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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. Walking street seems more about people looking around and seeing the outside. Fridays seems to be a lot of couples not so many single guys. The single guys I see are the ones that are in groups. Stoney's and teh bars at the start of EWalking st seem to always be busy as well as the restaurants
  2. FIRST THERE IS NO PROSTITUTION IN THAILAND THE POLICE AND GOVERNMENT HAVE SAID SO. Further, many of the people partaking in a short time are tourists who do not want to find out where to go pay for a nice dinner, movie, and drinks on the chance that maybe. If you want to go out and you are looking to be guaranteed that you are going to get your money's worth, then going to a bar and getting a short time or long time is what makes sense. I take it you do not go to bars that have bar girls or you would see that most clients are dressed nicely and are turned out. And you know this how Have you done a survey of bar girls? Many of these girls simply realize that they can make more money at a bar even if it is just bar drinks than they could at 7/11. many are married. Go to nana and you will find that there are very few working in bars that fit your medical description also there are very few that have addictions. The mamasans don't need the head aches. Believe it or not, some university girls work in the bars as a means of paying for their education. Not all girls are poor and dumb that work in bars. Street walkers may be a different thing but I think you need to look at other countries that hve prostitution and you will find that there is a mix of highly educated and middle of the road. There is nothing sad or shallow about it. It is simply a business transaction and entertainment. Consider that very few of the Thai girls you talk about will be put out on the first or second date. Therefore you take them out and you buy them dinner and go to a movie. 2000 baht The next date you go out to dinner and watch another movie or you go to a club 2000-4000 baht. so you are out in 4k with no guarantee that you're going to get lucky, and you have invested 2 weeks of your time. Also she may or maynot know what to do when you do get her to bed. 3000 baht at a bar, and you are guaranteed to get what you want with a lady that will only explain if you do not take a shower and use a condom. The only moral issue to this is that the government and country turns a blind eye to it instead of regulating it and making it legal. GAIN THERE RE NOT PROSTITUTES IN THAILAND Besides that most guys are not losers that is your guess and biased opinion. It maynot be your cup of tea and that is ok BUT LADIES OF THE EVENING AND BAR GIRLS HAVE BEEN AROUND FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Some guys do not want to get tied down to a long term relationship with a family or GF that they have to look after and listen to every day. That is their choice. NOT YOURS TO DENIGRATE I think you would be surprised about this comment. It is not a journey in public humiliation in fact I am willing to bet that tourists go home and brag about it to their male friends. Also I am sure there are a lot of people here on the forum that have, Had a soapy, a happy ending, a short time or a long time. It is a way of life here. not something that is laughed at or emmbarassing. Please donot bring your Western belilefs to a THAI gun fight.
  3. I hope this works. I just wish there was a map that showed where the routes go. Normally I would expect that theser routes go both ways but then again T I T
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 138 seconds  
  5. The army doesn't have to stay in barracks. They don't need a coup All they have to do is dissolve the coalition. But then again they know they will get crushed in elections so maybe coup is the way although the people will not accept it
  6. You really know nothing about Trump. When NYC was falling apart. He renovated and built huge buildings When the city was going to have to closevthe main skating rink because they could not get their act together. He took on the project under time and under budget using his own money The funny thing you never hear from the DNC is how much money he gave their candidates. Look at the family he helped guide there are no trust fund kids like you see in dem land. Trump could have sat back and said to he'll with it like a lot of the big money dems. But decided that the u.s. was getting screwed
  7. Wait for it Thaksin is the ACE that they elite have to hold him in check and get what they want. He steps out and she is done
  8. You could also say tht about the left and the DNC. But people are waking up.
  9. Tony is forgetting that there are many farmers and staunch PTP supporters who were looking forward to the 10K. These people will also be reminded that PTP has never kept a promise to them. Add to that the way that PTP said it would back and support the MFP and then the way they back stabbed. PTP BJT PPP and the small parties willstillhve their little support areas but they are going to be a lot smaller. I can almost guarantee they will get shut out in BKK and Pats among other large areas.
  10. Thailand has never really been under the control of the shin clan. Since it started elections it has always been under the elite military control. As long as shin did what they wanted they were happy to leave him. Once he stepped out they slammed him down. Make no mistake anutin has more power that paetong
  11. I am willing to be that thisis the cost of his little girl becoming PM. Ther will also be cabinet appointments that are not going to go over well with the PTP faithful. I thought Thaksin was barred from having anything to do with a political party. Interesting. It will also be interesting to see how many PTPs defect and join the People's Party or become independent. The people will not riot, but the PTP is now defeated. The People's Party just became the country's number one party by a landslide.
  12. This may have been a nudge to remind Thaksin to stay in his place. There is also a lot of turmoil and control issues. I think that the Powers That Be needed to remind Thaksin and the PTP that they were only in power because the military and elites wanted them. I also think that Sretha was never going to be a long-term PM. He was the puppet to make people happy and satisfied about Pita getting the boot. Now, with BJT controlling the senate, Anutin and the PTB have their cushion back. The smart thing for the PTP would be to talk to the new People's Party, dissolve the coalition, and send the country back to the elections. While things may not change a whole lot, they will change. No matter who wins, they are still going to have to deal with the PTB in the Senate; therefore, while they can pass legislation about Ganja, 10K and LM, the chances of any of it getting through the Senate are nill. I give PTP a few months until the BJT has full power and the people are back at the polling booths.
  13. argued that legalising casinos would not address the issue of illegal gambling and might exacerbate gambling-related problems. Only if the government does not address it. Consider that gambling off-track and or by book is still illegal in all cities that have casinos and is monitored by the local Police. (oops that might be a problem) People here are always going to bet the gambling problem here is because of lack of education and lack of enforcement. Laws can be written in but ultimately it is how strongly they are enforced that matters. Vape and sex toys are illegal but just walk along Suk in NANA. Prostituion is illegal and thank god they cleaned up NANA, Cowboy, Patpong, Walking street and Beach Road and got rid of it Secondly, they questioned the financial benefits to the state and private sector from taxing casinos, suggesting that they do not justify the investment. Take a look at the taxs in the cities and provinces, states that have casinos and you will see that there is a HUGE amount of income from licenced establishments. Consider tht Nevada does not have a state income tax. Wonder why? Thirdly, the party contended that using casinos to boost tourism is impractical given Thailand’s existing array of renowned attractions. What array of renowned attractions? People who come to see the temples usually do not spend a lot of money. What attractions are there in Bangkok for Pattaya at night for a man or woman without a family? Also, there is nothing to say that the casino or entertainment complex can not or will not add features to attract non-players. Lastly, they criticised the bill for not adequately addressing how entertainment complexes would provide job security for Thai workers. They may be right about this one. While casinos will want to hire locals because it is easier and cheaper, there will be an issue finding people capable of doing things other than cleaning. First, people working at a casino will have to speak English and/or Chinese at a level higher than most school teachers. They will also have to be able to do math (addition and subtraction) in their heads. They are going to have to be screen-checked and drug tested by the establishment security, which will be Thai at least to start. Also how do you say that Thais wanting to come into the caseion have pay extra and hire Thais to work in the casino? The bottom line is that if you bring in one of the major players, Caesars, MGM Hard Rock, or Wynn, they will make sure that there are no issues because their name and Nevada license could be on the hook. But the bottom line is going to be, can they trust the government and politicians to keep their fingers and envelopes out of their way? Har rock may have an inside as they have the land also I could see Tiffany's possibly getting into it they also have the land and could simply add on to their present entertainment building.
  14. Don't start the party too soon. Even before the last election there was a major push to make rules. One of the rules that was discussed then and probably still will be is the certification and licensing of establishments to sell. Also, as has been said, there is a movement in the PTP along with other parties to limit access to pot. You will see a change, but the amount is unknown. As it stands, PTP is still the major party in the coalition. Talks will continue Srethia was not the major player in this so it will still be discussed and I think you may see the outgoing cabinet heads try to push it through.
  15. The one 50K is not what they are worried about. It is the thousands of others that they will have to fight. The challenge in these places is that you are eating at fast food restaurants. Most of the staff can barely read and are cheap labour. They probably used the same fryers as they did for the other meals that were non veg
  16. Thaksin and to a point PTP have been neutuered. The government has put Thaksin under a do-not-touch rule; therefore, no one can lodge a complaint at this stage. Thaksin can say what he wants to a point. He can travel to a point. He is the Ace inb teh Hole that the military Elite have to keep PTP in line. Consider that we have not heard anything about the LM charge with Thaksin. Simply because it is their way to say this is the line, go over it, and we will put you back in Jail. As to PTP they are not allowed to be operated or to have a convicted person involved with the government. BOTH are simple decisions for the PRO Military Elite courts, BUT as soon as they do that, they end up in an election that they have no chance of gaining any control over. It will be interesting to see if the PTP gets their choice for the new PM. The media is wrong in that the PTP coalition has the votes but only as a coalition. Therefore, expect fewer members of the PTP in influential positions and more of the military. He like all members of the present cabinet are only there to look after the position and look after the ongoing day to day crap They really have no power.
  17. Naw that's a bronze. Surely someone will top it
  18. A country that depends on tourism for it's total funding and pays no real interest to other parts like big business is not going anywhere nor is the education standard going to rise. I think it will be interesting to see how casinos get around the employment issues when they need dealers and staff. Pretys to serve drinks are not a problem, but people who can add and count chips are going to be a HUGE issue. Also who is going tobe albe to read the rules LOL
  19. Higher salaries will only drive companies away. Thailand needs to look at India in the late 80's early 90's They developed call centers for American companies and Tech universities. They allowed businesses to enter the country and bring in a labour force that could teach, train, and establish businesses. They had set up computer universities for the brightest that were run by people int he business. Saying tha because you allow digital nomads you are going to become a Tech hub is crazy. Digital nomads work for themselves by themselves. Thai law does not allow them to create jobs and training for Thais. Thailand needs to look at bringing in the companines and allowing them to bring in their people from their countries. These are the people who are going to train and teach, and eventually, companies will be able to replace Western staff with Thai staff who are qualified. There re other things but they have been kicked around so much that it goes without saying.
  20. I must be old I remember when you could get a haircut in both locations a bath and oral happy at patpong. The business is still there but I more haircut. Prices are a little higher also
  21. I know this is sooo old school Canadian government wants things sent by fax Any suggestions as to where I think most of the ones that were mentioned in a previous thread 2020 are now closed
  22. Interestingly, the rule mandating that only 10-20% of the complex's area be allocated to casino operations, while still expected to generate 80% of the total revenue, hasn't deterred these investors. This is the easiest part to comply with. Consider that most of these casinos have hotels and entertainment venues attached to the casino. The challenge for them is going to be the locations and attracting acts to perform at the casinos Hard Rock will want to attach to the hotel they already have. There is o way any of them are going to want to spend themoney to set up in Utapao. They are going to want Phuket or Pattaya. Possibly Bangkok. The chinese will want Chang mai.
  23. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 5 seconds  
  24. She isn't winning with what she is doing. Independent voters want to know what she is like. They did the pig in a poke with Joe. Anytime she has been on the international stage she has been a joke.
  25. Wait for it. I think people are waiting to see what happens to PTP next week. Get ready for PM Prawit the problem is that if they protest in the streets it is an excuse for the military to take over again. The next election is coming sooner than theilitary wants. All they need do is p!ss of PTP and it will be game over
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