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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. Dixon of Dock Green, another of my Dad's favourites, was a must see in our house, Saturday was the Wrestling, followed by tea, then all tidied up in time for Dixon. It's available on DVD now !

    Wasn't that followed by the Black & White Minstrel show ?

    Wasn't the wrestling on Sunday?

    How about: The Magic Roundabout?

    The MagicRoundabout was Tops, but the Clangers has to be the Absolute Number One Excellent Tops.

    Probably the best kds ' serial ever n the best ever science fiction serial, without doubt it knocked Star Trek or the Star Wars trilogy into a cocked hat


    What about Dr Who ? I'm currently downloading all the old ones from the 60s, I thought they'd all been lost by the BBC, but they're on Th'Internet. thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  2. Dixon of Dock Green, another of my Dad's favourites, was a must see in our house, Saturday was the Wrestling, followed by tea, then all tidied up in time for Dixon. It's available on DVD now !

    Wasn't that followed by the Black & White Minstrel show ?

    Wasn't the wrestling on Sunday?

    How about: The Magic Roundabout?

    It may have changed later, but as far as I remember it was on at 4 o'clock, Saturday, on ITV, and finished in time for the football results.

  3. I thought it ridiculous that Giggs was included in the first place, given his off field 'activities", and his attempt to stifle media reporting of his lifestyle. For me, Beckham was a far better choice, I am sure he would have picked up his game for the tournament, and he would have been a far better choice as Captain, someone the younger players could look up to, and who's experience of tournament play would have been invaluable, something Giggs has no experience of. He would also have sung the National Anthem, it was disgraceful that Giggs, and others, did not.

    Pearce stated that he had picked the team on form, obviously Giggs was exempt from this criteria, his club form was abysmal, otherwise why did Scholes have to come out of retirement?

    As to last night's game, for me Senegal played much the better football, their finishing was admittedly poor, but GB were lucky not to get a hiding. Possibly GB should have had a penalty, but overall their play was poor, and they were tactically inept, which didn't surprise me, having viewed Pearce's coaching "skills" with the U-21 team, who were simply awful in their last tournament outing.

    In the press today, Giggs has been complaining of the tackling employed by Senegal, which was crude, but Giggs seemed to take every opportunity to try and manipulate the referee into giving out cards to Senegal players, every time a free kick was awarded, not the actions I want to see of a Great Britain Captain. There was also an incident in the first half, where Giggs pushed over a Senegal player, and motioned to the referee that the player had dived. It seems Giggs is not content to cheat in his personal life, he also does the same on the pitch.

    I wouldn't have picked Richards either, picks up too many niggling little injuries in club play, perhaps the reason why England managers don't pick him.

    BTW I am not a Man Utd fan, but perhaps you'd guessed that already.biggrin.png

  4. From a neutral point of view seems rangers need to understand the difference between consequences and punishment,

    Everything that has happened 2 them so far has been a consequence of what they have done, officially the SFA, although labeling rangers behavior as not far behind match fixing, barring a fine dont seem to have officially dished a punishment out as yet. Although the consequences already seem/are horrible , the SFA will have to act, how? cant see they've any option but to strip Rangers of the titles the club won under the guilty regime, harsh? Cant really see any other option.

    That's the way it worked in Italy, Juventus were stripped of a couple of titles.

  5. A man goes to the Doctors, complaining about an itch and pains in his genital area.

    The Doctor tells him to drop his trousers, and underwear, and then examines the affected area.

    "Oh dear", says the Doctor, "I'm sorry to tell you that you've got GASH".

    "I should explain, GASH is short for Gonorrhea, Aids, Syphillis, and Herpes, I'm afraid you've got them all"

    "Oh my God", says the patient, "is there a cure?"

    "Well", says the Doctor, "We'll have to put you in quarantine, and feed you Ryvita,and Kraft cheese slices"

    "That's the cure?" says the astonished patient.

    "No, it's the only food that will slide under the door".

  6. As a Rangers fan, and a fan of Scottish football in general, the solution I would like to see is Rangers start in Division Three, which I think is fair punishment for sins of the past.

    If and when, Rangers climb their way back to the SPL, then and only then, should a decision be made on a 2 Division league in Scotland. I believe that a two division system, along with the Financial Fair Play system that UEFA are bringing in, is the best way forward for Scottish football.

    This all depends of course, on the other clubs in Scotland, managing to keep their financial heads above water, while Rangers are otherwise engaged.

    As an aside, I would like to see all Scottish premier league clubs being forced to field a minimum of four players, who they have brought through their youth systems, and I do mean field, not have them sitting on the bench. Scottish football is in a truly awful state, and every measure that can be taken should be taken, to try to increase competitiveness between the clubs, by ridding Scottish football of the two club monopoly it has become, since the SPL came into being.

    • Like 1
  7. Quite funny !

    This started as talk about what the pirates have to do now !!

    And now it is all about the shit the "good guys" pay for from True !

    It is only problem problems problems !*

    And if i had paid 2000 Baht for such service i would be sure there was some broken furnitures down at the local True office !

    But there is not and i am just laughing all the way to the bank !

    Have a nice weekend with your "so good TrueVision" systems !

    That's True Vision for you, annoy the people who actually pay good money for the truly awful "service" that True provide, while pirates get rich solving problems True staff can't fix. The worst company I've ever dealt with, bar none.

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  8. I brought my Gibson Les Paul over as hand luggage several years ago, the stewardesses put it in safe locker in flight, no problems at all. No questions from customs when I went through. I wouldn't advise anyone to get anything valuable shipped here, too much to go wrong, and as regular reader of this website knows, accountability and Thailand, aren't words used in the same sentence very often!


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  9. Thank you for the welcome MrMuddle

    Did you know that Davy Crocket had three ears?

    A left ear, a right ear, and a wild frontier.

    Greetings from over the Silver Sea

    You're welcome - keep 'em coming, as the mamasan said to the bargirl. biggrin.png

    I once met Vincent Van Gogh in a pub.

    "Can I get you a drink", I asked him.

    "No thanks, I've got one 'ere", he replied.

  10. Man walks into a pub with a newt on his shoulder.

    The barman says:"What do you call him?"

    The man says: "Tiny."

    The barman looks surprised and says: "Tiny? Why Tiny?"

    "Because he's my newt."

    Greetings from over the Silver Sea


    You're VERY welcome to the forum, with jokes like that. More of the same please.

  11. Bill, I can remember our junior school collecting the milk bottle tops, to pay for guide dogs for the Blind. I can't recall when the collecting stopped, (we used to bring them from home, and from neighbours and family, as well) - probably when the government stopped giving kids free school milk.

    A personal question - did you wear winkle pickers or brothel creepers to work ? biggrin.png

    I tried to post this 3 times yesterday and gave up in disgust.

    I used to collect milk bottle tops, aluminium foil and newspapers when I was a Boy Scout AND I was a milk monitor.

    My first job after I left school was in the dairy and I wore black rubber wellies and the next 2 I wore school shoes as my Dad had died a couple of months before I left school and we were a bit short of brass like.

    In January 1960 I joined the RAF as a Boy Entrant and for the next 18 months they dictated my clothing and shoes including drill boots with steel tips and heels and studsand so highly polished you could use them as a mirror to shave with.

    When I was in mans service I used to wear tight black trousers, polo neck sweaters plus I also had a purple mohair sweater and course black winklepicker boots.


    They are on sale at about £120 a pair.

    I also used to ride a 1957 Lambretta LD 150.


    This was recently sold for £1,850.

    Say WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Geesh!!!... I had one those..top speed 55mph .....took me to Brighton, Blackpool etc etc...from north London..used to use dad's old engine oil for 2 stroke mix...paid for it with my milk round....think it cost about 2 pound ten ..bit of a wreck but did it up,pulled out the engine new rings etc.,sprayed it, fitted a double seat I found on a bomb site...changed front mudguard to an aluminum one, (my mate and I bought a motorcycle one and cut in half.)...add a fishing rod aerial with a fox tail on top, Exchange and Mart US parka....hush puppies, white socks.......soo cool we thought...lol

    No photos David ? smile.png

  12. Give him a kilo of H, a locked room and a needle and let him get on with it! People like this do not deserve to be in the public eye, nor have any fame or attention dished out on them. He was/is a crap singer who came to fame because he dated a beautiful model, it is this fact and his notoriety and bad behaviour that led to him being able to charge high fees for his attendance at events, in no way should an oxygen thief like this be able to afford a 12K a month rehab clinic. There are better people living on the streets of London this very day that deserve a fraction of the opportunities this clown has been given.

    Did this guy kill your dog or sleep with your wife?

    No, he slept with his dog and.....


    • Like 1
  13. I certainly do remember Big Daddy, wasn't his favourite move known as the splash ? He used to bounce opponents off his huge stomach until they could take no more, then flop on top of them. Giant Haystacks was his "enemy", the one the old ladies used to swing their handbags at ! My Mum and her sister, who used to come to our house on a Saturday, to watch the TV, both used to say Kent Walton was watching a different fight, to the one being shown.

    My favourite wrestler was Billy Two Rivers, who apparently WAS a real American Indian ( I thought it was all made up), if I've done it right there should be a photo of him here.


    Frank Ifield did the night clubs in the north-east for years, Bob Monkhouse appeared a few times too, but he was a bit "blue" for most of the mixed audiences at the time, as I recall. (How things change over a few years, and not always for the better). The Beverly Sisters were a little before my time, (but I wouldn't have said no to the twins !wink.png ). I had the hots for the lead singer of the Ronettes, Veronica (Ronnie) Spector.

    And Transam, I can remember the name "Flit", but I can't recall what it was - mouse killer powder ??

  14. For a country of 5 million odd, there does seems to be a large proportion of members of Scottish decent who have an affinity for Thailand.

    Tell us why your ass is in Thailand (or want's to be) and your heart is still in Scotland

    My ass is in Thailand coz ma darlin wifie's fae here an aifter a trial run bidin through een o i worst winter's snaw's seen in Scotland in 30 yeers or so, she wiz glaid ti git hame,,, as was masel is weel ,,, anither thing noo ye mention "geein it laldy" nae so much choice o quality single malts here ti lead mi astray in a nicht oot, resultin in a clearer Heid nooadays.

    I thought you could only post in English in TV?

    No idea what language that was.

    Aye well in a couple of years, when we're Independent, you'll need a passport and visa to enter Scotland - and if you think Thai Immigration are a tough bunch, wait until you see what's in store for Sassenachs !!


  15. Saturday morning kids cinema, the ABC minors, if it was your birthday you could go up on stage and get a prize.....one kid went, and the fella giving out the gifts asked him, "Weren't you here last week ?", "No, that was my twin brother", was the reply. biggrin.png

    Was the nature magazine Spick and Span ? whistling.gif

    Dixon of Dock Green, another of my Dad's favourites, was a must see in our house, Saturday was the Wrestling, followed by tea, then all tidied up in time for Dixon. It's available on DVD now !

    Wasn't that followed by the Black & White Minstrel show ?

    I went to a live show of the Black & White Minstrels in London. Had a small box right near the stage.

    What was so obvious was that the music and singing was recorded for many songs with the principle artists miming. A great show neverless

    I'm glad you posted this, I'd completely forgotten my Mum had dragged me along to see the Minstrels, which is unusual for me, normally I remember long ago quite clearly but as for yesterday....

    I can also recall going to see Lonnie Donegan, and another of Mum's favourites, Frank Ifield, both in the early 1960s.

    While I'm not a great fan of the American stuff that dominates the sports channels, we used to go regularly to see the wrestling, Jackie Pallo, Mick McManus, Les Kellet, Bert Royal, Kendo Nagasaki, great entertainment, though you had to be careful to avoid the ladies handbags, swinging at the bad guys, if you sat at the front.

    Happy days.

  16. Bill, I can remember our junior school collecting the milk bottle tops, to pay for guide dogs for the Blind. I can't recall when the collecting stopped, (we used to bring them from home, and from neighbours and family, as well) - probably when the government stopped giving kids free school milk.

    A personal question - did you wear winkle pickers or brothel creepers to work ? biggrin.png

    I tried to post this 3 times yesterday and gave up in disgust.

    I used to collect milk bottle tops, aluminium foil and newspapers when I was a Boy Scout AND I was a milk monitor.

    My first job after I left school was in the dairy and I wore black rubber wellies and the next 2 I wore school shoes as my Dad had died a couple of months before I left school and we were a bit short of brass like.

    In January 1960 I joined the RAF as a Boy Entrant and for the next 18 months they dictated my clothing and shoes including drill boots with steel tips and heels and studsand so highly polished you could use them as a mirror to shave with.

    When I was in mans service I used to wear tight black trousers, polo neck sweaters plus I also had a purple mohair sweater and course black winklepicker boots.


    They are on sale at about £120 a pair.

    I also used to ride a 1957 Lambretta LD 150.


    This was recently sold for £1,850.

    Say WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By 'eck, I'm well impressed. biggrin.png

  17. We've been into our local branch today, and came away more confused than when we went in. We had bought our receiver, many years ago, and after reading comments on here, about exchanging new for old, (at a cost), I took it with us. At first they told us that could not sell us a new receiver, as they had none in stock, but would have stock in three days. We could however rent one, but had to pay 6 months deposit (9000 Baht), first. We decided to wait the three days. Then they discovered they did have some receivers for sale, at 3900 Baht.

    We decided to buy one, as we were told to rent a receiver box was 1500 baht a month, with Gold package subscription fees of 1400 baht, on top of that. We asked to have the HD channels included, (extra cost 290 baht), and also the BBC package of Entertainment & CBBC, (a further 170 baht). after the True shop got in touch with whoever runs this joke of a company, we were told that the HD channels and BBC packages were only available to customers who rented their receivers - I thought the purpose of running a business was to make money, but it seems True can afford to turn my money away.

    After I had stopped banging my head on the wall, we bought the receiver, but with only the Gold package as a subscription. It took the girls in the shop, (there was seven of them, and we were the only customers, apart from a couple of folks paying bills), over two hours to sort this out for us !

    I have been a customer of this company, and UBC before it, for 12 years or so. I cannot understand why they differentiate between customers who rent their receivers, and those who buy them.

    It seems they have no idea of how to treat loyal customers. Frankly I am amazed that any Thai people can afford to pay a monthly rental of 1500 baht, with additional package costs for whichever service they subscribe to, on top of that. Ridiculous way to run a business.mad.gif

    Sounds like a total fiasco. The receiver rental cost is 155 baht a month, platinum package 2,000 baht a month, which includes BBC Knowledge and BBC Lifestyle, Entertainment and CBeebies are extra (but I seem to get them for free).

    http://www.truevisio...kage.aspx?id=39 All the monthly costs are listed here and should not vary from branch to branch. It sounds like the shop is staffed by a bunch of scammers, trying a fast one or just idiots.

    I would return the receiver to the shop and call the customer service number rather than try to deal with the shop face to face http://www.truevisio.../contactus.aspx , report the local shop and order what you want over the phone. I believe you can even sign up on the website but haven't tried it.

    I would not advise buying the receiver either, rent it; you'll have to pay 2,000 baht deposit and I doubt you'll get a discount/ trade in for old receiver as you bought it (had it been rented they should simply swap them over for free). Good luck,

    Well my wife rang Truevisions and the chap said we should go back to the shop (Phetchabun) tomorrow and they should change us over to the rental package, using the money we paid for the deposit and to subscribe to the Gold package. He also said that the extra channels we wanted, the HD package and the BBC package are available, as a la carte extras, and the girls in the shop should know this. We'll see what happens, but either way, I'm writing to the head office to complain. How hard can it be to have people working in a shop who actually know what they are talking about? I feel that we were conned today, Disgraceful way to treat long standing customers.

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