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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. who on earth would move to Isaan??? is this for real?

    Who on earth would rent an over-priced, shoe box in Bangkok to call home?

    Apparently millions!


    you couldn't pay me to live in Bangkok but living in some place like Isaan would be hell.

  2. sounds like some of you people live among hicks and country bumpkins, eating animal guts on the floor. who would come all the way to an exotic place and live in the dust bowl of Thailand when you could be living by the beach or in the mountains?

  3. I think you are all missing the point that on Koh Samui, which is where the first poster is talking about, it is LOW SEASON, so there are very few tourists on the island. Roads are quiet and the restaurants are quiet, thank goodness. And whoever said Central is not for Westerners must be nuts. Of course it is at those prices, where it is and the types of shops!

    dont know why you assumed I was talking about Koh Samui in the chiang Mai Forum?? I wasnt.

    There are Central Festival Malls in a number of locations around Thailand.

    including Koh Samui??? the last time i was there there was nothing there..literally nothing but a few small shops and restaurants, beach bungalows and outdoor bars. that was a while ago....lovely place.

  4. Last week we went to the AIS office at Central Festival on a weekday and the mall was nearly empty. We then stopped at Big C Extra (old Carrefour) around lunchtime and the parking lot was full and the food court there was packed. Interesting that Central Festival seems to have had little impact on Big C Extra as close as they are to each other.

    We make it out to eat at Promenada every week or two and it kind of seems like it is getting better. Seems like they are slowly getting more tenants but it could just be my imagination.

    The last time we were in Maya a few weeks back it was nearly empty. It might be a bit more interesting when they open the rooftop bar/restaurant or whatever it will be.

    We also have been to Central Airport several times on weekdays lately and expected it to be not so crowded but it seems to be going as strong as ever. The downstairs food court was as jam packed as I ever remember it.

    Interesting that Central Airport and Big C seem to have survived the onslaught of new malls so well.


    and let's not forget Kad Suan Kaew which is doing just as well as it has in the past. KSK and Central Plaza Airport are where the real shopping is done. the others are for window shopping and hanging out, looking cool.

  5. I think you are all missing the point that on Koh Samui, which is where the first poster is talking about, it is LOW SEASON, so there are very few tourists on the island. Roads are quiet and the restaurants are quiet, thank goodness. And whoever said Central is not for Westerners must be nuts. Of course it is at those prices, where it is and the types of shops!

    there's a Central Festival on Koh Samui now?? i guess Koh Samui will always remain a wonderful memory for me as I'll never go back.

    "And whoever said Central is not for Westerners must be nuts. Of course it is at those prices, where it is and the types of shops!"

    LOL obviously you are a newbie. Central is for Thais and other Asians mostly; i.e. Koreans, Japanese, Malaysians, Singaporeans, and Hong Kong Chinese.

    • Like 1
  6. I'm surprised he didn't take a trip on the wild side to Isaan especially Kohn Kaen to witness their love of uncooked fish paste, despite exposure to the carcinogenic liver fluke. Mind you, simply adding field crab to one's somtam anywhere might also prove deadly over time.



    Oh well, may be next time.

    interesting TV link above. did you read the diet of one member in the thread? "I eat som-tam with home-made Palaa (raw fermented fish paste) and Poo Na Khem (raw salted fermented small black rice paddy crabs) probably 3-4 times per week. I also eat raw buffalo meat, cooked in lime juice. On special occasions I eat Roooo, that's fresh raw uncooked pig's blood in a stew of boiled pig's head (no pig's brain it's been removed). They add the blood at the last minute just before eating it."

    that is frightening!

  7. I'm surprised he didn't take a trip on the wild side to Isaan especially Kohn Kaen to witness their love of uncooked fish paste, despite exposure to the carcinogenic liver fluke. Mind you, simply adding field crab to one's somtam anywhere might also prove deadly over time.



    Oh well, may be next time.

    many people in Thailand die each year from field crab served in somtam.

  8. +JUst wondering why you foreigners need 2,000bht so badly.

    Let the hospital keep it, be charitable.

    and help pay off the debt of over 100K Bath racked up by one foreigner alone (to the shock and surprise of the entire Nakhornping staff). how many people could get away with paying 2,000 Bath in another country and pull off racking up a 100,000 Bath bill when this old chap knew well in advance he had major health problems. no surprise he hasn't shown up to make some payments [which he owes them now]. another one racked up a 10K (or thereabouts) bill and had the nerve to try and collect his 2K Bath! this plan was supposed to be for people who needed to see a doctor when they are sick, get some pills, and other routine care. not show up half dead and expect the Thai government to foot the bill for them. i heard from a reliable source that these one or two foreigners in C.M. alone broke the entire system for everyone else.

    • Like 2
  9. i too, suspect they were Russians posing as Ukrainians, and not Ukrainians. that is not their style. i spent 4 years with a Ukrainian woman and she would go 2 days without eating rather than let on to me or any of her friends that she had come up short in between paychecks or if there was an emergency or illness back in Ukraine she would send her entire paycheck home. same with all of her Ukrainian friends. of course there are good and bad in every country of the world.

    • Like 1
  10. Yes, Genuine it has to be....thats for sure.

    Think about it....1200 posts nearly in only a bit over 3 hours, and if everyone of those who read the topic gave just 1 dollar US, that kid would have enough to kick off with....36,000baht....

    But he and the money would need to be protected, from the other Brother and sister coming home for a share....thumbsup.gif

    weegee my pal i agree with you again,

    if there is money coming in you can garantee the brother and sister would suddenly want to be the carer,,

    I will admit, I am much more cynical about this than most posters on this thread. Do you really expect a 10 year old to be able to manage any serious amounts of money? Are not the older children (about which nothing is said, how many, what ages) sending money at least ? The 10 year old child, will probably have no idea how to manage any amount of money, as many adults here also do not know how to do. I guess getting a monthly stipend from "someone" would be best but not a one time payout. And regardless, can he/does he know what best to do with ANY amount of money? Would he think a wheelchair is best, or an ipad? And I am not trying to be rude by saying that. Would other people scam him out of the money ...like charge him 5 times the price for a wheelchair if he even would decide that it would be good to buy?

    Seriously, if this child has no person taking care of him, that is the ONE thing he could really need! A person with the whole family's best interest at heart, and then if they are given extra money, someone to take care of that also and make the decisions. Just sending some money, should not be the end all, and really will most likely do nothing to improve their overall lives. Somehow that money will end up "not in the right place."

    He needs a sort of guardian, and if any farangs are living in that area, and can manage that, are willing to do that, then that would be the best place to start ...then worry about what money is needed. I have also seen where people in situations like this write to the King, or the Royal family, or something like that, and often end up with a monthly budget sent to them, by those so very generous "parents" of Thai people. Maybe they just need someone Thai to get organized and do that on his behalf.

    And lastly, I would be worried that sending money through some other Thai person, such as a teacher, will incur a commission issue, which a person here might feel very entitled to take. At worst, all of the money could not end up with the family at all.

    I sort of wonder, why this is in the English press at all? Are there not Thai people who care about other Thai people? Is it in the Thai press? What about the monks in his area, they don't care about this? They can't drop off food every day from their takings, and maybe a bit of cash, or an adult to help support the child in his day to day life?

    From what I read, the School and the Bank are managing the money.

    Let's not be hasty and come to conclusions.

    My wife is a nurse for the past 20 years and has a lot of experience in these situations.

    She will get in contact with them tomorrow morning and I will let you know the outcome.

    Then it's up to you to decide if and how much to donate.

    Writing to the authorities will get you nowhere.

    As about the English press, it was first published in Thai in Khaosod.

    That's where I got the account number.

    you said in other posts that you were calling tomorrow to find out the situation. now you are saying your "wife" will be making contact. which one is it?

  11. Kids off school for one day; other than that everything is the same. Personally the effect of seeing soldiers around makes things feel more secure than when the (who ever could it have been targeting yellow side businesses?) were letting off grenades around town and police not interested to follow up nor catch anyone. Nice to read the media reports of all the illegal weapons, illegal logging, dodgey monks and other undesirables getting dealt with. Seems like the army are instigating a good clean up of many kinds of bad behavior and corruption. Hope so they pass strong reforms to break down the corruption rings and methods, institute good checks and balances and the like. Be good to have an audit committee made up from cross sections of armed forces, biz, and NGOs to check all spending in future; publish the budgets and accounts with full transparency. One can but dream. Look forward to seeing how this pans out. I'm confident it will be better than what came before. I am expanding our investing in Thailand and see this as a good buying opportunity.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    what a lovely dreamsmile.png got a nightmare for usad.png do the form over the last 50 yrs or so, corruption will be the winner , get used to it, and remember its a good life if u dont weakenbiggrin.png

    rubbish. the general is doing an excellent job of cleaning up the corruption and bad behavior that used to be swept under the rug. this time they are serious. try and be positive and supportive of the efforts.

    • Like 2
  12. Still trying to see a soldier, where I live in Ban Phai.

    Beer places, are open all night.

    Youngsters are only annoyed, with 7/11 closed at 12:00

    People used to go to bed, earlier than the curfew, and they still do.

    TV, still running, so I have something to do.

    The dogs are still barking and howling outside.

    Wish there was a curfew for them.

    Silk, business is doing the same, you got the usual tourists buses, blocking the roads.

    One thing has changed.......my wife tells me (she is an ER nurse) that because of the curfew there are less accidents during the night........so she can get some sleep.........


    Ban Phai???

  13. Troll. I cannot beleive that you are unable to distinguish between a ladyboy and girl at such close quarters after several meetings and even kissing.

    You should try the spot the Thai lady boy game I came across on the web one time, if they have had the chop, had the boobies done, took the hormones, I would challenge you to spot the "fake" sometimes it isn't easy to do....

    i can spot 'em every time. check the hands, the feet, the voice, the square jaw, the Adams apple. they are men.

    Spoken with the confidence of a very naive person.

    How about all the ladyboys with feminine hands, dainty feet, the feminine voice, the pixie-like jaw and the swan-like neck. I'm afaid you are ripe for a very nasty shock one day.

    rubbish. they are men. easy to tell. i'm not in for a shock as i don't pick up people and am married for many years.

  14. The only place worth settling down in Thailand is Bangkok, but it doesn't have a beach. It is relatively expensive, but there are some quiet places, even in the centre. Other places are good for visiting or even owning a holiday home, but for everyday living, Bangkok is number 1.

    Bangkok is a dirty, filthy, crowded, horrible place. you could not pay me to live there. advising newcomers to live there is crazy.

  15. Troll. I cannot beleive that you are unable to distinguish between a ladyboy and girl at such close quarters after several meetings and even kissing.

    You should try the spot the Thai lady boy game I came across on the web one time, if they have had the chop, had the boobies done, took the hormones, I would challenge you to spot the "fake" sometimes it isn't easy to do....

    It is almost always very easy to tell in person, but photos of the most beautiful katoeys in the country are a different story.

    Wrong, the adams apple gives it away, aND I KNOW that a few have had that shaved too, but very few

    right but you can see the small scar from where the incision was made.

  16. Troll. I cannot beleive that you are unable to distinguish between a ladyboy and girl at such close quarters after several meetings and even kissing.

    You should try the spot the Thai lady boy game I came across on the web one time, if they have had the chop, had the boobies done, took the hormones, I would challenge you to spot the "fake" sometimes it isn't easy to do....

    i can spot 'em every time. check the hands, the feet, the voice, the square jaw, the Adams apple. they are men.

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