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Everything posted by mrwebb8825

  1. Do you have something similar to this in the UK? https://criminal-records-search.com/order_net/form/thailand.asp Used 1 like this from the states 20+ years ago that checked local, FBI and Interpol for my 1st job in Thailand.
  2. No but you WILL be required to drop your pants, bend over and show them your injection site. Beware of the ladyboys in uniform with their "scansticks".
  3. There's a special camera system built into the overhead that scans nero-electrical output of brain activity (or lack there of ^^) because everyone is unique, just like you. The whole passport thing is just a clever ruse so you won't notice.
  4. Does this ^^ sound a little ...off... to anyone else? How do they plan to enforce the ban on the production of dogs?
  5. What TAT needs to do is build an authentic "prop site" similar to a Hollywood movie set with a temple, poor village, water park and high-rise buildings with over priced clubs, restaurants and baht buses (similar to "Westworld" the movie). Bring them in through the cosplay uniform shop where they can dress up like students, teachers, police, etc. and encourage them to do strip-teases on the baht buses en-route to whatever fantasy they've selected. Hire locals instead of using androids to feign outrage over their behavior, drive the baht buses, play music in the clubs, act as villagers, etc. Lots of decrepit areas around BKK that could use a facelift and might even get a few non-Chinese as a side bonus.
  6. Have a T-shirt made that says "Hello" on the front and "Goodbye, Now Stop Starring At Me" on the back.
  7. If it's a matter of where the healthcare is better and the finances to pay for it, you may want to approach her that way. Surely after you've given her multiple years of Euro-life, she can reciprocate in your last years. After all, she can always return to Europe as a widow.
  8. Get yourself a Non-O married visa at your local Thai embassy and "nudge" the wife into a vacation. A couple of months back in Thailand living in "Not Poverty" and visiting her daughters may take some of the sour off her memories and add some sweet to her new ones.
  9. To answer the original OP - IF you have a job offer in Thailand and WHEN said employer sends you a letter of intent, you would need to go to your local police station and tell them you need a background check to accept an overseas potion and they will fingerprint you and run the search for a fee. It usually includes city, county, state and federal background databases. Applying for the visa is another story - IF you have 2-6 months before starting said employment you can apply in the US but it must be through the Washington DC branch. IF said employer wants you to start ASAP then you make all the usual arrangements for a 30-day tourist (return ticket, hotel booking, etc.), fly over and get a 30-day stamp and go directly to your new employer who should provide you with all the paperwork for a visa change from "tourist stamp" to Non-B. That's how it goes in a perfect world but you're going to Thailand so... Chok Dee.
  10. This is quite disturbing and scary coming from a non-conformist Santa Clause. Mommy. make the bad man go away!
  11. May have something to do with a "calendar shift" (my term, not official) and "usual" weather is simply shifting around the calendar lining up more accurately with the Aztec Calendar. It turns out that the Aztec calculation of an average 365.2420 days per year is actually closer to the real value of 365.2422 days than the old Julian value of 365.2500 days or even our current Gregorian value of 365.2425 days. Not a large difference but calculated over 2000 years makes an impact. Could also be a shift due to last years "Arctic Blast" that sent temps in the northern hemisphere plummeting for several days.
  12. From my Thai culture class that was/is/was a requirement for the teacher's license: There are 3 "Wais" (with slight variations for special occasions, begging forgiveness, royalty, ceremonies, overbearing godlike school directors that will fire you ) Thumbs to your chin for friends, coworkers, casual encounters (on the street, local shops [not 7/11 or supermarket] work meetings) Thumbs to your mouth for parents (includes in-laws and elderly family) Thumbs to your forehead for monks. The first is casual and is used about 80% of the time The second is because parents gave you breath (life) The third is because monks give you spiritual enlightenment
  13. Good karma is the best karma - well done
  14. So it's true?? There WAS a shockwave throughout the city??
  15. Not into seeing a cute butt being selfpoked? Hmmmm
  16. You should have asked for a self demonstration to make up your mind.
  17. Guaranteed door-to-door service and someone to carry your bags and an hour ride for 1,700 baht vs carrying your own bags, train or shuttle in the wrong direction for an hour followed by carrying your own bags again and then another 2-3 hours on a crowded bus that doesn't end up where you want to go followed by finding a taxi that may or may not get the trip right all to save 50% - Hmmmm.... Stick a crowbar in your wallet and start enjoying your trip.
  18. They don't allow people with the runs to join.
  19. do you also need his height, weight, bra size and the number for his sister/gf/wife?
  20. Depends and a banana - properly inserted of course.
  21. I always pour my shake in the bong to cool the bud smoke and add flavor
  22. If I had his money, I'd be contracting these from Japan as we speak. They could tend the crops, monitor the defense laser cannons (think about the movie "Congo") and switch off in bed every night.
  23. Telltale signs you might be too small: A virgin asks "Is it in yet?" Your own hand keeps slipping off no matter how short the strokes Your gf/wife stops blowing to pick some food out of her teeth with it You're 90 lbs dripping wet and still can't see it when you pee
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