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Posts posted by Smokemachine

  1. Why are they still wasting money to book trip to HK meet the big boss daddy? (opps, i forgot all are on taxpayers expenses).

    Anyway they have been emphasizing on election. They always blame the democrats are cowards and always lost the elections. All the ptp/ red shirts need is to have elections. They always know the CM red shirts and Issan red shirts will always vote for them, no matter what happens.

    The "majority" will vote for Thaksin and his cronies. Again and again, no matter what they do. Even they corrupted, abuse the system, bend the rules of law, defy the high courts, deny the NACC, the red shirts will still vote for them. This is the democracy they are talking about.

    We love Thaksin. we love Yingluck. We are the majority, we make the rules, we are "democracy". What ever you all have issues with our dear leaders, blah blah blah..... We still vote for them. We are still the "majority".

    What can you the rest do??

    This is the reality. This is the fact. This is the democracy we are talking about.

    Set a new election, vote and majority win. That it. Don't tell us what have they done. How much money are gone? How have they abuse the system? What rules have they break? What have they stealing from the nation? How much have they got from the country assets?

    WE (Red shirts) dont' give a <deleted> about it! We are the majority. We vote and we win the election. That's it. We make sure only we the red party win the elections and only us (the red shirts), no one else. We are talking about democracy, our RED DEMOCRACY.

    What can the rest do?

    They can fight an election on a platform which attracts enough votes to win a majority, and then form a government.

    We are talking about democracy. You on the other hand our constructing excuses to do away with democracy.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    They can fight an election on a platform which attracts enough votes to win a majority, and then form a government.

    Which platform? When the opposition set a rally stage for different views of opinions, their stages are destroyed by the red shirts. People in some particular provinces are warned not to link with any opposition party network.

    You on the other hand our constructing excuses to do away with democracy.

    Which group is actually constructing excuses to do away with democracy but building their own RED DEMOCRACY.

    How to attracts enough votes to win a majority and form a govt when they deny the freedom of speech from the opposition groups in the red homegrounds? Any common citizen will be afraid to against a group of militants known possessing Ak47 and m79 grenade launchers.

    A real democracy should consist of freedom of politics speech in any places regardless of any particular provinces. The people should feel freely to attend any color rally as they like and receive more informations and news from any political group, getting the facts and truth. Not some individual spinning grandmother stories. The common people shouldn't feel threatened or intimidated by any terrorist group.The people should not even worry will their family member be harassed or any bomb will throw into their house one of the midnight. Under this circumstance, it has directly affected the voting result and true democracy is been compromised.

    • Like 1
  2. How dare you all jeer at the red shirts!?

    Do you think the red shirts has disappeared?

    They will come and if needed, they will sacrificed themselves for the sake of the democracy.

    My MIL's neighbors are red shirt supporters and till now still are.

    They love Thaksin so much and hope for him to come back to Thailand and lead the nation again.

    He will come back one day. Many people will not like it but it will happen one day.

  3. Why are they still wasting money to book trip to HK meet the big boss daddy? (opps, i forgot all are on taxpayers expenses).

    Anyway they have been emphasizing on election. They always blame the democrats are cowards and always lost the elections. All the ptp/ red shirts need is to have elections. They always know the CM red shirts and Issan red shirts will always vote for them, no matter what happens.

    The "majority" will vote for Thaksin and his cronies. Again and again, no matter what they do. Even they corrupted, abuse the system, bend the rules of law, defy the high courts, deny the NACC, the red shirts will still vote for them. This is the democracy they are talking about.

    We love Thaksin. we love Yingluck. We are the majority, we make the rules, we are "democracy". What ever you all have issues with our dear leaders, blah blah blah..... We still vote for them. We are still the "majority".

    What can you the rest do??

    This is the reality. This is the fact. This is the democracy we are talking about.

    Set a new election, vote and majority win. That it. Don't tell us what have they done. How much money are gone? How have they abuse the system? What rules have they break? What have they stealing from the nation? How much have they got from the country assets?

    WE (Red shirts) dont' give a <deleted> about it! We are the majority. We vote and we win the election. That's it. We make sure only we the red party win the elections and only us (the red shirts), no one else. We are talking about democracy, our RED DEMOCRACY.

  4. If i heard correctly on one part during the rally speech that Thida is showing a picture of all the cars parking in the red rally and she said that it is enough just to see the total amount of vehicles park there. No need to see the actual amount of protesters. Just the quantity of cars will reflect the quantity of the protesters.

    People around me heard this and give the same reply. W.T.F???

    How will the amount of vehicles justify the quantity of the protesters?

    All the vehicles can be driven there by each driver alone in the car.

    So what she means is see those big long buses, wow so many of them. So we will count the capacity of every vehicle and considered that is the actual quantity of protesters?

    hmm.... ermm.gifunsure.pnghuh.png

  5. Seriously, i also suspect it is a judicial coup.

    Come on All the red supporters!!

    Let's invite the whole world and the international experts, lawyers to witness this coming court cases.

    Let the whole world know it is a judicial coup.

    Shall we!??

    And also invite Mr Thaksin back as well since he is also been framed for his corruption cases as politically motivated according to his words.

    We must bring justice to them. They are all innocent. How dare the rest make a judicial coup.

    The whole world must know they are been framed.

  6. What is the motive of this group of civilian army personnels doing there?

    Protect the people or target the people?

    Somehow some secret plan has definitely gone wrong down the road.

    The STR guards are reacting vigilant to any suspect due to past shootings incidents.

    Hope the injured guys have a speedy recovery.

    And the STR guards will gonna be charged accordingly with their actions.

    • Like 2
  7. Everyone are aware provoke or no provoke, the reds will use violence on others as and when they like.

    Look at the latest incidents. Did those victims provoke anyone? In the end got shoot down.

    In a session of voicing different opinions,
    debaters will shoot their opponents down with their eloquent words.
    the red side will express their uniquely gesture by shooting their opponents down with their adorable bullets.
    Chalerm: Not worried about violence during red rally.
    Yes there will be no violence. We know how peaceful are the red shirts people.
  8. I hope the more sensible group of RED shirts will advise your own red comrades about the consequences of using violence.

    Violence is definitely not the answer for anything.

    Not only you hurts other people, other people got hurt are also THAI people. And you red people will get hurt as well.

    A country will not just freely let any group of militant with deadly weapons assaulting other innocent party. When you decided to attack on others,

    be prepared the RTA will come out and take you down (again). Don't blame RTA again for any losses. They have never wanted to take down anyone unless been force with no choice. You leave them with no choice. When that happens, it gonna be chaotic. When shits come, remember is the RED terrorist leaders condoing violence and bring disasters to the nation, to the Thai people.

    All they wanted is just to destroy the Thai people's home sweet home.

  9. So the red shirts will come out fighting irrespective of any evidence that implicates yinglick. Even if the evidence is irrefutable and the NACC have absolutely no choice, but to find her guilty the red shirts won't respect that verdict and come out fighting. They say that yingluck is their democratically elected PM which is 100% correct, but does that mean she can act with impunity. Impunity is a word aptly used to describe the red shirts, not the PM. So the red shirts are really saying we don't care if she is guilty or not we will come out fighting. They are fighting not for, but against the democratic framework that is used throughout the world that hold people accountable…Don't forget that this is in the context that there is irrefutable evidence against yingluck.

    They are fighting for democracy yet after the NACC ruling the case goes through the senate. Again we have the democratic pathway being exercised and due process being shown. This is all done democratically, but the red shirts don't like this democratic framework, they don't like this form of democracy so they will amass a street gang of 200 000 people with access to 10 million weapons to disrupt this democratic system to ensure they can have there elected, no matter if guilty or not, PM running the country.

    Do the red shirts suggest Thailand turn their back on crime? How about giving the PM carte blanche to commit any crimes while Thailand and the rule of law turn a blind eye. Maybe the rule of lw should only be applied to DEM's and the PDRC and not the red shirts or the PTP. That is red democracy. They were falling all over themselves and salivating like rabid dogs (pun intended) when they thought the amnesty was going to absolve them, but stopped dead in their tracks when they knew the opposition would be absolved. They don't mind unaccountability if it involves them. Anyone else though is just not an option.

    So show your true colors red shirts and bring our your street gang to fight against the principles of democracy and remember that even if the evidence is absolutely irrefutable the world will be watching you disrespect the rule of law and revolting in a bloody brutal armed terrorist uprising that I am sure the US ambassador will see as violent as opposed to the peaceful PDRC protests she described last week.

    When you have 2 accused terrorists running the brutal terrorist organization then the outcome is already predetermined. They thrive on violence.

    The below is an indication of the respect they have for principles.

    "United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), say they are mustering recruits to be sent for military-style training"

    UDD principle #3. To promote non-violence as our modus operandi for all activities.

    Who would have thought a terrorist organization would have had principles and if they did is it any surprise that they break them…NO

    Democracy is about letting a government voted by the majority govern. Now if you are so confident the majority of the people are anti the current government, then support an election. If not stop posting your inane drivel about red this and red that. I myself am confident that the PTP will win any election whether now or in 1 years time. That is of course provided they are allowed to vote.

    Of course they will win again. Look at the red shirts. Does they really care about what is a Democracy?

    Does they care what has the PTP done? WHat has the PM done?

    No, they couldn't care less. All they know is they are gonna protect the Thaksin regime and keep voting for them regardless of any other things.

    Even the NACC has solid evidence impeaching the prime minister, the red shirts couldn't care less.

    They couldn't care less about the courts, rule of laws, integrity, responsibility, checks and balances.

    Democracy is about letting a government voted by the majority govern.

    So this is all about Democracy.

    Vote and the majority win, that it?

  10. Reuters put the numbers at between 30,000-50,000 at around 1pm. Didn't Suterp boast of 1m this morning speaking to the press. Go home. It's over.

    Yes you are right. YL is coming down.tongue.png

    It's over.

    Who going "home"?

    Those terrorist leaders are going to Bangkwang "home".clap2.gif

    Suthep may not get 1m but definitely surpass your communist group.thumbsup.gif

    How much is the crowd from the last communist rally?giggle.gif

    Go home.

    It's over.


    Can I help my fellow aliens to overcome your hate? It is so sad to read those contributions of the heart wounded. Let's chant the mantra...

    Luang Poo.......

    This will make you gay, do not thank me, just call me Mark!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    You talking about hate?

    Then you should go and tell the red supporters. How much things they have done hurting others?

    Their terrorist leaders always planted hatred into their followers and then the blind ones start to do nasty things.

    Save Thaksin regime at all cost even sacrificing their own Thai people.

    See how many the red supporters in TV condoning violence over the past violent incidents,gloating over the killings.

    The farmers once are their strong supporters. Without their voting, PTP is gone for sure. What did they done to the farmers?

    The farmers are right to ask for their rice payment. But they are been threatened by their own favourite party, the red shirts.

    You bite the hands that push you up to the top peak, you gonna fall badly and feel the endless pain.

    What i am waiting now is to see karma coming to them bit by bit.

    If Suthep is a devil, then Thaksin regime is a Satan.

  11. Reuters put the numbers at between 30,000-50,000 at around 1pm. Didn't Suterp boast of 1m this morning speaking to the press. Go home. It's over.

    Yes you are right. YL is coming down.tongue.png

    It's over.

    Who going "home"?

    Those terrorist leaders are going to Bangkwang "home".clap2.gif

    Suthep may not get 1m but definitely surpass your communist group.thumbsup.gif

    How much is the crowd from the last communist rally?giggle.gif

    Go home.

    It's over.


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