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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. Well I don't come from England and am not sure what all that has to do with the Thai government stopping the health care plan for foreigners who come from the western countries.

    How ever I was talking with a friend yesterday and she said she had a friend in a motor bike accidence that was fully covered by the insurance she had bought at Nakornping Hospital. I had seen her friend Saturday so the accident must have been on Sunday or Monday. I asked if she was sure that her friend had not gone to Hong Dang and she said yes she was sure she had gone to Nakornping Hospital.

    I think it is as the moderator said it takes a while fo0r all the government to understand what they are supposed to be doing. Kind of like the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

    rubbish. once again you don't know what you are talking about. nobody would be covered for a motorbike accident under the government health care plan. if a motorcycle rider is in an accident and is uninsured/under-insured then he/she is totally responsible for the accident unless the other party was responsible and had 3rd party coverage. government health care plans do not cover vehicle accidents.

  2. Good to hear, I love Dukes, but I fear Maya isn't going to survive. With the exception of the movies and the study pit upstairs, that place is a ghost town. No one is in the stores or walking around with bags of things they bought. I hope it's not so, but it isn't looking good so far. Central Festival on the other hand is packed with people, many shopping.

    as has been said before, the real shopping is done at Airport Central Plaza and Kad Suan Kaew. the Central Festival, Maya, etc. are for window shopping, browsing, sipping a cup of expensive espresso, and standing/sitting around looking cool or for people to photograph themselves with their mobiles with a name brand sign in the background to later be posted on facebook. when you go to the first 2 places mentioned you actually see people carrying many bags of items they purchased. at the other 2, they buy a couple of Mrs. Field cakes or a little trinket at a 'boutique' so they can be seen carrying the little bag around proudly displaying the logo/brand name.

    • Like 2
  3. Actually, the IKEA idea is the soundest solution. Lowering rents only attracts the 2nd tier retailers and that would soon leave the area looking like the back side of KSK. The position is OK but it was always going to be a struggle until those developments along the main road get populated and the new owners have equipped their homes with the basics - who's going to be shopping for Labels before they do the curtains and matresses?

    What the city doesn't need is a major failure in any sector. Dent the confidence of all those people who paid 5% down for their off plan condo and many might just decide to take the loss rather than take on the debt.

    IKEA is an excellent idea but even as spacious as the mall is, it is not nearly big enough for IKEA. the IKEA i used to frequent in Europe is massive . there is nothing here in C.M. that compares to the size of the operation. a mini IKEA would not work. IKEA is IKEA (fantastic, successful company). i agree, a failure like that would put a dent in the confidence of investors. how long can they hang in there? can you imagine the electric bill each month? especially with the hot season coming up. what? several million Baht?

  4. Is it a case of anything that good could not last? sad.png

    i didn't see any for sale sign as others reported. but they seem to be lacking staff to run the place if the owner can't be there. there are just too many great places in town to go to have a meal w/o putting in so much effort. reminds me of one place in town that so many were raving about years ago. i think it was a pizza place or maybe even a burger shop i forget - that you had to phone the owner on his mobile and make an appointment to meet him to eat there! right.

  5. i've called on this place 4 times now including today, only to find them closed each time. today they did have a sign saying closed for an emergency - "hopefully open tomorrow" or something like that. one attempt may have been on a Monday before i read here they were closed mon. So 4 attempts to give them my business is enough for me. good luck to them.

  6. Agree that location is not the best for most in CM............for me, it is the most convenient mall and therefore my interest in seeing it survive. In the LONG RUN, if the [too many] moobaans on the outer San Kampheng road are successful then it may prosper and patronage from the expat population may help a little if they want to cater to us. Dukes and Fuji seem to be doing better than most of the way too many Asian restaurants on the 3rd floor and the food court has really been a flop because of the [high rent] and lack of business. We were there at 12:30 and there was only one other table with 3 customers and they looked like employees.

    Maybe lower rents would attract more vendors and a larger lunch crowd??

    right. seen the same thing at the food court when we were there the last 2 times. no more than 3-4 other diners at peak meal times. no doubt the food court will fail any day. the Asian restaurants are ghost towns. but Dukes has been completely packed each time we were there. looks to me like the hair salon charging 2500 Baht for a man's haircut is lacking business too. no surprise. and the pushy Israeli woman selling Dead Sea salt is beyond desperate. love Rimping there though! but it seems they have cut back on exotic stocks as well. somebody did not do their homework when planning this place.

  7. I know Ikea deliver up here because we spoke to their driver when he delivered to a neighbour in our condo. May be worth checking their site or phoning to find minimum value for delivery

    i like Ikea too and tried to order something. they said the delivery charge to Chiang Mai is 9,270 Baht. we called and asked if we could just wait until there were a few items coming up and split the charge and they flat out said "mai dai". not really worth it unless you are ordering a whole house full of stuff. if you look at their website and download the delivery fee schedule you will see the different rates.

  8. I went back today as well. The cheese section was like being back in France. The bakery and imported cold cuts. It's an experience to shop there. It's a real milestone for cm. What market is that. Is it an upscale version of an existing market

    it's Tops Market chain. another amazing thing there is that they give you money back! i also went back the other day to buy the same things (bread, cheeses and imported cold cuts). when i went to pay and presented my Tops card, the cashier told me to go back to the desk for my "cash back". i wasn't sure what that meant? so i went back and the woman told me i had earned 100 Bath is cash back bonuses! (i've only shopped there about 3 times). so she gave me a coupon for a 100 Baht along with a little box of Belgian chocolates. what a great market.

    • Like 1
  9. I have bought so many levels of beds here in CM over the years! Frames and mattresses. I think I started out with mid-level stuff for myself and my guest rooms. I quickly changed around mine, looking for softer, better, etc. After maybe 4 beds, and after I bought a house, I sort of splurged and spent about $1000 for a queen mattress from Index Living Mall ...an import, but forget the name.

    This year, I moved that into my guest room, and went back to Index Living Mall, after looking many other places, and got a King this time. I was pretty happy with my last bed, but since my daughter insisits she is going to be sleeping with me for life, and we have a few dogs cramming their way in too ...I just needed a bigger bed!

    This time I went all out and I think I may have purchased their most expensive mattress, it was about $3000. And I got a new frame, that has an actual "box frame bottom". It has memory foam and springs and who knows what is in there??? I love it and have had it for 3-4 months now? I also can't remember the name, or model, but if someone wants to know, I can go rip off the sheets and read it for you.

    I felt a bit guilty about buying that for a while, mostly the period before it arrived and I started to sleep in it. Since then, no guilt at all! That was a good decision and I would suggest anyone who can afford it, to do it! Well certainly, if you are like me and have some element of chronic pain in your life, this has made a big improvement for me.

    I used to not be able to lift my feet, up to my knees, (a common move when one wants to put on pants for example) for about 2 hours after waking up, and medicating myself ...and NOW I CAN, right away! I probably am sounding like I am old, VERY old, but I am still in my 40s and just have a few problems, obviously .... that's so sad isn't it! Well, nothing like big improvements to put me in a better mood!

    Before I moved to Thailand, I had Tempurpedic beds for at least 10 years and I have never been happier (well, bed-wise). This is the closest I have gotten to that with this new bed.

    Anyway, if anyone wants to know exactly what I bought, please let me know, and I will go look up the labels and post or PM you.

    my guess would be it's a Sealy Posturepedic. they sell them at Central for about 110,000.00 Baht. i saw a Thai couple buying one when i was looking at beds there a few months back. great beds. had one many years ago in the USA.

  10. Others I'm aware of had funds in plenty until a certain Australian investment fund was mis-sold to them by an expat FA just before it went down.

    Yes, migrant workers on pennies a week should have medical help, but a realistic charge per year for expats who've chosen to give to the country without taking anything out seems fair to me.

    regarding the investment fund; this is about the 4th time i've heard this mentioned. is there any links to reading material about this? anyone?

    some good points you raised mimithewoof. and i agree with you 100% about a realistic charge for a health care scheme for expats. we'll see what happens.

  11. Think this is MAINLAND Chinese. We here in Hong Kong cannot stand them either.

    Can take the Chinese mainlander out of the village, but cannot take the village out of the Chinese mainlander.

    definitely we are not talking about H.K. Chinese who are well-traveled and polite. it's the mainland Chinese tourist explosion we are experiencing in Chiang Mai.

  12. any one with a bit of sense should have realised that it was for migrant workers. It was not intended for expats to get multiple expensive operations or treatment for a couple of thousand baht a year. Those who did get a card took advantage of the system. There were many posts about this on TV including mine. which warned that it would not work out.

    right. of course. but as Sheryl has pointed out - the government is working on a more realistic plan for ex-pats and another for tourists. it makes sense as so many are uninsured.

    i doubt too many, if any, people had multiple expensive operations since the plan only went into effect in November or somewhere around there as i recall reading. government healthcare systems don't move too quickly.

    and yes, with the current political crisis, i'm sure it's waaaay on the back burner.

  13. Here is more info on the poll:

    A poll by Chiang Mai University in Thailand has showed that local people do not welcome the increasing number of Chinese tourists, reports the state-run China News Service (CNS).

    CNS cited a poll published on Feb. 17 which claimed that 80% of those surveyed said that they dislike Chinese visitors because they do not respect local culture and leave a mess.

    Visitors from China were criticized for talking too loudly in public, cutting in line, smoking, spitting and litter in the streets. Some 70% said peace and quiet are immediately destroyed whenever a Chinese visitor enters the house; 53% complained that the local government does nothing to address poor behavior on the part of tourists, and 30% said public order in Chiang Mai has been jeopardized because of the increasing number of Chinese tourists.

    CNS reported that Chiang Mai University has begun to ask visitors to show their photo ID or passport on entering its campus after a group of Chinese visitors spent a night camping on the grounds, during which they painted on the ground without permission.


    the Chinese tourists spent more than one night camping by the lake at CMU. they also sprayed graffiti.

    furthermore Khum Phaya and Khum Kantoke have been extremely disappointed with Chinese tourists who have defecated in the hallways and grounds of the this beautiful establishment presumably during the night.

    What are Khum Phaya and Khum Kantoke? Seems they might need some signage in Chinese.

    really lovely establishments owned by Centara Group (Central) - well at least the hotel/spa is. not sure if Khum Kantoke located on the same grounds is part of the group.located behind Big C Super Highway. hotel/spa is really lovely. khantoke is popular with busloads of Chinese tourists - some obviously poorly behaved.

  14. unreal...whatever gets you off...

    we saw the Cosplay characters at Central Festival last week. maybe they are the ones? about 50! teenagers and some even in their late 20's queuing up to take photos with them. honestly they were not very good. there is a large group in Bangkok that are quite good and even the Japanese were impressed who attended the convention last year.

  15. Here is more info on the poll:

    A poll by Chiang Mai University in Thailand has showed that local people do not welcome the increasing number of Chinese tourists, reports the state-run China News Service (CNS).

    CNS cited a poll published on Feb. 17 which claimed that 80% of those surveyed said that they dislike Chinese visitors because they do not respect local culture and leave a mess.

    Visitors from China were criticized for talking too loudly in public, cutting in line, smoking, spitting and litter in the streets. Some 70% said peace and quiet are immediately destroyed whenever a Chinese visitor enters the house; 53% complained that the local government does nothing to address poor behavior on the part of tourists, and 30% said public order in Chiang Mai has been jeopardized because of the increasing number of Chinese tourists.

    CNS reported that Chiang Mai University has begun to ask visitors to show their photo ID or passport on entering its campus after a group of Chinese visitors spent a night camping on the grounds, during which they painted on the ground without permission.


    the Chinese tourists spent more than one night camping by the lake at CMU. they also sprayed graffiti.

    furthermore Khum Phaya and Khum Kantoke have been extremely disappointed with Chinese tourists who have defecated in the hallways and grounds of the this beautiful establishment presumably during the night.

  16. (By the way, the policy was/is to cover all foreigners, not just farang.)

    Presumably the policy was/is to cover millions of minimum-wage Burmese/Laotian/Cambodians etc., not to subsidize people who have opportunities and assets these folk could only dream of.

    i'm sure that was indeed the case. some people took advantage of a legal loophole.

    • Like 2
  17. I just tried a mock booking on AA. Seems to me the only way you really save is if you are travelling with just your underpants in a backpack. Join the backpacker brigade. If you want to take one suitcase, you will end up paying more or less the same price as Lionair (5600 bt for 2 from CNX to DMK return).

    And LionAir don't b*gger you around with all the add-ons and "choices". At one point in the AirAsia "book-in" they will ask you to check the box that says [not accurate words, I no longer have it in front of me] "I agree to the insurance and to the Terms and Conditions etcetcetc". [my bold]

    Ok, so it is normal to tick the Terms and Conditions box, but I have never seen before an attempt to sell insurance AS PART of the acceptance of booking terms.

    5600 Baht for 2 X CNX-DMK return LOL. i paid 2940 Baht for 3 X CNX-DMK return AA.



    3 Guest 2186.94 THB

    Airport Tax 600.00 THB

    Value Added Tax 153.06 THB

    Total 2940.00 THB

    You need to learn how to use the website and get promotions, collect points, etc.

    great airline. we fly AA perhaps 6 time per year - cheap.

    As I surmised, you were just carrying your underpants in a backpack?

    huh? we packed for 3 people for a week. i haven't "checked luggage" in over 20 years when traveling anywhere in the world. great way to lose your bags and really be in a jam when you arrive at your destination! never "check" bags....bye bye bags....

  18. I just tried a mock booking on AA. Seems to me the only way you really save is if you are travelling with just your underpants in a backpack. Join the backpacker brigade. If you want to take one suitcase, you will end up paying more or less the same price as Lionair (5600 bt for 2 from CNX to DMK return).

    And LionAir don't b*gger you around with all the add-ons and "choices". At one point in the AirAsia "book-in" they will ask you to check the box that says [not accurate words, I no longer have it in front of me] "I agree to the insurance and to the Terms and Conditions etcetcetc". [my bold]

    Ok, so it is normal to tick the Terms and Conditions box, but I have never seen before an attempt to sell insurance AS PART of the acceptance of booking terms.

    5600 Baht for 2 X CNX-DMK return LOL. i paid 2940 Baht for 3 X CNX-DMK return AA.



    3 Guest 2186.94 THB

    Airport Tax 600.00 THB

    Value Added Tax 153.06 THB

    Total 2940.00 THB

    You need to learn how to use the website and get promotions, collect points, etc.

    great airline. we fly AA perhaps 6 time per year - cheap.

  19. i like Hero brand. made in Switzerland where most things are done properly.

    Yes they did a great job showing prejudice and racism against a certain lady called Ophrah...bittershoen!

    Wonder if Ophrah likes raspberry jam.....to keep on topic


    Ah..i see what you are saying....not the Hero Co. but an incident at a Swiss boutique...missed that news item.

  20. This is the 40bt bacon egg burger at the boat.

    Thick homemade patty burger pork or beef as a choice, egg come omelette, bacon,onion, lettuce, cucumber.


    Now the downside. You have a 90% chance of getting a complete drongo to take your order and "fubar"

    Today the girl came with order pad to look the part. As I was telling her what I wanted she was writing on the palm of her hand. I didn't want mayo on my burger. The wife afterwards said she can't write thai so will go to the kitchen with it on her hand and get another to write on the pad.

    Well burger came blathered in mayo and it went back, together with my wifes khao pad which had a rather unappealing curly hair in it.

    I think from 4 burgers I ever ordered 3 went back.

    So cheap but you need the patience of a saint with the staff.

    i like the Boat but don't order the beef burger. it's like eating the sole of a shoe. and if you order salad, tell them "no salad sauce" otherwise it will be completely smothered in that sweet white cream sauce Thais like. the only problem is that is the only sauce they have. so forget salad.

  21. Never really understood the whole salaried wife thing.

    Stop paying and she's gone, yeah, sounds like real love. rolleyes.gif

    i don't understand it either. i've never given a Satang. my wife's business pulls in about 35K Bath per month. she is careful with her money, invests it, etc. she never gives a Satang to relatives. if you have to pay money to be in a relationship then you are doing something wrong.

    Post picture of you and picture of wife.

    Without seeing both, we can't judge who should pay whom, or even Steven.

    actually i forgot about the 12K in rental income from her properties, so more like 47K. you're right, i should be getting an allowance.

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