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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. Check out the new post on facebook from the Thai Community!

    There is a new suspect who is employee of AC bar Nomsot and his uncle and seen with the victims.

    He is of interest because

    1.this man was one of the footballers who went to party at the AC bar which is the same night Hannah and David got murdered.

    2.he had left Ko Tao immediately and came back after the Burmese men were arrested.

    2. Has stingray tail ring that can inflict and seems to match the wounds suffered by David Miller, and Hannah Witheridge .. Pictures on CSI LA

    3.This ring is seen in pictures on his left side hand... the wounds are mostly on Davids right side and suggest a series of left hand punches.

    4. this man is of a size and build that may be able to overpower David.

    4. This man was accused of trying to rape Supannee Deighton two years ago and escaped him by jumping from a balcony.. you can read her story

    and see wounds she suffered .

    Burmese workers on the island are also starting to speak up and say they saw The headman's son on the island drinking till 12am with Sean the night of the murders..

    Im not saying this person did it or if what others say is true but it is worth looking at and forming your own opinion.

    The police should be investigating all these leads there is picture evidence and in some areas expert testimony.. If the police were not covering up for someone they would be questioning and investigating all these leads.

    Looks like the citizens are doing there job for them..

    interesting but one point is wrong. this "suspect" wears the ring on his right hand not left hand. otherwise some good points.

    • Like 1
  2. I tried this about 6 to 7 years ago with handycrafts and silk, had Thai contacts not only in CM, but also other areas, a website with shop and a sales channel in Europe.

    The problem than already was that your buying price here is too high, the Thai vendors already adept their price to foreign buyers, adding the delivery cost either by mail, courier or in some cases container shipping kills your business. You loose from retailers that buy big volume of often low quality or fake goods in lower price countries like China, Vietnam, India, etc. Prices in Thailand have gone up a lot since and Europe has less money to spend and the prices in Europe and the US have not gone up as much as here.

    Only if you can find a real niche market and can reach your customers with a good outlet you may be able to make some, but it won't be easy.

    spot on. about 5 years too late in the economic cycle for this to work. the wife has a number of websites and the oldest and most profitable site was exporting handicrafts and silk, etc. to Europe, Australia, etc. but prices have soared so high in Thailand in recent years, and Europeans don't have the spare cash to spend that they once had. for 9 years she had regular customers in France, Germany, Poland, etc. buying 100 pc. lots from her on a regular basis. she would buy in quantities of 1000-2000 pcs. each and get a good price up until about 2 years ago when suppliers began raising prices significantly. and of course shipping costs, packing supplies, etc. soared too. European and Australian customers of many years all but disappeared. she shut that website down about 8 months ago. sadly a lot of her stock sitting in boxes for a year or more mildewed and had to be thrown away. now her cousin loads up a truck once a month and sells the goods for whatever she can get for them at San Kamphaeng, Sansai night markets, etc.

    now 90% of her imports/exports are goods from China which can be bought cheap and often she pitches in with 2 other ladies and has a container come. much better profits... she started another business recently "pre-order" where re-sellers buy lots paying 50% deposit up front and when the goods arrive in Bangkok, they quickly change hands.

    the internet is filled with sellers who can't unload huge quantities of Thai handicrafts unless they give the stuff away.

    • Like 1
  3. Try Xatral xl 10mg available without prescription from most pharmacies. Priced from 1150-1400 baht for one month supply of tablets. Was recommended to me by a Thai urologist from Bangkok Pattaya hospital three years ago. Works great and lots cheaper than Flomax or Avodart. Good luck.

    i'm taking this medicine now for about 6 months prescribed by my doctor, with excellent results. absolutely no symptoms at all anymore. highly recommended. i pay less - 900-960 per month. very affordable and has the bonus of a Viagra like effect.

  4. UK summons Thai envoy to raise concern of backpacker murders


    The Samui Provincial Court is scheduled to hear testimony from a key witness to the murder case Tuesday. The witness is a foreign tourist who the court wants to hear accounts from the tourist who have to leave the country and would be inconvenient to recall him back again.

    must be the farang in khaki shorts and t-shirt with the woman with the blondish hair seen in photos and involved the crime scene re-enactment, no? reference was made to them a couple of times but nobody seemed to know who they were. interesting...

  5. Not going to read this nonsense. I know and every one else capable of thinking knows that England is only showing concern because the media is putting the pressure on them.

    they have no reason to disbelieve the situation as the Thai government has presented it to them but the press in it's endless quest to sell papers by printing negative news and many times baseless allegations and ignore positive things has put the pressure on them to the point where they had no choice.sad.png

    No reason to disbelieve!!!!!!??????? Are you for real??crazy.gif

    he's an elderly troll.

  6. But ! where did the "convicts" come from in the first place???

    Do we need to go through this Poms versus Convicts name calling exercise YET again? If so, can it be done on a separate thread and leave this one for something other than name calling?

    Mods, please?

    maybe ditch the rude comments about Queen Elizabeth as well. it's in poor taste and she's a fine lady. must be some poor, low-class peasants taking pot shots at her.

  7. I was speaking with a Thai girl yesterday who was already terrified of Ebola without really knowing how its spreads.Then I was thinking if somebody did or was rumoured to have Ebola in say pattaya how this would effect the sex tourist industry in pattaya.

    Maybe many bargirls would just leave to lessen their risk ,maybe the customers would stop exchanging bodily fluids with the girls so no money no work..maybe many tourist would just stay home.

    what a profound post, Joe...

  8. You may be right. I might have read here that he was Korean, but don't think I asked him myself.

    I btw usually went there for dinner, around 6-7 pm. Perhaps I was just lucky.

    right on the edge... i think last order was around 6:30 as they closed at 7:00. the new owners stayed open an hour longer. but it was not as good and i only went once under the new ownership.

  9. many moobaans in Sansai have no management at all. offices and guard kiosks have been deserted for many years. go to the tessabaan on the way to the post office. they take care of street lamps, trash, removal of beehives and so forth.

  10. Pure speculation on my part, but last time I was there, in June, the Korean guy was still there, but not in the kitchen. The burger was sloppy made (but tasted fine), and the menu was also considerably reduced. He mentioned somebody else was cooking and that was why the menu was reduced to the simpler things.

    I think this was not long after some lowlife here posted on whether there was any reason why he should not rat out the Korean to immigration for supposedly working without a work permit or something like that. Not that I ever saw him working there myself, of course.

    i'm fairly certain he was Chinese presumably from Hong Kong as he spoke with a proper British accent. i suppose he could have been Australian but i thought he was from Britain or Hong Kong. very nice guy. i went there a few times - way before June and never ever saw him in the kitchen. he was at the counter talking with people every time. anyways too bad but they had some flaws that made it inconvenient to dine there; mainly their strange hours of operation - open after lunch and close before dinner time.

  11. "I have been on a quest for the perfect bolognese sauce for 30 years"

    It's bolognese sauce not the Holy Grail wink.png

    Funny that as a result of that quest that he thinks the bolognese citizenry of bologna, italy that invented bolognese sauce and have been making it since the 18th century somehow make an inferior bolognese sauce to one that is found in chiang mai, thailand (of all places).

    Amazing Thaivisa.

    Funny thing that. I've been all over northern Thailand for the past twenty years but found the absolute best khao soi to die for at a street stall on a back alley near the Santa Maria Novella train station in Florence. Go figure.

    not unusual at all. other than a couple of ridiculously expensive places i've dined at in Bangkok, the Thai food in many restaurants in Los Angeles, California is much better than in Thailand.

    • Like 2
  12. I think what really happened was that the polish man came to Pattaya to meet a real lady and since this was his first time in Thailand he ended up with a ladyboy instead. He could not tell the difference so when the foreplay started , the polish man observed a hard stick rubbing against his jeans and he lost his mind completely. Probably a homophobic as well.

    that could well be the case. having lived in Eastern Europe for many years, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, etc. are extremely homophobic and most absolutely hate gay men. many are very naive about what goes on outside of Europe. i've seen Eastern Europeans make the mistake of hitting on transvestites in Barcelona and when they were ashamed, ended up fiercely beating the transvestites while fueled up on alcohol.

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