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  1. Careful you don't misgender. Many on this forum will be triggered and report you as misogyn-genderphobia zealot 🤨
  2. Lame retort somchai. After your rap career, you should try comedy
  3. Are you Cardi B's brother.....or just a frustrated wannabe rapper 🤨
  4. And don't forget the LGBTQABCDEFG+ crowd that supports all the Muslim causes 🤨
  5. Probably tune in to listen to Joy Reid..... I mean they use to tune in😜😜
  6. I'm guessing Soi 6, Beach Road, or the proverbial Isaan bride 🤔. If he thinks the First Lady is a butch, wonder what his spouse looks like 🤨
  7. One can easily understand why you would see a beautiful and classy woman as a butch.
  8. Most likely a troll 🤣. He only resorts to name calling and insults.
  9. So you had a Secret security clearance to access personal employee information? Was the employee information classified? Typically a person is required a Public Trust clearance to access sensitive information such as employee information but they do not have access to classified information. The position you are hired for may require getting a Secret clearance but not because of your job duties to access employee information. Clueless window licker? You must be in a teenager 😄
  10. Yes you are. And no one on this forum knows whether or not he has a security clearance...nor if the files he is "just reviewing" is even classified. You typically respond / post with vague statements or innuendos so state something more substantive.
  11. What does a security clearance have to do with reviewing records of USAID and other govt agencies? If he does not have a security clearance, then he won't have access to classified data.
  12. The halftime show exhibited an overabundance of diversity😏
  13. It was the passage of time and the yellow school bus with wifi. And never forget her love of venn diagrams 🤨
  14. And yet the American people elected Trump over kneepads Kamala 🤨
  15. Hopefully he can be Diddy's cellmate since they both swing together..... baby oil not allowed however 🤨
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