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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. interesting thought. Central Festival has a helipad. at least the ice skaters that bang their heads on the ice can get a quick lift over there. hard to imagine that they let new skaters go on the ice without some type of helmet on. seen a couple of people bang their heads on the ice; one woman cracked it open and had a seizure right there on the ice. took the EMT guys forever to get there - and even longer for a nurse to arrive.

  2. Like every thing else I do I run against the norm. The older I get the more I enjoy Thailand and it's culture regardless of the law breaking. In a way I kind of enjoy that. I am responsible now if I get hit crossing the street when the light is red no one else. I failed to look and see if it was all clear. I enjoy what we would call jay walking back home it is legal here but even if it was illegal I would still do it. Not excited about trying to walk on the side walks but not complaining I just walk in the street.biggrin.png

    As for the nasty westerners forcing them to change the rules. No opinion on that. I am against them trying to change the culture from a family orientated one to a materialistic one.

    The point I am stating is if I know it is illegal and I do it and get fined I will not complain. I am totally responsible for myself. I got a package from the states today they charged me 490 baht on $79 of pills I had ordered. This was the first time in 4 shipments I am not complaining about it. I always knew there was the danger of going through customs. This time I am not sure what it was. They said it was a tax. At any rate I am not complaining about it and will order from the same company again when I run out. I take responsibility when I break a law even if it is a stupid one.wai.gif


    Where did you get the information that jaywalking is legal here?

    It was an assumption. Due to the lack of traffic lights it only makes sense.

    Is it illegal here also. As I said makes no difference I will still do it and if I get hit it is my fault.

    besides I just want to fit in with the crowd.

    Walk down Huey Kaew and look at the number of places where there is no lights or over passes yet they have allowed a break in the bushes in the center of the road to jaywalk.

    first he says that jaywalking is legal, then when questioned, he says "it was an assumption", followed immediately by "Is it illegal here also."

  3. i honestly can't believe people are complaining about having to have a driver's license, insurance, wearing a seat belt or a helmet and keeping a copy of the book in the glove box. those are the rules. driving is a privilege. unlicensed, uninsured drivers are a danger to society. follow the rules and you won't have to pay a fine. simple. just like in any other country. what's the big deal? 3 pages? i don't get it.

    Follow the rules mantra again.


    My not wearing a seatbelt, parking in the right place but facing the wrong direction, or not having a photocopied piece of paper in my car has no bearing whatsoever on your life, or anybody else's life.

    Furthermore, i want the choice to wear my seatbelt or not, to wear a helmet or not.

    Why should you try to deny me that choice by throwing out this 'follow the rules' stuff??

    Maybe you don't get it because it's not a problem to you. I bet you have some problems with life that i don't, and they would look strange to me?

    your fantasy of living in a society without rules will not work in modern civilization. there would be complete chaos and mayhem. people would be armed with guns, etc. i'm not sure where you came from but there are rules in Europe, America, Canada, Australia, Japan, etc. it's not so difficult to follow some simple rules here and/or abide by the laws. the most that can happen here is that you are fined a small amount of money if YOU CHOOSE to break the law. in some of the other countries mentioned, failure to follow the rules or breaking the law will result in large fines, loss of driving license, jail time, or even assault by law enforcement officers. you are obviously an intelligent guy but have a real chip on your shoulder about following the rules.

    i'm not denying you the choice of anything. i'm certainly not making any rules. and FYI i absolutely hate the police in some countries...like America. but i still follow the rules.

  4. Hardly weird. People wanting to drink and socialise, doing it on the road due to archaic 'laws' or interpretations of laws that turf them out of their pubs and bars at the ridiculous time of midnight.

    And tut tut, parking on both sides. That's against the law. Arrest the drivers, clamp their wheels.

    "Another interesting thing about this area is how people will, quite literally, sit in the gutter drinking a beer, having a smoke, happily chatting away, bless 'em."

    Having fun and enjoying themselves, who cares where you are when having fun. Especially when the brain is addled with booze, it really doesn't care then.

    I mentioned the parking on both sides not because it is illegal, which I was unaware of, but to highlight the fact that the road is consequentially narrow. The only point of my post was to query as to whether this behaviour has resulted in accidents, or possibly violence because of the flippant attitude the revellers had to drivers merely wanting to get by. I thought it was rude, but I could envisage some drivers, particularly if they've had a drink or two, getting angry.

    Normally people walk along the middle of the road, heading to Spicy, and if there is traffic coming in the opposite direction a toot on the horn is enough for one or two of them to move over, but last night they were camped out. The fact that they were ejected from CM Saloon and Sheryle's probably explains it, thanks Planetx.

    I don't know when you got your parking ticket , clamping or whatever Femi Fan, but it obviously still riles you. You really do need to get over it, it's beginning to make you irrational and paranoid. At a guess, you got your ticket on Ratchawithee rd and I just touched a raw nerve. Oops.

    it seems he absolutely hates any form of authority and can't stand rules and/or laws. i don't like certain things here or in other parts of the world, but i just follow the rules/laws of the country i'm in and don't get irrational or lose any sleep over it.

  5. ^ From your neck of the woods, walk down Soi 5 Thapae to Phanu Clinic.

    And I suggest Xanax over Valium, but they'll readily sell you either.


    Open in the evenings I think. Alternatively, and perhaps more cheaply: Suan Prung Hospital. As that's a psychiatric hospital it helps to state your ailment as fear of flying or anything else with the word 'anxiety' in it. (As opposed to Phanu clinic, where the only question to answer is how many strips you want.)

    a friend just told me the other day that they have been closed for some time but may be re-opening or will be re-opening but that some medicines will no longer be available.

  6. I think Thailand is tightening down on what is allowed to be sold here.

    I tried to buy Valium from a well known shop that has sold it to me for years- I can't stand flying without it. The woman said no, that is is "illegal" and was quite adamant about it. Thailand is changing.

    there are crackdowns going on everywhere in the country on everything. yes Thailand is changing. i hope the guy in the traffic ticket thread who hates rules/laws doesn't get wind of this thread!

    • Like 1
  7. don't think I've ever seen a coffee shop open at the time of the morning the OP is referring to. i'm only up at that time maybe 2X per year but have never seen a coffee shop open so early. mcdonalds is probably the best bet. i got coffee at mcdonalds the other day for the first time. not bad. 115 Baht for cafe late. little high price wise and was surprised to see so many students in there drinking such expensive coffee.

  8. i honestly can't believe people are complaining about having to have a driver's license, insurance, wearing a seat belt or a helmet and keeping a copy of the book in the glove box. those are the rules. driving is a privilege. unlicensed, uninsured drivers are a danger to society. follow the rules and you won't have to pay a fine. simple. just like in any other country. what's the big deal? 3 pages? i don't get it.

  9. 3. and street food is B30 a meal.

    seriously now, for 60-90 Baht you can get a decent meal.

    Sounds like someone is getting charged farang price and doesn't realize it. wai2.gif

    sounds like you haven't got a clue (or haven't got any taste buds). I don't know any Thais that eat 30 Baht meals off roach coaches. maybe a few years ago.

    • Like 1
  10. /Dumbo here. Pls clue me in on value of this service in T'land. Am aware of need in commie china, but here?

    If I want to use Hulu, netflix, or a myriad of other services I use in the US, I get the message "not available in your country" The VPN can be used to make it appear as if I am in the US and therefore can use these services.

    is that what Anonymox is? i was using it to access some U.S. sites that are blocked in Thailand. was working fine with a U.S. IP then suddenly over the last months it no longer works. i always get a message something to the effect "no available servers". any other similar services anyone can recommend to work with Firefox?

    • Like 1
  11. It also helped that I kept winning the halloween contest at Warm up, so I was given 12L of "whiskey" (100pipers is swill) as a prize and always had free booze hahahaha

    hahaha LOL love it! only in Thailand.

  12. 3. and street food is B30 a meal.

    LOL for 30 Baht you will get a small portion of the lowest-grade polished white rice with 'something' on top like some sauce with a piece of chicken bone or something that has been fried in recycled palm oil cleaned with bleach. just take a look at the price of food in the markets to know that any decent food at this price is a thing of the past. 30 Baht meals are what immigrant construction workers buy off of mobile lunch carts...

    seriously now, for 60-90 Baht you can get a decent meal.

    • Like 2
  13. The little cafe by Rimping in the new Maya mall has a nice breakfast set going:   Two eggs, sausage, ham, toast, orange juice, and coffee for a whopping 59 baht.    


    i think that would be the Aji Japanese restaurant - unless 2 places share one space? i've seen the signs on the tables for the 59 Baht breakfast. anyway for other than breakfast, Aji is a fantastic new place with very tasty meals at very affordable prices. but more than 59 Baht of course.


    • Like 2
  14. Alert as ever... I think you've caught me out on that one.

    Prince Mahidol probably didn't have any connection at all to the chaos of Chiang Mai. But I don't think I'm mistaken in linking him to The Prince Royal's College. As a matter of fact, I'm almost sure that he was the prince that the college was named after.

    He was, in all probability, descended from the kings of the Chakri Dynasty.

    Sorry for that bit of misinformation; and thanks for pointing it out.

    Well he did have some connection

    One of the first things he did when he returned was to set up scholarships for students in the fields of medicine, nursing, and public health. He was planning to return to Siriraj Hospital for internship. However, his princely status then became a problem as it was felt that he was too prestigious to be allowed internship. Undeterred, Mahidol chose another hospital in a more egalitarian environment – the missionary-run McCormick Hospital in Chiang Mai. He worked there, day and night, as a resident doctor. His patients fondly called him "Mho Chao Fa" ('Doctor Prince').


    There's a public room at McCormick that is said to house Prince Mahidol's medical equipment. I believe the statue in front of Maharaj Nakorn (Suandok) Hospital is Prince Mahidol. I had always assumed it was the King.

    some interesting history, photos, etc. in that little room up at McCormick.

  15. Check out ilikeHD you get most of the channels that TRUE,CTH, WEtV has

    plus a lot more, stream it from PC to Tv, easy if you have HDMI outlet on

    tv and PC, can be streamed other ways ,500 Bht pm ,easy to pay ,just

    buy TRUE money at any 7-11, enter code into pay page,max 15 mins

    and your off and running.has SKY sports 5 channels,US sports channels

    No paying for boxes,dishes,set it up yourself, and the servers are in BKK

    so works even if your Internet not so good, IPTV, is the way to go.

    regards Worgeordie

    Can't see Sky sports on the website wg !

    was looking for a channel line up but only get a log-in page. searched google but don't see it there either.

  16. 1. Mexican

    2. Italian

    3. Spanish

    4. Middle Eastern, Israeli, etc.

    5. Thai

    Thai can be tasty but lack of red meat, cheese and dairy makes it boring for me after many years. pad gaprow gai 5X per week...O.K...khao ka moo can be nice. also they grow avocados here in Thailand but i never see Thais cook with them. wonderful fruit...avocados.

    • Like 1
  17. OK - I give up. Never mind all the butter information - what the hell is YOK?

    Basically, it's a bakery supply store. 2 branches that I know of in Chiang Mai.

    Thank you.

    it's a really nice store, heavy on baking products but much more. haven't found anywhere better for olive oil and a number of other items. also really great selection of kitchen utensils, and overall kitchen supplies, etc.

  18. i remember this being discussed about a year ago as another member had the same question. in the end nobody had ever seen one here and could not offer any advice to the member.

    i've not ever seen a window mounted unit before in Thailand. i know they are popular in America but don't seem to be available here.

    they do have the portable units that you can roll around the house. not great but better than nothing. good luck.

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