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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. Was in Central Festival today. Fair amount of people. Lot's of kids. Went for movie pay my true bill and the food court which is nice but I didn't see a lot of people in it.

    I drift. When I went in the first store I saw had clothes and the signs were tremendous mark downs at the till.

    I thought for a t shirt at 300 baht they better have a tremendous mark down. That was a kids size. I was amazed at the listed prices on the big signs as I walked by it. If they are all that high priced I don't think they will do well. The prices they ask for in the night market are lower.

    Don't read Thai but the wife told me a lot of the restaurants were Japanese.

    it just shows how totally out of touch you are with what goes on in Thailand. some of those shops sell kid's shirts for 1600 Bath each and Thais visiting from BKK and elsewhere, as well as HK Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans are buying them. They are doing well. in Thailand it's all about impressions... those shirts are cheap for other Asians.

    the food court is fairly empty because it's the same cheap food available anywhere. Thais and other Asians who frequent there dine at the expensive Japanese restaurants while students are dining at places like Jeffers and BKK Grill.

    you need to be able to read Thai to know if a restaurant is Japanese cuisine??? wow you are out of touch! i guess posting all day and night on TV doesn't give you much time to see what's going on outside.

  2. i now own 4 router/modems; a Hatari, a D-Link and 2 X Cisco - (different models). the Hatari (from Maxnet 8-9 years) ago is junk. I think the best wired connection is with the Cisco's hands down. but we get the best wireless connections in the house and in the garden with the D-Link - probably due to the dual, robust antennas.

  3. It is very inadvisable to self-prescribe antibiotics for this and can lead to a host of long term GI problems.

    Your self-treatment thus far (activated charcoal tablets and rehydration) has been exactly correct. Continue it and you will likely feel 100% soon.

    If fever persists or there is blood and mucus in the stool see a doctor. Otherwise, carry on with the rehydration salts and charcoal.

    thanks. feeling better today and eating a little; drinking plenty of fluids. still some mild diarrhea but on the road to recovery.

    also was taking something that was very helpful called Kremil-S recommended by a friend who is a Pharmacist.

  4. No self prescribed antibiotic is required .

    If sick seek medical advice.

    thanks but i don't run to the doctor for every little thing. one of the great things about Thailand is being able to walk in to a Pharmacy and get what you need w/o having to go to a doctor first.

    • Like 1
  5. really tough situation. although you have a good attitude about things and seem like a decent guy, it was irresponsible to not be using condoms or b/c pills. you can't just assume someone you have only known for 4-5 months would be O.K. with getting pregnant.

    i too would not be 100% sure the baby is yours...

    • Like 1
  6. I got food poisoning on Thursday and have felt lousy ever since. endless diarrhea, feeling weak, dizzy, had the chills, (almost flu-like), stomach cramps, etc. i've been taking many carbon capsules every day, re-hydration salts, drinking lots of fluids and sleeping a lot. today was the first time i've eaten since Thursday. i had some boiled rice and chicken. i'm feeling a little better today and have more energy, but still not 100%. i still have diarrhea but much less frequent that the first couple of days. should i begin some antibiotics tomorrow? and if so, is Norfloxacin the one to take? thanks!

  7. 1500B a day plus fuel. Will take two days as they need to get back. Fuel about 4000B, so all in 7000B.

    1500? 3 years ago the minimum was 1700 a day (for Thais) for a newish <--than 5 year old van and safe, professional driver and prices have gone up. i would say more like 8500.

    i just bought tickets on both Air Asia and Nok Air for about 800 each way.

    You're splitting hairs but I'll bite.


    1500B including driver. And thats a business aimed at white faces!

    I booked 7 vans a few weeks back with another company, 1500B a van. Its been 1500B a van since I first rented one in 2007.

    I see how you came up with that figure of 1500. it's only for 12 hours. From the website: "(Working time is not over 12 hrs. per day (07:00 AM. – 06:00 PM.) and the customer can organize the time (if start before 06.00 AM. will pay extra charge, except the regularly service.)"

    we always book from 8:00-22:00 or 23:00 and they charge 1700-2000 + fuel

    so you are right and i'm right.

  8. I recetly installed a sprinkler system, looked around for someone to instal, but the guy who I met and talked too was not really interested

    In the end I bought Rainbird Control Unit, Rainbird pop ups and solenoids for the UK

    I thought generally the quality here in Chiang Mai was not that good

    I also purchased a Grundfos Pump and the main runs of the system are 1 pvc piping with 1 x 1/2 in for the pop ups

    You need to figure out how many zone,s you will have, water pressure and volume, in general you need min 3 bar

    there used to be free software you could download to plan the system, factoring in water pressure (big problem in Thailand) and at the end it would print out a list of all the parts. you need to use primer on the fittings (something they never do in Thailand).

  9. 1500B a day plus fuel. Will take two days as they need to get back. Fuel about 4000B, so all in 7000B.

    1500? 3 years ago the minimum was 1700 a day (for Thais) for a newish <--than 5 year old van and safe, professional driver and prices have gone up. i would say more like 8500.

    i just bought tickets on both Air Asia and Nok Air for about 800 each way.

  10. re

    Chiangmai Saloon has their moderate prices posted and they actually have a steady flow of customers

    hes right smile.png .. pic taken last month !


    But does the owner really need to sit out front every night looking like a customer?

    he sits out there and gets crocked. family members have to peel him off the bar stool and drive him home each night. actually, he is not a bad guy. i've had a number of chats with him and if he likes you he insists on buying the drinks. i think he just enjoys the social atmosphere. his family are all very nice people too. i used to drink in there fairly often but haven't been driving too much at night recently so i don't get into the city often.

  11. wonder why number one bar lost its popularity,at one stage he had two bars each side of the road doing great business,few times i go past now,one is a and massage place and the main bar is always empty,strange.


    Lack of girls?

    Although this is a chicken and egg thing; did customers stop coming because the girls left, or did the girls leave because not enough customers..

    Theory: Due to opening the second place on the river (Chill Out) some of the experienced staff went overthere and may have caused a drop in staff numbers / experience that caused a drop in customers, which in turn caused a drop in staff, then it just spirals down from there.

    Some of the long term staff also moved on, either to other bars or to move on in life (getting married, etc.) And there are no new arrivals to make up the numbers.

    And I can tell you why I personally stopped going frequently, which was actually before the decline. ( But then I'm different from almost anyone else when it comes to bar preferences. My main reason was that the place is a little over-managed, with very strict formats and rules for the staff. I personally prefer bars where something unexpected can happen. And maybe some of the staff also left for similar reasons (being over-managed impacts staff even more of course), at least for the contingent who now work in different bars. ) Maybe I'll ask some of them and find out for sure.

    A lot of foreign-managed bars suffer from over-management. Doesn't really work in this country and this industry.

    certainly no one ever went there for the girls did they? i frequented the Loy Kroh location a number of times and there were only plump, dark, Isaanites working there; less than attractive to say the least.

  12. i recommend Toro Brand pop-up sprinklers. made in USA but available in Thailand. they last forever.


    23/110-117, Sorachai Bldg, 25th-29th Floor
    Soi Sukhumvit 63 (Ekamai)
    Sukhumvit Road, Klongton Nua
    Wattana, Bangkok 10110

    Main Phone: +1 66 2 787 8400 Main Fax: +1 66 2 787 8401 Web Site: http://www.technology.jjsea.com
  13. Posts containing Chinese language have been removed, Thai Visa is an English language forum, English language is the only acceptable language, except in the Thai language forum where Thai language is allowed.


    Fair enough i will only post the english translation from the China Times newspaper...my question is why has this been removed from Mainstream Media and the US Embassy refuse to comment on the leak..The do not deny it or explain it. Surely a message heard from the US base of an Emergency SOS on short wave asking for permission to land is news worthy??

    "Furthermore, according to the US Embassy, at 2:43 in the morning, American military personnel stationed at U-Tapao Airforce Base received an emergency SOS transmission from Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370; the captain of the aircraft shouted that the cabin was disintegrating and the plane needed to make an emergency landing."

    2.43am thats 1.15mins after the transponder was switched off.

    that came from a conspiracy theory website. if it was true the whole world would be reporting it.

  14. if you can search in Thai, just pop the search in google. there are dozens and dozens of imported, high-quality car seats for sale in Bangkok. some have been barely used. some of the best brands are made in Japan and can be found for a little as 8,000 Bath + post. they would cost as much as 18-20,000 new. i only know this because my wife is in the business of importing/exporting children's accessories and i see her buying them all the time. she said the shop in Chang Phueak sells over-priced names that are not the best brands. some are complete junk.

  15. Dumb Question.....but why is Cheese so expensive here?

    Yeh, I know it is imported but even so.......

    there is locally made cheese but quite honestly you might as well be eating rubber. it has absolutely no taste whatsoever. i guess they don't understand the aging process and/or have cool rooms/basements like in Europe to age the cheeses. there's more to it of course. it's a skill.

    otherwise you answered your own question....it's imported. just like the crazy prices for imported fruits, wines, etc...taxes are passed on to the consumer.

  16. Thai's don't eat it and 'all farang are rich'!!!!

    i think if you peruse the cheese section at any of the stores you will see that many, many Thais do in fact purchase and eat cheese. even more so the case in Bangkok.

  17. found it open today after a number of previous attempts. very good burger and fried potatoes. didn't need cheese, salt, sauce, anything....was perfect just as served. owner and staff were all very nice. would go again. recommended ++.

    would have to agree with a previous comment. the fried potatoes have got to be the best I've ever had, anywhere, anytime. didn't even need ketchup.

  18. http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Nation/2014/03/12/Missing-MH370-Thai-Navy-may-cease-hunt/

    All the world is looking for the plane......but thai will suspend...blink.png

    As they should. Malaysia seems to be hiding information and has allowed countries to waste a lot of time and resources searching for phantom planes in the Gulf of Thailand.

    I agree. The countries involved in search in the wrong area should bill Malaysia for the

    wasted fuel and time...... At this point the interesting question becomes what is

    Malaysia trying to cover up ??

    Just an incompetent, nepotistic, third world nation desperately trying to save face.

    The lax security procedures at KLIA allowed what I assume to be Iranian hijackers to pass security with weapons in their possession, and Malaysian immigration completely dropped the ball in not detecting their fake passports.

    Malaysia more or less lets anyone in their country no questions asked. Security procedures at KLIA are a joke compared to any airport in a first world nation. I suppose being a Muslim country with parts of it under Sharia law they thought they weren't susceptible to being targeted by Islamic terrorists.

    unreal. it's already been clarified that the Iranians were not hijackers but young people seeking freedom in Europe. one going to Germany to be with his mother, and the other 19 year old going to the Netherlands I believe.

    that's not to say that there could have been others on board that were up to no good.

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