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Posts posted by puck2

  1. Mrs. May is already going to buy a lot of thick knee-pads for her foreign minister.


    He will urgently need them for all the prostrations before a lot of world statesman and -women who received "friendly" nicknames from BJ.

    And they will ask him: "Smart buffoon, concerning your recent history, how many minutes, hours or days can we trust you?".

    Then J. will be as smart as ever ......


    BoJo is a very smart man! smile.png

    Mrs. May, send your new "star minister" for a long time to the diplomatic school before he will "enjoy" you and the world.

  2. Hague ruling is largely symbolic; how would they back it up, with an EU army? No lover of the Chinese but whatever the EU says/demands is just funny. Want to punish China; boycott Chinese-made goods because, aside from 'security' and fish, this SCSea farce is mostly about resources to churn out more crap.

    A typical nonsense comment of "well informed" people.

    It is already explained by other members that this court - ICC - is a world institution with its office in Le Hague, Europe. It's obvious that there are several members with the same problem in this forum.

    What would you say if the Chinese or another state would take the top US - Iraq war criminals (GW Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and others) to this court because of their felony?

    Probable answer of the USA: that doesn't work, we are not member of the ICC.

    Copy/excerpt of -->


    ........Positions in the United States concerning the ICC vary widely. The Clinton Administration signed the Rome Statute in 2000, but did not submit it for Senate ratification. The Bush Administration, the US administration at the time of the ICC's founding, stated that it would not join the ICC. The Obama Administration has subsequently re-established a working relationship with the court. ........

    Guess, why the Bush administration didn't sign the Rome statute (like China) facepalm.gif?

    And now the US community would like to condemn the Chinese reaction. Very hypocritical !

  3. I question the common sense of the Reps.

    Under their regime there was a fabricated war in Iraq with more than 4.000 US soldiers and up to half a million Iraqis killed not to mention the incredible huge number of badly injured people and their demolished homes and future during and after this war. This alone deserved a second Nuremberg. But nothing happened, nobody of the real responsible in jail, a shame.

    And now .... Mrs. Clinton had the official e-mails on her private PC. An incredible crime, if you follow the Reps bah.gif . That's the reason why a normal brain questions the Reps memory, common sense, IQ and moral.

    The Reps have lost any judgment about what is a real crime. They think only for themselves and not for their nation.

    • Bank Of England have wanted to weaken our currency for a long time so what better reason than the Brexit.
    • British pound was going to get weaker no matter what because that's what's required to make our exports cheaper and erode our debt.
    • Pound will stabilize and get back to near normal as they stabilize the political situation.

    Wow. Yup, that's your Brexit voter. GBP in the toilet, recession on it's way but good on ya, you won.

    Thank you.

    Yes we did.

    Perhaps, the Brexiters will gain ......... some experience.

    Experience #1:

    don't trust your guides!

    When the door opens they push you for fighting the problems, whereas they are leaving through the backdoor.

    Experience #2:

    don't rely on your guides.

    They promise and lie so much during their campaign that they have to find some craven excuses for leaving the brexiters alone, knowing they couldn't fulfill what they promised.

    Experience #3:

    Much talking isn't identically equal to big knowledge.

    Johnson, Farage didn't have any concrete and convincing ideas for the time after Brexit.

    Experience #4:

    Don't believe liars.

    For me it's hard to understand that Johnson was a "darling", especially for the English. He has lost his (journalist) job 2 times because of lying. Of course, sometimes it's "unavoidable" for politicians to lie. But if it concerns very serious issues? sad.png

    I'm afraid that the government of the Brexiters once will knock on the doors of the European Bank in Frankfurt for joining the wai.gif

  4. Don't be surprised when the US$ gets devalued by a 1/3 before year end. Most countries have been selling off U.S. Treasuries for many months.

    caution... big clown gigglem.gif

    Caution....troll, not a big clown, a retired banker!

    Here some excerpts of your comments

    "Attached is an example I prepared today in an Excel worksheet based upon US$-THB exchange rate. <............> I then applied todays rate at the time I prepared this which was of 35.02, then, 30 and 24.54 rates (a possible 30% devaluation off todays rate) to depict how the retreating dollar or your own home currency can require a substantial increase in home funds to be deposited in a Thai bank to meet the combination, retirement financial qualifications."

    "Don't be surprised when the US$ gets devalued by a 1/3 before year end. Most countries have been selling off U.S. Treasuries for many months."

    "Just because you have 800,000 + THB in a Thai bank there is something else that can create problems, a THB devaluation!"

    When reading this I thought you were a banker of ABSURDISTAN, having a certificate of the famous Trump University, learning how to bankrupt a company.

  5. Here we go. The Donald Trump dumpster fire of a campaign is starting to show up in the numbers. He doesn't have a prayer and the calvary is staying in at Fort Apache, riding this one out. Even if the GOP was able to screw Trump out of the nomination, who is going to take over? Mitt? Bush? Cruz? Rubio? Palin? Seriously, the GOP is history.

    Bernie will dramatically support, calling for the annihilation of the Republicans and everything they stand for. The Democratic party will be united in opposition.

    There is nobody who could rally the troops at this point. Trump has his low-info lemmings and that's it.

    The party's over.

    Yes, Madam President. Get used to it, boys.

    For me it is much more important that the Dems win the majority in either chamber of the House. Otherwise you'll have the same destructice NO-policy of the Reps to all reasonabale laws as happened within the last 6 years.

    Because of hopeless chances for Trump the Reps are alternatively working in this direction.

  6. There are 2 sides of the same coin

    • a political one. This means in this Brexit case the government should respect the will of the voter majority. Of course, the Brexit enthusiasts will demand follow the vote result.
    • a legal side. As already excellently explaind here in this thread the vote has no binding for the parliament. Referring to @ impulse, if you start a referendum about about paying no taxes - and the majority would agree - then think about the value of such a referendum and the binding for the parliament.

    In this Brexit case it has been obvious the majority of (a lot of obviously uninformed) voters made their decision with their heart and NOT with their brain. The demand for a new refendum confirms this. It confirms too, that such an important decision with major implications should be made by the parliament. Believe it or not, in general they have a better and deeper information than the normal voter with his beer-pub-knowledge.

  7. And I question again how reliable this ordinary man is. Yesterday he said


    ICYMI – last month he [Farage] announced that he would fight for a second referendum on Britain in Europe if the remain campaign won by a narrow margin. Calling a small defeat for his leave camp ‘unfinished business’, he predicted a second referendum on Europe.

    Back then, he told the Mirror: ‘In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it.’


    Today .... ???

    We do not yet know, if he will stand by his words in a siatuation just the opposite. When you have seen him celebrating the "win", you may guess, he cannot or wouldn't like to remember his intention.


    I like the British very much. But some motives for the LEAVE disturbed me during this Brexit event.

    • Money.

      That so many people in Britain asked themselves how much do we earn for staying in the EU. If you want to join an organisation, a club, anassociation or such like, you consider many reasons for the membership. Money maybe one, but not the only and most imporatant one. You'll see in the future if Britain will earn money without the EU or if the Brexit vote has a losing result.

    • Nationalism

      Nowadays, it seems to be old-fashioned to realise some plans or ideas, if they cost some money. To create a Europe without borders and wars (as happened in the past centuries), to support the poorer parts of Europe by the financial aid of the rich are such idea(l)s.

      I realise that this contains many problems, because not all members of a union are winners or at least moneywinners. And the success of a union cannot be seen within one year or one decade. So it was already a knife into the backside of the EU-idea when Thatcher demanded: I want my money back. Many people in Britain have been influenced by her stupid words until today. Imaagine all paying members in the EU would have said the same.

    The future of Geat Britain?

    Maybe the word "Great" must be removed if Scotlond builds an new state or N-Ireland will join Ireland. Nobody nows at now what will happen.

    My heart goes out to the young Brtish people who in their overwhelming majority voted for STAYING. That means the majoity of the old people has hurt their own young people. Horrible!

  8. Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

    Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back. No games!

    ily @lilyallen

    @realDonaldTrump Scotland voted IN you moron


    Trump at his best cheesy.gif. The world needs leaders with such an extrem knowledge. Yes, "Belgian is a nice city", too, Mr. Trump.

    Si tacuisses, ........

    It's nice to hear different words from a man with a higher IQ.

  9. Mr. Erdogan,

    what a broken logic (as usual).

    1. Imagine the people in the EU-member states would do the same, demanding a denying vote about visa-free immigration for the Turks.

    2. Imagine the EU-member states would ask their people demanding the Turkish people should abandon their Muslim faith for being Christians. This means you cannot make a referendum about subjects in the souvereignity of other countries.

  10. Weak Pound is good. Good for foreign direct investment. Good for getting a proper trade balance back. Good for re-balancing the economy back to real production. Good for diminishing our enormous debts.

    To avoid confusion pleas read


    Debt versus deficit


    The UK national debt is often confused (even by politicians) with the government budget deficit (officially known as the Public Sector Net Cash Requirement (PSNCR) ......


    ........ As of 2011 around 35% of the national debt was owed to overseas governments and investors. ........

    read in: http://www.live-counter.com/uk-national-debt-clock/

    By 2011, the British national debt amounted to £940 billion, with most of the money, 35 percent in total, being owed to other governments and investors. On this debt interest alone cost more than £42.9 billion annually. By 2012 the national debt amounted to £1,278.2 billion. Currently, Great Britain's debt clock keeps ticking and adding more and more numbers to an already high amount. Every second Great Britain increases its debt by £5190 and every day by £448.500,000 as can be seen on the debt clock. Over the course of a year that implies a new £163 billion that the government owes to other people, governments and institutions, marking a solid £1,471 billion on the national debt clock above. Interestingly, the Bank of England still contributes its fair share to the debt – a rocking £42.4 billion, which is more than the national defense budget. Network Rail also contributes £33 billion to the total amount, which is the same amount the entire country of Uruguay can show for its GDP. Great Britain struggles to remain as great as it once was with so high a debt burden on its shoulders.

    Now to your "Good for diminishing our enormous debts."

    One example for paying US$ debts:

    1 billion Dollar =

    • Yesterday the exchange rate was 1 GBP = 1,485814 US $ 731.977.613 GBP
    • Today the exchange rate is 1 GBP = 1,366862 US$ 677.592,113 GBP

    difference: 54.385.450 GBP

    What does it mean?

    To pay back only 1 billion ( US$ wouldn't diminish the debts for England, but increase it by more than 54 million US$. I guess Johnson didn't tell you.

  11. Nobody saw Jesus' dead body in the tomb after his dead by crucifixion: Religious logic: raised from the dead.

    As far as I remember the bible Jesus "went" to the "heaven" after raising from the dead, 60 days later, as it is celebrated now. But you read in one part of the bible that it happened 40 days after Easter Sunday and more "similar facts".

    Why don't they build a monument there in the heaven ?

    But ..... wait a moment. Does anybody know where the heaven is ? facepalm.gifWithin or beyond our Milky Way? At that time, about 2.000 years before, the Earth was still very flat and the center of the "world" rolleyes.gif

  12. Trump has already chewed up the 17 other Republicans. He's doing the same to Hillary right now. If David Cameron and his backwater little country think they have the slightest chance to emerge victorious in this power play, they had better look at the dog meat Trump has already left in his wake.

    Being the biggest idi@t among 17 idi@s is a category ("powerplay") David Camewron will never win. Luckily smile.png

  13. If you would like to (successfully) complain about the charged interests you should know if they are capped in your country by law.

    Concerning the Visa- and Master-Cards, there are so many details to consider.

    In Germany Master- and Visa-Cards are issued by the banks. The interest terms are defined by your card contract. The X-bank card doesn't have the same conditions as the Y-bank card. X-bank interests are different from Y-bank interests, in general.

    In Germany the banks are not allowed to charge more than 12% since (July ?) last year.

    So, if you want to complain about the high interst rate you should google if the bank in your countrty is allowed to charge such a high interest. If not, you will also find an address where to complain.

    Complain to yourself if you made a contract with these interest conditions.

  14. A copy from the URL in your post, ravelkuan.


    • There is the Nothern line - ROUTE 612 - over Pai

    and the

    • Sothern line - ROUTE 170 - over Mae Sariang

    The Northern route (Pai) has many many bends, more than 1.800. Therefore ask your estomac if it will have problems or not.

    The fare: I don't know exactly, maybe 300 or 350 THB by MINIBUS. The Minibuses start at 6:30 a.m. at an interval of 1 hour from Arcade Bus Station: Last bus: don't know.

    Duration: 6- 6,5 hours including rests.

    Buy your ticket in advance. Especially on weekends you'll have to waite many hours for the next available minibus if you didn't buy the ticket in advance.

    The ordinary bus is cheaper, but I don't know the price and it takes more than 7 hours.Only one bus (or 2 ??) each day.

    I'm not able to give you dretails about the Southern route.

  15. You can bristle with indignation and PC as much as you like, they still consider you an "infidel" or "kaffir" and there is only one thing they want to do to infidels and kaffirs. One day you will be thankful for what is considered the "far right" for protecting you from yourself.

    As they say, "Those who don't know history are bound to become liberals." whistling.gif

    Considering your words I learnt now, G.W. Bush and Trump are liberals. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Only 2 examples for the braggarts:

    "President George W. Bush was unaware that there were two major sects of Islam just two months before the President ordered troops to invade Iraq,"

    "Donald Trump’s invocation of the mass removal and incarceration of 110,000 Japanese Americans–most U.S. citizens who never faced charges of wrongdoing–as a precedent to justify banning Muslims from entering the U.S. prompted outcry, not because we expect responsible rhetoric from the source, but because his remarks disclaim a long-standing orthodoxy about internment that it was, by the U.S. government’s own admission, an outcome of “race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership.”

    And that's the difference between opend minded Londoners and the racist Rep electorate. They don't apply racism and prejudice, but adopt some sanity, are open minded.

  16. Remember when the EURO was going to replace the US Dollar ? The quote was " All monetary units in the world will be tied to the new Euro replacing the US Dollar" At the start it was twice the value of the dollar but now the old Green Back is valued at 29 percent more.Any one want to buy any Saudi Rials ?

    Did you use an an extraterrestrial math ? facepalm.gif

    Todays (Euro) VISA exchange rate is

    100.00 Euro = 115.19 United States Dollar

    * * * * *

    1 Euro = 1.1519000000 United States Dollar

    - Or -

    1 United States Dollar = 0.8681309141 Euro

    The € was introduced officially in 2002.




  17. What about ISIL?

    Their days are numbered,” Trump said, “I won’t tell then when and I won’t tell them how.”

    Despite the anti-muslim tone of his campaign to date, Trump pledged to work closely with US allies in the Middle East to combat extremism.

    “Containing the spread of radical Islam must be a major foreign policy goal of the United States and indeed, the world,” he said.

    What an uncredible simpleton !

    Although the idea isn't bad, but how to solve this problem in reality? To fight religion or religious terrorists by weapons? This is only one example showing that he is completely incapable of fulfilling the required job. Reducing the public debt to zero within 8 years is onother one.,... and so on … and so on.

    Old Russia failed to „eliminate“ the Taliban in Afghanistan (and Pakistan). The USA, too. The USA have been unable to stabilise the region in the ME after the disastrous and fabricated Iraq War.

    And this silly boy would like to tempt fate resulting in the same disaster ?

    Reminds me „GOP“ president G.W. Bush. Mr. Trump, Not only I, but the overwelming majority of the people in the civilised world, wish you: (presidental) mission accomplished, with the same result we all know.

  18. I remember all the doom and gloom about NAFTA years ago. About how it would ruin XYZ country. In the end, most seem to think it was for the better. Some reports show very good results. A few point out the problems. Never easy to craft deals like this.

    A quote I found here:

    While NAFTA's overall financial impact has been generally positive, it has not lived up to the high expectations of its proponents. It has made many U.S. companies and investors rich - and their managements richer. But it has also cost many U.S. manufacturing workers their livelihoods while failing to raise living standards for most Mexicans.

    I am afraid that anyone who thinks that leaving such binding, world changing treaties to politicians and their corporate sponsors will be positive for the general population is dangerously naive.

    Only 2 examples out of many thousands that demonstrates the real "winners":

    • "In Mexico 6 million small corn farmers lost their livelihoods to subsidized cheap corn from the United States. Where were they going to go?"
    • Because the US Government didn't allow a Canadian company extending its oil pipeline through the US it mulled over suing the US Government.

    Now you understand why the TTIP regulations are a top secret. The BIG MONEY starts to control the states/governments.

  19. Surprised that the usual wingnuts aren't on here condemning the trade bill simply because Obama is for it. He is the devil, you know. Probably keeping their powder dry for the next...Madam President.

    There are many reasons to be wary of TTIP - and none of them to do with Obama:

    • Investors will be able to sue states
    • Corporations will be invited to co-write new laws
    • Big business has excessive influence on the secret negotiations for CETA and TTIP
    • The negotiations are conducted in secret
    • Workers’ rights and jobs are endangered
    • Food quality standards and consumer protection could be weakened
    • European countries would be falling under pressure to allow high-risk technologies such as fracking or GM technology
    • CETA and TTIP will further increase inequalities
    • Liberalisation and privatisation will become one-way streets



    May I add another impotant issue

    • environmental problems
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