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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. Sorry to upset you but look at the president he is amost the same age as you would you want him on the Supreme court. 70 is just a figure my poiin t was set an age. If after 70 they want to still practice law then they do so. Or they canspend ftime with their family
  2. Add to this national security with the open border. The joke pull out of Afghanistan and what it became. Iran's power Trump demanded that NATO countries pay what they promised. The military was concerned about being the best force and not the most DEI.
  3. This is another case of the Dems acting in the here and now. His argument is made because Dems that were past there due date were not willing to quit. If Rbg had resigned when her health started to get bad Barry could have appointed a dem. Now they have another one that is past prime and should retire but won't. Term limits are not the answer but how about medical mental fitness or 70 years of age
  4. This is dead PM anutin will kill it along with the BJT Senate.
  5. Most of the time they DON'T Rule in favor of the government they rule in favor of the military rich elite. This is going to be the way to quasi military rule where the people that were no elected will take back control
  6. There's also the smartphone issue. Just like English speaking kids are losing the ability so are Thai because they are on their phones all day. As to pride in your native tongue look no further than french Canadian or native Americans. Language is their culture
  7. Let's see There is no south Korea Gays and the LGBTQ can denigrate anything Accommodation that are unliveable They screwed this up so bad but what can you say. The problem is that everyone thinks that using trans is the Way to go and they want to be shocking. I don't blame France as much as I do the Olympics organization for allowing it. Not only did it seem to insult Christianity but in the promotion of LGBTQIA it also offended all countries that rightly or wrongly think it is a sin. Definitely not the unifying message that the Olympics are about.
  8. That's not a weight problem that old age and a piss poor make up team.
  9. Simpl solution is to ask the embassy or consulate you are going to use to get the visa in advance.
  10. I am not a Thai but have used buses in both Canada and here. As well as taxi The main difference I find is the age of the buses. But comparing service it is on par with using the Toronto bus terminal. As to taxi's the big differences that I see are that there are no companies that own the taxi. I'm the u.s. Canada there are no individual taxi owners they all drive for a regulated company. I am surprised that patpong cowboy or nana were not shown. Then you would have heard the screams. As to outrage at Apple we will see how outraged Thai are when the next iPhone comes out
  11. Something tells me that this is going to be a huge problem for CPF. There are too many organizations that have had their livelihood ruined. Also, if this is in the rivers, there is little doubt that it could affect neighbouring countries. Imagine if it gets into the Mekong. OUCH
  12. Well, here we go. We who have been here know that a Thaksin government never lasts a full cycle. It looks like it will be a bloodless coup in the coalition. Thavisin removed as PM BJT, which now seemingly controls the senate, puts Anutin in as PM. People leave the PTP. That will remove the PTP from everything but nominal power in name only and put the BJT/PPP in full power, making Thaksin look very weak to the people. I am looking forward to the MFP doing the smart thing and sitting back to make motions that the people asked them to, such as constitutional amdts, and playing the loyal opposition. Also have to wonder how long it will be before they cancel the MFP and have to deal with MFP 2.0 I do not see any way for Yingluck coming back in the near future.
  13. Popular vote means nothing. If they pulled out of the coalition then PTP would be finished. Also, with all the BJT senators, there is going to have to be a lot of maneuvering. Having the PM position givesn them a certain amount of control also. Can you imagine any change to cannabis laws if Anutin is in charge
  14. It makes perfect sense. They emove ptp leadership and the military junta gets control of the country again. Just like the past Pm with PPP Ptp may be the biggest party but bjt will be in control
  15. Here's a thought allow it for school registration
  16. Barry has his girl where he wanted her in 2020. He knows she can not win in a primary. They are now going to use first black female as the rally cry. She will like Joe be hidden from the media and the people.
  17. I think that is because of the abuse to the marriage visa in the past too many girls were too willing to get married for a few baht. If you take a look at most western countries, they also make you go through hoops because there are too many women willing to get married to a guy that comes into the country, pays them some money, and leaves.
  18. The question is not how many but how many from where. Let's face it Chinese tourist are mostly in groups You are not going to find a lot of them in Pattaya at the bars. They need the Aussies Brit American that want to party. BUt. The big issue is that they need to make tourism the second biggest money maker
  19. No they are with the DNC and holding back their money for Kamala
  21. I think you are wrong. Then again, I am Canadian. Why is being Canadian important? That is because of the way the CDN government does Retirement letters,. They were able to keep down the monthly payment system. I don't have t have 800 k in the bank here The retirement visa is a simple thing once you get the hang of it and understand what they want. I have been here since 2010 and have always been on retirement, and really, there have been no changes. There is no need for border runs or flying out of the country. With the online system for 90 day even that is a simple few clicks to get done. The annual report is simple and quick If they want to make other types of visas available, that is OK, but as history has shown, people will abuse them (working without a permit) and start to pull them back again. It reminds me of my dad he used to give me all sorts of leeway until i stepped over the line and then is was start from scratch and go at it again. LOL
  22. Joe could actually stop all the talk and cry with one simple statement. I will take a cognitive test. If I fail, I will get out of the presidency and let Kamala take over, BUT if I pass, I want 100% support from EVERYBODY. The DNC did this to themselves by not primarying Joe and allowing people like Kennedy and newsome to debate him and run against him to testhis ability to handle a test run that they could have controlled. They might have had a chance with Kennedy but they threw him out Now all they have is the other gaffe machine Kamala He is right about one thing: He is the best shot to beat TRUMP, but that is not saying much.
  23. I am willing to bet she may be first but won't be the last. A lot of investigation going on. Also going to be interesting how this Senate deals with PTP.
  24. A lot of systems here are geared to online as it is easier. At worst applying on line doubles your application at best it speeds things up. Really what do you have to lose.
  25. Was there a road test Check to make sure there was no body work done That all parts worked That the engine was able to keep up No difficulty inserting dip stick to check fluid levels
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