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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. apparently the new C.M. governor complained that he is not a "morning person" and wants the parade to start in the afternoon so he can be the VIP to start the whole thing. then the hill-tribes complained that if the parade started in the afternoon they would then get back to their mountain villages late in the evening and it is dangerous for them to be riding on mountain roads after dark. pretty much a Thai soap opera and up in the air last i heard. plenty about it on social media websites.

  2. shes the best looking world leader ive ever seen especially for her age

    she has kept herself in good shape over the years and looks better now

    than she did when she was slightly "fatter "

    perfect teeth ,good body ,nice smile ,posture and regardless of what people

    like to say shes probably pretty smart

    perfect teeth? joking right?

    • Like 1
  3. Posted Today, 11:13


    i am getting just over 300$ a month right now,

    ... According to many Thai visa members I thought you need 500$ a month to live in Chiang Mai..

    well that is true if you want to experience life as a peasant , you would be living dorm style or cheap condo,
    and for culinary delights I hope you like rice and vegetables.......300 will not cut it, 500 would be sort of OK
    for subsistence level, and it is not pretty....the whole 500 a month bollicks was started by somebody trying
    to make money from a website....to advise retirees to come and live in chiang mai on that sort of money
    is reprehensible. I feel sorry for any retirees coming and living here with such minimal means.......
    In theory I could live in America and retire if I wanted to live in a caravan and eat baked beans everyday...
    but I would not be advising that or expect to be paid for that sort of advice.....
    However I would advise you to save a little more money and learn as much of the Thai language as you can,
    It is a nice place for sure.....but if 300 was my budget it might not be so grand.......more like a nightmare really.
    Although it would certainly be an experience and i guess you can only gain from that

    Actually the article that he was referring to said $500 for accommodations and about $1,200 for living. Most people didn't bother to read the article. Just the first page about housing costs.

    what article? he was talking about the website. maybe senility? the website was actually 550 usd a month total and of course the guy got a fee and was also pimping girls to old retirees. but he has realized it is impossible to live in C.M. on usd $550 nowadays so he changed his scam to Cambodia and usd $650. and he's still pimping young girls to old men.

    • Like 1
  4. Bangkok is where you want to go. There are hundreds of sellers/buyers of rare and antique watches all over the place. couple of older Chinese guys here that sell mostly on the Internet. they don't pay good prices at all. in fact they rarely buy.

  5. I went to get a yellow book, recently with my Thai wife, and after being grilled by the head man about "why did we need it ? blah .blah ,blah.

    He also asked my wife a lot of personal questions which he didn't need to know .

    We decided to proceed and filled in the forms but on the second visit we were told by the girl on the front desk, very clearly, that we should place some money in an envelope with our documentation.

    We walked away..........Yes a yellow book is handy but now CM Imm has its act together I can live without it.

    that's ridiculous. i've never paid a bribe to anyone in Thailand and never will. i would have walked away too.

    • Like 1
  6. most of my thai friends are female.

    it is possible.

    there is always flirtation, and i have slept with a number of them all of whom remain good freinds after the fact.

    Anyone one who spouts truisms like "Thai girls won't be alone with a guy unless happy to do the bed thing." is either spouting nonsense or trapped in 1982 or earlier.

    i agree and have a number of Thai female friends.

  7. 30k baht a month from a 1 million baht investment? I do considerably better with no ties...to a country or tax system.

    Online is the world now and the overhead is negligible. Why even contemplate the stress of a Thai based biz?

    30k baht a month is really aiming low, what kinda life can you have on that? Just exist barely.

    he never said 1 million THB investment. he means considerably more as i understand it which is why the whole thing is ridiculous. why bother with the risk in Thailand when conservative investments will bring you 30K which i agree is a not a life at all in Thailand; only an existence.

  8. Forget all what other suggested and go for An Internet game cafe.i am a farang who also have opened an Internet game somewhere in Thailand and trust me you will not regret it. You just have to find a very good location (beware a bad location will ruin your shop) and you have to make something special in it and the idea is let the people or the kids see that it's run by a farang specialy of you are young the customers will like you and will come stay all day playing.go for 15 or 20 comp find a cheap shop for rent and make your self notice in where u live in so that many will move the story between others mean they will talk to others and speak about farang owning a game shop.like I said make it special with the decoration cheap and nice one full of colors and game posters all around the wall kids will love it and your shop will run much greater then you thought.at least that's what happened with me. If you need any help here's my name and phone number Shady 0851200118

    right....call a guy named Shady.....laugh.png

    • Like 1
  9. Dr Morgan in Hang Dong rd was also recommended on this site, and I've been seeing her for the past 18months

    She speaks excellent English, and you can make daytime appointments to see her.

    Her offices are just past TESCO supermarket on the way out of town, but on the opposite side.

    Oh really, Do you think I could phone & make an appointment? Thanks so much for the help

    Dr. Morgan is not a Dermatologist. are you looking for a skin doctor or an internist?

  10. I'm a member, as you call it..all that is is so your personal info is on site and you dont have to fill in details everytime you book...AKAIK no price deductions for such 'membership"

    I have been flying this route for years and i can remember promo fares for around the 890 baht, but not for a very very long time now..same as all AA routes, prices have risen sharply.

    Pleased to be proven wrong, but i can not believe that you can fly regularly for that price.[890 baht]

    no prices haven't risen 'sharply'. they have promo fares every week. you have to receive facebook invitations to get the good deals, my wife says. she always buys the tickets.

    we are flying to Bangkok in 2 weeks. here is what she paid for the round-trip tickets...729 Bath plus tax.



    3 Guest 2186.94 THB

    Airport Tax 600.00 THB

    Value Added Tax 153.06 THB

    Total 2940.00 THB

    we travel to Phuket often...and don't pay much..

    Interesting...what date is this ,out of curiosity? just so i can compare on my system thanks.[19th Feb is the earliest i can see that price]

    Also you say 'round trip'..presume you mean one way..

    we leave on the 13th. The price is ROUND TRIP, not one way.

  11. The OP is probably long gone.A lot of people that ask questions on forums need an answer for real time not for a week or two in advance. At this moment with no gimmicks on AA leave tomorrow return Feb 7 cost B10,104.80

    Too true.....and oscar2 info is misleading and inaccurate to say the least....

    huh? it's not my problem you pay more for tickets than we do. without the invitation for the promotion you can't get the rate anyway.

  12. Chiang Mai Land Road doesn't really fit the description in the article. When going from the airport to the night bazaar area there is a shortcut that I've been taken on by taxis. They turn left off of Mahidol Road by the B2 Airport Hotel, then go to the right of the hotel and up a couple of blocks and turn right on a long road that eventually merges with Chang Klan Road right

    I think that's See Ping Muang Road; I meandered down there this morning on my walk. First time I've wandered down there for some reason and I had to look up the name of the road on Google Maps when I got back. Lots and lots and lots of Thai-style bars, I was surprised by how many.

    As I was walking past them I wondered whether they have sleezy girls there at night, but concluded no for some reason (totally without thinking about this thread)

    yes i am sure that is where the author was talking about, Sriping Muang road, followed my Chang Klan. but things are changing on Sriping Muang Road. they have already demolished more than 1/2 of the shacks in order to build shop houses and many more are soon to be demolished. pretty sleazy area. one of the last cheap places to go for a night out on the town

    • Like 2
  13. flying is about the same as, or perhaps even 100-200 Baht less than a bus and much, much safer.

    wait...someone just said the bus is 1700 Baht. you can fly on Air Asia for about 890 Baht. takes 90-100 minutes. have done it many times.

    One week advance booking with AA return is 8,204.79B

    maybe you are not a member or something? we never pay more than 890 each way. been 4 times over the last 2 years. the wife usually does the booking but she is a member.

    btw, i just peeked on the AA website (no log-in) and checked for "One week advance booking with AA return" and the number i get is 5090.80 Baht. if you modify the departure date by 3 days, it brings the price down to 4160.79 (return). i'm sure if i logged in under the wife's account it would be much less. so you need to play with the dates a little.

    I'm a member, as you call it..all that is is so your personal info is on site and you dont have to fill in details everytime you book...AKAIK no price deductions for such 'membership"

    I have been flying this route for years and i can remember promo fares for around the 890 baht, but not for a very very long time now..same as all AA routes, prices have risen sharply.

    Pleased to be proven wrong, but i can not believe that you can fly regularly for that price.[890 baht]

    no prices haven't risen 'sharply'. they have promo fares every week. you have to receive facebook invitations to get the good deals, my wife says. she always buys the tickets.

    we are flying to Bangkok in 2 weeks. here is what she paid for the round-trip tickets...729 Bath plus tax.



    3 Guest 2186.94 THB

    Airport Tax 600.00 THB

    Value Added Tax 153.06 THB

    Total 2940.00 THB

    we travel to Phuket often...and don't pay much..

  14. it just looked nice to me, i want 2 storey house but with a wall around it and little bit of land to grow some stuff

    i would have a car, so 15 minutes drie to cm should not be a problem,

    i guess i will be looking, do you think somebody else will sell a house like this for 2 million?

    Dunno what the usuall prices for houses like that are in CM

    there are oodles of 'em for even less. but since you don't have a Thai wife and you are not Thai, it doesn't really matter!

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