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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. 1 minute ago, Batboy said:

    When you register at a Government Hospital you register and get given an ID card. When you register you need to also present your marriage certificate original to get registered to get the same treatment cost in Premium as Thai's do. I use the big Government Hospital near Victory Monument in Bangkok and find the Hospital and Thai Doctor I have very good and informative   

    Thanks for your help.  :)

  2. 4 minutes ago, Batboy said:

    If you are married to a Thai Lady and have a Thai marriage certificate you can present, you can register at Government hospitals for treatment at the same cost as Thai's. You cannot however get the free treatment option. In the bigger Government hospitals they have a premium service that you can use where many Thai's also go that can afford it.

    If you are retired here in Thailand and cant get health insurance due to age or due to a pre existing conditions then using the Government hospital premium service is the way to go.   

    Thanks for this, I'll look into it next week. Any more details ? I've found with our local Hospital it pays to have as much information as one can.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    If I am not mistaken- any American 65 or over has Medicare coverage and any citizen of the Uk  has NHS coverage. That covers any medical requirement- Show the insurance card to Immigration if asked.  There are also other ways to get insurance coverage in Thailand via the internet. Google is your friend.

    The UK has stopped NHS treatment for expats, until they have gone back to the UK for several months, (3 or 6 depending on where you read),  before getting treatment.

  4. 20 minutes ago, BernieOnTour said:


    I am sorry to say that, but I got the feeling, they are exactly targeting people like you.


    The initiative was kicked off by: "Ministry of Public Health reported that.."


     "Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Tourism and Sports have reached an agreement, at the 5/2016 board meeting of Thailand Development and Promotion on Medical and Wellness Tourism"


    .... And I learned recently that the amount, Governmental hospitals are spending on foreigners, from whom they cannot recover their cost, has increased tremendously. Do not know, if that's really true, though....

    When I had surgery on a life threatening condition, the Hospital made me pay over the odds, for the operation first, and I got a refund when I left the Hospital. I had no problem with that.

  5. Just now, Thaidream said:

    There are people from the 90s who got extensions when the requirement was 200K and are still getting extensions using the same requirement.  When the age was lowered from 60 to 55 the requirement was 500K. These same people are still using that same level when they get extensions.  The requirement is now 800K.  If it goes to 3 Million I am confident all of the aforementioned will continue to get their extensions at the level that was in force at that time of their first extension. Since the 1990s until today- there have been a variety of Thai Governments- both civilian and military and all have followed that scenario.

    Hope you're right - I've got nine years in. I did notice when I did my last extension that the Immigration office made a note of how long I had been here, which they'd never done before.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Evilbaz said:

    Being an old fart I need my afternoon kip.

    So apologies for only getting to page 15/53.


    If this is to be a variation of the OA Visa, as suggested, then I hope that Police checks are required (for all countries lived/worked in), plus thorough checks are made on the tax paid status of the funds otherwise they will be catering to a lot of grey/black economy fundees.


    Then we'll see how smug some these "rich" posters are.

    Just woke up from mine !  :smile:

    I'm quite saddened at the nasty response of a lot of people on here, who want to see people having to leave, as though they deserve it, for being on a lower income than them. One can see how England voted for Brexit & The US voted for Trump, there is way too much nastiness in the world.
    I'm so glad I avoid farangs like the plague. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, Chip Allen said:

    Is there a link to the Thai version of that web page section? I need to send it to my fiancee so that she will understand why the wedding is OFF.  Leave it to the venal Thais to destroy lives and retirement plans of even those who are helping to prop up their corrupt economy. I won't look back once I'm living in Cambodia.

    That's very sad. Hope things work out OK for you both.

  8. 1 minute ago, elviajero said:

    You can enter with either a Non 'O' (like you did) or a Non 'O-A' visa and apply for a 1 year extension of stay based on retirement.  The extension of stay is the same regardless of which category of non immigrant visa you had.


    It seems that they are increasing the Non Immigrant Non 'O-A' visa from 1 year to 10 years. If so, it will have no affect on 1 year extensions of stay.


    This is about promoting "medical services" and anyone that wants this visa will have to buy an expensive medical insurance policy.

    That's what I'm hoping for !  As I have only one kidney, health insurance would be astronomical for me.

  9. 4 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:



    The OA is a visa class given with a few more restrictions than the easier to obtain visa O or extension based on retirement. 


    Its a 1 year visa, with a 1 year permission of stay, so can be stretched to 1 day short of 2 years with careful use. 


    Not really a big deal, but useful if your emabssy hands them out easily (they used to much more than they do lately). 

    Thank you, for your help.

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