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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. 1 hour ago, Moti24 said:

    I know a few Thai guys that are usually too pissed to service their wives on a regular basis.  I'll get this article translated into Thai, and pop round to see the wives.  My calendar still has a few slots vacant, so perhaps I can help the dwindling population; only too pleased to help Thailand's future 4.0 strugglers.

    "A few slots vacant' -  a metaphor, if ever I heard one.....

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  2. 16 hours ago, ksamuiguy said:

    One of the hardest fought battles of WW2, we lost a lot of men taking Okin


    Bottom line We WON , You LOST, we own that island forever and I would fight for it again if necessary.


    Not even part of Japan , during the war just another road block to delay the coming defeat.


    Asian You Lost,  We whipped your ass, get over it.

    Read the surrender paper WE OWN YOU!



    How on earth is this post not racist ?
    In a war since WWII, the US lost to an Asian country, they whipped YOUR ass.

  3. 4 hours ago, ChidlomDweller said:

    I just don't like second hand smoke.  Go ahead and ignore this point, but most non-smokers hate having to suffer second hand smoke.  I've never had an alcoholic force alcohol down my throat, or been held down by junkies that injected me with heroin.  Been bothered countless times by inconsiderate smokers, including pot smokers.  

    I don't drink, never have, don't like it or the effect it has on people, where it can turn an ordinary quiet man into someone who wants to fight the world.

    Every time I've ever been for a night out, I was pestered to have a drink, over and over, it's ridiculous that people try to get non-drinkers to comply with their views of what is the 'norm' in society.
    Alcoholics DO try to get others to drink with them, because they hate to drink alone. We have one in our family, he's a pain at all family functions.
    Don't know a lot about marijuana smoking, but it doesn't seem to cause the violence, intoxicated driving, and general <deleted> you, that drinking does.

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  4. Cardiff v Blunderland = a bit of comedy before the serious football begins !  Watching the team from the Stadium of S*ite   is just as much fun as You've Been Framed.  :smile:

    Followed by the Bonny Boro at 10, a perfect evening's entertainment !

    Hope you're feeling better, and thanks for your efforts with these listings, Wilai. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. As a Boro fan, there are a lot of us who felt that Monk just wasn't up to the job - the team need someone who will kick them up the backside, and he wasn't doing it. The chairman, Steve Gibson,  spent around 50 million on new players in the summer, so I assume Monk had some input over who was signed then, and if he didn't he is an even worse manager than I thought he was !

    I saw a few comments from Swansea fans on Boro forums, when he first arrived, and they were full of what a trouble causer he was, who divided dressing rooms, and how he had been telling tales about the players to the chairman of the club, which ended up where the players simply wouldn't play for him.  Boro have been under performing all season, it's been even worse to watch than when Karanka was in charge. It's about time the chairman grew a pair and got rid of a manager who should never have been appointed in the first place.

    Most of us, (from what I see on various Boro fan forums), are hoping that we will get an experienced manager, instead of the usual complete novices that Gibson usually goes for. Tony Pulis has been mentioned, as a contender, and while I'm not a fan of the way his teams play, he can't be worse than the last few managers we've had, and at least he will put some fire in the team, if he gets the job.

    Even the commentator on the last televised game, mentioned that Boro should not be so far down the table, with the team we have, and the money that has been spent. That is down to Monk, and his management team.

    Up the  Boro !    :D

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