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Posts posted by puck2

  1. The town is on lockdown with Public Security Bureau police on every empty street and intersection while 60 more suspicious packages are being isolated cause the few bomb squads are overwhelmed.

    The targeted areas exploded by the bombs include a shopping mall, a prison, a county government office, a supermarket, a bus station, a hospital, a staff dormitory of animal husbandry, a vegetable market, and a disease control center.

    The guy in custody may have had a beef over medical care which in the CCP is not free. Expensive fee for service medicine and hospital stays are the rule in the CCP China as doctors are underpaid, overworked, lack technology, often telling patients to go mix some herbs.

    These are however awfully powerful bombs to have been assembled by one single ordinary guy and coordinated in such a way as this. .

    Question: What is the difference between you and the former (Thai) police chief Somyot?

    Answer: There isn't any.

    Both of you know the reasons for detonations of bombs already after reading the "news".

    Please, think a little bit more about your (uncontrolled) hatred for China.

  2. Has he put on a lot of weight since he became Pope? I hope he takes better care of himself.

    He's not a an American politician. He said stuff to both please and offend both major sides of the U.S. political divide.

    But the Pope made the House Speaker (Boehner) crying.

    Don't know why, because

    - the Pope let the US look into a mirror ....


    - he knew already about his own resignation (as speaker), at the and of October. Chaos in the Rep-Party, not very surprising, but well deserved.


  3. Yes, you see her name now under RAM's

    OPHATALMOLOGY'S SCHEDULE ... but no details about her"curriculum vitae".

    Will be interesting to read her curriculum.

    In general, we cannot complain about the quality of the fulltime ophthalmologists in RAM. Reading your comment makes me assume she is in the same quality level.

  4. Angela Merkel is good evidence that even the most stupid German can become chancellor.

    Considering all your posts here on TV - including that above - you would have had a big chance to become a German chancellor. So I don't understand why you left Germany for ever.

    But I agree with some people here that such a sudden U-turn is not easy to understand. It was foreseeable that her friendly invitation would be welcomed and to a certain part abused (i.e. trying to buy a Syrian passport).

    As a German who had to leave the former Eastern Germany after the end of the Worl War II, I can understand the motives especially of Syrian people. On our way to Western Germany and during the time when the Russians and later the Polish army occupied our area people had to suffer a lot. Because of the results of the Jalta Conference we have been forced to leave Eastern Germany, a few remained. I guess the awful events in Syria have been and are more serious and life threatening than ours at the end of WW II.

    I think we Germans, including Mrs. Merkel, didn't forget our ugly part of the reasons for WW II and welcomed refugees who were forced into the awful fights in the ME. But Merkel missed it to tell the refugees that they have to accept the Western culture + laws and not vice versa when fleeing to Europe.

    BTW, it's a shame that the Western states which caused a lot of thease troubles in the ME behave now like the 3 well known monkeys. To handle 800.000 refugees - probably more - within one year is too much for one country alone. Only because of this reason Merkel's U-turn is understandable, although it was predictable - her mistake.

  5. What is the difference between an Imam and the Apostolic Christian County Clerk Kim Davis ?

    There is none.

    Both believe they must fulfil god's will in all phases of their life. They decide what is right or wrong, not respecting civilian law. The wacky female thinks in the office she "must" follow (dubious) god's law not states 's law. An imam is not different.

    What I don't understand, why did she not lose her office job because of acting lawlessly? That should have been the first step in this controversy.

  6. Cochin Airport in India is fully Solar Powered and they are also able to sell to the grid. I suggest that Thailand start with windmills, get some experience they if they are capable go to Solar Power. Safer and cleaner.

    Thais could never build such Nuclear plants without the work of foreign countries and workers with experience .


    Thailand should have a law that dictates, atomic power plants must be buildt cattycorner parliament.

    ALL atomic power problems solved within a second.

  7. This "news" will generate hysteria. Eat a pill and .... (peng) you are slim. Nowadays everybody knows that especially chemical pills generate side effects.

    This result is in a strong contrast to what I've seen and noticed advancing in years. Walking around in European and US states, watching TV or seeing the photos in newspapers you will recognize there are much more fat people around than in the fifties. It is aching to have a look at the fat faces, bellies, arms and legs.

    Now - following the theory of these scientists - since the early fifties there must have been an unbelivable change in the genes, suddenly. Their theory also is in a strong contrast to what I notice every day. All fat people I know are not able to stop eating and drinking suggar-containing foods, fat meat etc. . When I'm already satisfied they start getting hungry.

    And why do the people lose a lot of kilos when they change their eating and drinking habits? And why do they lose a lot of kilos if they start exercising? Genes of the same people are changing facepalm.gif?

    I'm aware that the reason for this unproportional desire for food and sweet drinks may have a reasion in the genes, because not all people are getting fat when eating and drinking more than the other people on the table.

    But it seems not credible that the genes of the fat people have changed so much in this short period until now. In general you see fat people in countries where the people earned more money than before, and are now able to eat and drink more than before. This is confirmed when you see the Thai top ranking police men in the medias. They seem not to have time for exercising, you cannot delegate the exercising job. And ordinary US police men are also not the leanest compared to their brothers in EU countries.

  8. Your PSA is steadily going up as it seems. This can be an indicator for prostate cancer, but must not. Not knowing makes someone nervous, your main problem at now. Therefore IMO, solve this problem at first, have a biopsy (12 needles). It's worthwhile to have a pain for a short while (1 day - if at all). The result of a biopsy will show you if you are infected by cancer or not.

    The doctor will explain that you cannot rely on this result by 100%, if the biopsy is free of cancer. But if it contains cancer the result is reliable by 100%. If the the doctors cannot find any cancer within the biopsy they will recommend a new one within a special time. A biopsy is the best method these days, CT scans or ultra sounds are not.

    If the biopsy result is positive (having P.-cancer) you'll get information about the stage of the cancer. That means to talk about having a surgery or not. Prostate cancer is like an unexploded bomb of the WorldWar II. The problem is, will it explode during your lifetime or will the bomb/cancer remain in in the earth/your body before exploding/before building metastases. Exploding means building metastases, the actual danger of cancer.

  9. All here - including OP and BBC - are swimming on the surface of the "Greec/German water" and didn't dive deeply. Why?

    • They refer to a study of the German IWH institute, Halle, which isn't impartial. It's only one side of a coin. The positive side is that all governments - federal, state and municipalities - had to pay lower interests for their budget loans. That means the public sector was/is a winner, because the ECB reduced the base rates drastically, starting in 2008 during the US and EU financial crises. A similar interest drop also happened in the US, GB, Japan, Canada etc.

    • The negative side of the coin: the people - like you and me - lost a lot of interest yields because of the near zero rates, when they bought state bonds etc. Thus the state budgets lost a lot of tax money as interest is taxable in general by 25%. The yearly tax exempt amount is only 801 € for singles or 1.602 € for a married couple.

    • The Greece problem was only one reason for the reduced interests, among others, i.e. the economic problems especially in the Southern EU states.

    This interest loss for the people with the tax loss for the state and the EU economic problems are not mentioned in this IHW study as a reason for the low interest rates, a fundamental mistake. So, the German government "gained" 100 billion --> cheesy.gifgigglem.gif

    Therefore it's better to talk about the weather.

  10. I admit that I do not like VN, but while there I visited a town called Da Lat. I think it's what the Brits in India days would have called a 'hill station.' It's not on the coast, the area is cool, lush and green outside of town. Seemed quite nice.

    • Don't miss the "crazy house" in Da Lat. Google "Da Lat crazy house". It's really a good value for every dollar you have to pay. Hang Na, the owner, is an interesting lady. Don't know if she is still there.
    • Xuan Huong Lake
    • Bao Dai's sommer palace

    I liked Hanoi, too

    • Hi Chi Min's Mausoleum
    • Hoan Kiem Lake in the Center with it's turtle pagoda and - not far away - the old market
    • Water Puppet Theater (a must !)
    • Van Mieu (literature temple)
    • Chua Mot Cot (one pillar pagoda)
    • etc.

    Hue, the old capital

    • Thai Hoa Palace (of former emperors) with the Halls of the Mandarins
    • by biycle out of Hue, Lang Tam, the tombs of former emperors

    Sapa + mountain Fansipan near tothe Chinese boder in the North

  11. Few years ago started to have some problems with urinating. Guessed with my 58 years was having a prostate problem

    Went to the hospital and did PSI(?) test, physical test and had checked my urine.

    Was not abnormally large, PSI levels were good, urine was OK

    But still I had this problem and stared taking meds.

    Despite the prostate meds my urinating was still slow, improved some but slower...

    Sometime before that I developed allergies and they gave me antihistamine (zyrtec, one of the many brandnames) and

    I needed to take that daily, which I did...

    Month ago I stumbled (researching natural or herbal solutions for prostate) on a thread that mentioned that antihistamines

    could cause prostate or urinating problems.

    Stopped the zyrtec immediately and by now all is back to normal.....how about that...

    Just wanted to share this with you....there might be more antihistamine users that have this problem...allergies are common

    And I prefer the allergy issues above the 'prostate' issues I had..

    Having problems with peeing I would hurry to see a good urologist (Sheryl would say: it doesn't depend on the hopital), before the pain will kill you if the "pipe" is closed.

    Let him check the reason of your problem. Mabe enlarged prostrate (because of low PSA, this was "some years ago", and now?).

    But to exclude cancer is more important. Therefore be prepaired to have a biopsy. Alone the knowledge (and the relief) that you don't have cancer is worth the precedure. Even if you would have cancer, it is curable when in the early stage. I can confirm this by my own experience.

  12. In another thread you talked about "money". When I requested you to explain and improve what you had written we got an unrelated table to your "money"

    Yesterday you wrote this nonsense, absolutly absurd and not confirmed in your (German) PDF.

    Sorry, only available as PDF in German.

    According to this, German debts rounded up to 670 pct of German Domestic Product in 2013. German GDP was 2.8 trillion EUR then, German debts accordingly 18.5 trillion EUR.
    Guess where the money goes.

    To show you reliable facts for 2014:

    from Deutsche Bundesbank : German state dept = 2.168 Billion €s (in English: 2,168 Trillion €s)

    from Deutsche Bundesbank: German dept ratio (to GDP) = sank to 74,7 %, (NOT 670% gigglem.gif as in your statement).

    And again: if you would be /were able to read and understand this complicated content of your mentioned PDF (in German language) you wouldn't write such a nonsense. Trusting your comments is as trusting Greeks (Trispas) promises.

    If I'm wrong, the same request as before: pleas show me my "mistake".

  13. <----->

    My special request to ECB:

    Money and its currency is a matter of trust.

    I've been working more all my life, made my own austerity program just to save enough for Asia when I'm old. The currency exchange rate was 44 THB : 1 EUR when I left Europe. Now give me a good reason to trust Eurozone. Thanks in advance for keeping promises.

    If you are not able to consider ups and downs in exchange rates when going to a foreign country, don't ask the ECB. But ask yourself if you can trust your brain.

  14. The problem with the Geecs, the Euro and the EU unveil a lot of flaws. Although visible since 5 (7) years they haven't been touched re. solved. To name only a few

    • political progress for a "union". That means sacrificing a lot of national rigths for the union's benefit

    • legal progress, including European law enforcement that can be against national interests (or pride as now in Geece)

    • economic unity to support the financially weak states. But that shouldn't mean supporting sponging

    It seems impossible to unify 28 different states under one umbrella without war(s). But we shouldn't forget, that there is a progress step by step.

    • (for me most important) no war between the member states within 70 years

    • an European Court

    • already a lot of useful laws for all members; i.e.: a lot of banking regulations which reduce the the power of money, at least partially. Remember that VISA and Mastercard received a lot of restrictions against raising fees for the money monopolists. Money transfers within the EU have been regulated (against banking interests).

    • free movements within the EU - including it's negative elements, but in general positive.

    • a single currency - not yet for all, because missing the requirements - is positiv in general with benefits for the trade, companies, economy and the people

    • there already exists a support for the poorer states. The financially strong ones pay more into the EU pot than they receive: GER; FRA, ENG, IT, NL ..... to the Baltic States, Slowenia, Slowakia; POR ....

    • and the list goes on

    It's like in a club. To reconcile all differences is taking time. To handle a member with a blackmaling attitude isn't easy.

  15. unlike Switzerland the German constitution does not provide for any referendum concerning the topic "federal government policies" that is binding if not called for by the Federal Government. neither whining nor whinging changes that fact. period!

    whether Germany is a democracy is debatable, but that applies to the majority of countries. interesting fact: German citizens had no say as far as the constitution was concerned because it was drafted and implemented by the allied victorious nations over Nazi Germany.

    A country that had to be liberated from outside and doesn't trust their population.

    What legitimation do they have to judge other countries?

    Again .... you have big problems with your logic.

    That the Greeks ask for money is not a problem of the lenders' "legitimation", it's the problem if you can trust them making a contract with them. The EU-Grece-history is one of broken contracts and promises by the Greecs, not by the EU or the €-partners.

    Compare it to a bank (you hate so much because of some personal reasons). If you want a loan the bank will request you for some documents referred to your reliability. If you deny the requested documents (=legitimation) the banks say : OXI. Your promises will not be reliable, but your reliability concerning former loans. And Greece ??? Wasted the loans not for the promised actions, but for a pleasant lifestyle and didn't fulfil the contract conditions.

    The bank would say after watching your new lifestyle, please ... money back!

    The bank would show you the door, if you would ask "What legitimation do they have to judge me" for a new loan. And that would go on very fast, and not as sissy as the EU.

    The ECB has already broken its legal rules because it was NOT allowed to suppoort states/budgets. And now again? One reason for the new support would be to pay the next loan rates by the new loan/support. In former times this was called a (criminal) Ponzi sheme.

    And now the €-partners and the EU - including Gremany (you refer to) - shouldn't have "he legitimation to judge" the Greeks?

  16. It seems that you are not able to understand the content of a website you are citing.

    In a nutshell, that debt relief included the so called "reparations" of both world wars. Did Japan pay reparations? Losing parts of the former German state is not mentioned as reparation in this poor article.

    And for your weak memory: the main difference between Germany and Greece, the Germans fulfilled their contracts (and didn't make a "democratic" refendum if they should tolerate this "dictate").

    Please inform yourself objectively before you write such a lousy propaganda. If you are not too lasy, google "german debt relief 1953". Maybe you are able to understand what is written there.

  17. <...............>

    I agree with you. After WWII 20 countries icluding Greece wrote off Germany's debt which enabled them to recover and become the country it is today. However today one of those countries that helped them needs help and they are refusing debt relief. Greece can't afford more than B 115 bn debt. Any program with debt higher than this is doomed to fail, its mathematics not politics. For those who say Greece must live within their means, think about this - people in Greece work longer hours than in Germany, 45% of pensioners in Greece live below the EU poverty line, suicides have increased with 35%, hospitals are running out of medicine and then we have unemployment of 25%. What is happening is a disgrace for the EU, it shows that money has become more important than people. Merkel wants her money back even if its comes with a miilion broken lives. BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES EUROPE.

    Interpreting your mindset means:

    I meet you to aks you for a loan, I dictate the conditions, not you the financial backer. Later on I dictate the next loan again. I need it for paying back your first loan and for some happy life (in reality). And if you don't give me a third loan for my accustomed new life - supported by your loans - than I stop repaying all 3 loans. Then it's "mathematic not politics" (your own highly intelligent words).

    Guess what normal people think about such a mindset?

    BTW, as you would like to wake up our pity and sympathy with the Greecs, don't forget the dark the side.

    If you don't want to accept and understand some facts that Greece

    • entered the EU voluntarily - not forced, but acting fraudulantly with the support of G+S

    • didn't change her corrupt system in the incompetent and overloaded administration

    • not taking owed tax from the rich people (the rule was: 20% for the tax office; 40% for the corrupt officials, 40% win for the taxpayer, if paying at all)

    • rejecting all well intentioned advices, i.e. instead of lifting land taxes from the rich reducing them by Tsipras

    • had and has sttill an olygarchic system

    • wouldn't like to fight her weak economic spots, open her hands to collect money, only to live as before

    • etc., etc. ........

    then it's not worthwile to have a discussion with you.

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