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Posts posted by puck2

  1. On 8/19/2021 at 2:58 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    It's almost funny when some people pretend they know what I think.

    How often do I have to write that I would love to see the day when Thai people vote for honest and competent politicians?

    And then it's up to the Thai people if they want a left or right or whatever government. It's their country. It's their decision.

    Voting for corrupt criminals is contra productive. It's amazing that I have to repeat that simple fact.


    You repeat it like a prayer an any time: Thaksin = criminal.


    Concerning "criminal"; don't you think that making a cup wasn't done by a military criminal ??? And you are contradictory to yourself:

    [quote]And then it's up to the Thai people if they want a left or right or whatever government. It's their country. It's their decision.[/quote]


    In China and Russia i.e. there are people taken into prison for "criminal" reasons. That only happens because the 3.rd power of a state is not allowed to work freely. The same happens in Thailand at the moment. Under "normal" democratic circumstances a cup-maker (Prayut) would be convicted as a criminal.


    It seems you are so blind to recognize this. Buy some glasses to read about "criminals".



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  2. 18 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

    I trust mostly that man who watch me in mirror! 

    And one good sentence: God forgives , im not! 

    One i dont believe: I learn it hard way..... total bs. You dont need to do that!

    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder " LMAO have to be when look some couples!

    That was a problem of your mental sanity. Therefore your style: never trust any Thai woman. Result: one Thai woman betrayed you, now all Thai Women are cheaters! How stupid!


    • Sad 1
  3. On 8/9/2021 at 7:27 AM, DrJack54 said:

    If he wants to live in Thailand ongoing for ~6 months per year......My suggestion would be to obtain a non O retirement either in home country (if possible) or here in Thailand. After that he would obtain annual extensions. 

    Of course he would need to plan his timing to be in Thailand for each extension. Also have his reentry permit.

    He would be best advised to use money in bank method. Just leave 800k in Thai bank ongoing.

    Yes, Non-O retirement visa.

    But if he can fulfill the "income version", it's easier to handle. Income version means, showing the IMO a certified document from the embassy or consulate that he has a constant monthly income of at least 65.000 Baht.

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  4. 23 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Justin Bieber. Sorn the plumber. Nam the bargirl. Porntip the maid. Thanathorn. Thaksin, LOL. They would all be far more capable than the current leadership. 


    Speaking of the current leadership, name their five msot successful policies in the past 7 years. Please. I dare you to even try. 


    He opened the chance for some falangs that their AUD, US$, GBP, € and other currencies went up the ladder. Thank you, Mister P.  (the only thank you) !


    • Haha 2
  5. From Internet (and my view):


    What is 90 Day Report Thailand?
    The purpose of 90-day reporting is to confirm your address and current status with Thai immigration. 90-day reporting can be completed up to 14 days before the required 90-day date, or up to 7 days after.
    That means, don't worry, even up to 7 days after (the required date) !
    • Like 1
  6.  Every time when I read how Prayut is showing his absolute incompetence as the leader of his country - especially concerning covid -,  I think what would he say and do, if one of Thailands neighbours starts a war? I.e.: Cambodia.


    -  within the first days: "it's not a serious problem, let's wait and see".

    -  I must hurry and fly to China. We need their ships.

    -  after 1 week: we will have a meeting. Anutin will tell you which clothes you have to carry on your body.

    -  after 10 days: the boys in Thong Lor should now stay at home and stop drinking and f........g. We need them soon.

    -  after 2 weeks:  Anutin doesn't have time enough. The day after tomorrow I want that all the generals of the navy take part in a meeting.

    -  at the meeting I will ask the generals how to go on and how many ships we need for the Mekong.

    -  after 1 month: I think we occupied already all important Cambodian ships on the Mekong. The war will bwe finished very soon. Thereafterwe will have a bestowal of decorations.

  7. 18 hours ago, steven100 said:

    oh stop whinging and whinning for 5 minutes  ......       your making fools of yourselves ....    ???? lol


    Good jesture by Khun Prayut Chan O Cha .....   it's just a small price however i'm sure it will be appreciated by all.



    Prayut already worries about the next election !

    • Haha 1
  8. On 7/30/2021 at 6:28 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    And what does that prove? Maybe more people, especially up country, like Thaksin. But Thaksin is still a wanted criminal. And that status won't go away by majority vote.


    And last but not least. I think it's almost funny when many people think Thaksin would have handled Covid better. Why? He was not in power and he didn't have to make, often difficult, decisions. It's obviously easy for Thaksin to criticize others and pretend he would have done it better. Would have, could have and all that.

    If Thaksin is such a great guy why is he not PM anymore and hiding outside of Thailand? The short answer is: he could still be PM if he wouldn't have been so greedy.

    Thank you blind eye (and deaf ear)!

    • and why did Prayut make a coup?
    • and why doesn't Prayut allow criticism?
    • and why does Prayut save 45k vaccines without declaring for what?
    • and why does Prayut order the lowest quality of vaccines after returning from China?
    • and why does't he allow student protests and why does he send protester in prison?
    • and why didn't Prayut swear an oath in the parliament?
    • and why is Prayut a billionare with a "low" monthly salary in the army and now in the parliament?
    • and why did Prayut manipulate the last "election"?.
    • and why did Prayut not enter Corevac?
    • and (most important) why did "sleepy Pinocchio" not react to the outbreak of Covid.
    • the .lis goes on and on

    If you go on reading more than the first line of my report, why are you not able to concede that Prayut ist still working as an incompetent dictator? You wouldn't like to compare Prayut to Thaksin, because Prayut is/was a lame duck! And Thaksin was not.

  9. 15 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    Can only speak for myself.

    I pretty much did nothing, as you mentioned.

    My plan was to wait until supplies became available. Was planning on waiting till end of year and paying at private hospital.

    As I'm on the MRT decided to take up the 60+ offer at Bang Sue.

    As it turns out you can 'fudge' where you live part so it is available for folk with access to Bangkok. One example Chonburi etc.

    Dear Dr. Jack, I'm afraid a lot of (rich) falang people think: Thailand only consists of Bangkok and surrounding provinces plus Pattaya and maybe Phuket.


    Not all farangs are as rich as you and other guys here in this forum.  In the remote (=other) regions there still isn't any vaccine available. You cannot receive any vaccine in the back of beyond (in Thailand), far away in the North or South. 


    Even if you don't mind all this trouble - with the increasing danger of an infection during traveling - you have to spend a lot of time and money to go to BKK. You are not sure if you get the vax within the next day after arrival. More probably, you have to wate for many, many days or must go home and wate there for the appointment (?).


    In general, I have the same idea as you, waiting just to the end of the year or so, until the better vaccines are available in private hospitals. But not in Bangkok!



  10. 23 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Did you pay attention last year? Covid was all over the world and Thailand was until December 2020 almost Covid free.

    I think we should see the big picture. As far as I know there is no major country anywhere in this world without Covid problems. Some had problems early, some later, some all the time. Obviously the current slow vaccination is a big problem and we should blame the Thai government for this problem. But at the same time we should recognize that Covid could habe been a lot worse than it was and is until now. Look i.e. at the so called first world country UK. There was a time when they had more than 50,000 infected people per day and now they are still over 20,000. And in total they have almost 130,000 Covid death. Did they, as an example, handle Covid so much better than Thailand? 

    @OMF, Your "arguments" = defending the lame duck Prayut, made me laughing.


    If I have to chose between 2 devils, I chose the one with the better character, that's Thaksin.


    You attack Thaksin for killing people. But you negate the Prayuts Covid-killing. Yes, he didn't do it himself, the same as Thaksin. But Prayut had let it happen by doing nothing for whatever reason. That's murdering many, many Thai people.  When you pretend "Thailand was until December 2020 almost Covid free" then you repeat only the words of the regime. WE had here our own experience: the doctors in the hospital have been ordered to shut up and not to report the cases. Therefore: low numbers in the Thai statistics you believe in!


    Furthermore, at least at the end of March 2020 everybody with a little brain could recognize the danger of Covid. Later on it was time to order vaccines. Prayut?: no orders, not asking for a membership in Corevac. Would like to order it himself for a "special reason". Before he had a quick visit in China. He didn't tell us about Sinovac orders. But everybody can guess the "thank-You" answer on Prayut's bank accounts. Pfizer and Moderna wouldn't offer a "special money".


    A military leader with a monthly salary below 200.000 THB is a BILLIONARE:intheclub:???? ????  That is the answer, why I think so. And you think he has earned this huge amount by  honest working? 5555. Who can be so naive?

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