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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. just be sure to use rong tabien (registered post) both sending and affix a registered sticker to the return envelope. do NOT use EMS.

    What's the problem with using EMS?

    takes about 5 days to deliver as it goes to main Lamphun sorting center first to be entered into the system.

    also if a EMS delivery is attempted on a Saturday when a business is closed, they will often send it back to Lamphun (again). twice this year they attempted to deliver EMS to my stock broker in Bangkok on a Saturday when they are obviously closed. ended up taking about 8 days each time to get delivered to Bangkok. registered post arrives in C.M. locations next day.

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  2. I went for my 90 day on a Tuesday 6 weeks ago and it was total chaos. Never seen it so bad, the place was heaving, it was unbearably hot, the seats are falling apart, people shoving and pushing between the seats and walkway areas, seems to be no queue system it`s every man for himself. I arrived at 11.00am and got my stamp at 3.45pm.

    i did my 90-day about a week ago. i handed the envelope to our postman... took about 3 minutes to prepare and about 30 seconds to walk outside and hand the envelope to the postman. couldn't have been easier. got the next date slip back in the post in about 4-5 days. wink.png some people will never learn...biggrin.png

    OK Oscar2 you have convinced me and think I am going to give it a try.

    I would like to ask you; how long have you been using the 90 day report postal option and have you received a date slip back every time without fail?

    i have been using the reporting by post option for about 8 years i believe?? or thereabouts.... i have received a date slip back every time without fail. the exception was the one time they suspended the option for about 3 or 4 months. perhaps this was about 2 years ago? i read that it had been suspended by reports from other members, right here on the TV C.M. forum so i had to go in and sort it out (like everyone else). as i recall the lady who did it at the time quit on the spot.

    just be sure to use rong tabien (registered post) both sending and affix a registered sticker to the return envelope. do NOT use EMS.

    i photocopy about 25 copies of my passport, visa, etc. and file them away. i always have all supplies on hand; i.e. envelopes, stamps, registered stickers, printed labels with Immigration address, etc. so every 90-days i just grab a set, put it together along with the slip and hand it to our postman. very easy when you have everything ready at home. no trips to the P.O., photocopy shop, etc.

    I might add that it used to take up to 30 days to get the new slip back, but over the last year they have become extremely efficient and it usually comes back now in 4-8 days.

    • Like 2
  3. ^^ Coachella valley really works for me a lot better than CM in a lot of ways but the thread is not about that

    You suckers can pay more for high quality food, choke on air pollution, be attacked by unlimited insects and brave the worlds 2nd most dangerous roads.


    No place is perfect as there are always tradeoffs. Will miss all the girls in miniskirts!!!!!

    right. didn't mean to derail the thread or in any way be negative about your future plans. hope you enjoy yourself. we'll be thing about you.thumbsup.gif best of luck.

  4. I went this morning to get a wrong stamp changed. Still took an hour. I had to go thru three underlyngs who insisted it was right before it got kicked up to a guy with a desk and he spotted it right away and changed. Place was packed. Is tomorrow Constitution day? and Immigration holiday? The nearby holidays might have figured in the crowding. I wanted to do a tourist visa extension also but a number I got meant afternoon so will go on another day for my last ever visit to Immigration!!!!! Yay. Palm Springs California will be my new home after nearly 10 years here. Loved living here but it's time to move on and Immigration issues definitely did figure in my decision.

    enjoy Palm Springs....hotter than hell....was a very nice place about 25 years ago. like everywhere else, it's over-grown, over-populated, over-built, and lost its charm. but California is nice indeed. hope to be visiting Calif. soon myself.smile.png

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  5. The family must be protecting the rich headsman son now too? This conspiracy has just grown -- thank god for the social media detectives to point our all the implausible reason why these two are not solid suspects and a rich the son of an island headsman, who was not on the island at the time, really did this.

    who says he was not on the island at the time? you?

    Police who investigated after initally accusing him publicly (without fear), witnesses in Bangkok, time stamped video, the university where he was taking a test, himself, his lawyer --- just what we know was made public and only made public because of the nasty and ignorant conspiracy theorists who caused such hardship in his life for absolutely no reason except he was born to a small island headsman and some people made up BS ... including BS the police at first believed. Absolutely no evidence to suggest he was involved or that police covered for him if he was. In fact his DNA was taken and submitted to numerous labs and police showed very clearly they were not scared to publicly name him as not just a suspect early on but actually express confidence he was involved after people falsely said he was on the island and fled.

    LOL "himself, his lawyer..." get real dude. who do you think was in the CCTV footage??? what witnesses in Bangkok? one was caught out lying as she was in Chonburi at the time as i recall. LOL "a small island headsman" with contacts all the way to the top...

    to date there has been no proof submitted that he was not on the island and did not flee.

  6. i believe this is the project that has been tied up in the courts for a couple of years. i don't think they got a permit for 25-30 Floors. i think many people got refunds because of a cloud on the title/improper title or something like that. it was in all the C.M. newspapers a year or two ago. sounds like a horrible concrete monstrosity.

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  7. i've never seen sliced turkey at Rimping, nor have I ever seen turkey burgers anywhere here or in Bangkok for that matter.

    actually now that i think about it i did see sliced turkey at Rimping once a few years ago but it was that horrible processed food product loaded with sodium this and sodium that, imported from the USA and carried a price tag of about 299 Bath for a 250 gram pack. it sat there for many days with no takers...

    i think you can buy real turkey from Bake and Bite as they cook it daily. i forget how much it costs, certainly not cheap. or you can buy a large turkey breast for about 650 Bath from Rimping and cook and slice it yourself - or get them to cook it for you. you could freeze portions of it.

  8. you might try Charin Pie. it's confusing as to where they are located now as they seem to move around for some reason. but a google search will get you their telephone number and point you in the right direction. their facebook shows 20 Nimmanahaeminda Soi 17, but other searches show as many as 3 other addresses.

    good luck.

  9. The report said the families back the police investigation,

    which police are they talking about, the Thai or the UK's? blink.png

    Use your head --- only one police department investigated the case and are involved in filing and bringing charges. The UK police just reported on and examined the Thai investigation and evidence the Thai police already collected. The statement is very clear in showing gratitude to the Thai police for letting the UK police review the case and to the UK police for doing so and reporting directly back to the parents about the strength and credibility of the case.

    that may be the way you see things - or your employer.wink.png

  10. At Ram you get excellent digital copy of the taken pictures as well as print out in good quality. At Rajavej you get a print out unless they have changed lately. English communication is better at Ram >Stiphat> Rajavej if that matters. Equipment Ram=Sripaht > Rajavej. No experience with Bangkok chiangmai yet.

    You get an excellent digital copy ? And what use is this to you? Perhaps emailed to friends and family ?

    I was wondering about that myself.

    I have another question how ever or I would not bother to post.

    What is the purpose of this procedure is there a need for it or is it just some thing every one should do on some sort of a regular basis such as getting a check up?

    yikes. not a brain surgeon eh? everyone should do this every 2 years or so after age 55 or thereabouts to check for polyps, colon cancer. catch it early great. i've known people with colon cancer. one of the most painful and miserable ways to go...

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  11. At Ram you get excellent digital copy of the taken pictures as well as print out in good quality. At Rajavej you get a print out unless they have changed lately. English communication is better at Ram >Stiphat> Rajavej if that matters. Equipment Ram=Sripaht > Rajavej. No experience with Bangkok chiangmai yet.

    You get an excellent digital copy ? And what use is this to you? Perhaps emailed to friends and family ?

    brilliant from you.

    so you can consult another M.D. if need be, and also proof of no polyps. get it now?

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  12. A second thought!

    I do not understand most claims for delicious cuisine in just about any mall! The discussion seems mostly to refect upon Dave and his enterprises plus international chain restaurants. That, when you think a little about it, is a rather limited impression of Thailand. Call it the "Condo and Mall Culture," perhaps.

    Back to food! In Kad Suan Kaew, if you appreciate Thai food, go to the second floor near the chain restaurants overlooking Huay Kaew Road. There is a small Thai restaurant on the right. But, I should add, you will probably have to wait for a seat during busy hours --- and many Thais do so quite patiently because they know a good thing.

    It seems that Thai food is an incidental consideration of most foodies on TV Chiang Mai. The urge seems to be to find tastes from "back home," an aspect of finding friends from the old sod with whom to chat and not really looking very much (except, too often, as a "problem") at where they are. That is understandable. Mother's milk, after all, is a lasting comforting taste! Of course, I would not be a fan of barbequed anteater ovaries, which I hear are popular among certain indigenous groups (maybe even in the hills!). But it should give one pause to reflect where one IS. After all, to have come all this distance!

    that small thai resturant on the second floor,is so popular with thais nearly impoosible to get a table,missus ordered take away from there recently,after 45minutes wating cancelled order.can not really understand why the not move to larger premises.

    believe its been there about 10 years. very popular with Thais.

  13. It makes no sense to me, but the KSG blue food court is ten times better than the food court at Maya.

    some trivia about this food court: the khao man gai/gai tod shop has been around for about 10 years and does on average 12K Bath in business each and every day. the khao ka moo shop is owned by the same lady with the large cowboy hat who runs a night take out shop near Chang Phueak and is referred to in numerous tourist guide books. she also owns the khao ka moo place in the food court in the basement of Airport Central Plaza. i believe she is a Burmese lady.

    food is 100% better than in Maya or Promenada food courts. but i like the other restaurants in Promenada.

  14. My missus has been doing my 90 days but presumably much easier to send off.....and she's scárily efficient.

    Presumably you have to send passport.


    Not that difficult, why not do it yourself? And EMS is not necessary. Just plain registration. Cost yesterday 40 baht for both envelopes. Not each.

    i would really recommend EMS it will give you peace of mind as you can track the progress of your documents also and i think more important that delivery was successful and also the name of the person who signed for it ok if you don't care and are not worried about paying 2 k for non report

    please don't listen to the cheaper ways of doing it be wise and cover yourself for every situation this way max postage 100 bht

    and zero grief

    don't use EMS. "rong tabien" (registered) is all you need and much more efficient. can see who signed for it as well. EMS goes to Lamphun 1st. can take up to 5 days. good for more valuable goods.

  15. Just ask to EMS both. Obviously you'll need to leave the envelope open so they can affix the bits & bobs.

    don't use EMS. it takes much longer and is more expensive. good for higher value items coz more insurance.

    ask the postal clerk for a sheet of registered stickers "Phratet" (for use within Thailand). there are 2 types, Phratet and International. you will need to show your ID for the stickers.

  16. Are you 'Mister Boxmaker' in disguise? Sounds good, although it'll no longer be unknown to visitors of course. Here's a tip for you, if you don't have a Thai driving license and thus have to pay to enter Wat Prathat Doi Suthep, hide behind a group of Thais to make it through their entrance. tongue.png

    Is there any topic, however positive or upbeat that you can't twist around to put Thailand or the Thais in a bad light?

    doubtfully. one has to wonder why he is here since he hates Thais and Thailand so much. what a wet blanket!

  17. The Japanese have had enough of Thailand, it's floods, corruption, lack of law and order, laziness, and unregulated businesses. Have you ever seen Japanese outside the Emporium area, Thonglor 55 or the factories outside central Bangkok in chauffeured cars and their country clubs? japanese never go around walking in Thailand except around Soi 55 and 24 clubs. They don't consider Thailand safe and very high risk. The Japanese are running from Thailand. They have had enough.

    "They don't consider Thailand safe and very high risk. The Japanese are running from Thailand. They have had enough."

    Sheer, unadulterated, Thai bashing nonsense.

    what they are doing is diversifying. opening operations in Myanmar too.

    we had some Japanese guests recently and they said generally speaking, on the Japanese news that Japan has taken a negative stance on Thailand ever since the floods.

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