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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. If the wife can eat day old rice left in a rice cooker and not get sick you cant complian, time you learned how to cook and feed yourself old chum.

    I see your point, but I enjoy eating TOGETHER, and there is no way I will eat old tasteless rice.

    Brown Thai rice at least has taste, but no Thai will eat it. Regularly I cook some, but my wife's face then tells a story.....

    My wife will only eat hand pounded brown rice. So I guess not all Thais eh?

    we only eat brown rice in our home too. wife won't touch white rice....kao neow sometimes...brown kao neow when we can get it. so yes, not all Thais.

  2. Wow. Thank you to everyone who have wished us luck. I was expecting a 50/50 split between the good and the bad.

    I suppose I have made her dependent on me but if we are to stay together that is, inevitably going to be part of it as I earn in a month what she earns in a year. And my lifestyle is one that she will grow accustomed to. However her determination to master English and get her dream job (in a pharmacy) tell me that she will have a measure of independence.

    She has never asked me for anything for herself or her parents (she doesn't have children) and will often go to the market on her way home to buy food, fruit etc from her money. Never asking for it to be repaid. She is clean and tidy and is always pushing me to teach her to cook farang food so that she can cook for me.

    It just shows that they are out there guys. How do you know when you have found a gem? That I don't know but time is the thing. Or is she playing the long game some of you will be thinking. If she is I will find out sometime and let you know. Otherwise I am enjoying the ride. And after the psychotic, insecure, jealous nutcase I had before, this is heaven. No stupid jealousy, sulking or walking on eggshells.

    i'm not trying to be negative but it's only been what 2 1/2 months? give it time and report back...i wish you all the best - sincerely.

  3. Anyone knows where Export 71 has moved to, if anywhere? I saw the whole building completely stripped a few weeks ago. (and they have decent clothes for smaller sizes as well, it's not simply the big size aspect that I'm looking for or need advice on.) Thank you!

    they have other branches around town so maybe ask around. the ones that i can think of at the moment are on the Lamphun Road, 1/2 way between C.M. and Lamphun, and one outside of Lampang. not too helpful but i'm sure there are a couple of other branches closer to the city. they are all over Thailand. several in Bangkok. they may have folded that location...

  4. There's a Vietnamese restaurant north of town (Meechok Plaza) that sells these baguette sandwiches for around 50 baht each. I don't know how it compares to the L.A. ones though.

    not even close! they are about 50 Bath each and lack most of the ingredients. you need about 3 of them for a meal as they are appetizer size.

    some very nice ones sold on the border of Laos near the large duty-free shop.

    • Like 1
  5. At the risk of sounding insensitive, I don't really care how fat the adult males get, as long as the women continue to look really good in a skirt. I do agree that the children need some guidance.

    the birds in this country are getting fat as pigs. at least one in 3 is obese now. 30 years ago you might have seen 1 overweight Thai a day.

  6. Hey just to be clear this is a promotion for Ragu. Someone's in the mall looking for a discount at The Duke's.

    Prices went up some 8+% so it was going to be close to a wash anyways...

    everything has gone up in Thailand. get used to it.

    and...the food at Ragu is absolutely fantastic. been 3 times now. hope to go again this weekend.

  7. so like everyone living in Thailand we get our share of snakes in the garden but rarely get one in the house. earlier today i went in the laundry room and as i glanced down, saw this snake about 12 inches from my foot!

    is this a banded krait? sorry for the lousy photo but my Cannon didn't have any battery so i used another camera. i usually don't kill snakes but was a little nervous about this one. it was about 18 inches long.



  8. 3 hour wait??? is that for real? it's mind boggling that people actually drive to immigration for a 90-day when all you have to do is hand an envelope to your postman when he come round your house. what is wrong with some of you people? why not free up the queue so that people who actually need to go there (re-entry, visa extension, etc.) don't have to wait forever for people who can report by post? it makes no sense to me at all. help each other, man.

    Go in there and learn. You make no sense the 90 day report personnel do not do the other services. They do 90 day reports

    Does it make you feel superior to keep blowing your horn about how it is so easy for you to do with the mail?

    you are obviously not the sharpest cookie in the jar!

  9. Any rabies in T'land? It's a big dog/human problem in some countries that harbor lots of stray or non-acknowledged dogs. How about mandatory rabies shots for dogs here?

    they had packs of aggressive soi dogs in Bucharest and other Romanian cities which had rabies and chased after people carrying home bags of groceries. many were bitten. some small children were eaten alive by the starving, rabid dogs. the Romanian government had no choice but to kill any soi dogs they found roaming the streets. thousands and thousands were culled. i think this was around 2005.


    • Like 1
  10. I know they had a soi dog cull in BKK when I think it was George Bush Jnr came for a visit.

    it was not a cull. government veterinarians shot the soi dogs with tranquilizer guns and moved them to a compound while Yingluck met foreign dignitaries in an outdoor ceremony. they were set free later in the day.

    • Like 1
  11. Thanks!... Can these be tracked via a website?... Also how much are they?

    you're welcome. yes they can be tracked here ---> http://track.thailandpost.co.th/tracking/default.aspx

    stickers are free but of course you have to pay for the postage.smile.png honestly it depends on the weight. i can't remember exactly the cost to send (about 6 sheets of paper + return envelope - sometimes 22 Baht, sometimes 25 or 26 Baht - use a gram scale and check the cost on Thai Post website), but the one-page return 90-day slip only costs 16 Baht, registered. affix 20 to be safe...

  12. I wonder if Immigration will reopen the smaller offices,

    over from the main one,where you used to do the 90

    day report before,it was quick and easy then,but parking

    is still the biggest draw back,

    I suppose we will have to go on suffering till/when/if,they

    get new offices built,hope they don't forget to have plenty

    of parking.

    regards Worgeordie

    you can't drop it in the post and help free up the queue?

    suffering? i never leave my house to do a 90-day'er!

  13. i too, recommend registered post, not EMS. in fact you can't do EMS yourself like you can with registered post. i just hand the postman the envelope when he comes round the house. i never have to even set my beer down when i "do my 90-day report". laugh.png with EMS, it's more expensive and you have to actually go to a post office, wait in queue....might as well go to immigration. the P.O. will give you registered stickers, 8 will last you a year. you do have to show your ID and sign for them. they will not give you EMS stickers. and...registered post is quicker than EMS because it does not have to go to Lamphun first.

    yes there have been times when it takes 3 or 4 weeks for the return but mai bpen rai as you can track it. i've never once had a return go missing in years.

    Can you post a photo of this registered sticker so I can show it to the post office clerk to let her know what I want?... Thanks

    sure. done.

    mods, if illegal to scan and post (even though number has been cut) please remove.


  14. i live fairly close to the OP's area and i too, have noticed an increase in vacancies of properties formerly occupied by farangs. most of these properties were occupied by missionaries but not all. on one soi alone i noticed 4 empty houses in the last 2 months or so, some of which had been occupied by missionaries for at least 8 or 9 years.

  15. Follow up;

    Went to Ram and asked for sleep clinic. They sent me to 4th floor room 5. The doctor saw me and asked if I had sleep apnea of snoring, I said that I didn't. He then sent me to a neurologist. I asked the ENT doctor why there wasn't a screening process so I could have avoided this ENT leg of my examination, he shrugged his shoulders.

    At the neurologist a young doctor said "nobody ever died from lack of sleep" and I replied that I'm not so sure of that however somebodies quality of life could certainly be diminished for lack of sleep. I asked for and received melatonin.

    Waste of the morning and 2,200 Baht.

    At Ram the doctors are getting younger, speak better English, prices going through the roof and results (for me) getting worse

    sounds like a complete waste of time and money for a scrip of Melatonin.

    • Like 1
  16. Interesting. I always mail in my reports (Bangkok) but have never registered or EMS the return envelope - just a 10 baht stamp. Never had any issues.

    I just affixed a 5 baht stamp as advised by the pinned information here. Maybe that's for the extra slow service. But now, after my experience, I've learned to wait at least a month after mailing for the return slip to arrive. Probably the late penalty would be waived if you have a registered mailing receipt to show.

    Sante, my 90 day is due 1 September and I was going to do this one in person until reading your post on the crowd you encountered. Based on that, do you think I could still send in my paperwork tomorrow (Friday) or am I maybe too close to the report date to do it by mail?

    still time to do it by post. i've sent it the day before in the past. there is a 7 day grace period.

  17. Went for my 90 day reporting 10 days ago. 3 hour wait with 70 people ahead of me in the cue at 2:15pm on Friday. Absolutely the longest wait I've ever had in the 7 years I've lived here.

    That many 90 day reports pretty much packed the building, not to mention all the other foreigners there for other immigration business. I don't blame CM Immigration. The 90 day desk was processing about 30 people an hour or one person every two minutes. They were busting their butts. Kudos.

    3 hour wait??? is that for real? it's mind boggling that people actually drive to immigration for a 90-day when all you have to do is hand an envelope to your postman when he come round your house. what is wrong with some of you people? why not free up the queue so that people who actually need to go there (re-entry, visa extension, etc.) don't have to wait forever for people who can report by post? it makes no sense to me at all. help each other, man.

  18. i too, recommend registered post, not EMS. in fact you can't do EMS yourself like you can with registered post. i just hand the postman the envelope when he comes round the house. i never have to even set my beer down when i "do my 90-day report". laugh.png with EMS, it's more expensive and you have to actually go to a post office, wait in queue....might as well go to immigration. the P.O. will give you registered stickers, 8 will last you a year. you do have to show your ID and sign for them. they will not give you EMS stickers. and...registered post is quicker than EMS because it does not have to go to Lamphun first.

    yes there have been times when it takes 3 or 4 weeks for the return but mai bpen rai as you can track it. i've never once had a return go missing in years.

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