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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. 4 hours ago, impulse said:


    Said the guy posting in English and not in German, Russian or Japanese.   As if there would be any posting at all without the Yanks and our tax dollars.


    You're welcome.  Better polish up on your Mandarin if you frack 'em too hard and still want to live in SEA.



    I'm posting in English because that is my native language. I mean proper English, not some ersatz american version, where spelling is made easier, in order to dumb the language down, as it was too difficult for your country to comprehend.

    I think you'll find your tax dollars going down much more in future, as other countries retaliate to buffoon Trump's' bullying.

    Is it wise to mention SEA ? Your lot didn't do very well in their last foray here. Running like scared rabbits on the embassy roof, if I remember correctly.

    • Haha 1
  2. 3 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    The UK post office staff don't know for sure.

    I bought a stamp for a letter to Thailand. The assistant, weighed it, checked the price, then crossed out 'Thailand' replacing it with 'Taiwan', telling me I'd spelt it incorrectly. When I told her it was going to Thailand, she said she'd never heard of it before.


    Same here - something I ordered from the UK, came here via Taiwan !

  3. 8 hours ago, simple1 said:

    Trump's a moron. He has gone against US manufacturing association and others advise who have warned of major US job losses with the imposition of tariffs and impacted countries likely retaliatory responses. As in the case of D'Souza Trump is pandering to his base, ignoring the damage he is doing to the Rule of Law and livelihoods of Americans.


    Trump is unfit to hold the Office of the President of the United States of America.

    No ! Trump is the president America deserves. I hope he gets re-elected, and continues to show the rest of the world what the US really is, a country that wants to dominate everywhere, either by bullying, trade or force. He's already made plenty of enemies, by recognising Jerusalem as the capital of israel, now he's expanding the numbers of those against America, by his trade tariff policy.
    Hopefully those he has targetted with his latest brainwave, will retaliate by stopping buying ALL goods made in the US.

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  4. On 5/29/2018 at 5:06 AM, Thechook said:

    Ouch this has to hurt the military junta and it's 2 supporters.  Contrary to what. Prayuth really believes, the world doesn't support his military rule and see Yingluk as a political refugee

    2 Supporters ?
    We know Steven 100 is his main cheerleader, but who is the other one ?
    I think we should be told !


    • Haha 1
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