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Posts posted by puck2

  1. Since many, many years I order my dark (healthy)  German bread from a German Bakery in Chiang Mai. I enjoy the High quality, excellent service. etc. Google: Jo's Bakery.


    Because i live 4 hours (by car) away of Chiang Mai I order it by telephone at least 2 days before Saturday (his baking day) and get it delivered very freshly by the public minibius in the late afternoon. In general I order 10 kg (~20 packages with 8-9 slices) and put them in the icebox of our fridge.

    • Like 1
  2. SINSOD, a part of the Thai wedding ceremony.

    But what does it mean?


    It should show that the husband is rich, has a lot of money. He should show it, so that all the guests should think: oooh, what a rich man, good for the bride (and the family). If true or not, that is not important. The guests should believe it. It's a bragging ceremony, bragging about something what isn't reality. In most cases the money has been borrowed from friends, relatives or the bank. After the marriage it has to be returned, as reported here in some/most cases.


    When I read about this custom then I ask myself: why don't they put the bride in a showroom of a shop with a tag: 1m, 1.5m, 2m etc. ?


    If I would be the groom I would buy fake banknotes - 5m ☺️.

  3. Good luck with this idea, Mr. S., it would be good for Thailand.


    But when I read your list of your and the former military ministers etc., I recognised - it's impossible.


    It's the same dream as if I would think to whin the lottery-jackpot. A chance by 1 to  more than 100 million and higher.


  4. Surprise, surprise !


    Some readers here are so disappointed that a convicted criminal, Taksin - 74 years old -, was flown by a helicopter to a hospital after a long time of 15 years in "exile".


    Their main argument: he has been convicted here in Thailand by the military controlled "justice" in 2006..


    The ridiculous thing:

    the military under Prayut made a putsch, an elementary crime in every normal state. Normal justice could not be fulfilled. That means the military putsch-dictator had not to stand for a trial for being convicted.


    And that's the ridiculous, but serious result. CIVILIANS  ARE PUNISHED, CRIMALS OF THE MILITARY not:

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  5. A typical double standart in Thailand


    1. Thaksin was convicted as a criminmal because of corruption etc.

    That is a fact and the result is okay.  ... But not normal in Thailand, because rich people receive a "special" status by the the so called jurisdiction. Thaksin, democraticly elected, fled the country in 2006 after being convicted, because he had ordered to kill ~2.500 people, among them real criminals. At that time in 2006 a military regime controlled the country after a putsch. That included the jurisdiction, the 3rd power in a democracy.


    2. Prayut and his minions made a coup in 2014 - a really serious crime against a democratic state and the people. He controll-s/ed all relevant parts and instititions of Thailand by his minions and bootlickers.

    He also has a lot of blood on his hands. Opponents disappeared under his regime. Really free press a laughing stock, critics suppressed, uncredibly rich (hmmm ... why???) the list goes on. He his a dictator, luckily not in the same ugly stile as Putin, Stalin, Hitler etc.


    Now what is a typical Thai standard?

    Both have a criminal record. The difference: the 1rst one fled, the second one has the power as a dictator, not finally convicted by a judge!

    • Like 1
  6. It's exactly the the same idea I planed to write about here:  Only one ticket system!!!!


    This should have been done already many, many years ago, when they had to plan the new total traffic system of Bangkok. But there must have been some national idi.@ots being to proud to give this job to not-Thai companies or not-Thai engineers of Western countries with a lot of experience.


    The people using the Bangkok traffic system had to suffer from myopic politicians. Knowing the (corrupt) Thai political system, nearly anybody can guess, WHY this happened !


  7. 21 hours ago, h90 said:

    250 individuals....who have different opinions and can influence a vote....they can't block an overwhelming majority. No veto power...just votes.

    That this senator construct is bad: I agree on that. But it is constitution.

    ... it's a "constitution" made by the military bootlickers.


    It's so sad, that the military government produces so many hurdles for nominating  Pita.


    In a real democraty a coup-maker would be condemned to stay in the jail. In Thailand the military regiment does all to get the PM-putsch job again, although having "won" only  a shameful minority of the votes.

  8. (Lovely black) Cats solved the problem!


    Since we accepted them a few years ago, we never heared and noticed cats on the roof of our house. Problem solved.


    Of course, cats like different food, not only rats.

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