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Posts posted by puck2

  1. At the moment I only would trust the leader of the former FF and his party. 

    In strong contrast to the military regime they recognized already very early the covid-19 danger, whereas Prayut was and is a total failure with his "dubious" relationship to the Chinese and their vaccine.

    I'm sure Thaksin would have managed the pandemia faster and with much better results - less cases and less dead people. He would be the winner of the next election. But we know how Prayut would manipulate it - also against law and order.


    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    There was never any restriction for him to come back to Thailand. He has Thai citizenship, he could and can return anytime.

    The only thing which holds him back is the fact that he thinks he is above the law. He is not. How many years does he need to understand that simple concept?

    A typical Thai problem: he is not the only one "above the law". If the Thais would follow your "simple concept", the parliament nearly would be empty. And don't let me talk about the Thai bureaucrazy.

    Compared to the military regime, Thaksin would be like a light in the end of a tunnel. Believe me, I never have been a Thaksin fan.

    • Like 2
  3. On 7/20/2021 at 12:17 PM, colinneil said:

    Rubbish all they have to do is follow the money, and check which senior officer was involved in blocking attempts of finding him, there is where the answers will be.

    The rubbish is on your side!

    Already long time before, he has opened an account in a foreign country, maybe Switzerland, under the name XYZ, but not his own. A large amount is resting there. Then he takes off money by cash, visa or/and any other card. For him: problem solved.

    And there are more ways to receive father's money.  I.e., friends transfer cash to him, etc. etc.

    • Like 1
  4. (Opening) Kwasaki asks:


    The news just talks of rain but there must of been an epicentre where the water came from. 


    Anyone here know where all that water could of come from.

    Sorry if you are being affected by this disaster.


    Easy answer: from the sky  :smile: !

    But the real problem is why from the sky?


    The earth is getting hotter, year by year, for many reasons (too much to explain it here). The not so heavy rain has been reduced by  CO-2 in the athmosphere. That seems not to be logical and is inconsistent. Now the explanation to this contradiction: the low/thin rainfall has been replaced by not so many, but  heavier rainfalls. Then the water doesn't/cannot seep into the earth, but runs down on the surface of the earth into rivers.


    The reason for more heavy rain falls (detected by Clausius Clapeyron in the 19th century):   An air masse, satisfied by humidity, contains 7% more of steam, when the global earth-warming rises by only 1°  !  This is more than over the ocean (~2%).  Therefore, more stronger rain, but at the same time not so many rainfalls. That is due to climate change!

  5. Football ........ that's hitting the legs, pulling players shirts, players spying everywhere, needs stupid audience, spending money for people, who are only able to kick a ball.


    Football .......  nowadays is very lukrative for doctors and advertisinhg.


    Football ....... makes many "players" richer than scientists, even if those once  are lucky to win the Nobel Prize.   


    Football ....... isn't good for the brain; being able to count from 1 maybe to 9 is  allready a great challenge. Headers hurt the brains.


    Football ........ losing money only to watch or enjoy it, how the players kick a ball, breaking the bones or hurting other parts of the enemies body.


    Football ....... spectators hitting and hurting people, devastating nearly all what is on their way home - after their "darlings" lost a game.


    Footbal .......  the players in the other teams are the their enemies


    Football ....... ooooh what a "wonder"-ful sport

  6. My viewpoint:

    crazy and dangerous driving doesn't depend on the size of the car or the brand-name. Maybe in a low percentage. In Germany and other Western countries this prejudice is confirmed by a low percentage of BMW-, Benz- and Porsche-drivers. But you have a lot of driving idiots sitting in other "cheap" cars, too.


    But in Thailand there is another remarkable problem: driver licence, which can be bought like a kilo of apples. Many. many Thais don't konw the trafiic rules or don't want to respect them - for whatever reason.


    The trafffic on the streets depends on obeying the rules. Rules belong to traffic as by playing football, chess etc. . Otherwise there is chaos on the streets or are too many accidents as in Thailand. Every day I go to our main road, I see this confirmed. And that includes motorbikes, too. Overtaking in curves, using the  mobile when driving, incredible und irresponsible high speed, ..... the list goes on.


    Therefore the offices/organisations, responsible for the driver licenses, should be pressed to a better = more effective traffic-education. It should be much more controled, to whom they  hand out the licenses for money . That means saving lives or horrible injuries.


    I stay with the forists, that the rules must be controlled by police, otherwise you have chaos and a lot of deaths. and injuries.

    • Like 2
  7. Especially the IO in Bangkok cannot react to all these reports IN TIME.

    This completely needless order bites now in the @rsh of government officials, Thai bureaucrazy and that of the IO, because overwhelmed by this task. A joke, if it wasn't so serious.


    Now Thai style: what about a daily fine of 1.000 THB, payable by the IO to thge falang, if it takes longer than 2 weeks to receive its answer?!

    • Like 1
  8. On 7/7/2021 at 4:46 PM, Mac Mickmanus said:

    My confidence in England winning the trophy has suddenly increased 

    ... of course. At least if there is again a shooting-out; they will use the laser attacks against the goal keeper! Do you remeber Denmark in Wimbledon?

  9. 8 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

    UK tests 200,000,000

    Thai tests 8,000,000


    Think that shows why Thailand's number are still far lower than reality. Thailand now 145th in tests per million - not exactly tourism encouraging .






    Sorry RC, did they test the cows, horses and the birds too?

    As far as I know, the UK has hat below 70 million people in 2019, in numbers: 70.00.000. Or did they <deleted> so much in 2019 and 2020?

    • Confused 3
  10. On 6/20/2021 at 12:18 PM, spidermike007 said:

    This is nearly entirely on the shoulders of this hapless administration. Nearly all blame should be directed at them. They have never really explained how this blew up like it did. Or why the vaccination program has been such a failure.


    Prayuth has attempted a few times to explain a few things, leaving everyone in a state of greater confusion. You mean he explained the near total lack of a program?
    Or he explained why Thailand is so dreadfully behind the curve?
    Or he explained why Thailand was dead last in ASEAN with vaccinations, before overtaking the PI?
    Or he explained how we could have been beaten by even the PI, initially?
    Or he explained why he did not order a tiny lockdown of a 2km. radius around the Samut Sakhon market, which very well may have led to this huge spike?
    Or did he explain why he stuck with a health minister, who has no experience in the medical field, during a national emergency?


    I know, I know, I know. I should have reacted when the outbreak happened back in December, and done the right thing by shutting down that area in Samut. 
    I know. I should have taken the vaccine thing more seriously. I know, I should have had a more qualified health minister. I know, my pathological fear of the optics of a lockdown are causing many more cases than need be. And I know, I should have been more diligent with the borders, I should have cracked down on corrupt immigration officials, and kept my promise to fight corruption, and I should have and could have done better.

    Do you want me to resign now? I know what is what you are thinking. I probably should. It sure would be the right thing to do.

    Currently, the US is at just over 65% of people with at least one jab, and 55% fully vaccinated. Over 317 million doses administered to date. Thailand is at between 2% and 3%, fully vaccinated. What can one even say?

    Dr. Tavida said that any country in this intense situation needs a leader that not only comes out strong but can also create confidence. A leader that can show empathy, and make sense of what is going on. More than likely only Prayuth and a small portion of his subordinates would describe him as being "strong". In terms of showing empathy, is that something we have ever seen from this man? He is as out of touch as them come. A true Ivory tower sort of guy. 
    And in terms of making sense of what is going on, you need policy, competent ministers with experience in the fields their ministries are in charge of, and at least a tiny amount of vision and planning. Prayuth lacks every pre-requisite. So do most of his ministers. Especially Anutin and Pipat. Likely the two least qualified and least effective of the lot. One would think during a national emergency, a skilled and talented tourism and  health minister would be considered important. 
    Lastly, he does not inspire confidence, as he has no follow up in his game, is highly insincere, and is grossly incompetent and under qualified for the job. One would think after 6 plus years he has had time to learn. That does not appear to be the case. He is a terrible leader. 

    This kind of national emergency is real proof that Thailand should never allow another coup to happen. With a civilian government that is democratically elected, and a truly representative body in the senate, Thailand at least has a chance of qualified ministers being appointed based on merit and talent. 
    With Prayuth and this army, there is little chance of this ever happening. They are re-defining the words cronyism and inept on a daily basis. Where is the anger? I am becoming furious at the incompetence and the AA (army apathy). Am I the only one? Anutin should have resigned, or been replaced in March of 2020, after Covid broke out. He was in way over his head long before Covid came around. He lacks experience, a background in the health field, and the only reason he was appointed, and is still in this position, is due to the power and the influence he has over his party. There is NO other reason. 
    Get out. Get out now. Hopefully the people will no longer stand for incompetence. Not during an emergency. Not now. 
    You completely blew the vaccination program!
    You blew the response to Covid!
    You blew the response to the outbreak in Samut back in December, which led to the 2nd wave!
    What have you gotten right? It now appears the lack of cases during the 1st wave was dumb luck. 

    So many questions, and so few answers.
    1. Why five months away?
    2. Why not Pfizer in the interim?
    3. Why can't the private sector import the vaccines directly? Why does the stunningly incompetent government and health ministry need to be involved?
    4. Why was there seemingly no planning, when it comes to the vaccination program?
    5. Is this really the best they can do?
    6. Why has Anutin not been replaced? His political connections aside, Thailand really needs competent leadership at this emergency juncture.
    7. Is the government here (and possibly worldwide) totally bought and paid for, by Big Pharma?
    8. Do the people of Thailand finally see how they have been misled, mishandled, bamboozled, forsaken, and abused by the hapless army, and the goons in charge? If they could not see it before, it is so obvious now. 

    99.9% of the Thais I talk to are so far beyond fed up. And if the 3-5% who drank the kool-aid still believed, after this latest covid debacle, Prayuth, Anutin and the gang have been truly unmasked to a humiliating and inglorious degree.
    Who could possibly still have any faith in their competence, and sincerity, at this point? 


    Thank You, spidermike. The only problem, there is no vaccine available against stupidity and corruption.

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    • Thanks 1
  11. A typical situation for the Thai (military) regime.

    If there are a pandemies or other sincere problems, the dominant target of the government is:

    How to make money of it !


    Do you think ASQ hotels must not return some %,s of the overpriced bills to the corrupt military?

    To  "transform them into hybrid facilities" has the same corrupt background.


    One part of the endless stories of government/military enrichment.


    That you don't think I'm dreaming: Why must all the vaccines ordered under the control of the junta?   Ehm ....., they would like to know how much of the money "belongs" to them.


  12. 2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    The rolling seven-day averages of new daily COVID cases and deaths in Thailand both reached record highs in the latest update through May 16.


    The daily average of COVID cases exceeded 2,581, largely spurred by the recent spate of COVID infections among more than 11,000 prison inmates, while the average of daily deaths exceeded 27, not including the record high 35 new COVID deaths reported today.


    The rolling seven-day averages of COVID cases and deaths are used by many public health authorities to assess how COVID outbreaks are faring, since the averages tend to even out daily fluctuations.









    In general, I apreciate your comments very much. But concerning this here, I cannot agree. The reason? Very simple: all your numbers contain an "IF", if they are trustworthy and reliable. In different words, if they are not manipulated (by orders of the so called government). I have a special justified reason to think this way, but I cannot talk about this here.

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