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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. ' Probably a spoilt young woman (who else has an S class Merc at her age) who went out with friends got drunk/wasn't a competant driver and crashed her car. Done thats it. Thank god she didn't wipe out a minibus like the last richie did!!!!!'

    If, however, it is proven that this was a tragic accident I will apologise, but I doubt it.

    Why not start another thread on poor and bitter peoples views on rich kids you can get it all of your chest then.

    My aim wasn't to target rich people. My point is that the Children of these rich people have no regard for the law and hence think they are above it. (The son of the ex Miss Thailand who hrew his teddy in a corner and rammed a bustop with his luxury car, the underage girl who wiped out a minibus full of innocent people and others)

    As we all all know the papers report what they want us to hear and not the truth for fear of making enemies. We the deceased be tested for alcohol? or are we all gonna believe that the stusy group lasted till 5.30am?? guess we will never know

    Bitter against the rich? absolutaly not

    Biteer against drunk drivers? When you have lost someone to a drunken driver then you MIGHT begin to understand.

    Whistleblower has a legitimate right to have his views. Unfortunately he is posting his legitimate views on a Thread that is seen from the opposite view: the view of a mourning father over the death of his daughter, and not the view of mourning parents over the deaths of their sons and daughters because a rich, spoiled girl rammed their minivan and killed 8 of them and got off scott-free.

    Were you to have been around to have posted in these two threads ( here and here ), and you did not, then you would find a large percentage of the posters with the same views as those of Whistleblower and mine.

    What would you say were this girl to have survived and committed involuntary manslaughter of 8 innocent victims, and then gotten off scott-free?

    Why is it that when a wealthy, young Thai does something that results in their own death, with no injuries or deaths to others, the whole world of maudlin sympathizers turns out to mourn the loss, and those who are angered over juvenile misbehavior, that leads to these senseless deaths, are scorned?

    Why is it that when these wealthy juveniles kill and murder, they seem to be held blameless and the victims are left to mop up the mess on their own, without any compensation?

    The truth is that accidents do not happen; it is simply that people do not pay attention to the life they are leading, and get what life dishes out to them.

    I am shocked that this story focuses on this one driver, and completely has no regard for the person in the passenger seat, who was killed instantly.

    Am I sad for the father? Of course. I am a decent man. But I am also angered more so because of the sub-culture of arrogance that fathers like this breed into their children by lavishing on them a feeling of superiority. The spoiled minds of these self-flattering kids lack the higher levels of conscientiousness towards others less fortunate than them beyond a sense of fashion or who has the newest technological toy or the cutest boyfriend or girlfriend. They also regrettably lack the human decency to abide by the written laws of the societies that they dwell in.

    I strongly and respectfully suggest that you read through every post on those links I provided, and then I will be interested in knowing if you still think whistleblower is bitter and has something to "get it all off (his) chest then".

    Do you know all the facts of this case? The other case you refer to has very different circumstances and consequences. I have posted my comments on threads connected with that appalling example of injustice already and will not repeat them here.

    Unless you know this family personally, then how are you qualified to make your comments? Or are these a stereotyping of rich children based on your experiences, biases and worldviews? Please tell us you social science qualifactions and the extended research you have carried out to support your in depth opinions on the minds of children from wealthy families. Was this research in Thailand or have you carried out more extensive investigations.

    "The truth is that accidents do not happen ........" <deleted> - so all the people who have been tragically killed in aircraft "accidents" weren't paying attention ad got what life dished out!! Great comment - illustrates your logical reasoning thought process and facilitates assessment of your whole post content.

  2. I for one am not one of the R.I.P. posters that continually post these 3 letters every time someone dies in Thailand. I am one of those people that has been here 14 years continually that knows what the press reports is not fact. Saving face is paramount here. Probably a spoilt young woman (who else has an S class Merc at her age) who went out with friends got drunk/wasn't a competant driver and crashed her car. Done thats it. Thank god she didn't wipe out a minibus like the last richie did!!!!!

    If, however, it is proven that this was a tragic accident I will apologise, but I doubt it.

    I will post R.I.P (and I don't normally add to the many condolences usually posted in these instances) - two young students killed, tragic whatever the circumstances.

    We all know the press reports and journalistic standards here are not brilliant; and most who have been here a while appreciate the unfortunate aspects of the "saving face" mentality.

    However insensitive rhetoric, based on the apparent believe that being here 14 years means you know everything, is inappropriate. Waiting for the facts would be better - and aviod having to appologise. The other case you refered to concerned an illegal underage driver. Not the same as a 21 year old 4th year student. Your speculations are exactly that - unsubstantiated speculations.

    • Like 1
  3. For your information, the following questions are a part of the DS-160 Visa Application:

    Security and Background Information

    Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any

    offense or crime, even though subject of a pardon,

    amnesty, or other similar action?

    Have you ever been involved in, or do you seek to

    engage in, money laundering?

    Have you committed, ordered, incited, assisted, or

    otherwise participated in extrajudicial killings, political

    killings, or other acts of violence?

    I wonder what answers were given?

    Any "Yes" answer requires a detailed explanation.

    Perhaps he answered "Yes" but the explanations were obviously perfectly acceptable. thumbsup.gif The USA now seemingly wants to impose it's laws globally when it suits. So it can ignore other countries laws and judicial systems too when it suits the purpose; and make the rules up as it goes along.

  4. Anyway, one can only conclude, that someone somewhere, has decided that they can explain away that Thaksin's conviction is politically motivated.

    I don't think so although i appreciate that will be the conclusion of some, eager for some sort of vindication for Thaksin. (not accusing you)

    When Thaksin was being denied visas, as i think it is safe to assume he was, even if it wasn't always made public, unlike when visas are granted, that was little more reflection on his court case than what we have now. Then it was all about Thaksin's opposition parties being in power and other countries not wanting to upset the apple cart too much and put the big shots' noses in Thailand out of joint, and now what is going on is precisely that same. The US has waived usual visa issuing protocol and standards (as they have been known to do on occasion), in granting what was no doubt requested not only from Thaksin himself, but from high government authorities in Thailand, and given him the shortest visa possible, along perhaps with some informal requests that he keep his trip low profile and not use the US as a political platform (something that ties in with the statement from Amsterdam the other day about not lobbying for him in the US).

    If we buy into this whole business (i don't) of US authorities having looked into Thaksin's court case and decided that they know better than the Thai justice system and declared him effectively still an innocent man in their eyes, perhaps someone should point them in the direction of his assets concealment case, and see what their verdict is on that one.

    At the end of the day, all it is is international diplomacy. Yes, if you have been through visa applications yourself, and seen first hand how deeply they can scrutinize and question, you may find it reeks of double standards; of one rule for the elite, another rule for everyone else, but i don't think anyone is naive enough to find any of this a great surprise.

    If the foreign minister or the PM of Thailand asks the USA for a Visa for Thaksin, USA can't do much other than give a Visa.

    Yes they can.

  5. Depending on why you are sick, and if you receive ( or will receive ) any disability - related benefits, you might qualify for exemption from the financial requirement. The guidance says this:

    6. Exemption from the financial requirement

    Where the applicant’s partner is in receipt of Carer’s Allowance or any of the following disability-related benefits in the UK, the applicant is exempt from the new financial requirement in respect of that application stage:

    Disability Living Allowance.

    Severe Disablement Allowance.

    Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit.

    Attendance Allowance.

    To evidence their exemption the applicant must provide:

    Official documentation from HMRC confirming the applicant’s partner’s entitlement and the amount received.

    At least one bank statement showing payment of the benefit or allowance into an account in the name of the applicant’s partner.

    Gary. sorry to hear this. VisaPlus's post is very helpful and this may be a route you should pursue. I would also sugges that you make contact with your local MP, councilors, doctor, social services etc etc. Find out about all the claims processes and forms now. You may find some of these people sympathetic and more helpful than you think, and they will know their way around the system which you have been out of for several years. Good luck - hope it all works out.

  6. What country doesn't bend the rules to serve its own purpose? Yours? Sweet dreams....

    True, but the world's policeman does have a tendency to push its views onto others, and then show a clear disdain for the views of others when it breaks its own rules.

    Seems to be the case "do as we say, not as we do". Of course others "bend" the rules, but they don't pretend to be the world's bastion of morality and good ethics. The US has a wonderful constitution - if only they lived up to it! Classic example of politics being above the law - something many posters love to bash Thailand for.

  7. Let' say his name was Mahmut, or similar. He fell in love with this fantastic looking girl who already had a lover.

    I've learned how to box when I was just 10. If this guy was educated in Judo, Karate, or any other similar sport it wouldn't have been a big problem to fight with a guy who had a knife, even being naked.

    I truly believe that a guy being a sort of okay in Judo wouldn't have a problem to take this knife away and just break his arm to stop anymore violence.

    But he obviously went further and killed the young lad. That's not called self defense...............wai.gif

    I've practiced and taught martial arts for over 30 years - it ain't like Hollywood. A knife is a dangerous weapon, even in the hands of the untrained. If someone knows how to use one you would be in trouble. Sure, I've been in demos where defense against a knife attack is included. But, these are demos put on to entertain, certainly not reality. You might get lucky, but it's not worth the risk. One slip, an artery cut .........

    Judo is a sport and in most clubs I know the emphasis is on sport and competition, not self defense. Sure, depending on his ability and level he may have been able to put on a lock, choke or restraining strangle. I don't think this guy is James Bond or Jet Li.

    • Like 2
  8. Okay, throw reasoning out the window. Two weeks in US. Big wow. Who cares. Certainly not enough to lose sleep over or bash US. This seems to be driven more by deep seeded resentment of Thaksin AND US.

    Haha, Thailand is not much more than a safe haven or refuge for pedophiles, sexual deviants, misfits and criminals on the run from other countries. Thailand looks in the other direction regarding human trafficking and human rights provided corrupted officials get their tea money. How many years did Thailand not only tolerate, but promote, pedophile or sexual exploration of children all in the name of the almighty tourism dollars.

    People get pushed off balconies and it's a suicide and murders classified as death by unknown, natural causes or suicide. All of this and some of you losing sleep over whether Thaksin can visit the US for two weeks during which times how many pedophiles and sexual deviants will get pretty little Thai Visa stamps in their pass ports.

    Why should US take a lot of what happens in Thailand seriously? Most Thais don't and most on here think everything done is a joke also.

    Your jaundiced view of Thailand is presumaly an attempt to justify US political hypocracy. You are entitled to your opinions but their is no linkage between your particular view of Thailand and the fact that America bends it's own rules when it suits. I guess you believe the US can do no wrong, always knows the real truth, and always acts ethically. There's no corruption or crime in the US of course. Don't loose any sleep - and dream on!

    • Like 1
  9. Thailand, specifically Pattaya & Phuket, has so often been said to be a haven for international criminals. It could be said that this is perhaps the only successful HUB that Thailand has ever been able to create. Is the United States trying to topple Thailand from that position? Allowing the leader of one of Thailand's most corrupt families onto its shores maybe they are. The U.S. cannot ignore and pretend they don't know that Thaksin is a wanted criminal on the run and that he has a 2 year jail sentance waiting to be served. Should the U.S. allow free passage for Thaksin to and from their land then that is pretty much the same as the U.S. raising the middle finger to Thailand's justice system.

    A 2 year sentence is hardly war crime status and perhaps the US views the conviction a politically motivated injustice that is inconsistent with the want of the majority of Thais. Perhaps US thinks the Yhai court system is a disgrace and lacks due process. Perhaps the US feels that corrupt and hypocritical Thai politicians use the Court system to manipulate the political landscape and Thaksin was simply caught up in this political machinery. Russian, Chinese and Middle Eastern have ordered atrocities yet I bet Rhailand would welcome visits from those leaders with open arms. Thaksin really is not that bad when comparared to leaders from many countries you guys seem to hold in such high regard.

    America has commtted its fair share of attrocities - Korea, Vietnam, Laos spring to mind. No one bans American leaders - the aid is always welcome, along with the military. American justice is blind when it suits America. Someone clearly believes that Thaksin will come back to Thailand, formerly take control and could be a useful future ally. America supported Noriega, Tito, Mau and Saddam Hussein when it suited, and is adept at seeing "the bigger' picture from an American view point. Issuing a visa to a convicted fugitve is just another example of making the rules up as you go along to suit yourself.

  10. You can take a Thai girl out of Thailand but you can not take the Thai out of a Thai girl. Interested to know who grabbed the knife first!!!

    Irrespective of who grabbed the knife first, the killer is guilty.

    There is no question about it.

    Guilty of what - murder? manslaughter? justifiable homocide? crime of passion? self defense? pre-meditated killing (the Swede bought the knife)?

    Carrying a knife with a 6 inch blade would be illegal in many countries - or was it a new kitchen knife.

    No witnesses, just the Swede's version and his girl from outside.

    If the Swede's version is true - i.e. the knife was picked up and used against him first, and he then used it himself, what would you charge him with?

  11. I thought the US ha tightened its already quite tough visa/ entry system....unless of course you're a convicted fugitive. What a damned hypocritical disgrace....and that goes for the UK too, if the big T really did get in as alleged. Corrupt bar stewards, the lot of them.

    Couldn't agree more. The current US and UK governments are quick to condem any country's leader(s) who don't suit them. But, a fugitive on the run, who happens to be mega rich, and still calling the shots in his own country, well it's the welcome mat. Maybe Obama and Cameron will both "come out" and recognise him as the Thai government in exile. Really disappointing to see such high hypocracy from two formerly great countries - just shows the depths they're sinking to.

  12. Wasn't the debt buit up over a number of years, so if they were paying money for top players in the years of the '9', does it not make sense that they were using their working capital and when the cash flow runs out in time, bingo.

    The money they used was not their working capital. They used illegal means to boost a players remuneration package to pay for players they would not have, legitimately, been able to afford. Cheating...

    The amount of debt is secondary in all of this...

    Unless you work in banking where it's called creative financing wink.png

  13. Am I reading this wrong or what? If it was a police checkpoint, then it is there for a reason. If it is acceptable to let people pass through the checkpoint if that is their want, without being checked then what is the point of having it there in the first place?

    I see no problem with what the volunteer did in this instance; he was preventing someone crashing the checkpoint. It is better being kicked off a bike than ending up with half a dozen rounds in your back!

    What if, and this is pure speculation, the rider or passenger were carrying weapons or drugs? The same volunteer would be treated as an outstanding officer instead of being in the position now of facing disciplinary action for doing his job because of public opinion.

    Just sayin' Look at the picture from both sides.....................thumbsup.gif

    What if.. What if.... Have a look at the video and this clown's actions again. You think kicking kids off a motorbike when all they are doing is probably trying to avoid a police shakedown is appropriate do you. Maybe he should have kicked them a few times too?

    How many 'civilised" countries do you know that would tolerate this sort of behaviour from a "police volunteer" ?

    It's good to see action being taken and hopefully he won't be allowed to "volunteer' again.

    If the kids on the motorbike failed to stop at a police road block, then they were breaking the law. If the kids were prevented from fleeing the scene by someone kicking them off the bike then well done for the person using inititive. You state that they were probably trying to avoid a police shakedown? Where is the evidence of this? Nobody can be sure, based on the video.

    You ask about civilised countries? If someone crashed a VCP where I came from, for sure they would have been shot. And that is deemed as a civilised country!

    There are many comments on TV and other sites about the practices of the BIB - especially the traffic police to form a reasonable hypothesis on the video evidence. The fact that this idiot is being prosecuted for his actions speaks volumes, especially here.

    Some may deem your country, whichever it is civilised, other's may not.

  14. It amazes me how these news bulletins skip around the truth of the matter, which is simply...."Thai's do NOT know how to drive either defensively or offensively.

    I've lived in China, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the list goes on for Asian countries I've either lived in, driven in and / or visited for an extended amount of time. If you're a savvy foreigner, with a half-way decent map and some intestinal fortitude, renting a motorbike is the only way to go while in a foreign country. But, while I've lived or stayed in many countries in Asia and driven in most of them, Thailand is without a doubt the most dangerous to drive in.

    Two very obvious points are:

    1. The Thai police don't care, in most instances, when you are driving outside of major cities. I've been in, visited, and driven in many, many small towns here in the South of Thailand and all are the same. If there was a major emergency, and you needed a Thai policeman, you'd be flat out of luck. But, if there was a big event serving food, beer and Thai whiskey, suddenly you'd see the whole dam_n police force out in full view.

    I've seen Thai driver's execute the most daring, stupid, dangerous stunts, all of which are obviously against the law, and do so RIGHT IN FRONT of a Thai cop....but there is no reaction. Thai cops simply do not do their job, so this alone increases the death rate. I live near a lazy curve in one of the main roads near my house, and in eight years I've counted seventeen accidents, four of which were fatal. As in any country, coming into a turn, the mid-line yellow traffic line turns solid and anyone with half a brain knows, YOU DO NOT....EVER....PASS ON A SOLID YELLOW LINE. But, I suppose there's an exception for Thai drivers, since most do. They do, and very often they run someone off the road, or hit someone who is abiding by the simple law.

    Simply put, in Thailand, regarding traffic, forget about the safety factor of Thai police enforcing laws, because it will never happen....they are more interested in blackmailing local businesses into lining their pockets for fake protection, or pulling fake road stops in order to collect money for their local beer night.

    ....Oh, and the traffic? Ha! expect anything and everything! People driving on the wrong side of the road, individuals entering a main road, turning into traffic without even looking, motorcyclists swinging across four lanes of traffic in order to get to the wrong side of the road in the opposing lane....It's just freaking crazy. Oh, and if you drive like you drove in your own, first world, industrialized nation, which is the proper way to drive, you will most likely become a statistic here.

    Everybody touts how easy and laid back the Thai's are.....Mai pen rai......sabai, sabai....BUT, just try passing a Thai in traffic, or somehow maneuvering yourself IN FRONT OF A THAI DRIVER....they will STOMP on their accelerator and risk life and limb in order to pass you and get in front of you!....

    Thai's are the absolute WORST drivers in all of Asia, in my opinion, and since Thailand is so corrupt, most either get a license via cheating on the test or just paying somebody for a license....or, the other scenario.....never have owned a license or a registration....why? Well, because the police don't care and don't or rarely check.

    My two centavos!


    You want to try driving through Indonesia if you think the Thais have the worst driving habits in Asia...

    Or try Chennai

  15. Am I reading this wrong or what? If it was a police checkpoint, then it is there for a reason. If it is acceptable to let people pass through the checkpoint if that is their want, without being checked then what is the point of having it there in the first place?

    I see no problem with what the volunteer did in this instance; he was preventing someone crashing the checkpoint. It is better being kicked off a bike than ending up with half a dozen rounds in your back!

    What if, and this is pure speculation, the rider or passenger were carrying weapons or drugs? The same volunteer would be treated as an outstanding officer instead of being in the position now of facing disciplinary action for doing his job because of public opinion.

    Just sayin' Look at the picture from both sides.....................thumbsup.gif

    What if.. What if.... Have a look at the video and this clown's actions again. You think kicking kids off a motorbike when all they are doing is probably trying to avoid a police shakedown is appropriate do you. Maybe he should have kicked them a few times too?

    How many 'civilised" countries do you know that would tolerate this sort of behaviour from a "police volunteer" ?

    It's good to see action being taken and hopefully he won't be allowed to "volunteer' again.

  16. "Maybe he thinks shaving is dangerous in Thailand? Scruffy representative that has been very quickly replaced, I wonder why?"

    I hear there were complaints from members of the British business community that when they attended breakfast meetings at the Embassy, they couldn't get bacon or bangers because his missus has banned all pork products from the Embassy premises.

    A typical lowlife racist remark.

    The bit about "scruffy beards" is an unecessary remark based on someone's personal choice.

    I've also heard about several complaints about the banning of pork products and alcoholic refreshments from Embassy functions by his wife. Their religious beliefs are their own concern but his wife should not impose her beliefs on other British citizens or functions representing Britain. I have met Asif and exchanged emails with him. He is a good guy, but not a career diplomat and that really shows in an Ambassador's role.

    Reminding British tourists of the dangers of hiring motorbikes, drinking too much, getting involved in seedy clubs etc. is always good advice. Although I doubt he deals with many of these personally.

  17. It is always somewhat surprising that there is no vigilantism in these situations. The wealthy act with no recourse and the little guys just take it, despite the is of anything happening though the courts to be virtually zero.

    If it was my mum with a gash on the head like that. Well...........

    One would hope that people would intervene in such situations. In the UK, people are worried about the consequences of intervention, being sued by the hooligans etc. My Army seargent son performed a citizen's arrest on a 20 year old bag snather. The very old lady victim screamed as the yob snatched her bag and attempted to ride off on his bike. There were plenty of people around - no one else reacted, or helped him keep the thief subdued until the police arrived. The "look the other way" society is not unique to Thailand.

  18. This kid is a little sh#t. Having seen the video clip http://www.pattayada...ady-with-chair/ this little bastard should be locked up and left to rot. And now from the photo he hasn't got the courage to show his face - What a man!!

    When I read the news report I thought "$#@ck her, she was reluctant to return the watch", but after watching the video I think "what a $#@$ the $#@ kid". She apologizes for whatever happened and the retarded kid still hits her.

    As an aside note, how could this little $hit go away from the scene? What's wrong with Thai people that didn't hold him and call the police? (I could understand the farangs not getting involved coz it could turn agaisnt them, but the Thais??)

    Please don't insult retarded children. They wouldn't behave like this. This young man looks to be of athletic build and with all his faculties intact. We don't know the full story from the video or the report, but a fit 17 year old hitting a 51 year old lady in the face with a chair. Hmmm.

  19. Of course - put sister in key defence post and move back to openly take number 1 spot. Why are the governments of Japan, UK and USA granting visas to a criminal on the run?

    Hmmm, if said criminal retruns as PM, and sister puppet is defence minister ........

    In looking to counter "China's growing influence", Obamma and his puppets seem to have missed the Chinese ancestry.

    This is getting more like on of Shakespear's commedies, much more twits than the Thai soaps. Hopefully not one with a sad ending.

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