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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. I would still like to know if there is any corroborated evidence of this from reddit:

    //removed foreign language//

    "Furthermore, according to the US Embassy, at 2:43 in the morning, American military personnel stationed at U-Tapao

    Airforce Base received an emergency SOS transmission from Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370; the captain of the

    aircraft shouted that the cabin was disintegrating and the plane needed to make an emergency landing."

    of course not. i believe that is from a conspiracy theory website. if true, the whole world would be reporting it.rolleyes.gif

  2. Seems to be two different people. The one in the alley appears to me to be slighter in build. The one on a stretcher has a brace on there neck which you would expect to find in an accident. It has been a while since I took a one day first aid course but I believe it is called a C spine splint.

    Also the clothing is different on both.

    wow brilliant to deduce that one, Sherlock. obviously you are not a Thai reader.

  3. and anyway, issan sausage is an odds on favorite for the spreads. got it 10 years ago and never eaten 1 since. last year i got full on dysentary after eating in a german restaurant in CM. what i left up the walls in a squat down public toilet was a sight to see so i called my mate in to check it out. he promptly threw up in the dirty sink. meanwhile another mate was just finishing up in the thai boxing ring and went to wash his face...............in the same sink.

    thanks for that. i got sick reading about your misadventure. this thread is deteriorating ...

    • Like 2
  4. i need to send a package to a colleague in Bangkok. The contents are worth in excess of 250,000 Baht. in a couple of weeks time, the package will need to be sent back to me. i ruled out the Postal Service as the maximum insurance available is under 10,000 Bath. I tried FedEx but they said intra-country service is not available at this time.

    so, what are any other options in which insurance can be purchased? thank you very much for any ideas.

  5. walking round my local area in the evening/at night i often see cats and rats climbing all over the street food vendors vacant stalls. i'm sure these surfaces are not hygienically cleaned prior to use the following day.

    i got terribly sick on delicious street food in Lebanon years ago. never again. i know i may miss some great tastes but i dont want that 7 days of freezing cold sweating fever, liquid pouring from every orifice, stomach cramped experience again.

    yes indeed. just the other evening while waiting on a friend, i was sitting at a table in front of a beauty salon that was closed. next-door was a outdoor-type restaurant that was also closed. there was a cat sitting by my feet looking for attention. all of a sudden i noticed the cat freeze up, shaking his tail and staring in the direction of the restaurant. i looked up to see what he was looking at and lo and behold there was a large rat climbing on the plastic drying trays where all the dishes had been washed before closing. Of course there was the typical dish cloth draped over the dishes as you often see in Thai restaurants but.......for sure those dishes won't be re-washed in the morning!

  6. I have noticed more dead birds, always pigeons since I posted this thread. I know the pollution and smoke particles at this time of the year are unhealthy for the birds. The pigeons seem to lose their power and reactions and they get squashed by the traffic.

    seen a more dead birds laying around the village than i ever seen before.

  7. just think like this: street food = animals that died at farm/factory, normally should be destroyed, but someone is selling them on the cheap and ending up in your bowl of whatever... never tought about those 5-10 baht meat sticks or lunches of 30 baht ?

    roadkill also comes to mind...anything that can make a buck

    they do not care if you do not come back, plenty of other hungry sheep

    some people go to small restaurant, see rats flee out of the place, cockroaches on the walls, and still enter....

    right. i've seen rats the size of small cats come out of restaurants in BKK yet falang backpackers still go inside. seen cockroaches everywhere in restaurants in Thailand.

    i never eat street food - ever ever ever. about 3 years ago an American friend was visiting. we were out drinking and he was hungry. we stopped at a street food place on Moon Muang and I observed the lady cook chopping raw chicken, pork, and seafood/shellfish on the same dirty wooden block without washing it; only wiping the block with a dirty rag. she would then scoop up the raw items and lift them up over to the wok, passing over the bins of raw vegetables on the way to the wok. just seeing that made me sick. i warned my friend that it looked dangerous and after having a few Sang Som with beer chasers he was "not worried". the next day the wife's family took him to Doi Suthep and Phubing Palace and we had to stop at quite literally every toilet between his hotel and Phuping Palace for him to relieve himself. at the Hmong village he was gone for a good 40 minutes while we sat in the car waiting. that was his first squat toilet in Thailand. that evening we took him to a clinic near his hotel as he was quite sick. i never forgot that (nor did my friend). all he remembered of Doi Suthep was the toilet! street food can be very dangerous.

    • Like 1
  8. Glacier truck comes around our moo baan in Suthep every Friday, delivers 19 litre bottles and also glass bottles.

    I want to get a cradle for decanting water from the bigger bottles; anyone know where I might find one?

    I was keeping an eye out for one for quite a while before finally coming across a (not very clever) stand/tipper at Macro.

    they are pretty much all made locally in the same factory. they last for a couple of years before becoming completely rusted. same ones sold at Makro as the plastic shops... Chiang Mai plastics........

  9. Yes Glacier is very reliable,have been with them since they started,I prefer the glass bottles

    24x500ml 56 Bht, ,and in all this time never had a bad bottle,delivery twice a week,Sat and

    Wed to me.

    Recommend them and really the water is very good, don't know how they can deliver for

    56 bht, theres a lot of work involved, cleaning bottles, filtering , ozonating the water, filling them,

    loading on to trucks,then delivery to your home.

    regards worgeordie

    about 8 months ago we received a letter in the post from the Glacier company saying that the 24 X glass bottles price had increased to 60 Bath and the 19 liter plastic bottle increased to 23 Baht. we have been invoiced that amount ever since. don't know how you are still on the old price. our guy comes only once a week so we stock up with 48 glass bottles and 57 liters (3 X 19 liter bottles). great service.

    • Like 1
  10. Aura is actual spring water. we used to get it delivered about 8 or 9 years ago as i recall. but i can't recommend the company as they are quite difficult to deal with, i.e. they [used to] only deliver every other Tuesday, if you are not home they won't leave it, drivers do not carry any change - you must have exact change only, changing your order to additional quantities or some large/some small bottles has to be done in writing to the company in Bangkok. and the water is expensive in comparison to the others. really a difficult approach to getting water. and to me it did not taste as good as other water. we also get Glacier and have been getting it for 8 years with no complaints. if you are not home they will leave water and collect the money the next week. easy to contact the driver by mobile and change the order any time.

  11. Hehe... we just unpacked ours to discover they're synthetic, not cotton. Oops--we didn't even think to check. Do you remember what part of the 2nd floor your shop was on? Was it near anything I'd recognize there? Might be worth going back for a cotton set and using these as the standbys when we're doing the wash. Otherwise we'll bite the bullet and order stuff from the west online.

    In terms of how long things last: I llive in Thailand, am part of an Asian shopping demographic now and have the appropriate expectations where price and durability are concerned wink.png

    why not just go to Central and get some decent quality?

  12. you can and will be evicted if you refuse to move out after a judgment of the court. you could also be ejected. i saw it once near where i live. just like in the West. a group of police including a foreign tourist police officer translating and speaking with the farang were conducting the eviction. a locksmith was present. the foreign tourist police warned of ejection. eventually the tenant surrendered possession. some dudes arrived and put all the guys property out on the street.

  13. Received an order from iherb last week, took three weeks to arrive, but no problems.

    I keep the order under $50

    If they want to keep it in Bangkok, then I wish them good health.

    My order was under $50 also. Had 15 orders prior to this with no problems. It is pot luck whether or not they decide to flag your package and if they do you might get a call to go to customs in Bangkok with an import authorization letter which I know there is no chance in hell of getting. As with everything here, there is no consistency on how things are done and when something does happen it usually goes against you. Time to make the big move I was planning to do last year. Adios.

    gonna make "the big move" over one <than $50 box nabbed at customs??? c'ya, adios....blink.png

  14. i just re-read your post. FORGET a bus. fly to one the airports and the mini-van will come and get you. couldn't be easier. why would anyone subject themselves to 16 hours+ on a dangerous bus? plus the time it takes to get to the pier, take the ferry, then take a songtaew to your hotel??? what's that 18-19 or more hours?

  15. very, very simple. fly to Don Muang or Suvarnabhumi. both airports have mini-vans that will take you all the way to Koh Chang! the mini-van will take you through Chantaburi (very nice) and then on to Trat where the mini-van will go on the ferry to Koh Chang and drive you right to your door of your hotel. and the good news is that it is very cheap. i forget how much exactly but very cheap. pay round-trip in advance for an additional discount. when you are ready to come back, call the number on the mini-van ticket 24 hours before-hand and let them know what time your flight back to C.M. is. they will tell you what time they will pick you up in Koh Chang in order to get you to the airport 2 hours before your flight leaves. they will even come to get you at 5:00 a.m. if necessary.

    i recommend Had Kai Bae. nicest beach there. forget the first beach as it's all Russians and very dirty.

    have fun!

  16. I thought this sounded familiar so I googled it. From Dec. 27 - Jan. 2 apparently the police did stop car traffic in order to reduce accidents. The songtaew drivers did not block the traffic.

    CityNews – Chiang Mai police announced today that due to road accidents during the New Year festival on the road to Doi Suthep, during 27th December 2013 until 2nd January 2014, only red cars will be able to use the road.

    So they stop cars from going up and force them to travel up with the worse drivers on the road? Excellent. Split 50/50 with police I'm sure

    again, not true.

  17. The drivers charge WAY more that normal if you are going to the airport or bus station. If you go to Airport Plaza shopping mall in a songteaw, it is 20 baht from Thapae Gate. If you go another kilometer to the airport, it jumps to something like 100 baht.

    has anyone been able to catch a red bus out of Central Airport Plaza for 20 in recent months? seems like they are charging 30 Bath now. twice we had the need to use a songtaew from there and every songtaew said 30 Bath, fare has gone up only from Airport Plaza - mafia asking for more?? every Thai, even students, wife's family included paid 30 Baht both times. not that i care about 10 Baht and use one every year or so but seems like the same thing that happened at Arcade station about 18 months ago - 40 Bath for everyone because guy in charge or someone at Arcade upped their commission.

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