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Posts posted by puck2

  1. For every sh@t sport the players have to show their (new) club a document about their physical health.


    Now my question:

    Why is there no requirement that all candidates for the job of the mightiest man in the world, the USA president, must show a document from independent university doctors about

    • her/his mental health for the job, i.e. No dementia

    • her/his IQ -  not below 70

    • at least a minimum of moral helth



    Problem solved, especially concerning Trump.


    Missing all the categories mentioned above. Remember Trump's "7-11", "November 28" - election day, "Belgium = nice city", endless slurs and lies, agressiv and violating behaviour etc., etc. …. (read New York Times).

  2. On ‎23‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 5:30 AM, happy Joe said:

    What could be more boring than a group of teens rap fan?
    or glorious thirties, commenting on their performance?
    or forties too well installed?
    etc ...


    The nice feeling is in blends, always.


    For expatriates, Chiang Mai has become a retirement town. Never met a young Western in this city.


    What could be more boring than a group of pensioners?


    Dear hJ,

    unfortunately you never have met me .... 77 ys. young.

    But it's understandable, we go to CM only for some special reasons.

  3. Lashing back, Donald Trump heatedly rejected the growing list of sexual assault allegations against him as "pure fiction" on Thursday, hammering his female accusers as "horrible, horrible liars" as the already-nasty presidential campaign sank further into charges of attacks on women.


    A German comedian said on TV:

    The US medias – especially TV stations - are so hypocritical.

    When Trump uses the (TV-) forbidden words „f..k“ or „p...y“ you hear a bleep.


    But when you hear Trump's lies you don't hear the same sound. If they would do the same as with his unethical words you hardly wouldn't hear Trump's voice;  maybe complete silence or „bleep, bleep, bleep ..... tomorrow again.“ .

  4. Trump's own words:


    "Grab them by the p---y,"  Trump told Bush, explaining his not-so-subtle seduction style. "You can do anything."

    When you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump said in the recording. “You can do anything.”


    I understand now why Hillary didn't shake hands with Trump at the opening of the TV-debate. She really couldn't know where his hands have been before.



    I also understand now why horny Trump needed those famous TV reality shows.

    Reality show is getting a new meaning … from the viewpoint of nowadays.


    Trump also didn't understand that political shows are "a little bit" different form reality shows. Bashing and downgrading people as a "boss" is/was easier in his shows than seriously discussing problems when you need knowledge and some control about yourself.


  5. Poor, poor Mr. Trump, all your presidental dreams ballooned now.


    Your shattered dreams:

    putting your hand and fingers between the legs of such „nice“ girls like Angela, Theresa and maybe madame Le Pen etc. ...Bang, bang, over and done with.


    You charming man would have won every battle …... in your (dream)bed. What a pity that Russia doesn't have a female leader.


    Being married (yourself) no problem for you. Maybe the model you named fat and piggy said no to your wolfish advances???


    You are a real dreamboat of US President considering some US rightwing TV-Members.

  6. On ‎03‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 9:21 AM, DiamondKing said:



    END OF 


    All he did is use the current laws to his advantage THAT IS SMART BUSINESS


    Yes, Trump is/was using so-called (but wanted) legal loopholes. And you seem to be very happy that your darling did it. It's so smart to let the taxpayers pay for some not so smart incapable business men - your opinion.


    At the same time you and the other rightwings are not so happy about Obama's/Clinton's plan to lift the taxes ….. because people like Trump avoided the taxes …. ehm, legally.


  7. ........Nehlen attracted support from

    Sarah Palin and conservative provocateur Ann Coulter, with the latter appearing alongside Nehlen in the district over the weekend.


    This doesn't need any comment.


    In general this thread together with a lot of others improves again and again that the USA is a money-craty. Without (donated) money you don't have any chance in the politics/elections. But there is only a small backlash. When in politics you have to "pay" back. :lol:


    The ugly joke: this power of the money was re-installed by the Rep-dominated highest US court by lifting the limit of donations. This is like giving the riches an unlimited influence and power.


  8. On 10.8.2016 at 1:41 PM, ClutchClark said:


    And that emoticon of a moron falling on the floor appears to be a very good choice for you based on the simpleness of your post. 


    Politicians throughout America are stealing it blind and all you can see is a few $100 grand that Trump may or may not have misspent.


    Please tell me you are not a product of our college system today. 


    You behave like your darling: personal attacks instead of delivering true facts,.


    As one member wrote today : don't give an answer to such a right wing, they will not acknowledge the facts. Fact is -->




    Wealthy political candidates in the past, including New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and presidential contender Steve Forbes both walled off their campaigns from the companies bearing their names.

    Not so for Trump. Through the end of May, his campaign had plowed about $6 million back into Trump corporate products and services, a review of federal filings shows. That's nearly 10 percent of his expenditures.

    There's nothing illegal about it. Regulations do require companies— even ones owned by the candidate— to charge fair-market value so as not to run afoul of a ban on corporate campaign contributions.  ........ 


    But... if you should be a "product of (y)our college system", guess what I think about the value your college system.

  9. 25 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


    Come on Boomer, you're just playing with us.


    I don't know any politician yet who doesn't try and spend someone elses money as quickly as possible...after all, there isn't a one of them that can ever be sure he/she won't be arrested tomorrow for their frequent transgressions. 


    Republicans just spend it on different things than Dems but one thing is certain--some of it always gets diverted back into their own pockets. 



    I guess you are talking about your darling TRUMP (party meeting in his hotels, payed by donations :cheesy:)

  10. @willyumcr

    Think about how many people had a delayed appointment when YOU have had your urgent retina surgery. Everybody knows that a retina detachment needs an immediate surgery and appointments are not so urgent.

    And you poor boy have to complain about delayed appointments after being "satisfied with doctor and hospital" facepalm.gif ?

    Are you sure you had to wait so long because you are a "Caucasian?

  11. After watching and hearing Michelle Obama's speech my idea was:

    this should be the next President of the USA after Clinton.

    She has all what what the egomaniac and bullethead Trump doesn't has:

    intelligence (the right-wings think: having money = intelligent cheesy.gifcheesy.gif) , control about herself, experience in politics, no bold behavior, (no big belly as Trump!), a controlled language you need for the presidential job, not breeding disunion, reliable, not changing her mind within a few days, if it seems opportunistic etc., etc.

    This Reps bite on Hillary's e-mail affair, because there are no other more important "affairs". And concerning Michelle's weak points the Reps will bite in the air or in their own but.

    It will be interesting to see the TV fights between Hillary and Trump. If not informed about the questions of the journalists in advance about the content there will be only one winner: HILLARY. Good luck. The Western world doesn't like this symbol of hate, Trump, to be a US president.

  12. It's my guess that they will soon require it be submitted with EVERY visit to Immigration. They don't care about the paperwork. While in there last month I noticed several waist-high stacks of bundles of filled applications, neatly tied in 6" thick bundles. The pile was at least a meter wide leaning against the wall, and stacked 3-4 deep, waist high. Thousands upon thousands of filled application forms... awaiting.... what?

    ...... not to be wasted, but to be sold, I guess.

  13. Give them the (right) bank account number?

    Sorry immigration, if you give me the written guarantee that your datas are safe by 100% and that you would give me back the stolen money in the case of stolen Immi-datas then I would think about giving this information. But everybody knows about "TiT", no responsibility if mistakes or flaws in the bureaucracy become publicly known.

    We have the verified information by a village officer that there are (police?)spys in plain clothes in the village. Some questions - i.e. concerning my favorite places - fit these "controls". I guess our village is not the only one in T. with such a kind of informers. Although I have nothing to hide there should be a limit. Especially I will answer the question of my favorite places as follows: toilet, reading newspaper.

    All these questions are as useful as an appendix.

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