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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. There is a reason they are called controlled drugs.

    If you need them, a doctor can prescribe them no?

    And why are you all using valium by the way? I've never felt that anxious in Chiang Mai.

    jeeez valium has many uses, including chronic back and neck pain and muscle spasms. been around for decades. i've never felt any anxiety in C.M. either. but i have constant neck pain from an accident. ibuprofen helps some, ibuprofen + diazepam helps more.

    p.s. not really any of your business but...

  2. "He said they told him they had not used condoms while sexually violating the female victim, contrary to earlier police statements that sperm carrying their DNA was found on the outside of condoms"

    Let me help you complete the sentence:

    They insisted that they didn't wear condoms whilst they raped her!!!

    Sorry!! just realised, that bit was near the beginning of the sentence - do you not understand what this means?? surely you can't be that ignorant!!

    Why is each of your posts so full of glee? Have some respect you are talking about two murdered people this is not a <deleted> game show, there is no prize for thinking correctly about who murdered two innocent people.

    SICHONSTEVE is truly a heartless scum.

  3. WARNING - HEARSAY post.

    So, this is what the CSI guys have been hearing from folks on the island, please don't bite my head off for posting rumours, but in the absence of cold hard facts I think its interesting at least to hear what people who are scared to speak publicly are willing to whisper in secret, make of it what you will.

    Sean was indeed tight with Nomsod and family - he worked in their bar, we all know that much.

    People have alleged that both Sean and Nomsod are known to gangbang tourists, sometimes using date-rape drugs. Nomsod's English is not so good so Sean was a good middle man, as someone put it.

    We also know that Sean has a sexual offence in his past. I SAY AGAIN - I'm posting what I hear, if you DON"T LIKE IT then skip my post.

    Also, Sean is still alive because he uploaded a song to his Soundcloud page 4 days ago. I have already sent him a message asking him to speak out

    many people are of the belief that is exactly what happened.

  4. You can still get valium at various pharmacies around town. Ask for it by it's generic name.

    you can no longer get Valium (Diazepam). every pharmacy I used to buy it from told me that by law they can no longer sell it. i was in a very bad accident more than a year ago and getting anything was very difficult. even at the hospital where i went every few days the doctors would never give more than 10 at a time and sometimes none.

  5. Something seems wrong with the initial post.

    A married couple moves to a different country first and then asks questions of the most fundamental nature afterward? Something even so mundane as if appliances will work? I can't imagine that "starting a new life" would mean doing no homework before you made that jump. All the replies and more can be found online. Is this thread for real or was it just that someone was bored and posted to see what would happen?

    I doubt there is anything amiss...

    Some people are very cautious. Others more daring. Some are careful and study a situation before making decisions Others rely upon intuition.

    When I moved to California back in the late 60's, the only thing I knew about it was the names of some of the cities. We chose our route because of the TV show 'Route 66.' That took us into L.A. so that's where we stopped. We took the Hollywood Freeway because we knew that name. We decided to get off the Freeway because we saw a sign that said 'Sunset Strip. because we know the TV show '77 Sunset Strip. We were home. We lived there several years and enjoyed it all.

    When I moved to Japan, I decided on the move two weeks before. It took me one week to sell off the contents of my apartment and close out various accounts, say goodby to friends and family, and buy a one-way ticket to Osaka. I had read that name in a James Clavell novel. I wasn't going to be a tourist. I was moving there. I stayed 15 years. It became my home.

    Then decided to move to Thailand. We came with tourist visas. We shipped all our Japanese household goods via freight, to a holding facility in Bangkok, and flew to Chiang Mai. We had never been here before. Had absolutely no idea what it was like.

    We stayed in the Empress Hotel for a month. One day we'd go sight-seeing and the next we'd go looking for a place to live. We rented hired a car and driver to just drive us around and around for several days, looking at different environments. By the third week we knew where we wanted to live, found a house there, called the freight company and gave them the address so they could deliver our stuff, and we were 'home.' That was in 2001...

    Home is where you don't have to put paper on the toilet seats.

    nice post. sounds like you never had to worry too much about earning a living.

  6. The owner of Baan bakery does indeed have a brother and he trained him ,they are both Thai, The owner of the other bakery is called Chai.(he is also a tour guide). A first class chap. You are correct there is a Japanese connection the owner of Baan bakery wife.

    lol both the wife and i always thought he is Japanese and she is Thai (and my wife is Thai and speaks with her often!) she says she can't understand the man when he speaks Thai. she'll get a kick out of that. lol

  7. are you sure it's the brother of the owner of Baan Bakery? is the baker Japanese? just curious as i go there about 3 times a week and speak with the owners who are lovely people, every time, and they have never mentioned another bakery. also their wholewheat bread is extremely popular with Thais and Japanese. in fact so much that we have to now call our order in for w/w bread and sometimes have to wait 24 hours to get it. so it's a bit odd that the baker says it's not popular as it is no doubt their most popular item.

    also the pricing you mentioned for a loaf is odd as a loaf of w/w at Baan is 140 Baht.

    but it sounds good, regardless of who the owner is. thanks for the heads up.

    perhaps i read too much into the news...it could be a brother (if Japanese) operating independently of his brother's business.

  8. It's amazing that this guy's story has been picked up at all. Thaivisa actually had the journalistic integrity to remove his post yesterday morning as it was unsubstantiated conjecture. But the Mirror seems to find it newsworthy. The people who know Sean on Koh Tao have a very low opinion of him. He's definitely not right in his head. Not sure whether that's normal for him or if it's drug/alcohol induced. He didn't seem too worried about his safety last night (21st) when he drank himself unconscious and passed out on a couch at one of the local bars.

    His posts (since deleted from FB) are telling of his mental state. Randomly pointing fingers at local business owners and accusing them of horrific crimes without any evidence, doesn't attest to mental stability. Furthermore, he simply wanted to be in the spotlight. He was posting to have Sky News call him, but he doesn't have anything to add to the story. Instead, he's become a side-story. Seemingly, that was his intention.

    The guy in the photo is the owner of a resort just next to the crime scene. He was one of the 1st on the scene, so yes, he was filmed with the police and was questioned accordingly. The speculation that he is involved in the crime or that he is somehow a mafioso is at the least mean-spirited, at worst, it is libelous.

    The Koh Tao community is devastated by this news and we have the deepest sympathy for the families of the victims. We are also hurt that our little island is being viewed so negatively to so many. In fact, this type of thing happens at tourists destinations throughout Thailand and the world, but it is the absence of anything like this ever happening here before, that makes this story so shocking for us. We hope for a resolution soon and want to see justice served, but senseless media speculation and armchair investigating is getting us no closer to that end.

    according to the BK Post, your man that you speak so highly of, refused to provide a DNA sample!

    what i meant to say was that according to the BKK Post, the man you spoke so highly of [on Koh Tao Community Board] and assuming you are Claus or writing on his behalf, refused to provide DNA samples to the police - and the guy in the photo next to him refused to provide DNA samples too. i notice you were not as complimentary of him/them on your 1st TV post.

    the fact that the BKK Post (who obviously understands all libel and other laws in Thailand) posted the photos and the story speaks volumes. they also said his photo matches the guy running at the time of the killings in the CCTV video. they also made mention of an ear ring he is wearing that is seen in 3 different photos now.

    i too, think the Frenchman? Italian? Scot? is a nutter and probably a paranoid, alcoholic/druggie. but he may be the guy who has the info to crack this case open.

    • Like 2
  9. I think the shop in mention is just outside the TOT office on the 1st floor.

    could be. right in that same area.

    the only reason i replied was that i had just seen it on Saturday and actually thought about buying one because my back had been aching and had been driving a lot lately. but then i ran into someone i knew and got distracted and forgot about it. i didn't even get as far as asking the price. they had about 2 in stock as i recall.

    yes, they have those same kiosks at the enterence to Big C Hang Dong, Super Highway, Don Chan, etc. they probably have them all over, don't know. again, not the best of quality - probably Chinese made.

  10. As my father used to say "beggars cannot be choosy" so I'll take whatever I can find as long as it's beads, haha. Thank you for the discovery.

    I went to Pantip today but could not find a car accessory shop. it being Sunday though loads of shops were closed so I'll have another look around on Monday. Do you remember what floor it was on?

    quite certain it was on the ground floor. not a shop per se but a little kiosk type thing where all the people selling mobile accessories, men's shirts and so forth are located. there's a little one selling some car accessories.

  11. Oscar2 - Thanks heaps for the tip. Off to Pantip for a look around.


    just to confirm it was something like this correct?

    a little more primitive TBH. brown beads but did not have a nice frame/border like the one in the photo. not nearly as nice as that one.

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