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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. It rained early about 05.30 two days ago.

    My white scooter, Honda PCX, was covered in Black 'Splotches" when the rain dried .

    Proof that the Muck is still up in the atmosphere.

    Quite disturbing to think we are breathing this in.


    Depending where you park your scooter chances are the muck is coming off the buildings surrounding having gathered through the dry season. I see this with my pool and filter after the first few rains until it has been washed away.

    no the black spots are the muck coming from the atmosphere. when we lived in the city our house had no over-hang to cover vehicles. they were parked nowhere near our buildings yet after the rain there were black spots all over the vehicles.

  2. Around 2011 I was living at a seven story condo in CM. Felt the building shake, so I headed for the stairs. The entire building was vacating and we made our way to the ground floor in good order. However, 99% of the Thai residents happily perched them selves on couches and even the floor- with seven stories of concrete above them, possibly crushing them as flat as pancakes.

    I walked across the street to get away from the (potential) disaster. The Thais thought I was nuts smile.png

    i noticed quite a large number of Thais quickly heading down to underground parking lot at Panthip Plaza last night. that is the last place you want to be due to the pancake effect when upper stories collapse.

  3. Surface which I presume the longest time.

    I have sent big packages weighing 25kg 3 times to the US using surface mail.

    I also plan to ship large boxes.

    I have sturdy boxes of 63in/160cm and 75in/200cm. Are these dimensions within their maximum limit, assume they have limits?

    Should I reinforce the insides? I have to assume surface mail will get handled many times from Chiang Mai to the US East coast?

    With all the quake threads, I wanted to move this one back up.

    I am still looking for the answer to the above regarding large boxes mailed using surface mail.

    i can answer part of your question. yes you should reinforce the insides. you can use foam sheets available at most paper shops and measure and cut them to fit tight inside the boxes, first building the sides and then the top and bottom. then essentially you have a box inside a box that weighs close to nothing. the foam sheets act as very strong reinforcement. for any fragile items you should 'float' another box inside the larger carton, leaving about two inches on all sides, and top and bottom. you can use either soft foam or sturdy Styrofoam to build up the 2 inches around the box. be sure to get the boxes "strapped" at the post office.

    i've seen people shipping huge statues and wood carvings from Night Bazaar or Baan Tawai, etc. at the post office. i would imagine for surface (boat) the limits are much higher than air.

  4. i agree with the OP. i already got 300 Bath in reimbursement/rewards from Central Festival in only a few weeks of shopping there.

    but here's a tip: spend the coupon right away. i put mine in my wallet and a week or 10 days later when i returned to shop i removed the coupon from my wallet and it was a blank piece of paper, almost like the old trick of invisible ink. i mean there was absolutely nothing on the paper, zero, no ink. the manager came over and said that she had received a number of complaints about this and that they will look into getting better ink!

  5. it was very strong up on the top floor of Panthip Paza. Lasted a long time. Many Thais panicked!!! you could hear the metal roll down doors closing in seconds after the shaking started! people were bailing out of the building very quickly.

  6. you can go to shops here, select your fragrance from a menu, the clerk will bring up the formula on the computer and mix it up for you. cost about 160 Baht plus the cost of the bottle you choose. you will never tell the difference from the "real" thing. years ago the wife bought some French perfumes when she was in either Malaysia or Singapore - i forget now. then she went to a shop in town and ordered Thai versions. she put the fragrances on little cards and asked several of her friends which were "real" and which were Thai versions. not one person could tell the difference. if you want to waste your money on "real" versions that's up to you.

    Can you name a few shops that do this please?

    from a bottle i found in the house: Lanna Scenty Co., LTD. 053-326248-9, 082-8299518 www.fumesland.com (which i guess is the website from the parent company in BKK)

    Edit: here is the address and map to the place. appears to be right on the moat. http://www.fumesland.com/%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B4%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%A7%E0%B8%93%E0%B8%88%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%8A%E0%B8%B5%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%87%E0%B9%83%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%A1%E0%B9%88f13.htm

    i should mention that the wife gave me some bottles of men's cologne as gifts that she got from either this shop or others and i too, can't tell the difference from the "real" thing. you can also bring fragrances in and they will re-create them for you. she had a customer who liked the smell of the fabric softener they use in Thailand and wanted 10 litres to be exported. this shop (or the Bangkok factory) re-created the fragrance for her.

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  7. the site has been down pretty much every day for a few hours...sometimes into the night for the past month

    You would think a govt site like this would stay up longer than being down.

    it must be the server you are on or something. i can access the Thai Post website just fine. i just asked the girl who works for the wife giving shipping costs, checking the tracking, etc. and she also said not a single problem with the website and she is on it all day long.

    in Europe, most of the post offices shut their websites down every night for maintenance and to stop hackers from getting in. but Thai Post is available most of the night.

  8. In Mae Faek there is (or there was, anyway) a potato chip factory. I thought their potato chips were much crispier than any I bought in the big stores in Chiang Mai.

    What sort do you mean--frozen Deep fat fryer ones?

    I don't know anything about frozen deep fat fryers... They were potato chips in plastic bags and looked like you would buy in local markets. Whatever they were, I thought they tasted better than the name brands in Lotus, Big C, etc.

    those are a different variety of potato. they are in the same family as potatoes but they call them something else. we get them too. they are baked, not fried, and are much healthier (and less fattening) than the chips available in Lotus, Big C, etc. they sell them at most Thai markets. there is one city in central Thailand were those vegetables are grown that has an OTOP store for them and they are considered the best. i forget exactly where it was because i was asleep in the car while the wife was driving but she bought about 20 bags as gifts and they were fantastic! people queue up there to buy them. the only thing is that since there are no preservatives they have to be eaten within a few days or they go stale.

  9. you can go to shops here, select your fragrance from a menu, the clerk will bring up the formula on the computer and mix it up for you. cost about 160 Baht plus the cost of the bottle you choose. you will never tell the difference from the "real" thing. years ago the wife bought some French perfumes when she was in either Malaysia or Singapore - i forget now. then she went to a shop in town and ordered Thai versions. she put the fragrances on little cards and asked several of her friends which were "real" and which were Thai versions. not one person could tell the difference. if you want to waste your money on "real" versions that's up to you.

  10. Turn left past Suan Prung Hospital, there are loads of orange sellers along that road.

    They advertise 35 baht a kilo

    Have you been by there in the past few years. Most of the orange sellers were pushed out because the properties there got developed.

    they're still there, never left. but the oranges aren't very good. ocean brand are the ones we buy but this time of year you won't find them. now, mostly Chinese oranges available.

  11. Very sad.

    Many, many people believe the case to be a complete scam set up to relieve the innocent old man (almost 90 when accused) of his money before he died.

    Which was apparently done quite successfully.

    Far more believable, especially for those who followed the case from the start.


    i followed the case and have my doubts about his guilt. and i'm not one to have much sympathy for child molesters. but something wasn't right in this case.

  12. i don't get the bit "When I first came to Thailand, to meet my future wife, I was pleasantly surprised, to see her waiting in KK airport..."

    was she "mail order" or something? and forgive me, i've lived here many years but what is KK Airport?

    didn't you read anything about Thai culture before coming here? ever see any Thais kiss strangers at an airport? some people really should stay in their own countries.

  13. went there the other night waited 45 minutes to an hour even tho there were 6 people in the restaurant and when i complained about it they said i was "Jai Ron" not sure who the farrang are running it but i really hope dave goes in and sorts it out never really a person to complain on a forum and have been going to dukes restaurants for 10 years and never had a problem but i think it needs a mention so maybe something gets done about it the food was not that good they said to me the sauce would be thick but it came out like water .

    would really like dave to open in maya don't know why they pulled out .

    it could be that there is not much business in Maya. been twice now. the 2nd time there could not have been more than 120 people in the entire mall. won't be going back either. terrible location and access for a shopping mall.

  14. i hate to say it eyecatcher, but the finger in the rectum test that you missed was probably the most important test for a gent your (our) age! you didn't mention if you took a PSA test or not but even that is not as good as checking to see if your prostate is smooth or has a bump on it.

    next time, skip the beans the night before.laugh.png

  15. There is a popular punk style T-shirt in Chiang Mai that says "f... you nazi w@&kers". I've seen it worn by sweet 12 year old girls holding their mother's hand. Quite the opposite meaning to the hitler tyre cover , but much the same In that they are probably both unaware of it's meaning. Since they're not intending to offend then there is no need to be offended, especially if it's on someone else's behalf, ie if you're not a Jew or a nazi w@#nker. I'm not Jewish or a Nazi. The third option, depending on it's context, is a matter of opinion.

    a few weeks ago in Mae Rim Plaza i saw a young girl perhaps 11 or 12 years old, walking with her mother, wearing a black t-shirt that said in capital letters "All I want to do is party and F...". i couldn't believe it.

    as far as the Nazi issue is concerned, about 6 months ago a Fortuner SUV pulled up next to me and a very well-dressed Thai man who appeared to be in his 40's got out. When I backed up to leave the parking spot i was shocked to see a swastika on the wheel cover on the back. what's wrong with people?

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