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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. A lot of systems here are geared to online as it is easier. At worst applying on line doubles your application at best it speeds things up. Really what do you have to lose.
  2. Was there a road test Check to make sure there was no body work done That all parts worked That the engine was able to keep up No difficulty inserting dip stick to check fluid levels
  3. I have no doubt. GF's mortgage has a lower rate now and a higher-end payment after she is supposed to retire. There is also no mechanism for making payments above what is it or making a bulk payment once a year
  4. The real challenge is that if you lower the payment, most people will probably pay less than the interest, forgetting about the actual loan. The real solution is to restrict credit cards Stop with the easy loans to sell cars. Banks have to learn to say NO and tell the government to stop with the promotions. The sad thing is that this is not just Thailand but is an issue all over the world.
  5. The answer is simple The staff probably have this look when you walk in and can't wait untilyou leave
  6. @BigStar @OneMoreFarang @carlyai @gargamon I took it in and had it checked by 2 different repair shops. Both told me that the screen was shot cheaper than buying a new monitor. So bought a 24" lol
  7. @carlyai @OneMoreFarang @gargamon Thanks. I tried everything you suggested but still doing it so I think I will take it and see if it can be repaired, Will also ask what the problem is so that anyone else that has this issue will know.
  8. Hi, I am running a system that has 2 monitors, both LG . One is running good, but the other one is flasshing, as per the att picture. Anyone seen this before If so what is the solution? VID_20240716_100125[1].mp4
  9. Going to be interesting to see how MFP react as well as the military supporters I have a feeling he will not have the impact ptp will want next election.
  10. Office of the Civil Service Commission (OCSC) on Sunday denied endorsing the California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation (FCE) Institution's equivalency assessments. Please credit and share this article with others using this link: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/2829177/ocsc-denies-endorsing-candidates-degree. View our policies at http://goo.gl/9HgTd and http://goo.gl/ou6Ip. © Bangkok Post PCL. All rights reserved.
  11. Add to that that the MaeCho University does not even have a web presence Honorary degrees are usually bought and have no real learning. Please think of the movie stars that get honorary degrees in law because they play a lawyer and are famous. The last degree does not even say where she got it. It is just some local certificate. Hell, I used to get certificates in Computer IT and or web design simply because I attended a seminar.
  12. Remember, most Thai girls know nothing other than what their mom tells them or the Thai bys that they are with. It depends on the girl and how long you date.
  13. The lifestuyle we are able to live outshines anything most of us could have in the West. The people are friendlier and there is less stress in daily lives I agree that Bangkok has gotten noisier and more Westernized. NOt a good thing. That is why I live in the burbs of Pathum Thani I can go onto BKK, enjoy it ten, leave, and come home where it is quieter. BKK has become like a lot of the major cities. It is the place that everyone comes to to get rich and get good jobs.
  14. As a kid that liked hockey, there were no other sports heroes. He had style, was not afraid to do what was necessary for the team, and was awesome at killing penalties and face-offs. Unfortunately, he let the fame and drugs take over, but he still was and is a hero for everything he has done since.
  15. LOL try getting the parents to show upmost don't care nor are willing to take the time off. I would think that if they come to a school it is not that hard to bring a medical team to do the actual test on site
  16. Yes but my point was tht people were ASS U MING that is was just a switch plane. That is one thing, but if she was planning to stop and visit, then it is a completely different thing.
  17. I think I would have gotten more involved in the community and bought condos when they were cheaper as investment.
  18. Cities get their reputation on what the original people decided. Vegas is still the gambling capital and sin city of the u.s. Netherlands is still tulips pot unionized military and red light street with girls in the window. As long as Pattaya caters to men and has walking street ey al it will still be known for those things.
  19. No still has to pass cabinet and if I am not mistaken have to be voted on.
  20. It says stops not connecting fly. My question therefore is whether she was stopping for a few days. In that case she would be SOL also if she was low on funds it would not work in either country.
  21. Or so he thinks. BJT is getting ready and all they need edo isxsay bye if they think pot will get them elected
  22. Why do these things always get personal.. remember that at cliche that dad used to tell you. Walk away let it go. He is not worth the headache. Lol On the topic though I think that the government needs to limit the people that can sell. I am sure thatosy of the pop up locations could care less about ages. Locations selling should be registered and monitored. Se regulations as bars in that they are not allowed to open near schools or universities.
  23. No but the government and way it is set up is a lot better than here.
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