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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. Oscar2, are you sure you heard correctly? How did you determine what documents the men were presenting? Did you see the documents? How did you determine the men were retired law enforcement?

    Also, you say, "perjury carries a penalty of a fine and up to 3 years in federal prison." Where do you get that?

    I've had things notarized there that had nothing to do with retirement income.

    When I've sat there, I've been unable to hear what was said to the person due to that weird "cone of silence" they use.

    You also state, "it's obvious that what is happening is what has been reported in other parts of the country - the beginning of the crackdown by the new government." Where do you get that? Do you really think the new government is capable of getting the US Consulate and US Embassy to verify income? As they say on the US consulate website, "To extend your stay in Thailand, Thai immigration might ask you to get a letter from us to “verify” your income. In fact, we are not empowered to do this. Instead, you may execute an affidavit in which you swear under oath or affirm your monthly income. "

    I, for one, am having a had time buying your story.


    Well, I just got back from the US Consulate to get my notarized income statement, and you can hear every word that is being said.

    They asked one guy what was his source of income and he told them and that was it. Then when it got to me, the man asked me, I told him, then he asked if I'd brought documentation. I said no and he rephrased the question about the income, this time asking for more detail. I gave him the answer and that was it.

    He took my oath and gave me the letter and told me to bring documentation next time, which I will do.

    no problem at all mesquite. i haven't bothered to reply to some of the posts people made. i was only passing on information. i don't really care if people believe it or not. makes no difference to me. and as i said a few days ago, i never saw any of the 3 men that day, actually pass their documents through the window/counter. they were only asked if they had the documents with them. it's just a sign of the times.

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  2. i am only stating what i witnessed the other day. i'm not in any way stating there is a an official change in policy.

    i had some business at the U.S. Consulate the other day that took about 2.5 hours to complete. while there i sat around a long time waiting. some of the time was spent sitting in the back behind window 3. as you know, you can hear everything that is going on... during that time there were 3 single American men who presented for their income letter. each of them was asked prior to taking the oath, specifically what the source(s) of their income was and if they had the documents there with them to substantiate their claim. now, none of them were asked to slip the documents through the window, only to show their file folders, manila envelopes, etc. the 3 men i saw were all able to immediately state their income sources (2 were retired law enforcement and had pension incomes), and the other didn't flinch and reported his sources from overseas business. all had their proof sitting right on the counter.

    it's obvious that what is happening is what has been reported in other parts of the country - the beginning of the crackdown by the new government. keep in mind that if caught and if convicted, perjury carries a penalty of a fine and up to 3 years in federal prison. people should consider their actions carefully.

    • Like 2
  3. Simple Green is great stuff! i used to buy it by the case for my business in America.

    they sell it at Rimping Promenada. i saw it there when i was there last about 10 days ago. about 395 Baht for a bottle.

    • Like 1
  4. does anyone have a recommendation of where to go to get gold jewelry repaired in C.M.? i've been to about 6 shops now that sell gold jewelry. when i ask about repairing jewelry they all look at me with a bewildered look and say "mai dai". when i ask where to go to repair jewelry i get "mai roo". certainly in a country that sells gold jewelry on almost every corner there must be the need to repair it from time to time?

    i need some simple stuff, like up-sizing an 18K gold band and repairing the eye on the clasp of an 18K gold chain. the kind of stuff that could be done in any jewelry shop in Europe by heating up the gold.


  5. just curious why some are charged 600, others 800, and even others 1000 for cleaning at Elite? i was going to go tomorrow and make an appointment. how much should i expect to pay to see Dr. Benjaporn? are there levels of cleaning available or different charges for different dentists?

  6. the traditional dancing at Khum Kanthoke is very good. food is good. a nice evening out.

    Galore food court dance shows are typically around 19:30-21:30, with breaks in between. nothing to write home about but for a condensed version - not bad.

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  7. i have to laugh at the Europeans 'feeling the cold' and running out to buy heaters to use for 3 nights or whatever. i lived in Europe for many years and never really felt the cold there, but this is nothing! at 6:00 this morning it was 13 degrees here. in Dusseldorf it is 8. in Prague it is 4. very comfortable now in London at 12.

  8. Rooms from 1,600bht/month, free wifi, shower heater, etc.

    250m from MaeJo University, 5Km from Tesco and Rimping, 8KM from Central Festival, 10Km from the moat in CM.

    attachicon.gif2014-12-12 14.47.14.jpg

    what an amusing thread! didn't realize there were so many cheap charlies around.

    buildings like the one pictured above located near universities are for student housing in Thailand. i doubt they would rent to single older farang men. it would be somewhat unusual and seen as downright 'creepy' by the landlord. we have a relative attending Mae Jo university who will be moving into a similar building. like most of these student housing buildings, there is a list of rules of what students can and can't do on the properties as part of the rental agreement; including the gates being locked by a certain time at night, how many guests allowed in the apartments, etc.

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  9. Stalk? Yeah they tend to stalk me and if one pays any attention they are interested in other men also.

    Maybe you don't look attractive to them but when I go to a mall they are trying to catch my eye. If a girl catches your eye after the first contact then it means they are interested in you.

    I guess some people don't understand that concept.

    I just give them my email or phone and that's that.

    Women like attention and if you slip them your email or # then even if they don't call you they feel good about themselves. They feel desireable and that is a big part of why women go to malls etc. They like attention.

    And have a card or piece of paper all ready to give to them so it's not awkward. Just say excuse me.. Call me if you like and give them the paper.

    Anymore fake moral outrage you would like to display BJ?

    So you actually take pre printed cards with your personal info, to the mall, to slip these lucky ladies and make them feel desirable?


    OP, if nothing else you'll find the CM nightlife (and malls) good for comedy, sometimes intended... sometimes not. But always there. Have not yet had a night out in CM that I would classify as grim (maybe a couple grim moments though). Bottom line with the diaspora of opinions - you're going to have to investigate and make your own call. Beautiful city and place to be. Best of luck. smile.png

    many, many long-time expats in Thailand have cards printed in Thai language with their contact info and they give them to ladies they meet. many get a good response; provided they are clean, physically fit, nicely dressed, etc. if the lady chooses to make contact, a conversation ensues (in Thai language) and usually a meeting is arranged to meet for a meal. what happens next depends on the chemistry.

    if you are obese, dirty and unshaven, wearing flip flops, and are a cheap charlie, can't speak a word of Thai even though you've lived here 10 years, then don't bother trying this!

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  10. have to agree. older, balding, out of shape, sweaty pot bellied farangs don't stand too much of a chance these days in Thailand. things have changed, the economy is strong, young people have quite a bit of spending money. many young, good looking Asian men come here with plenty of cash to burn. and yes, social media and electronic communications are where most of the deals go down -- and as has been said - you won't find much but some hill-tribes in dives unless you are ready to pop 5K Bath and more. in high end places in Hat Yai i't's not uncommon for Asian tourists to drop 10-20K on some drinks, ladies, etc. every night of the week. in the big mango - even more.

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  11. If you buy at RimPing you pay more - Get used to to it! It's a farang trap - It's designed that way.

    It's a trap! A farang one at that. Are the majority of Thais that shop there also ensnared? What bait are they using?

    lol what a joke! it's probably 80% Thai clientele there.

  12. the wife is an expert at finding things cheap at Rimping. she goes to Promenada, Mae Ping and Meechok and finds different things at different stores. she also knows a couple of the ladies who work there and often they will tip her off to some real bargains.wink.png if the deal is so good she will often buy (in the case of canned goods) 40+ cans. the other day she loaded up her car with Swiss Christmas chocolates, cookies, etc. for business associates of hers after checking prices everywhere she was certain she had a bargain. often items at Rimping are cheaper than Big C, Lotus, etc. we like YOK but you have to look quite hard to find a real bargain there. but sometimes they have something really good like Spanish olive oil for prices as much as 40% lower than anywhere else. they buy many, many cases and it only lasts a couple of days. we've been using the same batch of olive oil from YOK for about 2 years now.

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  13. have you searched the tracking both from Turkey Post and Thailand Post? there must be some info on one that is not on the other.

    yes, just present the number to the clerk at the box section. they will check on the status. sometimes post gets stuck at Laksi or Lamphun and they have to call and get it sent to C.M.

    I checked all tracking websites including the Turkish Post. Thailand Post doesn't find the Turkish tracking number.

    On the Turkish Post, I can see when it was mailed and when it supposedly left Turkey. I can even see the person who mailed it. That's where the tracking stops. There is no additional information in Thailand.

    When sent a register letter to Turkey in October, I was able to track it on Thailand Post from here to Turkey including the person who accepted the letter.

    then it has not yet arrived in Thailand. post from Russia, China,Turkey and Morocco can take some time to get here - 3-5 weeks. if it is not showing up on Thailand post, then there won't be much they can do to help you. they will tell you to contact Turkish post. give it time, the chance of a registered letter going missing is pretty low these days.

  14. have you searched the tracking both from Turkey Post and Thailand Post? there must be some info on one that is not on the other.

    yes, just present the number to the clerk at the box section. they will check on the status. sometimes post gets stuck at Laksi or Lamphun and they have to call and get it sent to C.M.

  15. So now we have 2 sets of 3 "guitar men"? I set of 3 that they questioned and released, and another set of 3 that they kept looking for? Sounds like they shouldn't have let our guitar playing friend Sean go (sorry - I meant to say - aided him in leaving) He might have been playing in a trio on the beach that night!

    It's a bit too convenient for me that McAnna was in bed the morning of the murders, esp in light of what he has said on FB - '

    'I know you tried to save her'

    And reports that he was witness to Hannah being hassled by the AC bar manager.

    So yes, he could have been on the beach playing guitar that morning. He could have seen what happened, or he could have been involved. Bar manager and policeman friend wanted him dead for some reason if McAnna's words are to be believed.

    And three Burmese men playing guitar on the morning of the murders would be perfect scapegoats for the killers. Easy to spread rumours if you are thick with the police, or a policeman yourself, and have money. The fact that the 3rd Burmese who I understand to be Maung Maung is not being held leads me to speculate that he may have witnessed the crime. It was reported that he went back to the AC bar at around 5pm to fetch a guitar. What did he see on that journey? Where is he now? Is he going to be remunerated to testify that his friends committed the murders?

    "I know you tried to save her"..........too convenient.......well yes indeed!

    What f* was he taking about? He knows? How does he know? He was sleeping as per his own statement, so how does he know David tried to save her? If David & Hannah were about to have sex and somebody hit him with a hoe from behind (which is the RTP version, correct?) then this statement of Sean does not make sense at all.

    If however the scenario is true he heard/saw something and got confronted with a nice stab wound in his arm with the message , "get the fuk out of here. You didn't see anything, you understand?!" as per Boomerangutang scenario that Sean's statement does make a lot of sense suddenly. In that case, YES, he knows David tried to save her (because he saw/heard it).

    BTW that wound on his arm was very similar to David his wounds. A motorbike accident? Is he serious? I think he had the guitar in his hand as he approached the crime scene (50 meters away?) possibly as a sort of a defense weapon (explains the blood spray pattern on the guitar) when he got stabbed. I think he ran away knowing what was going down there fearing for his own life (rightfully so). I also believe he must have recognized one or two (Mon?), this turned out to be a severe problem, the rest we know.......

    IMHO of course!

    that wound was probably from the stingray tail bone ring. it is identical to the wounds on the body of the Thai lady who was attacked by the gang member wearing the ring - who also tried to rape her.

    i forgot to say earlier that said rapist was [coincidentally] photographed with one or both of the murder victims at a party at one of the KT bars. i'm not going to look for it but it's out there.

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