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Posts posted by puck2

  1. bubba1 has to change his glasses.

    I don't think so. Examples for bubba's perception.Shots from Dao Takiep

    on 22.03.2016 - 11:46 a.m. You don't recognise The Hilton in the background (about 6 km?)


    on 28.03.2016 -10:41 a.m.


  2. .........equipment set up to report in real time dust levels at five locations; Yupparaj Wittayalai School, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna (Doisaket), Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, and Chiang Dao Hospital.

    Very good idea.

    But the old problem and question: are these locations representative for the city of CM?

  3. In my humble opinion Trump is not the problem, but his surprisingly high number of followers.

    In a "civilized" country like GB, Canada, France, NL or Germany, such a dorky extremist would never get this high number of votes. But as already prouven in another TV-thread, the average Rep follower isn't blessed with the highest IQ. For this discovery you don't need a survey, but your brain. Only one example, the last US Rep president fabricated and started a war within his first period of presidency and got reelected. That means the majority of voters reeelcted him! Then think about the people who voted for him. Maybe think: why they voted for him? But that's another issue.

    And now?

    I must not repeat all these "friendly" adjectives donated to this airhead. The stubbornness of this Rep egomanic is shown by the OP. Result: he wins, he wins in the Rep area. And that reminds me of Iraq warrior Bush. To be elected as president you need the majority of the votes/delegates.

    Can the world rely on the common sense of the US elecrorat? Let's hope so.

  4. What a pity that all these torture promoters aren't themselves subject to such a procedure.

    I would like to see Trump being waterboarded to hear about his tax "avoidance".

    The same for all the unscrupulous rightwings here in the forum. After all ask him/them again about waterboarding and torture.

    The longer Trump is in the headlines because of his screwed news, the more I think about a new specimen of mankind in parts of the US

    • they must have one new gene on their DNA which is connected to violence, inhumane and cruel behaviour plus offence

    • with a brain - if existing at all - slipping out of the head down below the belt or belly

    • with a heart and common sense - the same as above

    • who like rich men no matter what they are yapping

    • who like egomaniacs, completely uncontrolled, biased in discussions, specially in TV

    How to improve this?

    Listen to Trump or read the comments of the VISA rightwings (if you are able to endure it).

  5. Poor Trump, "tremendously" innocent lamb.

    Trump claimed the case should have been thrown out years ago, "but because it was me and because there's a hostility toward me by the judge - tremendous hostility - beyond belief." He then noted, as an aside: "I believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fine. He's Hispanic — which is fine

    A typical Trump reaction.

    He still thinks he is the boss of his reality show the election process, the only one to decide what is right, true, normal and legitim. Don't you dare to contradict me cheesy.gif

    Wait, there are more skeletons in the closet. Then Mr. Trump will repeat the same words again. And... if it would be a "black" judge ? sad.png

  6. In the Republican party where the earth is about 5600 years old only.

    In the US the Democratic party is the undisputed party of science. Check it out for yourself plse thx.

    I know a lot of Christians who believe the earth is at least millions of years old.

    You said "Check it our for yourself plse thx" so I did. I came up with an incredible list of scientists who are Christian. I'll give you just one quote and a link so you can "Check it out for yourself plse thx".

    Eben Alexander (born 1953): American, Harvard-educated neurosurgeon best known for his book, "Proof of Heaven", in which he describes his 2008 near death experience. In a recent interview, Dr Alexander said: "It's time for brain science, mind science, physics, cosmology, to move from kindergarten up into first grade and realize we will never truly understand consciousness with that simplistic materialist mindset."


    PS Eintstein (who might have been even smarter than you are) ended his life believing in intelligent design because things were just too complicated to have been an accident. Check it out for yourself plse thx.



    Did you read all the books of your Christian "scientists" mentioned in your link?

    As so often, you missed the point, swimming on the sureface.

    First, @Publicus answered with some irony.

    Second, you are unable to differentiate between science and religion. That some or a lot of scientists are Christians has nothing to do with their scientific abilities. Science is based on proven facts, faith is the opposite. Christians as well as Muslims and .... believe in something what they cannot improve: walking over water, a virgin giving birth to a boy etc. That's the reason why so many scientists cannot believe what the priests tell them. And there is the funny story (of believe) of 72 virgins waiting for the male Muslims if they arrive in heaven (although whores would deliver more happiness).

    Concerning Einstein, he was scientific genius and his ideas have been proven nearly completely. But who can improve that there is a god? Nobody - even Einstein - didn't return from heaven to tell you that it is very, very boring there:

    • every day for only five people: Manna, manna, manna - hosianna, hosianna, hosianna.....

    But somebody told him, in the overcrowded hell:

    • every day they have some burgers for the US-Americans, some spaghetti for the Italians, red wine for the French, Schnitzel for the Germans, som tam for the Thais etc. ...

    • every night they have lascivious parties .... etc.

    That's what the Christian Reps don't tell their followers and you don't read in the bible rolleyes.gif .

  7. We can thank the wingnuts who make up the Supreme Court for somehow reasoning that billionaires should run America. That's what Citizens United did. It gave away the country to the elite.


    This story confirms what I learnt 8 years before. It was predictable when the senile and Rep dominated supreme court in the USA opened the Pandora's box and lifted the existing limits of campain donations. This was like giving unlimited power to the riches and lobbyists.

    The US presidents are only puppets on a string (of some riches/companies).

    It's so obvious, the money dominates the American political life, as decribed here in this threat and prouven in the whole election process. Without money support of the billionares' companies nobody has a chance to get elected as the president of the USA. If you think such a money support is for free then go to a doctor who can give you an injection for recognising reality. Later the US president has to deliver for what he has been paid for, follow the demand/s of the BIGmoney. One example: did Obama change the tax rates upwards hitting the riches facepalm.gif

    This new donation situation/system is one reason why people with a very healthy brain and heart - Bernie Sanders i.e. - will never be elected. I never have forgotten what I read 8 years before in the newspapers. The BIG MONEY turned away from Rep. candidate John McCaine at the same moment when it was clearly recognisable that Obama would be the winner. Surely not, because they liked him and his policy so much.

  8. Back to the topic --> Donald Trump presidential bid gets Sarah Palin backing

    Trump's reality show must go on. Ehm .... did I say "reality"?

    That's the Rep's and Trump's problem. They are unable to differentiate between reality and show. Maybe he is a god show-master, the reason why he feels "honored" to have the support of the pretty woman Palin. Because the show-master Trump is mainly fascinated by her outward appearence and not by her childish brain, it is a reflection on Trump's character and on his own brain. I guess, once looking together out of Trump's Condo in NY both will be dead sure to see Scotland on the oppositesite of the Atlantic.

    Palin's "show" of wisdom:

    "He (Trump) is beholden to no one but 'we, the people'. He is perfectly positioned to let you make America great again."

    And the reality (in Scotland):


    ...Locals opposed the construction of the course, which was built partially on a local Site of Special Scientific Interest, a legal designation designed to protect conservation areas.

    Residents, including David Milne, a landowner who refused to sell to Trump, accuse the organization of "ongoing harassment and intimidation" toward the farmers living on the land, including the building of high fences and earth berms around properties to restrict their views. ...

    I read such a highly intelligent woman should get a minister job. Yes, that will make the USA great again cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

  9. <------>

    Foreign female heads of state or leaders of allied governments and US partner nations plainly see what an obnoxious and crude bunch of jerks the Republican candidates are, to include the majority of Republican party voters that support these idiots.

    How would a prezident Trump deal with foreign women leaders and allies, among whom include::

    President Park Geun-hye of South Korea.

    Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany

    Prime Minister Baeta Szydlo of Poland

    Prime Minister Ema Solberg of Norway

    Yulia Tymoshenko, former PM of Ukraine recently released from political prison under the new anti-Moscow government.

    Helle Thoorning-Schmidt, prime minister of Denmark until June and a continuing political leader.

    Prime Minister Laimdola Straujuna of Latvia which is under direct threat of Putin.

    Tsai Ing-wen, currently favored to become president of Taiwan in the January election.

    This is a partial list. The list of female leaders of countries gets long. Women leaders of US allied and partner countries are many. They are professional and respected and they know former SecState Clinton. They have never met Donald Trump....and one can suspect they don't ever want to meet Donald Trump.

    How do these prominent and respected women leaders of the present and of the immediate past who remain active deal with a POTUS who is a dick head.

    Concerning Trump's IQ ...... he would like to invite them for a casting show. But he would be afraid to invite Hillary to the show ; because .... of her clearly superior IQ.

  10. No more Clintons or Bushes enough of bought people . Trump can't be bought and I like his wife too .clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    For me Trump is not the problem, but of the US (culture). Especially the followers of the rightwing party are the roots of Trump's embarrassing, but successful campain. It is reported that about 58% of the Reps support him, a braggart on the lowest niveau, but not a candidate for the world nation #1.

    Having given egomanic people like Trump a chance is like having given a chance to a dud. The really crazy reasons for such a choice are -as you also can read here in this forum -

    - being a billionare. As if having so much money would be a qualification for the job of a president. It's rather a symbol of sharpening someones elbows.

    - not following the mainstream of do-gooders, but alledgedly talking "the truth" as his followers believe. He and his followers believe that all Muslims are violent. Therefore they deserve being restricted to enter the US. Then the rightwings should expatriate all US gun-lovers to the Antarctic, because they are a greater danger for the public than all the muslim terrorists. They have killed more people in the US than the Muslims ever did. If you have problems to believe this, please remember the history in the Wild West. etc.

    - financing his own campain as a billionare, and therefore being free of lobbyists. If you believe that Trump pays all the camapin money out of his pockets than you can believe that he is able to walk over the water. Nobody has so much cash to pay all the bills of an election campain. And money is dominating nearly all sectors of the US society, especially elections.

    - his extreme aggressive style. That reflects the love for guns in the US and some violent behaviour.

    - bad news are good news for the media. Never mind the quality. One rule Trump has inhaled and is proven by his success.

    - .... and the list goes on.

    That a man like Trump and the rightwing party are supported by so many US people is another problem/question. It seems - not only to me - that there is an intellectual difference between Reps and Dems, read here -->


  11. Although there is no weather guarantee (#4, villagefarang), I would like to confirm Winnie...'s posting

    January through early February should still be fine, even in Mae Hong Son.

    Early January is the best time of the year, actually. Would be hard to think of a better time to visit the North.

    When friends or family members would like to see me here in the remote Mae Hong Son area I tell them best time of the year is from November to the middle of February. I also advise them to take some warm clothing into their luggage.

    Smoke? There can be fires in remote mountain areas (i.e. Kuet Sam Sip, ....) even during the time mentioned before. But it's not the same as in the "high season" (of fires), normaly starting at the beginning of March or a little bit earlier or later.

  12. The election of an US president is an US issue. In general, but because the US is the world power #1 - and plays this role - I think it's not arrogant to say my opinion as a non US citizen.

    For me it's not understandable why such nuts like Carson, Trump, Christie etc. get the chance to be a candidate.

    It seems there ar 3 reasons for Carson's top ranking (at now !) - people think:

    - he never had a political job; therefore not corrupted by lobbyists

    - he plays the role of a religious, polite and calm man in the public area, although .... (you read it already)

    - a career from poor to rich und famous, a typical American dream - that fits a US president.

    Irritating is the fact that all candidates depend on supporters' money, maybe excluding Trump. Money makes heavily dependent in the case of being elected (give me my money back !!!). This undemocratic floodgate was opened by the highest US court bah.gif , dominated by right wing judges when it allowed nearly unlimited party donations. That means giving more power and more influence to the rich. Some people call this style moneycratie and not democracy.

    As proven by George Walker this kind of presidents are easier to be manupulated to do something in the interest of the rich/est; i.e. tax reduction, an advantage for the wealthy. Therefore it is understandable the the rep followers are not interested in highly intelligent candidates, but in Carson and suchlikes. Refusing answers concerning his own life's histrory seems to be a typical rep behaviour. They cannot stop molesting Mrs. Clinton because of Benghazi. Carson should know the name of this disease: schizophrenia.

    But there is another problem in the US pr.-lection system besides money, a psycological one: distraction tactic. Suddenly it's more important that the man or the lady is or was very successful in his/her private job/life, what is to be translated as money-earning!! The other (main) qualifications for such a pr.job are not or merely scrutinised. If a man like Carson didn't lissen in the history lesson of his school and thinks pyramides have been buildt for grain silos (under Joseph) you can bet that such a would-be president can see China looking out of his window.

    Being or having been successful in life or job - as Carson - doesn't mean that he is suited for the presidental job. A typical American mistake, because money is so important.

  13. Trump? Carson? Does it really make any difference? Neither one of them has a prayer.

    Ben Carson is a world renown brain surgeon who is anti science and bat-shit crazy. He actually believes the theory of evolution was derived from the devil. He believes the world was created and six days and evolution is satanic. He seems to lack a lick of common sense and a grasp on reality.

    This week he tweeted, "It is important to remember, amateurs built the Ark and professionals built the Titanic." He really did and that's a typical kind of thing to say.


    Unfortunately, he cannot operate on himself sad.png

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