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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. Very nice of Pattaya One to plaster not only the name of the victim of the crime, but also the approximate location of his business.


    I must have overlooked the google map in the article smile.png

    I don't think reporting the names hurts - after all - it is what it is. The victim likes ladyboys and the lady boy team are crims. The location - Pattaya -

    Now just suppose that the German man is married, or that he doesn't want everyone to know he likes ladyboys ?

    No respect for privacy that's what it is. He didn't commit any crime did he ?

    Yermanee wai.gif

    Well, if he is married he indeed committed a crime, and by the way I thought that p4p is not allowed by law in Thailand.

    Is adultery a crime in Thailand?

  2. "As Los Angeles and Bangkok have entered an agreement to be friendship cities, the BMC chairman hoped that his visit would lead to greater cooperation in such fields as student exchange, education, culture, economy and tourism".

    Los Angeles already has three cities listed as being "Friendship" Status, London,UK and Manchester,UK being two of them.

    I'm not a political person so I'll comment no further. smile.png

    LA has the same with london and manchester ??,....now bkk ..........maybe thats why there has been a huge increase in gun crime in these places,.....as for student exchange,......who in their right mind would opt for a thai education if given a choice ???

    Don't believe all the crap that's written about education. Thai universities attract plenty of overseas studients. I was really surprised at the numbers and variety of nationalities at two univerisites I visited here. Some of my American friends despair at the educational decline in American schools and uni's - which is also echoed from colleagues in the UK, Ireland and France.

  3. I agree - LA is in no way a model city. Hardly a good example for Bangkok to follow.

    Yep, they should have gone for somewhere better like Newport or the likes!


    Brilliant! Thanks for posting this clap2.gif I love Newport - most efficient passport office in the UK. But, to be fair, a junket to Newport instead of LA? They could take in a Dragons game but the shopping is just not so good!

  4. Third world solutions for a third world country..

    I guess no one considered the long term costs of keeping this cold air balloon aloft..(I know it's helium really)

    Maybe they could consider an LPG conversion.. Thai style ??

    There's a shed load of countries out there that wish they had the current account and balance of trade numbers of this, "third world country", not leat of the USA!

    Spain, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, all spring to mind too. Ah, but these are "first" world countries of course.

  5. I don`t think placing restrictions on what can be and cannot be published in the public domain is a bad thing.

    I personally believe that those with extreme racist opinions, or who denigrate the leaderships of their own countries and of other countries, or that defame private individuals should not be given free public platforms or a means to air they’re views.

    Censorship is required on the Internet, similar to that which has been established with other forms of media and the same laws should apply. There is a world of difference between free speech and which could be considered as anarchy.

    I have never agreed with the totally permissive society because there are certain groups and persons that do not know when to draw the line. Probably why I love living in Thailand so much, because it teaches and imposes certain respects for authority and private individuals although still permitting relative freedoms within the country.

    This is an attempt at satire? Right?

    • Like 1
  6. So it rains more than "normal". Big surprise. This has been predicted by researchers for a couple of decades already, and it will increase. It's one of the most obvious results of global warming. Unfortunately, politicians and most of the bureaucrats listen mostly to their own voice, so a very predictable development almost always comes as a surprise to them. I remember when they started using areas in the central provinces as overflow reservoirs to spare Bangkok. Doing that on a grand scale happened as little as 10 years ago. Now, it's like it has happened forever. If the current weather trend continues, and I'm quite sure it will, I don't think I will live in Bangkok in 25 years from now.

    I knew it wouldn't take long for someone to bring up the man made global warming/cooling/climate change nonsense.

    In a few years when there's a drought, no doubt that will be blamed on AGW. And when there is a cold snap in the north that will have been caused by AGW too. And when it's hottter than normal too.

    Whatever the weather - hotter, cooler, drier wetter, calmer, windier etc etc etc - the finger always points to AGW.

    Unusual weather events have always happened and always will. In fact the only constant with regards to climate is CHANGE.

    So you don't believe all the scientific evidence that supports the fact that certain activities carried out by man contribute or influence climate change? Can provide us with the links to the research that you've read that supports your beliefs?

  7. "...the Royal Thai Navy has prepared boats to push out water from Klong Ladkrabang, Klong Hua Takae, Klong Bangkhen and Klong Bang Sue..."? How does this work ? Are the laws of physics different in Thailand or just these Klongs?

    Dr Einstein understood this kind of wisdom when he uttered:

    • "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."

    He also said insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Maybe they'll try a big wave machine next wink.png

  8. "A former House panel chairman, who asked not to be named, alleged that Somsak often approved foreign trips for panels that went against regulations enacted by former Parliament president Wan Muhammad Noor Matha. He said several panels often sought funds together, which forced Somsak to approve the trips in a rush."

    He doesn't have the time to do a good job properly, so he does a bad one! But, hey, don't blame him, poor overworked dude.rolleyes.gif

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  9. Advanced Members

    856 posts

    Posted 49 minutes ago


    The editorial is preposterous rubbish. It never occurred to this editor once that the reasons that the reason "Thais too easily forgive and forget" is because the newspapers let these issues drop under pressure, incompetence, or plain unwillingness to do follow up and investigative journalism and pound the table.

    There are countless examples and illustrations of shoddy journalism and no presence of good reporting on numerous cases. Just pick up a copy of The Nation and select a story that should be grounds for following the law and right and wrong. When the offenders know that the newspapers won't follow up if they are privileged, then all they have to do is wait it out or get the newspaper to divert to another topic. The hypocrisy is preposterous.

    As a case in point, take the Red Bull Ferrari case of cop killing, obstruction of justice, hit and run, drunk driving, bribery, corruption and abuse of power. What happened to that case? Where are the indictments? Where is the relentless newspaper follow up? Get serious The Nation, the newspaper is a farce. There is a powerful flatulence pervading the editorial offices of The Nation. and everyone know it and smells it.

    Thai at Heart, Orac, clockman and 3 others like this Like This Unlike

    . And so you think the newspapers are at fault for Thailand's lack of justice!!! WOW you sure have your thinking cap on a different side than I have mine.

    In a rather more democratic society (and one where you don't get killed, if you step on someone's toes) the media should play a role as a kind of guardian. There are examples that this happened in the world- the most famous case being "Watergate".

    Can you imagine something like that happening in Thailand?

    Neither can I!

    It may not be the ultimate fault of the media, that Thailand is a failed, corrupt state.

    But they could provide a wake- up call!

    You are right - the media plays an important part in democratic society. Just as an independent judiciary and effective, efficient, ethical law enforcement do.

    One of the issues here does seem to be a lack of response to any wake-up calls. People in many countires have woken up this year to the fact that they don't have to put up with corrupt, immoral, inept, dictators and their gangs milking their country.

    • Like 1
  10. Here ya go..

    "Under the Constitution, a serious disciplinary offender is banned from joining the Cabinet and holding a House seat. But the government is allowing him to cling to his job for the sake of political expediency."

    So the Govt is ignoring the constitution and by being in breach of the law, should by all rights be dissolved immediately. But then...

    "If Yongyuth is to be replaced, Yingluck and Thaksin must consider three crucial factors."

    What the hell has this to do with Thaksin? This is a simple admission what everyone knows, Thaksin is the puppet master from afar.

    Wake up Thailand. What a cock up of a situation. Time for another coup or in the least, impeachment of the PM and vote of no confidence by the people (not the parliament)? Another coup would most likely put the nail in Thaksins coffin. Thailand is being stifled in politics despite what the media reports. Investment is down, inability to manage either the economy, the populace, the constant corruption and political insanity of a convicted crim running the country from exile. As is often said, you can't make this stuff up!

    It's all very true what you say Asiawatcher. But, "you not see this government democratic, elected by the people, have majority". So they can do what they want, ignore the constitution and any laws they don't like; make it up as they go along; make ridiculous statements over and over again and line their pockets at the same time. History has some interesting similies. What's sad is that everyone knows but nothing happens to change it.

  11. I love the examples:


    Mr Drew Noyes of the Pattaya Times

    A guy with the same name as HRH the King (Also, do Thais have to register now?)

    Now guys, in reality, YOU will not see the list, only the entry / submission page. like any other Email form on a webpage.

    Brilliant examples! I thought this was my favourite: Mr. Jack Me off


    Until I saw this: Mr. Thaksin shinawatra Dick montenegro

    Someone has a wicked senses of humour here!!clap2.gif

  12. Outrageous and is nothing but a big <deleted> to the Thai people. Make him accountable, he should have to pay it all back and then be sacked.

    Yes he should. But he won't be - nothing will happen to him or any of his cronies currently pillaging as much as they can. All those poor people waiting for for promised flood compensation etc etc - as you correctly say the attitude is a big <deleted> and sadly, they know they will get away with it.

  13. Better Yingluck PRESSURE and turn up the HEAT on the seasonal weather patterns...take the clouds to court; what an idiot.

    The government had months and months and months and years to prepare a uniform plan of action.

    coffee1.gif LETEM TAKE the climate and the seasonal weather patterns to the United Nations!coffee1.gif

    The P.M. always questions others far too late, This is a Thai trend. She actually should be questioning herself about her control of all situations, Ministers under her should be dealing with any given situation, and report to her on progress. If the said P.M. finds out from other persons that would prove she hasn't got her ministers working properly. They should be given inactive posts.

    Thailand---this IS the monsoon season, there will be torrential downpours at any given moment. ONE year on and "we are getting an awful lot of rain" the silly sods.

    If the same thing happens again this year, the country will be bankrupt in having to pay out monies for flood damage. D.M. airport BKK Air Asia will be a little dissappointed, Ayuttaya area- car and electronics to name a few. A decent government should NOW be running about like blue arsed flies in panic at the lack planning.

    Water is overflowing everywhere and it's only September for heavens sake. The entire goverment should flee the scene-(IF THEY CANNOT DEAL WITH THE SITU PROPERLY)

    You make good points - except that Yngluck isn't really a PM, has no interest or ability in being one, and simply says what she's told to. Someone thought it a good idea to start paving the way for a bit of future blaming. It will all be the BMA's fault this year, scuppering all the excellent flood protection work carried out by Yingluck's efficient and effective government for the bargain price of THB120 Billion.

  14. Has anyone else noticed a change since this regulation started being enforced?

    I must say that I never expected this penalty to make any differences. However, every cab I've taken since the onset of this rule has not only used the meter without protest, but taken me directly to my destination without any hassle. I believe I've taken at least five since this regulation came into effect, and each time I was ready with my pen and paper to jot down the plate numbers of those who choose to refuse me or overcharge me. Perhaps I've just been lucky, but considering I've hired all these taxi meters around the same area where I've had the most problems, sometimes being refused by 10 or more drivers, I've been pleasantly surprised at the noticeable change. Hopefully this trend won't fade in the near future.

    I've noticed the same too. I usually get several refusals on one particular regular journey but none since this started being enforced.

  15. Face it. MOST men are "sex-starved deviants" - not just Indians. Welcome to Amazing Thailand. thumbsup.gif


    this western cowboy , wants discow sure.

    having visited india , i have not seen any prossi trade there .

    a indian man , would not be allowed , by his family , to have a relationship with a prostitute,

    as it would bring shame on the family .

    he would end up in a vindaloo or teeka curry .

    You must've had your eyes closed mate! It's more obvious in some parts than others, but is rife.

  16. BANGKOK: -- There is only a "slim chance" Bangkok will face flooding as bad as last year. That's because it would take at least 17 storms this and next month to produce the same amount of water, according to Royol Chitdon, a panel chief on the Water and Flood Management Committee (WFMC).

    So who is right the esteemed Minister Plopadop with his 10 or Royol Chitdon with his 17, or can we conclude either one or both gentlemen are talking through their bottoms and they are guessing ?

    The number will keep decreasing on each news comment (nothing to actually due to the number of real storms). When it's about 3 "storms" it will be time to move the furniture upstairs and head north again. Completely clueless - apart from making a fast book.

  17. I'm of Indian descent but wasn't born there, and I quite despise most of these tourists from India. It may seem like a stereotype but I do think that Indian men are sex starved fools. One poster described them as looking at the bar girls like wolves, and I think that's true! Back in my home country, they way they look at even middle aged to old-ish women is disgusting. The other foreigners I've observed do not exhibit such behavior to that great an extent.

    Thankfully I don't think I've been painted with the same brush where I live in South. Or hopefully at least.

    India has some real social problems. Read any Indian newspaper and you'll see reports of "eveteasing" i.e. molesting of women in public. Maybe it's because of segregation of the sexes before marriage, censorship etc. I lived in India and saw examples first hand. There was a real cultural disrespect to women outside of ones own family. Many professional well educated Indians I know resort to childish nudge nudge wink wink type behaviour and comments at the mention of Thailand. Many think all Thai ladies are hookers just waiting for them to spend a few baht / rupees when they get here. They also have a false sense of value of wealth hence the obsession with discounts. India has much to be proud of, but the area of female rights and male attitiude to women in many cases isn't on the list.

  18. people seems to be so worried about lack of free speech and democracy in muslims countries.

    now few people use their basic democratic right to protest in bkk and all hell's braking loose...

    Why shouldn't hell break loose when consulates have been killed in these displays of "democracy"? http://abcnews.go.co...54#.UFgaRLLiYr0

    A democratic right to protest and express views is not the same as a right to assualt, injure, and kill in the name of religious views.

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