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Posts posted by puck2

  1. 2 hours ago, rwill said:

    The local reservoir here is the fullest I have ever seen it in the last 9 years.  A couple of years ago the army can in and made it about 30% larger too.  It's close to overflowing now.  A few years ago it was about 10% full, looked like it was going to go dry.

    I guess your "full reservoir" didn't depend on orders of the military government, but on the natural rain.


    At least here in our Mae Hong Son Province we have had a lot of rainy days, this year.  Because the nearly daily rain wasn't too strong, the earth could absorb it. The earth was very hungry for the water missing a normal volume within the last rainy seasons.  Since a few weks the rain has stopped here.


    Obviously the same happened in your Isaarn(?) province.


    Our dog knows more about the climate here in the the North than the military squads. They prefer to stay in their very nice and comfortable houses in the North of Chiang Mai and to "exercise" there.

  2. 49 minutes ago, Bkktodd said:

    If an UNvaccinated ( by choice because of infringement of freedom bs or conspiracy monger) so be it….you are are your own. I get infuriated that i got 3 Pfizers jabs, take all precautions possible, pass muster to arrive Thailand 3 times (with a number of quarantines and tests ) whilst an UNVACCINATED expats( never covid tested) selfishly uses the condo pool , gym and lift with glee.  90 day report should include a vaccination card. 

    You forgot to say: if you have been able to receive an injection!

    Therefore: it's bureaocratic nonsense, the same as the 90-day-reporting itself.

  3. Please help me.

    1.  Is it possible to drive from BKK  to Hua Hin in a public bus, minibus or van without any restrictions?

    2.  Can I book a hotel or a guesthouse which is not registered under SHA or SHA+? (As every year, we plan to leave the smoky season here in the North and stay in a nice guesthouse near Thakiaep.)


    Thank you in advance.

  4. 4 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

    Since I spend most of my time in Isaan—I can tell you why so many Provinces have low vaccination rates.  Up until about one week ago, these people had only SinoVac as a first shot.  And up until about six weeks ago, they were offered only SinoVac for both shots.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientists to understand the government tried to use up SinoVac on the Isaan people. They worried only about the "tourism provinces".

    ..... may I add: and other REMOTE Provinces; i.e. Mae Hong Son!  I, as a falang, was excluded at all. If I would have needed  the vaccine/s urgently, I had to go to the private hospitals in Chiang Mai (4 hours by car! and CM a dark red zone).


    Now it's changing  (I guess, after  an "overwhelming" delivery of better and redundant vaccines).


    Today I had a nice talk with the young and open minded director of our amphoe hospital.

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, ukrules said:

    You really think every country in the world ruined their economy so a couple of companies can make a few tens of billions? ????


    The economic damage is well into the trillions world wide. Forbes put it at $24 Trillion back in February this year so it's far more than that.


    @Ukrules; sorry this is a misunderstanding. Maybe I didn't make it clear, that my remark


    [quote]I recognize only one reason:  making money out of the pandemie.[/quote]


    was related to Thailand. When you read the details of my comment you will recognize it.

    • Confused 1
  6. For this military science remarks


    [quote]Toward the end of his remarks, he asked people who cannot swim to learn, claiming that he has taught children how to swim. He said that, if you know how to float on water, you will never drown and people will help you, but “if you drown you will die”. He also suggested that Thai people should exercise and study two languages to survive.[/quote]


    you have to study at least 10 years in the milirary highschool :smile:



    • Like 2
  7. On 11/15/2021 at 9:03 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    Seems to me that AN has become a real laugh a minute forum. Every time I read it something even more ridiculous has been reported.

    Never mind, we all need to laugh about something these gloomy days.


    in the future they will collect 200 Baht if you are laughing or taking photos in the Khao-San-Road.

    • Haha 2
  8. 4 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:


    He might however find it difficult to even book a hotel room in Geneva without a Swiss Covid certificate (besides not being allowed in any other place), so he would have to sleep on the couch in the Embassy of Thailand in Bern.

    Sleeping on the couch?? Impossible, hmmm ..... because of the damage to the couch (look at the black coloured hairs .....)

  9. 1 hour ago, LikeItHot said:

    Could the relevant agency for the 90 day online reporting system first. I called the hotline the other day and told them I have not been able to use it since January. They said "Yeah it's a big problem". I guess we know who is the priority.  

    I think it's better to tell every IO-officer, that the 90-day reporting is an absolutely waste. Stop this idiotic order as soon as possible. Ask them, how many culprits did they catch because of this reporting? And most important: tell the officers, they should report this to all IO-officers in the line up. 


    They should feel and learn that the falangs don't like stupid and needless reports.

  10. Mr. Prayut, put the foot into your own arXh!

    Your typical military style: the bureaucrats should do or correct something, but you don't give them any concrete details (because of ignorance and imcompetence).


    You should already think in advance, before you are giving orders. But this presumes competence. Of course, a MP cannot know all, but his advisers should have this quality (to fill the holes of normal ignorance). 


    Yes , that is a sign of competence for "leaders" of a government to have chosen quality staff, and not minions or boot lickers. You are only a leader in an abnormal bureaucracy.


    MP, look at other countries and order only what is essential to protect your country against covid (as here already mentioned):

    • vaccinated 2x against covid
    • PCR-test from the country of origin, because you need it already for your plane, bus, train etc. (no big time difference between leaving and arriving! in Thailand).
    • do something against farangs who let their medical bills unpayed. Then we don't need to show the health insurence document. It worked all the time before your military coup and, crazily, Thailand and its medical care didn't go bankrupt.

    Othwerwise, please take an injection against inco.......e).








    • Like 2
  11. Prayut's thoughts don't go more than to the end of a table. In genral, it is a good idea to replace the vaccine by pills, if effective. But it has to be appoved by science if effective.


    But replacing the vaccines by the pills has a lot of consequences. Can the pills against covid replace all the laws and orders concerning the necessary (double) anti-covid vaccines? I.e., if you go to the haircutter, leaving the province or the Thai country, going into the pub or a bar, reducing the distance to the neighbor sitting in a bus, train or anywhere in the publich area???


    The list goes on .... and the cheating will do so, too.


    Officer/police in the airport: "Where is your required vaccination document?"

    Answer: "Pfizer’s Paxlovid or Merck’s Molnupiravir COVID, don't need the vaccines."

    Officer: "Show me the pills!"

    Answer: "Are at home".


    Officer confused. Everbody can say this (unapproved). And that can (will) reduce the covid pandemie???


    I guess , Prayut did not yet think about these consequences in the bureaucracy.




    • Confused 4
  12. Many years ago, when I had a yearly flight to Thailand, I used EMIRATES from DUS in Germany. Stop over in Dubai. Good quality and not expensive.


    Yes I've read many times that Qatar Air is excellent. My problem, it doesn't fly to DUS, but to FRA. Not so comfortable for me.

  13. 13 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

    Anyone booking on the thai pass to travel very soon now is just nuts - or desperate. If you've waiting 18 months like me and many others, you're ok to wait a few more weeks or a month to wait for the desperate to iron it out, help fix it just or collapse it

    We planned to go to Germany during the Northern smoky saison of the coming year. Will not happen under this idiotic conditions of the military Thai government. It's only interest is to MAKE MONEY out of this pandemie. What a shame.

    We have time to wait, too.

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