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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. do we know for sure it was not the guitar men?

    Since then the police released them and then kept looking for the "guitar men", the only logical answer is that no, they were not the same men.

    So now we have 2 sets of 3 "guitar men"? I set of 3 that they questioned and released, and another set of 3 that they kept looking for? Sounds like they shouldn't have let our guitar playing friend Sean go (sorry - I meant to say - aided him in leaving) He might have been playing in a trio on the beach that night!

    It's a bit too convenient for me that McAnna was in bed the morning of the murders, esp in light of what he has said on FB - '

    'I know you tried to save her'

    And reports that he was witness to Hannah being hassled by the AC bar manager.

    So yes, he could have been on the beach playing guitar that morning. He could have seen what happened, or he could have been involved. Bar manager and policeman friend wanted him dead for some reason if McAnna's words are to be believed.

    And three Burmese men playing guitar on the morning of the murders would be perfect scapegoats for the killers. Easy to spread rumours if you are thick with the police, or a policeman yourself, and have money. The fact that the 3rd Burmese who I understand to be Maung Maung is not being held leads me to speculate that he may have witnessed the crime. It was reported that he went back to the AC bar at around 5pm to fetch a guitar. What did he see on that journey? Where is he now? Is he going to be remunerated to testify that his friends committed the murders?

    McAnna also had fresh cuts on his body. i'm not going to bother searching for it, but he claimed the wounds were from a motorcycle accident many days before. they were fresh wounds!

  2. I also like to avoid the Maya cinemas on weekends. They are quite crowded in the evenings. Popcorn and soda prices have sadly caught up with the West. They are now more expensive than the movie ticket. I can remember the day when the soda and popcorn were almost free at KSG, or so it seemed.

    prices have surpassed the West. 100 Bath for small popcorn - and lots of Thais buying the stuff. prices for the films are reasonable if you go in the mornings, Wednesdays, and have a discount card.

  3. i've seen this unfortunate gentleman twice in the last week in the Sansai area. it must take him all day to get the shortest distances. i felt bad for him and it seemed like maybe he was hungry so i asked him if he had eaten or not and wanted to help him. but he had somewhat of an empty look on his face and just stared at me as he was maneuvering his rig at a snail's pace. i suspected he may have some mental issues.

  4. MAYA has grown on me. i didn't like it at first. but the cinema there is great. i've been to the cinema about 12 times now and rarely is there ever more than about 5-10 people in the cinema at any given time (which has to be terrible for profits) but great for the viewer.

    i don't care for any if the shops there and the food court is not very good (got terrible food poisoning there and had to go to the doctor it was so bad), but it's a good place to see a film. also the rooftop area is nice for a view of the city.

    thanks for the heads up on the Middle East place. i really like M.E. food. i'll give it a try.

  5. Great, I actually ran into Home in Park, liked that a lot too, a lot less greenery than Ban Wang Tan but also seemed like it was better maintained as in the tennis court was not falling apart and grounds were very clean. The lady in the office was a bit of a pain, I walked in and asked if there were any places to rent, just flatly told me "no", I then laughed and said "in this whole moo baan there isnt one place for rent?" .. again "no" .. I realised what kind of person I was dealing with and just laughed and as I was walking out I saw a flyer on the wall of a place to rent, I then said "whats this then?"..." oh i forgot we have one place for rent".. I then just walked out, left a sour taste in my mouth. Inversely my experience at Ban Wang Tan the lady at the restaurant in the club house was giving me maps and telling me about the history of the place. I will have to check out Home in Park again.

    she wanted you to offer her some cash to let you know which good properties were for rent. that was the way it was done in the moobaan i lived in about 12 years ago.

  6. As an aside one is led to wonder if a couple of those Oh so ardent supporters of the police investigation might actually know more than we think and are acting in a protective manner to cover friends activities or from a personal protection angle?

    Ah, another conspiracy theory, to attempt to discredit people who are speaking out against conspiracy theories.

    when do you get any sleep? posting until what - 02:00? then starting in again at 06:50 on this same subject across multiple threads. i hope the interests that employ you - whether it's the RTP or the dive shops/resorts - are paying you well. no one else would put that much effort into it. not a chance.

  7. I am not convinced that the boys are innocent or guilty but the more the prosecution makes it difficult to get a fair trial the more I lean to them being innocent.

    The police and prosecution have no one to blame but themselves for the anger and mistrust revolving around this case. However, it could be people in higher positions calling the shots.

    This entire situation is sad !

    Thats right. If the case was so solid, why the need for dirty tactics. The prosecutors seem not interested in guilt or innocence , only in winning.

    I found that in my case also,when i was falsely convicted.

    "Falsely convicted".... Well at least I know why you lean the way you do.

    maybe she meant falsely charged.

  8. I don't blame the defendants for trying to wring sympathy out of people wherever they can. However, there really is nothing ASSK can do. This is just media hype.

    Sadly their lawyer is leading them down the wrong path in trying to try the case in the public. He should be focused on explaining how his clients semen got into the victim. If this has ever been addressed or denied I have not heard it. All I hear is them asking for help from people who cannot help them ... that is what their lawyer is for.

    How strong is the trail of evidence that proves that their semen got into the victim? This is the key to the whole case.

    remember the Jones murder case in Chiang Mai? the RTP tried to extract the semen from an innocent Karen tour guide, even trying to masturbate him themselves. they wanted to frame him and get his DNA into the victim. when that failed they beat him and dumped him on the side of the road.

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  9. Ditto to all the positive comments below, especially on the warm and friendly service. I have pizza most every time and it is always excellent. I like pizza crust to be crispy and request that they cook it an extra minute, which they are happy to do. My girlfriend, a discerning diner, chooses from other parts of the menu and is always happy. She says the Mushroom Soup is the best in Chiang Mai, and I have to agree.

    But don't forget the view, the sweeping panorama of the mountains with Doi Suthep clearly visible. Such a nice place for a sunset dinner. Tasty food, good prices, great service and a super view.

    Please stay open forever, M Bistro. And thanks for all the wonderful meals. See you soon.

    This post has all the hallmarks of a self appraisal.

    Just one piece of advice if you are new.....be careful how you advertise the panoramic view of Doi Suthep. I doubt that the high season customers in February,and March will agree.

    "My girlfriend, a discerning diner, chooses from other parts of the menu. She says the Mushroom Soup is the best in Chiang Mai, and I have to agree." "But don't forget the view, the sweeping panorama of the mountains with Doi Suthep clearly visible. Such a nice place for a sunset dinner."

    sounds like a professional writer who hasn't been to C.M.

  10. And do not forget he (Nomsod) only gave the DNA sample after his father met privately with Pol Gen Somyot at the RTP office on the Tuesday at the Police chiefs invitation.....

    Of course there had to be a meeting since Police were not requesting his DNA and this was done because of the social media detectives who were damaging his life without a shred of evidence or dignity to support there nonsense. Police did not want his DNA because they knew he was not on the island.
    It's obvious that the Headman, his son, and Thai officials all knew 101% beforehand that the DNA would not match.

    Of course they did. He knew cause he didn't do it, Thai officials knew because he wasn't on the island why they didn't check it before and only checked it at the families request to help with the damage the conspiracy folks were doing to his life regardless of any shred of evidence he was involved.

    what absolute BS. Thai officials stated he was on the island and that he had fled.

  11. Not for those who ignore what they don't want to believe. Same folks who say nothing the Police say can be believed but use what police said early on to promote conspiracy theories despite police releasing updates and clarifications on what was early said. Same people who hang onto early reports from the press and disregard updated info... but it is not even consistent as they all ignore the fact they blamed the Farang friend initially and initially said he had blood on pants or that he had a cut on his hand --- those they pay attention to the updates but when it comes to the son of the tiny island headsman who police were not scared to publicly accuse, they ignore all further reports.

    Where are the clarifications as to who the "important" running man is and when Police said Mon and boy were definitely involved as they had proof,how has that been clarified to that so called big error of them saying trying to catch the boy as he had run away and his dad saying he wasnt running but just going back to school......its all been cleared up allright and we know now? i dont think so.

    "Clarifications" - he wasn't on the island - it wasn't him on any video from the island, it wasn't him running -- as confirmed and further stated by police .... the same people you believe who said it wasn't blood on the pants. You selectively choose to believe and be ignorant to some things while latching onto things that have been shown to be incorrect.

    how dense are you? just become someone said he wasn't on the island, wasn't running, wasn't on the video, was at school, etc. doesn't mean it is so. these are the types of things professional investigators uncover - not cover up.

    of course it is him on the CCTV video.

  12. who says he was not on the island at the time? you?

    Police who investigated after initally accusing him publicly (without fear), witnesses in Bangkok, time stamped video, the university where he was taking a test, himself, his lawyer --- just what we know was made public and only made public because of the nasty and ignorant conspiracy theorists who caused such hardship in his life for absolutely no reason except he was born to a small island headsman and some people made up BS ... including BS the police at first believed. Absolutely no evidence to suggest he was involved or that police covered for him if he was. In fact his DNA was taken and submitted to numerous labs and police showed very clearly they were not scared to publicly name him as not just a suspect early on but actually express confidence he was involved after people falsely said he was on the island and fled.

    LOL "himself, his lawyer..." get real dude. who do you think was in the CCTV footage??? what witnesses in Bangkok? one was caught out lying as she was in Chonburi at the time as i recall. LOL "a small island headsman" with contacts all the way to the top...

    to date there has been no proof submitted that he was not on the island and did not flee.

    Proof has been submitted.

    where is the proof? it's a figment of your imagination.

  13. Please: What is the proper address to send to 90 day report by mail to in Chiang Mai?


    71 หมู่ที่ 3 ตำบลสุเทพ อำเภอเมือง



    Notify 90 Days

    Chiangmai Immigration

    71 Sanambin Road

    T. Suthep A. Muang

    Chiang Mai


    Use of our forums

    English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

    While we make allowances for members who do not speak English as their first language, we expect everyone to make an effort to post in a manner which allows others to understand their posts.

    what are you a moderator wannabe? good luck using your address in English. if your papers get lost in the post don't come on here whinging.

  14. Sjaak, Sjaak, doesn't your post perfectly represent what was stated in mine? Even official statements released by one of the slain victim's parents wherein they themselves utter that the evidence that was shared with them is convincing doesn't seem to get through to you?
    Ah so it's a done deal then, just because the parents of the victims say there is convincing evidence, we should all forget about a fair trial for the accused and carry out the punishment.

    Apart from the fact that these remarks could actually influence the fairness of the trial, I personally would like to see a fair trail commence in which this convincing evidence is brought forward.

    Until such time, calling the accused murdering rapist remains premature.

    It's however less premature than to announce to the world that these "poor boys" are absolutely innocent, a popular past-time on TV, and going against the parents request to grant them their right to privacy. I personally am appalled that TV has unfortunately not had the decency to respect their wishes, and ban the subject from the forum. Is it because it sells? Has TV turned into just another senseless paparazzi style publisher?

    This thread goes against all decency by allowing these insensible comments to appear inspite of the victims' parents' plea! Shame on you TV!

    No that is actually less premature, remember not guilty until proven guilty.

    From what we have been told so far, I cannot possibly believe these two are guilty and it indeed looks suspiciously like they are being used as scapegoats. Remember it's not so outrageous as it sounds considering the RTP have done this before.

    To be honest, I fail to see how any DNA evidence they might have could possibly be admissible considering half the island was walking at the crime scene.

    The RTP have only themselves to blame for this, no need to point at anyone else.

    I fail to see how discussing this case would violate the parents privacy. Banning the subject, yeah that would work, maybe they can ask the dear leader to do it, would suit him fine I guess.

    Anyway, if during the court hearing convincing, non fabricated evidence will be submitted that proves beyond any doubt that the two indeed did it, I will be the first to admit it.

    I personally find that unlikely, but rest assured these two will go down, no matter what, Thai Justice will be served.

    we'll have to see how the DNA "evidence" plays out.... remember it was the RTP that tried (unsuccessfully) to extract semen from the Karen tour guide in the Chiang Mai Jones murder case appx. 10 years ago. they tried to get him to masturbate and even did it for him in order to get his DNA inside the victim so they could frame him. when they were unsuccessful, they dumped him, after beating him, on the side of the road.

    in the West, a good defense lawyer would get the entire case dismissed on the first hearing of the trial or at a preliminary hearing based on the contaminated crime scene.

  15. KOH SAMUI: -- Two Myanmar workers……

    I know that people from Burma are Burmese and that Burma is now Myanmar. But I don’t like the phrase Two Myanmar workers that continually appears in the press. So what can they be? Does Myanmarese work? Or Myanmarian? Myanmarish?

    Anything else work?

    Two Myanmar workers – don’t like it – am over it.

    Continue to use the phrase Burmese. I consider the term Myanmar to be a nod to the multi billionaire, heroin dealing generals who still run the country, despite the excellent PR to the contrary. Nothing has changed, in any substantial sort of way, according to my Burmese friends, and my ex-pat friends who have lived and worked there for years. The US was convinced by the Chinese to drop the boycott, in order to allow the Chinese to buy cheaper supplies for their concessions there. It has all been a big show.

    not to get into a disagreement with you as I like your posts but every Burmese person i know proudly refers to their country as "Myanmar".

  16. Please: What is the proper address to send to 90 day report by mail to in Chiang Mai?


    71 หมู่ที่ 3 ตำบลสุเทพ อำเภอเมือง



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  17. There is no "grace period" on mail-in reports.

    Are you saying there is no 7-day grace period (after the due date) for the 90-day address reporting (and I'm talking about where you mailed it on the 91st day and it was processed at immigration on the 96th day)? How do you know that?

    There is no 7 day grace period for 90 day address reporting by mail and it is in a myriad of reports in the Visa section. Also from the immigration web site on 90 day reporting. I would suggest anyone is pushing their luck if they are posting close to the expiration date regardless of your past history of success.

    Send the mail before the renewal date 15 days to Immigration office

    Notice :

    - Your registered mail must be sent to the Immigration office at least 15 days before the due date of notification.

    - Your new form will be stamped as of the expiration date of your old receipt.

    - Please keep your receipt of your registered mail in case of lost mail.

    - Your document can not be processed if you have passed the 90 days limit. ( You must come to the nearest immigration office or Immigration Division 1 in person to pay fine 2,000 Baht)

    - Waiting for reply mail over 1 month, please contact Immigration Office with your registered mail receipt.

    15 days before is extreme (IMO) but better safe than sorry. like i said, i have sent mine in on day 90, 91, etc. a few times and it always goes through just fine (but i don't recommend it). i send mine in 4-5 days before now. but to each their own.

  18. There is no "grace period" on mail-in reports.

    Are you saying there is no 7-day grace period (after the due date) for the 90-day address reporting (and I'm talking about where you mailed it on the 91st day and it was processed at immigration on the 96th day)? How do you know that?

    that's not true. i have posted my report several times on the due date or a day after. always goes through just fine. but i recommend getting it there on time. i set a reminder on my yahoo calendar now and then i'm sent an email 5 days before to remind me.

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