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Everything posted by mrwebb8825

  1. This is "Beyond The Pale" and absolutely disgusting, speaking as a bredren. They should apply for asylum in the US. In about 6 months there are going to be job openings for them as "Security" for American mining companies in Ukraine. Their job would remain the same but the pay would go up 20 fold. Bet that would improve their recruitment. 😁
  2. You mean this one: The old saying "ships carry boats, but boats don't carry ships" generally suggests that larger vessels can accommodate smaller ones, a distinction that's mostly true, but modern technology and vessel designs have blurred those lines, allowing large ships to be carried on specialized carriers or even floating docks. Go have another beer for breakfast and take a break for awhile. It'll sink in soon that this is not 1851.
  3. Awww, are your "Communist" buddies feeling "Butthurt" now? 🤠 Tough Sh!t!
  4. Again, we seem to be at odds. Perhaps you should update your language skills to this century. "Do Navy vessels have lifeboats? There are rigid-hulled boats, such as the Captains Gig and the Motor Whaleboat which can be used as lifeboats, but not many and nothing named Lifeboat and dedicated to that use. There are, however, liferafts enough for all, and sufficient life jackets (personal flotation device) available for all.Nov 8, 2024"
  5. What needs to happen is "help the Iranian people" accomplish their dream by "Removing with prejudice" the current leadership in Iran. "Are the Iranian people happy with their government? The people of Iran are vastly pro-Western and openly long for freedom and democracy but are met with brutal and violent suppression any time they rise up and demand their basic human rights, whether in the 1999 student protests, the 2009 Green Movement, or the most recent protests of 2019." https://2017-2021.state.gov/the-islamic-republic-of-iran-a-dangerous-regime/ Kind of makes one wonder where all the protesters are around the human rights violations for the past 2+ century's.
  6. Perhaps you should do research before posting lies. "The newest addition to the U.S. Coast Guard fleet, a 47-foot rescue vessel designed and built by Textron Marine Systems (TMS), successfully righted itself in 5.3 seconds during its first test, conducted recently at the Textron shipyard in New Orleans. This patrol and rescue boat has the capability to roll over 360 degrees and self-right within 30 seconds." https://magazines.marinelink.com/Magazines/MaritimeReporter/199009/content/textron-successfully-completes-200362
  7. "By the end of 1940, Great Britain’s war effort against Germany had reached a point of crisis. On November 23, Britain’s ambassador to the U.S., Lord Lothian, arrived at New York’s La Guardia Airport where he held an impromptu press conference. “Well boys,” he announced to the assembled journalists, “Britain’s broke; it’s your money we want.” This remark was widely reported by the American news media, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill questioned its diplomatic tact. Even so, it was no exaggeration." https://www.fdrlibrary.org/lend-lease And now you want France to be the savior of Europe? Prodded by Germany? The biggest joke in America at the time was; "The French army, what's that?
  8. Link please. You ever been on a Chinese ship? They sink with 1 hit.
  9. It'll have a rough time in the deep seas. My carrier was 88,000 ton load displacement and in a bad storm we listed to either side by as much as 14 degrees. Our smaller escort ships had to go around the storm. I know the Coast Guard have ships that will do a 360 and right itself.
  10. "Donald Trump is a coward" -- Next Topic
  11. How would you like these ^^ cooked?
  12. Hoping they include these asshats as well: https://amchainitiative.org/amcha-publishes-list-of-over-200-anti-israel-middle-east-studies-professors/
  13. https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters Kind of speaks for itself.
  14. He thinks it's an easy way to the Senate, after all, it worked for Shifty Shift.
  15. Speaker Johnson should assign them new committees like "Dog Sh#t monitor for Central Park", "Rodent Studies", "Fire Retardant and it's long term affects on ant populations".
  16. Funny that the guy that shot a heathcare CEO gets sympathy and Hunter gets the boot. Sucks to be a Biden.
  17. I can see why you're bitter, being nearly homeless and all. It always seems to slip some people's minds that at least 1/2 of ICBMs are onboard ships and submarines. (I served. Did you?) These forms of launch vehicles need water. By controlling the land, air and sea from the north pole to the south pole gives the US a great advantage and a powerful deterrent to attacks. Never seen you crying and wetting your depends over the formation of the EU. (an obvious failure) Russia also shares a border with Poland but they didn't cross that because? NATO. Russia is concerned about NATO because? America. If America pulls out of NATO...? Russia would own most of Europe. The days of "Please America, Save Us BUT we demand you do this and that when saving us..." are gone. Get used to it. As you said, it's 2025. You've had 80+ yrs to learn how to pull your own pants up. Tick...Tick...Tick. 🤠
  18. The world moves on. In WWII China was an ally because the tiny little nation of Japan had kicked their asses. Now they've pissedoff Japan, S. Korea, The Philippines, not to mention the $3B in arms President Trump just sent Taiwan. Now, if only the EU would quit funding Russia through the backdoor while huffing and puffing on the front porch. I wouldn't mind if the UK and the US just took over control of Europe. You lot don't seem to know how to run it. You've had 80+ yrs to do what you promised at the creation of NATO. All this banter about keeping promises rings incredibly hollow coming from Europeans who have yet to keep their promise to America and Americans. We wouldn't be where we are now if the US had said, we'll sell you weapons but leave us out of your problems back in 1940.
  19. Really? NYC university system’s faculty union backtracks after Israel boycott vote https://www.timesofisrael.com/nyc-university-systems-faculty-union-backtracks-after-israel-boycott-vote/
  20. Maybe, but I don't believe he was trying to "Kill as many Russians as possible". That's just a side benefit. 10/28/21, 9:39 AM Biden lifts US sanctions on major Russian pipeline https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/biden-lifts-us-sanctions-on-major-russian-pipeline/ar-AAKaRHA 1/10 And in return Russia is doing it's best to eliminate any and all paper trails of Biden Family crime.
  21. As usual, the leftys are looking at everything with small-minded, narrow view of 1 piece of the whole puzzle. The end result is MUCH larger than you seem to be able to fathom. Try imagining what a uniting of the Americas would look like to Russia and China. Yes, that means from Greenland to Argentina. In case you missed it, BlackRock just took over the 2 ports on either side of the Panama Canal kicking the Chinese to the curb.
  22. This what happens when you kick the can down the road. Eventually the road ends. If this were to get scaled up to WWIII America and the UK would end it but this time you lot may not get the continent back since you've mismanaged it for 80 yrs.
  23. Sounds like SAS target practice to me, aye lads? 🤠
  24. Viva La France - Motto: Wine, Cheese, We Give Up. Pull ALL ground forces back 50 miles each with Europe AND America VOWING to take out the leader that violates it. Either leader may bring suspicious activity claims against the other to the table but may NOT act on them on their own. Gives everyone time to deescalate and take a breath. Putin wouldn't dare draw the EU, NATO AND America into the fight against him and IF Zelensky is a real leader and not just a comedian in drag that fell into the job, he'll comply
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