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Posts posted by puck2

  1. 5 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    Could it be the fact after some one leaves the hotel the rooms are not being deep cleaned or the transport from the airport to the hotel ?


    Yes, not deeply cleaning is a money-maker for those hotels.


    Also one reason why the military junta doesn't open the borderlines as soon as possible. Do they worry about the Thai people? Never, the black  money would stop "flying" to them. The demanded prices in those hotels are too high compared with prices in pre-covid time.

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  2. On 12/1/2020 at 10:37 PM, Tropicalevo said:

    Of course they are. The EU has been milking the UK financially and depleting its fishing stocks for years. They are going to throw their rattle out of the pram until they get what they want.

    The EU does not underestand the meaning of the word compromise. They are just arrogant politicians desperate to rape and pillage the UK because it has said that it wants to leave.

    NB Had I been allowed to vote I would have voted to remain. So i am not a Brexiteer.


    ...., but the EU understands the meaning of "cherry picking" :whistling:

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  3. 6 hours ago, david555 said:



    It is unlikely that the prime minister will receive a warm welcome when he travels to Brussels this week, says Sky's Jon Craig.

    By Jon Craig, chief political correspondent



    Months of COVID-enforced phone calls, Zooming and virtual meetings have proved fruitless in the search for a Brexit trade deal.

    So Boris Johnson now has to go to Brussels for a face-to-face showdown with his tormenters: European leaders who regard him with contempt for his role in Brexit.



    The prime minister will travel to the city where he made his name as a journalist writing stories claiming the European Union wanted to ban prawn cocktail crisps, bent bananas and curved cucumbers.




    The EU has learnt already that he is a lawbreaker. Surprised? Not alt all !

    • Like 1
  4. and ---->

    Pilotman, I would never enter a plane, if I would know you are the pilot. Pilots should have some brain, but  I would like to explaine it to you:


    BREXIT, you call that "a win" (your word above). As the GBP has  lost  a lot against the THB and € - as proven above and below - then there is a conclusion:

    The GBP = the British economy is going down, down, down.


    I hope at least that this is understandable for you.



    GBP - € 2016-2020.PNG

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  5. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:


    Almost no international policy has such language. And plenty of people have entered on international insurance policies. There is no requirement that the insurance be from a Thai company.


    What you will need, is a letter from the insurer stating that you are insured for XXX )or unlimited) and that this includes COVID.


    I.e., that's what the Thai Embassy in German/Berlin demands exactly on its web page.

  6. 11 hours ago, mikebell said:

    Why not have a group of men whose job it is to leave their air conditioned offices when they see a plume of smoke?  They could then speak to the farmer & discourage this health hazard.  To ensure official recognition they could wear uniforms coloured, brown, for instance.  I've even thought of a name for them: police.

    When they stopped the fires they might like to turn their attention to the roads. 


    Mikebell, good idea in general. But in practice? In the flat areas  of Thailand maybe they can make the owner responsible and punish him. It's also easy for the police to move there to the fields.


    But in the mountain areas as here in Mae Hong Son they can neither use their cars, nor can they catch "the owner". A job, that would not "produce" any THB for their own pockets. And it's too arduous to catch the culprits :shock1: .


    The only way to catch the culprits would be doing this in the time of harvesting. But then again moving there to the poor farmers.


    BTW, fires are also made in the fortests, although there are no mushrooms, at least in our area. Sometimes I think, they do it to win some land for food production or something else.

  7. 3 hours ago, Surelynot said:

    1. Education to persuade Thais not to burn everything that is combustable.....rubbish, tires, sugarcane....

    2. Strictly enforced laws to prevent indiscriminate burning

    3. Strict limits on vehicle emissions

    4. Strictly enforced laws on emission limits for vehicles


    ......four things that will resolve 90% of the problem.


    That wasn't so difficult....next problem?

    #.1.    ... especially on TV, all channels, including private channels.


    But I doubt, if it will work, it's already in their "gens", it's years too late.


    My experience here in the North, it's easly said to catch the polluters. But doing so, is more difficult. If you ever have been in the mountain areas of Mae Hong Son, you will understand why I say this. In the plain you may catch the owner of the land, but not in natural parks as in Mae Hong Son i.e.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, vogie said:

    No point in voting if you don't vote the way they want you to. 


    France has said "Paris has signalled the EU might move ahead with the recovery fund without Poland and Hungary under an EU "enhanced cooperation" law that allows a group of at least nine countries to pursue a joint project if others object."


    So basically not all 27 nations are listened to when voting, only the ones that vote the right way.


    Imagine, Scotland and NI would have ugly extremistic leaders. Would you in London crawl under the carpet and give them the part of GB's yearly budget... only for the reason that they are members of GB? And on the top of this, BOTH countries would NOT agree to change their extremism?


    Would you then crawl under the carpet and hand out the tax payers money of GB? Without any elementary demands? Everybody with a common sense would tell you: they want our money and have the guts to stop our budget, although they are recveivers. And they would laugh about your

    [quote]No point in voting if you don't vote the way they want you to.[/quote]

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, luckyluke said:

    Maybe it would be wise, for the future, to issue a new law/regulation that every voting is automatically recounted twice.

    Of course it will cost time, effort and money.



    This time I cannot agree with you. Voting automatically recounted twice?


    If you cannot trust the voting administration of your country, then forget your country.


    The voting process should be regulaled in a law. And I guess that's the case in the US. As in many other democratic states the law demands recounting, if the voting outcome is tight. Did you ever read about such a  fiasco in other normal democracies and in the USA before Trump?


    Al Gore, a fine democrat,  has demonstrated how to handle this problem. And therefore the question: why isn't Trump able to do the same? The answer: because Trump has an absoluitely abhorrent character/peronality. He was and is completely unable to recognize  to be a loser.


    IMO, the most horrible and terrible result of this election is not Trump, but that there has been such a high number, more than 70 million, who voted for him. Electing such a monster, guess what I think about nearly half of the US-American population?!!


    • Confused 1
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  10. The job of the US secretary of state is a very important and responsible one, especially unter Trump. It is very, very dangerous if there would be a Trump-bootlicker. Obviously and luckily Esper wasn't one of this kind.

    If  you consider that this secretary is nearly the only one who could refrain brain-sick Trump to start an atomic bomb/war.



    Wiki – gives us the answer how it works to start an atomic bomb/war by the POTUS. You will read the words „football“ and „biscuit“. But it's not about sports or sweets, it's very serious. Although we will understandably never learn all the details, it is explaned how it works to start a nuclear bomb/war by the POTUS. A phrase confirms that only the POTUS can do it, but ----->


    It is argued that the president has almost sole authority to initiate a nuclear attack since the secretary of defense is required to verify the order, but cannot veto it. Here the Wiki.webside:




    Lets hope that there is some common sense in the head of the US „secretary of defense“, if there is a new one before January 20.  Who represents him until Biden will take office? If Trump: double danger!




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