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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. One complaint should be sufficient for both an arrest and the fine should be 1000 Baht.

    A second offense should be the suspension of his license for 6 months plus a fine 3000 baht. if he the driver gets caught on a 3rd offense,

    the fine should be 5000 baht, suspension license for 1 year, and 6 months jail time.

    It would be nice to witness thru a video phone an actual arrest being made by a copper.coffee1.gif

    In addition to that people with mofbile phone cams should snap a photo of the offending taxi driver the first time along with the license plate

    and send it in to the coppers. coffee1.gif

    I personally avoid Taxis like the Plague...If you can't go any where without the use of the skytrain, subway or public bus transportation, then

    your in sad shape.

    There are exceptions for sure..

    The best thing to do is to make good friends with one or two taxi drivers, get their mobile numbers and only use them, and don't forget to

    u tip them. It may cost you a bit more, but you will infact be treated fairly and you will not get SCREWED AROUND nor will you get the

    tourist route.

    All you need is 2 taxi drivers to use all the time; no exceptions and they will pick you up.

    Lots don't live close to the limited skytrain and subway routes. Ever tried getting pushchairs and wheel chairs onto the buses here?

    Taxis are an important part of the transport infrastructure here. I use them a lot, over many years, and reckon that the % of problems - refusals, midway drop off, meter fiddling, long way round etc has been 2-3 % of all journeys max. But, of course, you always remember the problems.

    The law requires taxi drivers to accept fares, and not refuse them, and should be enforced - but imprisonment for this ? Are you really serious?

  2. “I don’t believe in Thai justice, it’s only a privilege for the rich, not for poor people."

    I believe you just defined "Thai Justice".

    However, this is not exclusive to Thailand. In just about every country and society the rich and powerful are immune from many laws and follow different rules. In fact, they are the ones who create, interpret and enforce those laws. One must remember the "Golden Rule"...He who has the gold, makes the rules.

    A wise observation and comment! It is indeed the same the world over.

  3. TB67

    "The UK also allows in every third world dirtbag and Islamic radical who shows up at its border. They can blame the bleeding heart leftys for their problems."

    "Five years. I speak American English like most of the English speaking world does."

    Do you have any evidence to support your above comments? Or are they simply unsubstantiated and based on your naiive realism?

    This problem is considerable worse in many countries than Thailand.

    You claim its worse elsewhere, do YOU have any evidence to support your claims? Thailand is one of the most dangerous countries in the world as far as risk of murder is concerned, so I'm curious to hear about all these other countries so much worse where you have gangs of thugs from actual colleges going around murdering each other for school pride.

    Try looking at the news reports from other countries. You'll see many countries blighted with similar violence. As I said in my post the allegiance may be gang, sports team, district, race, religion or whatever. But it's still tribal in nature.

    I guess you're American, as you speak "American English". Several of my American friends have recently commentated that, in their, view, things are getting worse in most major American cities. Similar picture in UK and other parts of Europe. It's sad that the violent crime rate appears to be rising all over, but not a unique Thai phenomenon.

    • Like 1
  4. TB67

    "The UK also allows in every third world dirtbag and Islamic radical who shows up at its border. They can blame the bleeding heart leftys for their problems."

    "Five years. I speak American English like most of the English speaking world does."

    Do you have any evidence to support your above comments? Or are they simply unsubstantiated and based on your naiive realism?

    This problem is considerable worse in many countries than Thailand.

  5. rolleyes.gif

    The best quote i got so far for Fast Track service at Suvarnbhumi aiport is 1760 Baht per person so far.

    Is there anyone providing a better than rate than this ?


    Here's some relevant information.

    Whether you wiah to use it or not is up to you...your choice.

    If you are disabled....and require a wheelchair...you can request one even on a lowest price discount economy fare.

    The airline will provide one.

    Now I am legitamately "slightly impaired in mobility" as it is politely called...and the airline I went back to the U.S, with last May provided a wheelchair for me.

    For me that "slightly impaired mobility" means:

    * I find it difficult to walk more than about 200 meters on hard marble floors...like in airports.

    * I need handrails to hold on to going up and down stairs,

    * Escalators and travalators...moving walkways...are difficult for me to use.

    * Waitng in long queues is difficult because long standing tires my weak legs.

    * I can't remove my baggage from the baggage carousel without danger of falling.

    So that's why I request a wheelchair.

    Along with this (in my case legitamately required) wheelchair comes the following benefits.

    * You get wheeled through immigration...exit and entry...basically bypassing the queue.

    * Your baggage is collected for you.

    * At security checks...including transit through airport security...you get to basically bypass the queue there also.

    * Someone wheels you to and from your arrival or departure gates.

    * Passport formalities are greatly speeded up because you're in a wheelchair....no waiting in the queue.

    And so on.

    It's kind of a free fast track service....provided by the airlines.

    Most of the wheelchair attendents....at least in the U.S.....are off duty airport security people who push wheelchairs as an extra job.

    Give them a small tip....they are only recieving minimum wage anyhow.

    As i said...this is just information....up to you whether you choose to take advantage of it or not


    My young son has to use a wheel chair permanently. I promise you I would gladly give up these airport 'benefits" for that not to be so.

    Your condition sounds genuine and you've every right to the facilities offered to ensure safe and comfortable travel. I hate to see this abused by those whose disabilities are somewhat exagarated and cured once through customs.

    If you request assistance like this, some airports / airlines will now ask for a doctor's letter confirming you are fit to travel with your condition.

    • Like 1
  6. tell me about it, i couldnt beleive that she never mentioned the very big strawberry,,

    she comes out with some belters,

    but like i say i couldnt wish to meet a nicer caring person, and we laugh like there is no tomorow,

    when i fell in one of the pig stys while cleaning out and was coverd in it, you should of seen her face, she had to get on the floor to laugh, she was laughing to much, im stood there driping in <deleted> and she,s howling, then yaks me because im striping off outside,,lol,


    Brilliant Jake! You have a rare and genuine ability to make people feel warm. I wish your good lady and yourself many congratulations on your new arrival. Safe trip back. Thanks for a nice post.

    • Like 1
  7. The longer he is out of the country.........the tighter the grip the courtiers will have on power.......and you'll find an internal coup will emanate from the most unexpected source.

    Is there a feminine form of Dictator..............


    Pussytator ? (or its shorter anglo-saxon derived equivalent)

    A little naughty sir! Made me spit me coffee out - brilliant!cheesy.gif

  8. What punishment would be fair for a young girl of her age? Should she be put in prison for the rest of her life as an example for the other underage drivers around or should the one that gave the keys to that Civic go to jail?

    Sorry to say that this sentence doesn't come as a surprise, just a confirmation.

    I seem to remember the ownership of the car at the time was clouded in mystery and not directly revealed. However, I do recall an article in Thairath which didn't quite come out and say it, but alluded to the fact that the car was in fact her parents'.

    Anyhow, despite avoiding a custodial sentence and being a 'hiso', I would imagine she will likely carry around tremendous guilt for the rest of her life.

    She maintains she did no wrong, so I doubt she has or will ever have any feelings of guilt or remorse.

  9. Yes, people are dead. It was horrible, but she is a minor, and now she will have to live the rest of her life knowing all the pain and suffering she has caused. It was an accident, and I am sure the mini bus diver was driving at high speeds as well. Just because the diver of the van is deceased does not mean they did not contribute to the accident. We all have done stupid things when we were teenagers, so it amazes me that everyone here posts as if they are all saints.

    A number of posts comment on the girl's age. 16 is the age many people start work, are allowed to drink alcohol, and consent to adult relationships in various countries. This girl was illegally driving, late and on her own. The reports don't mention what her activities were before the accident, or wether any tests were taken for drugs. However, she hardly appears to fit the image of a "16 year old innocent minor" who made one mistake.

    How do you know if the mini bus driver was speeding? There has been nothing reported to indicate the driver did anything wrong, or contributed to this appalling accident.

    This girl chose to ignore the law and drive whilst underage and without a driving license, was known to enjoy speeding (so presumably had a track record of driving known to her mum), drove recklessly and dangerously, and was responsible for an accident resulting in 9 deaths. She has received an incredibly light sentence due to her family's prominence and influence. She has shown no remorse and this sentence is unlikely to act in a correctional manner or as a deterent for others.

    Justice is different for the rich and the poor. Sadly, this is true in many countries not just Thailand. If this girl had been the passenger in a car, driven by a qualified driver, and had been killed or injured in an accident attributed to a poor person, I wonder what the sentence would have been then.

    • Like 1
  10. She said that only 30 percent of water stored behind upstream dams will be released during the test while pleading with the people of Bangkok that the planned test is essential in checking if all preparations for future flooding still need more improvements.

    So where are these dams the water is going to be released from?

    If they are upstream from whare I live then all this water must pass me before it gets to BKK, right?

    Best I be nowhere near the river on these days for there must be a surge of water that could take me to BKK.

    And what about all the fishermen on their boats, are they going to be warned about all this water?

    BKK isnt the only place that will be affected.

    There is also the aspect that there was a warning of a nationwide drought a couple of weeks ago.

    If water is released from the dams now will this not worsen the situation if there is not enought rain to refill them?

    True Robby. But heck, it doesn't matter about the areas outside Bangkok. It didn't last year, and now they're experienced at being flooded. Time to buy your dingy.

  11. "On the economic front, the Premier told the MEPs that Thailand is willing to be an investment base in Asean for European investors."

    Sounds like Thailand is doing European investors a big, big favour by graciously allowing them to bring their money into the country. Shouldn't it be the other way round? I mean, shouldn't Thailand be grateful towards European investors for considering Thailand as an investment base?

    Perhaps I'm reading to much into this, but I find it a quite arrogant statement.

    I think you've read it right. Thailand will graciously allow the Europeans to invest in their thriving economy and bring money into the country. Getting any ROI or money out of the country was not discussed.

  12. How many Thai guys have a wife and a 2nd wife? Does this survey also include the girlfriends and wives who work in the bars for hubbies whisky and gambling money?

    New Zealand women have the most sexual partners in the world, according to a global sex survey.

    They have an average of 20.4 sexual partners, according to a survey by condom-maker Durex - well above the global average of 7.3.

    Wow - great result for the New Zealand ladies, esepically as they have to compete with all those sheep for male attention.clap2.gif

  13. "They" (The ever faithful Thai girl), What a hoot!!!, From the first day they watch the TV in their little hooch and see a farang on the box , usually in Nakhon Nowhere (Isaan), the master plan is set in motion, cohorting with mum, find a farang, but study first. 3 main subjects: 1/Learn to lie, 2/Learn to steal and 3/ Learn to cheat, oh sorry and also learn how to play at being in love.

    Get the ever loving farang to buy Tii Din, Tii Nah, House, Pickup for the Lung, gold for mum, motorcycle for thai boyfriend and then kick him out on the street like a dog and invite the thai boyfriend to take your place.

    Life as a farang in Thailand, Wunderbaa!!! Keep going back to work, pick that money of the money tree and return, hey presto DITTO!!!!!

    You must have had some very unfortunate personal experiences to vent such anger and resentment. Unfotunate, but not an excuse or justification for groundless stereotyping.

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