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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. anyone know anything about and where to get Fiori sparkling water? one thing i miss so much in Europe is drinking mildly carbonated mineral water. "soda water" here is nasty stuff - o.k. for mixing with booze but not drinking water!

    i saw the below ad on the net the other day but a google search surprisingly brings up nothing. priced o.k. as well.


  2. We used Kruu Payup for our 3 year old. He is excellent and speaks English but he could be considered 'tough' on the kid if you are a Western liberal but if you want them to swim he is great. He will focus mainly on getting them used to being underwater and move forward from there.

    One of his teachers Kruu Joy is 'softer' than him and now teaches our 3 year old daughter.

    Both are extremely busy. I will PM the phone number

    it's actually Kru Payu. he's got a number of websites and markets very heavily, even has guys driving around town putting up billboards everywhere. seen him give lessons and he's tough! not for an "almost 2 year old".

  3. was thinking of taking some friends that are in town visiting somewhere tomorrow - for the day and spend the night. since i'm the one driving i don't feel like driving too far. up to about 75 km max.

    just looking for a nice place to hang out with lots of vegetation, shade, etc., decent food - some Western food a plus, a porch or veranda to sit and talk/have some cocktails, etc. and a swimming pool of course.

    anyone have a recommendation? what kind of prices?

    thanks so much.

  4. I passed a place called Weasel Coffee (Vietnamese chain) yesterday. they offer a similar product. was going to have a coffee (139 Baht/cup) but the place was packed at the time - standing room only. Thais have have come a long way since the days of 10 Bath cafe boran sold on the streets of Thailand.

  5. just take it over to Amorn near Computer Plaza/Icon Plaza. they will repair it. not the store but the repair center. if you do a search for Amorn, someone recently posted the exact location of their new location (about 100 meters from the old location).

  6. I'm not a huge expert on Muang Mai market, but isn't the main business there in the very early hours, when vendors from other markets and restaurants buy their stuff in bulk?

    vendors on the street out by the river begin arriving around 9:00 p.m. or thereabouts. but the sellers in the actual market are there all day and most of the night. last night even the sellers inside the market were not there. only a few here and there. i overheard many Thais asking what was going on and nobody had an answer.

  7. i had heard that business wasn't good at Baan Tawai but i didn't realize it was that bad! so are the same items including furniture being manufactured in Chinese factories and sent to Thailand for less than it would cost to make them locally? i guess a lot of businesses have failed and people have lost their jobs.

    i didn't realize it was a Buddhist holiday yesterday - asked the wife but she didn't know. i guess that would explain the market situation...although people/restaurants still need to buy food i would think. again - never seen Muang Mai Market like that in the many years i've been here.

    i might add that we were in the city earlier in the evening and it was absolutely packed with Chinese tourists. i think there was some kind of festival at PratuTaphae. so it was a bizarre contrast at the market only a couple of hours later.

  8. ex-pats and tourists come and go but where have all the locals gone? last night about 10:30 i went to Muang Mai Market. usually it is a bustling place at night. i would guess that only 35% of the usual amount of people selling were doing business last night. plenty of parking...and i had to walk a long distance just to find a few veggies here and there as there were so few sellers! it was a ghost town, never seen anything like it.

    then last week the wife and i while in Hang Dong on business decided to call on a lady we've known for years who had a busy export business in Baan Tawai for more than 12 years. when we drove in, at first we thought we had turned into a wrong soi. in the heart of the Baan Tawai village where there used to be pick-up trucks lined up loading and unloading and people buying everywhere, there were perhaps 3 cars and one mini-van of Chinese tourists. perhaps 40%????? of all the businesses were closed, many locked up with no sign indicating when they would re-open, many were boarded up, many out of business. when we asked around where our lady friend was, all we got was "she's gone - no business anymore, Chinese only look, take photos, not buy." her number was disconnected... we drove around through the villages where people used to be seen painting, sculpting, doing wood work...and nothing! not a soul working anywhere. most of the "factories" in the villages had chains around the gates.

    what's going on???

  9. hope you don't consider this "smart-ass" but did you ever think you may be asking a little too much for your place on facebook (like perhaps double what it's worth)? my wife owns a few properties in Saraphi and they are not worth that much. damn near impossible to rent them as well, which should tell you something. i mean, there's nothing out there. i wish you the best of luck of course. at some point Saraphi will catch on, but a few years down the road... more supply that demand everywhere right now.

  10. you have one tokay living at your house making its call all night? good for you. we have at least 10 of them shouting all night! some are huge! if we go outside at night and shine a flashlight on the side of the house, you can see many of them. we haven't had any in about 2 years. don't know what happened but now we have more than ever!

  11. Did the lady driver survive? Not sure if that's her in one of the CM108 pictures but if it's her then she looks pretty dead.

    I took the lady under the car as one of the dead cyclist given that she was wearing cycling shorts.

    i thought that at first too, then wasn't 100% sure. but i suspect you are correct.

  12. Past Lamphun on the Bangkok road, there is a turn left to Baan Maa (horse, high tone). The whole village is furniture making; and mostly standard junk. However, if you ask around, one can find some real craft workshops that can tackle anything to order. Takes some exploring to dig out the value stuff.

    i would suggest taking someone with you who knows people there and can help you locate where anything of quality may be. otherwise you will find 95% junk - cheap furniture that will fall apart in no time.

  13. Many items at Lazada come with no warranty at all. So if something goes wrong then you can kiss goodbye to the10K+ baht you spent on some phone.

    I don't think Xaomi has an authorized distributor in Thailand. At least not for its phones. So if you do order them through Lazada, they are gray market items. However, other brands like Huawei do have an authorized distributor and do mostly come with a guarantee. A few Huawei items that aren't officially distributed here are available via the gray market but won't have a valid guarantee for Thailand.

    apparently they do have some sort of operation here. they have an office in Bangkok and a on-line shop. we called them a couple of times and got no answer, we wrote them in Thai and in English at their email address but got no response. (no surprise there as Thais rarely answer email). our friend contacted a eBay seller in China who sells the model she wants. the seller who apparently has an excellent reputation said the mobile comes with a 1 year manufacturer warranty. if my friend can't find what she wants in Bangkok then she still has plenty of time to get the one from the Chinese eBay seller, have it sent to our address, as she will be in Thailand another month.

    i had never heard of this brand before i was put in the middle of sourcing one, but after reading the specs for the different models it seems you get quite a bang for your buck!

  14. the item my friend wants is shipped from Hong Kong. no COD available on International sales. she called them yesterday and they confirmed. the price is almost 2K Bath more than anywhere else on the Internet.

    What is this thread about?

    Who cares what your friend wants from HK, start your own thread.

    The camera we are talking about, shipped and supplied by Lazada, so COD available 2,700bht with voucher "JACKSN".


    this is my thread and it is about mobiles, not cameras.

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