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Everything posted by mrwebb8825

  1. What they heard last night probably made several of them head for cold showers. 😁 Good for you! Stand tall and proud for the rights of your fellow morons. Communist Disinformation.
  2. I think it's very kind of these asshats to prioritize themselves for Homan.
  3. I can see why they were shutdown for an audit. I mean, $100m to Nepal to promote atheism, $1.5m for a drag show in Ethiopia, $500m to teach DEI to Syria, nearly $100,000 for a gay comic book in Peru, $16B funneled to Ukraine (not part of the $125B under JB and co.) and the list goes on. All in all they doled out $73B in 2024. When asked for records they said "No" so he shuttered them before they could destroy anything that would convict them. It's amazing how deep the roots of corruption can run. The "Spring Cleaning" has started early in D.C.
  4. The fastest way to clean house would be for Patel to arrest JB and his entire family. Then offer leniency to the first 1 who spills ALL the beans on everyone. Then we get to sit back and watch them eat each other to save themselves.
  5. This the same Trudeau that's still picking Trump pubics out of his teeth after crawling all the way to Fl. to beg mercy? The same Trudeau that went back home and quit after his meeting with President Trump?
  6. It sounds like a CATastrophe of CATastrophic proportions. We've got a group of Haitians you can have. I hear they eat cats.
  7. All of this under Trudeau's watch. Hoping Trump lighting a fire under Canada's @ss will make them take out their own trash for a change. Kind of puts Pattaya's ladyboy problem into perspective.
  8. And yet, in today's news: https://www.stripes.com/theaters/europe/2025-02-03/denmark-open-us-expansion-greenland-16704674.html never say never
  9. What makes you think they have to give up self-governing status? Do a little research on US Territories.
  10. The Arabic word “Intifada” translates to “uprising” or “shaking off.” It has been used to describe periods of intense Palestinian protest against Israel, mainly in the form of violent terrorism. “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” People leading these groups should be rounded up and given a one-way ride to Palestine. I'm betting 99% of these sheeple have no clue who Hamas is and should be given an introduction. ETA: What an interesting college course this could be. Could call it "Welcome To Reality" 101.
  11. Any excuse, no matter how stupid, just to keep the 'hitler' tag going. Do you seriously not know that the nazis stole everything they could get their hands on from the entire continent of Europe?
  12. Maybe the dems can get him citizenship so he can run as their "Savior" candidate.
  13. Since this concerns the military I'm 100% behind them. Teaching warriors to kill then trying to teach them it's ok if some of them need to get fresh panties on...doesn't instill much confidence that their 6 is appropriately covered in battle.
  14. After 80+ yrs of laser research you'd think there was a breakthrough or 2 in laser weaponry that's been kept under wraps.
  15. Solar powered will enable them to operate nearly 24/7 but to be effective they need an unlimited 'ammo' supply. Otherwise they're going to be spending a lot of time returning and rearming. This is where AI comes in. Teach them to override the opponents commands and attack upon activation, wiping out the threat w/o firing a single shot. The caveat is they will be trying to do the same to us.
  16. or (3) the UK incorporates France under the UK umbrella - restructure the governing body to be 5 reps from each country, majority rules.
  17. The trajectory of the roadster has been on file for 7 years. Don't they have an observatory? Maybe upgrade the telescope to 1 that can actually see objects clearly? Jumping to conclusions for the sake of notoriety then trying to blame Musk for their screwup. Shameful for the Scientific world.
  18. I'd take them all into Gaza and deposit them down 1 of the tunnels and tell them to walk to their Hamas leaders. How has an organization been allowed to operate in Israel whose sole purpose is the destruction of Israel? 🤔
  19. So...Attacking the white house is now a GOOD idea?!?! Only a warped Trump Derangement Syndrome suffering DEM would think that.
  20. DUH! Did you just get the memo? That was the whole campaign and is now being implemented as promised. 1st you whine when he threatens to leave NATO behind and now you're "Imagining" euro-life w/o US protections. Maybe Russia should control your asses for awhile so you remember the difference between having the US and not having the US.
  21. GITMO has plenty of room - what could be better than life at the beach?
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