have done the land transfer. Your fault you can't read Thai and don't know you are signing your marital rights away. This document doesn't affect your right to inherit from your wife after her death. But village weddings don't count.

    Yes, I had to sign this when our current house and land was purchased in 2007. The building company took us the the local appropriate government office. In all fairness, one officer, who spoke very good English, politely asked me to go into a small office with just him. There he fully explained everything in English. He said they wanted to make sure I understood exactly what I was signing, before I signed and without anyone translating incorrectly. Very helpful and professional.

  11. Whatever next ???

    Will they be wanting to arrest the Roman general who "allegedly" raped Queen Boudiccas teenage daughters?

    The 1970s were a completely different era. Different times. Different world.

    If the "powers that were" of the 1970s turned a blind eye to that behaviour, why drag it up now?

    Will they be arresting hundreds of thousands of ex police from the 1970s for police brutality?

    Times change. Attitudes change. Why drag up history and try to bring it into the 21st century?

    Will they be disallowing goals scored in football matches from the 1970s because they are now considered "not the tactics we use nowadays"?

    This is all history. 30-40 years ago. A time when attitudes were completely different.

    I hate Jimmy Savile but the fact that he did what he did to that girl ON LIVE TV. IN FRONT OF A LIVE CAMERA just shows how different attitudes were back then. And nobody complained back then. No police or laws punished them back then. Nobody cared back then in that time and place.

    So why, after 30-40 years later, in a different century, in the future, do they want to drag it all into another time and world?

    Leave it in the past - Where it came from.

    Sensible comments. Social values and laws change, but its futile and stupid to try to impose them retropsectively, or prosecute the dead.

    I'm sorry for anyone who has been seriously abused by some sick pervert. But the investigation against the late Jimmy Saville is quickly becoming a witch hunt with people assumed gulity even before charged let alone tried.

    Some of the accusations may be proven, that's to be seen. Some of those making accusations may also prove to be false - in which case they should be charged with perjury and punished according to the law. I read yesterday that one law firm is now representing a large number of accusers and has given notice that it will be filing claims against the late Jimmy Saville's estate and the BBC "for substantial compensation". Again, this is before any charges are brought, and trial and verdict issued. This perhaps shows why so many cases are springing up and jumping on the band wagon and hoping for a big payout to sooth all that anguish that has been suppressed for 30-40 years.

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  12. Anyone who wants to give him moral support, please go. We also want to send moral support to him and we want him home so that he can do good for the people.


    My brother is totally pissed off traveling around the world not to mention that it is costing him a small fortune in airport fees, his absence is also affecting my income as it has become increasingly difficult to scam earn on the stock exchange without him covering my back.

    Of course there will be some crumbs left to go around the farming communities.

    Your right. But this is crazy. We have a Thai MP encouraging even more people to go and support a convicted criminal and fugitive - surely this undermines the judicial system and break some law?

    Montenegro was happy to issue him a passport, no doubt on some form of investor class residency, which many former communist countries now do. Presumably he stays in Dubai courtesy of some donations to the bankrupt Mahktoum clan - another meglamaniac. Wonder what his visa says or his he doing border runs? All takes lots of money so he needs constant replenishment of funds.

    The UK and USA have made him welcome too - hedging their bets in case he does rerturn - a "friendly" dictator better than unfreindly democracy scenario.

    No one seems to care that he his a conviceted criminal, fugitive from justice, and facing more outstanding court cases and warrants, either in or outside Thailand. No wonder he thinks he's immune and untouchable!

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  13. This being Yingluck's third attempt, she doesn't seem to do a very good job at putting the right people in the right jobs.

    Square pegs and round holes! All very difficult being a PM. Must give everyone a chance at the gravy train, and pander to big bothers latest wishes, while still leaving time to plan and execute all those shopping trips at tax payers expense.

  14. Quote: "Korea has one of the biggest sex for sale industries in the world; makes Thailand look like a bit player! "

    Agreed but most are Thai women! The same goes for them found in Singapore, Dubai, Australia......etc even in Mumbai, you can find Thai prostitutes......talk about globalising a thai brand! Lol!

    No for Dubai. There are many more Chinese, East European and African prostitutes than Thai. Chinese and Russian mafias very strong in UAE.

  15. Crimes are 'political". Since when is fraud, abuse of power and lining your clans pockets been considered a political crime? He wasn't found guilty by some kangaroo court of politicians but by a court of law. He chose to abscond and also not to face additional court cases which may carry bigger sentences if found guilty.

    PTP couldn't care less about rule of law, Thai people, the country etc. Just about lining their own pockets and creating a dictatorship for DL. Regimes like this have just been thrown out in some countries. But here, accepted. If your poor support PTP, if your rich support Democrats. Everyone just out for themselves, funded by corruption and lies and driven by face saving and prserving the status quo. Sad.

  16. I'd be happy if they could process passengers in the 45 seconds they say they take now. Getting down to 20 seconds is a dream. WHile things have improved slightly recently in the past I have had to wait almost two hours for entrance immigration. Exit immigration remains a disgrace with long waits for a process that should be simple. I went through recently and it took a half hour while half the stations were unmanned (or unwomanned). There is no excuse for that. In Singapore it is rare to even have one person ahead of you in exit immigration.

    I travel regularly and the average time from exiting the plane (economy ticket) to being in the taxi on the way home is 50 minutes. This compares favourably with the "Heathrow experience" believe me. I've only experienced delays here on 2 occasions. These were both due to my flight arriving late and landing just after flights from India and China instead of before. The delays were due to the Indian and Chinese either not bothering or not being able to complete the landing cards. I saw one Australian family arrive at the counter and then start trying to argue that they only needed to fill one card in for a family of 4! They were on my flight and the husband sat next to me. I advised him to fill 4 in but he said no way. Then their queue had to wait while he slowly filled 4 in correctly. Ridiculous attitude,

    Having someone pre-check the arrivals cards have been completed, and sending those that haven't out of the queue speeds things up enormously. I've also been on many flights where I've had to chase the attendants for the landing cards as they leave it too late, just before landing. In buisness class the landing cards are usually given out prior to take off.

    Everyone has the own experiences, but with many years of travel around Europe, Asia and Noth America, my experience is that Suvarnabhumi is one of the better ones.

    Singpore airport is very nice, so is KL and both usually efficent going in. I've had some delays going out of KL though. Worst experiences - LA, Newark NJ, Heathrow, and Charles De Gaul.

  17. I'll never forget the first words uttered by him when he was finance minister as they were classic and I quote:

    The 300 baht minimum wage will not have much of an effect (on the budgetry bottom line) as it is a "one off tax"!!!! Ha Ha Ha!!

    What a buffoon!!

    Yes - but happy to lie and pretend he knows what he is talking about. He'll fit in well.

  18. No way - - the coup WILL happen as there is now ay this bunch of scumbags will be voted out. How else do you think they can be removed?

    Not that I care much who runs this country to ground, but...is THAT your idea of democracy and politics?

    As long as the government is accountable to the military and not the other way around, Thailand cannot be called a democracy, which is more than simply placing ballots in a box.

    True. But can you name any country in Asia that is really a democracy? Thailand is not as bad as some of the other countries. Many Western countries have seen declines in true civil liberties and democracy and moves towards a police state.

  19. Thai military junta dictatorial coups are a thing of the past.

    The Junta Dictators assault on peaceful demonstrators at Rachaprasong, before the very eyes of the watching , disbelieving, international democratic nations, made sure of that.

    However, for the thai generals, International Criminal Court appearances, in The Hague, are a thing of the future.

    Dream on! I think there is more chance of an American general appearing before the ICC than a Thai one. And, the Americans refuse to accept that any of their military are subject to non American courts!!

  20. A previous post stated that Yingluck wasn't influenced by anyone, especially big brother, and was now showing her emerging leadership skills in the reshuffle.

    She has carefully selected people based on skill, expereince, performance and qualifications. Great leaders surround themselves with great people!

    The fact they are all loyal to Khun Thaksin is purely coincidental and a small irrelevant fact exploited by the gutter press. thumbsup.gif

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