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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. No I am not afraid to do the rite thing. I unlike you am not sure what the rite thing is. I was abused as a physically abused as a child...

    yikes, not only is TV your facebook but now this....tell your shrink...coffee1.gif

  2. As I don't go to malls often nor drink much but after watching Caddy Shack last night (there's a scene with Chevy Chase doing shots with the hot blonde) it gave me an urge to do the same (maybe a brunette here) so I wonder what are they asking for a bottle of aged?

    About 3300 THB

    Brutal. But it's a long way to the nearest pulqueria.

    indeed. i love that duty-free shop on the Thai/Laos border. i always buy several bottles when i'm there (which is once every 5 years).

  3. I had a battery replaced on Super Hiway 11 and 1006 and told them I wanted to keep the old one. They took it 4x, basically every time I looked away, and finally I had them put it in the back of my SUV and closed the back. After paying I came back to the car to find they had taken it out and closed the door behind them! I got it back and gave it to my gardner so he could sell for a little extra money for himself. Last time I went to a little shop on 1001 near Mae Jo and the nice young guy offered me 400 bht for my old battery, so like people all over the world there are good and bad, just nice to find the good ones.

    Yep; a nice little earner for the battery boys. Our local recycle man is offering 600 Baht for a used battery this weekend.

    Rather than start a new thread, can anyone recommend a place to sell a car battery? 600 sounds good of course. I bought a new battery and the battery dealer only offered 200 for the old one. Last time I sold one to a place near my house I'm sure I got double that. But that place has been leveled for development. Thanks in advance.

    Most of the recycle places will do. There is one on the MaeJo-MaeRim road, north side about 2 km from the MaeJo end, closer to the MaeJo end than to the river. That only helps if you live out there and I have forgotten where you live.

    that's very helpful as i live right there. much appreciated.

  4. Thanks guys. Doesn't look too bad for the one off , large transfers. Anyone have any tips for transferring smaller amounts (~$2-300 of THB)

    for small amounts up to around 6000 Baht i always send cash by registered post or EMS. i always enclose the cash in thick black paper inside a bubble or padded envelope. i read about doing it this way about 15 years ago and it has always worked for me. i send cash this way about 6 times a year and have been doing so for the last 16 or 17 years and have never once had anything go missing. i do this regularly to Germany, USA, Switzerland, Slovakia, and Japan. never lost a satang. whatever works for you....but this works for me.

  5. 300 THB for a TT x-fer to Europe or America? what year was that? i occasionally send over some cash to my partners in Europe and perhaps every couple of months send some cash to my USA account in order to pay my American Express bill and it has been 1400 Bath for as long as I can remember. (well it may have been about 1200 in 2005 or before.) i've sent from BBL, K-Bank and Thai Pannich. all the same fee. i just checked BBL website and it is 1550 Bath to all countries but Japan which is 2500 Baht. if you sign up for a special service ("for foreigners - salary repatriation" only) then it is reduced to 1350/2400.

    Welcome to the TV "I only do things the hard way club."


    300 if you do it on the internet, 400 if you do it at the branch...but 1150 if you want to pay receiver fees at the other end, which would be silly if you are using one of the many institutions that do not charge a fee to receive wire transfers. Not having a no fee bank account in the US is a common mistake, like for the people getting their SS checks deposited to BKK Bank NY. KISS...Keep It Simple, Stupid....

    there is no such thing as "institutions that do not charge a fee to receive wire transfers." in Europe. it does not exist. it is always 40 EUR, 40 CHF, etc.

    as for the USA aspect, i have not been there in 11 years and only have addresses in Thailand. not possible for me to open another account there. i'm not old enough for social security so.....1400 Bath it is...

    it's good to know that there is an option for people who go to the USA and have an address there. they can open one of the accounts you mentioned which will save a lot of money.

  6. hadn't heard that but there is definitely an immigration crackdown going on. when i came home Thursday early evening, there were 2 police trucks with their lights flashing, driving slowly around the village. that's a very uncommon sight where i am. the next morning while on my morning walk i noticed that the Burmese camp in the back of the village where about 12 workers had been staying for the last 6 months or so while they built 4 large homes was completely vacated overnight. everything was disassembled, and even the chickens and dogs were gone. as i passed by the homes which are about 70% complete, not a soul in sight and the cement mixers, wheelbarrows...... everything gone.

  7. 300 THB for a TT x-fer to Europe or America? what year was that? i occasionally send over some cash to my partners in Europe and perhaps every couple of months send some cash to my USA account in order to pay my American Express bill and it has been 1400 Bath for as long as I can remember. (well it may have been about 1200 in 2005 or before.) i've sent from BBL, K-Bank and Thai Pannich. all the same fee. i just checked BBL website and it is 1550 Bath to all countries but Japan which is 2500 Baht. if you sign up for a special service ("for foreigners - salary repatriation" only) then it is reduced to 1350/2400.

  8. I wouldn't buy here after the coup.

    You won't buy here because they are finally doing some thing about the corruption?

    That can be taken several ways.

    Any particular reason? do hope you are not saying you needed all the corruption in order to buy.

    I won't buy for several reasons and one of the main one's is I think the bubble is going to burst.wai.gif

    "....one of the main one's is I think the bubble is going to burst."

    People have been thinking / saying that for the last two decades; bubble-burst- seriously doubtful.

    "seriously doubtful." you gotta be joking.

  9. i'm not saying it is right to punish children at school, but as can be seen from the couple of videos posted it is a fairly common occurrence in Thailand. the wife's cousin was whacked a couple of times at school in C.M. with a bamboo stick (along with several other students) when she was about 15 and she was an excellent student. they said she and the others were disrespectful to the teacher.

  10. I know they happen as I have posted in detail about one instance . Two wrongs don't make a right and all that kind of thing as well as a good lesson for my children as what is accepetable behaviour, one that many need, and what's not plus how to deal with an issue if necessary. We have a no hitting policy between the kids, even my 2 yr old, unless it's rough house fun and we often play really hard incl. no pad full tackle Amercian football in the yard. Believe me when I say when Thai's see us they cant believe it! The boys don't cry unless they are hurt so they are building character too. I don't buy toy guns nor donwload violent video games for them. In turn I will be calm, at least in front of them, tomorrow.

    As I'm sure I'll need the teachers info to file any kind of complaint so I'll get it tomorrrow from both him and the administration with the intenention of filing a police report, if I do so or not is another matter as I feel a stern warning might be appropraite at this time (thanks AnotherOneAmerican).

    Sorry if I'm going on alot about this but I'm just a concern parent and trying to be culturally sensitve while at the same time not taking any bullhsit!

    Why are you afraid to go the police only that will work unless you get the teacher.

    Going to police is easier

    for one, the police would not give him the time of day as he has already stated he is not the father and not married to the mother of the child. under Thai law, even a biological father not legally married to the mother of his child has no legal rights unless there is a legal document from the amphur or the court granting him those rights.

    also i too would urge him to take a deep breath... making a Thai teacher lose face could backfire in many ways....

    • Like 1
  11. Yes hopefully the mothers will get together (not to be a sexist but just can see it more likely) if my GF initates the process. I'll suggest she talk to the other Mom of the boys my son tells us it happended to and the marks should still be visable on some if they are present.

    I'm looking for suggestions of how to deal with it from different angles but as of now since some adult laid thier hands on my son with violent intent I think heads on approach is approraite (and that's he's lucky that I leave his head on!). I'm a man of conviction not always to my benefit, but I sleep well with not having to wonder about the what ifs and I should of - could of thoughts.

    It's unlikely any Thai mothers will face down authority, police or threat of police is YOUR best option.

    Go and see the headmaster YOURSELF, your child has been assaulted in school and you are considering reporting it to the police.

    I've been there, done that, and the teacher almost pooped their pants when called in by headmaster to apologise.

    No repeat incidents either.

    If you want something done about this, you have to do it (a foreigner), Thais will not challenge authority (school, headmaster, teacher).

    right. teachers and doctors are seen almost as god-like in Thailand.

  12. You would be in a much better position if you had Thai parents join you in your efforts, if they won't that is a message.

    Alternatively think about how you might address the problem from a different angle rather than head on.

    agreed. the Thai father (or mother, or both) should be the one making a complaint. if you don't have a document from the court giving you parental rights then under Thai law you can't even address the issue. i would not get involved if i were you.

    • Like 2
  13. Interesting how upland minorities such as the Lahu and the Karen are so often evicted from pubic lands whilst Thai-Chinese are so rarely evicted in a like manner: e.g., Phuket Yacht Club, Phi Phi Island, the CP Group and Boon Rawd in Chiang Rai, the Four Seasons Hotel in Mae Rim, Shinawats in Sankampeng.

    did the latter posses narcotics and weapons and were they in national parks?

  14. Many good suggestions above… and i can only add, keep your eyes open and see what other people are eating. Many restaurants are specialty joints like the noodle soup places, etc...

    You might find that there are some spicy dishes which are ok for you and of course, in CM, there are plenty of Western supermarkets and foreign foods available -

    Enjoy the food adventure, keep an open mind and understand that even if you ask for some dishes not spicy [mai phet ] they might come spicy anyway as that is part of the ingredients already in the sauce. And often, it is not spicy for Thai people.

    he may want to be cautious if ordering moo hang lay. some places (like Jok Somphet) prepare it very spicy while other places prepare it mild. it is already prepared in advance (takes hours to cook) so asking for it mai phet may not be an option.

  15. All good suggestions but my favourite that our lass makes is called Palo or Moo Palo or Khai Palo

    All the same dish but called different in various eateries…..

    Basically its pork shoulder-shank (moo) with hard boiled egg (Khai) in a fragrant

    aromatic(not spicy) sauce made with five spice, (cinnamon, star anise etc…)

    Its cooked a long time so the meat just melts in your mouth and infuses all the gorgeous taste of the spices.

    You will need rice with it to soak up the sauce

    Ohhhh.....must have some tonight.

    Have a nice Day.

    khao ka moo.

    • Like 1
  16. Pad Thai

    Pad See You

    Cow Pad Gai

    Guay Diaw Moo Sen Lek Naam Sai

    Khao Soi Gai

    The above will come as a single plate dish, no need to order anything else.

    Below are a few dishes that usually come in a dish without rice, so you'll need to order a plate of rice (khao suai nueng jaan), although some can be ordered "laad khao" which means "over rice" and works out cheaper but you get less.

    Dom kha gai

    Gaeng Kiaw Waan

    Gaeng Henlay

    Dom Jued

    Pad Gai Med Mamuang

    Pad Gai Briaw Waan

    those are some good starters for a newbie although - to me at least -- gaeng kiaw waan is an acquired taste and once in a blue moon at that. can't figure out what dom jued means as the transliteration could be different. pad gaprow would be too spicy for a newbie. khao man khai (gai) is a really safe choice. just pass on the sauce they give.

  17. Anecdotal:

    The larger hotel chains are not replacing staff as they leave, occupancy levels are not good at all and budgets at at least three that I know well are being missed.

    My hairdresser (chang klan) tells me business is down, most of his/her trade is local not farang, he tells me that lock in parties at the karaokes (next door) are not uncommon and the army tolerates. Said hairdresser is happy to suffer however for the greater good and sees the cost as being worthwhile longer term.

    Tourist numbers at the Holiday Inn appear strong, the lobby is always full of Korean/Chinese plus a number of farang tourists in the gym.

    Seems like there's a surge in property for sale and rent, agent contacts have increased plus the sales boards at Rimping are overflowing.

    it may be for another topic but yesterday we went to an appointment on the Canal Road somewhere across from Prasert Land. as we were sitting there thinking how quiet it was we realized that construction on that huge multistory building next-door has come to a halt. the cranes had parts of them covered in canvas and there was not a soul anywhere in sight on the construction site.

    when we left we went back on the Canal Road and continued to 700 Pi road all the way to Sansai making a couple of stops along the way. we couldn't help but notice how many other construction projects have come to a halt and how many places have gone out of business on 700 Pi road just in the last 2 or 3 weeks. in a couple of spots we noticed 3 or 4 businesses side by side, all closed and some with for rent signs while the old billboards from the previous businesses were still in place.

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