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  1. ... 555, of course, with 'a brain far too advanced & smart to read books' (!?) there's no need to pay taxes ... just couldn't happen to a nicer guy: tates troglo on reading books!.mp4
  2. ... now, who'd have thunk such things would happen ... ?! LOL.
  3. ... well, here's another angle on that story, lol ... https://www.malaymail.com/news/life/2024/12/04/chinese-man-trapped-in-well-in-thailand-for-three-days-as-villagers-mistake-cries-for-help-for-ghostly-sounds/158843 https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/china/thailand-chinese-tourist-abandoned-well-rescue-b2658630.html
  4. ... fastest of all respective companies in my case, next day delivery from bkk to Phayao. 19 hrs to be precise which is rather impressive, always COD which also works fine.
  5. ... yes, was the actual plan but I need to do my annual extension as well - would all be too easy otherwise, hehe - so have to show up in person for 1 time anyway, unfortunately that's off by about 10 days or so from the 90day due ... so I'll better give the online-90day a try beforehand ...
  6. ... hmm, yes, may indeed be worth a try, not just been abroad but also came back stamped in on new pp myself - now, that looks like a bit of a challenge for sure. Did a new online-tm30 (regarding new pp) as well ... different immi franchise though, all just a matter of luck here obviously but will try it next week then ...
  7. Sure plenty this season, neighbour's pond is overflowing here in the outskirts of Phayao city, apparently never happened in its 45 years of existence ...
  8. ... same problem here & happened repeatedly over the years with different male cats from the hood - landlady calls em MAFIA, lol ... some injuries became serious & needed costly medical attention ... pissed me off significantly & I so far took appropriate care of 2 of these <deleted> - as one does with mafia. Other than that you can only chase them off your turf on any possible occasion, get yourself a slingshot ...
  9. ... the usual utterly worthless dribble from your quarters - clearly juiced up already boyo, congrats ...!
  10. ... hill & arious, you really that clueless dude ...? Doubtful, so get lost with that crap already, will ya?!
  11. ... and here's how folks with some brains handle that stuff perfectly well - source see at the bottom:
  12. Yep, just last Sunday one of our neighbours rent bungalows 'ignited' - I was minding my s&ite some 20 meters away, heard a dampened woosh and thought like oi, someone effed up with either some frying oil, cooking gas or gasoline used as firestarter ... Apparently faulty flat TV, couple years old I gather, bungalow rented out but nobody in over the long weekend, all closed and locked up & apparently left electrics plugged in ... anyway, we saw smoke immediately - actually I think it might have been slowly smoldering for a while, gathering smoke inside witch then at some point finally ignited kinda like a slow, dampened explosion - deflagration I believe the correct term to be. Owner was at home, we happened to have 4 folks working on unrelated construction but nothing left to do but take hammers, smash windows back & front and go at it with extended garden hoses both sides from the outside, damned windows all grilled up but initially way too hot & smoky to even try to get anywhere inside anyway. Will say not too much damage directly by flames but still pretty much all & anything inside effed up from stinky smoke, black sooth and like ankle-deep water in the crib ... luckily no one even slightly injured in our case ...
  13. ... good idea, and now leave the weedbusiness alone as well you clown, a rare success here and also fits the 'ignite' line just perfectly, 5555 ...
  14. Bloomberg, May 16th (paywall - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-16/germany-investigating-far-right-lawmaker-for-alleged-corruption ) Germany Probing Far-Right Lawmaker for Alleged Corruption AfD party confirms Petr Bystron’s office was raided Thursday Bystron has denied taking money from pro-Russia media outlet ----------------------------- AfD MP's offices raided over bribery probe 16 May 2024 German police have raided the offices of a leading member of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party over money-laundering and bribery allegations. MP Petr Bystron is accused of receiving money from Russia in return for influence - something he denies. Thursday's raids were carried out in a number of locations, including Munich, Mallorca and the MP’s parliamentary office in Berlin. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cd13114xwkqo

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