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Posts posted by Smokemachine

  1. Shut down the NACC do not allow them access to their offices, a proper response to the partiality of the Thai court system. The Red shirt can also be peaceful protesters!

    How fitting!!!


    Yes,that right! lock up the offices so that they can't investigate any corruption charges anymore.

    Mdm Yingluck also no need to come to face her charges.

    Yipeeee hooray!!!!

    We are the democracy!!

    Suthep is a fascist! They are anti-democracy.


  2. Come on la! Keep hiding in the north doesn't solve anything. You can ignore the political stuff but can you ignore the corruption cases?

    Once you ignore the hearing, high chances of the public will take it as guilty. If you are innocent and as pure as a pearl then come back to BKK to face your charges and fight the case. If there is no hard evidence, what are you afraid of, Mdm Yingluck? You can engage an international top lawyer to defend your case (if you are confident you're as clean as a white sheet).

  3. He added that caretaker Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan's statement at the red shirts' meeting that referred to 10 million guns owned by Thais was a warning against the use of violence in preventing a military coup but did not threaten any group.

    I am not well aware about Thai law.

    1st, 10 millions guns owned by Thais. Does this 10 million Thais are allow to hold weapons?

    2nd, 10 million guns own by Thais to counter a military coup. Is this allowed?

    They said it's to counter a military coup but did not threaten any group. But hearing there are 10 MILLION GUNS,

    i believe any group will feel badly threatened after this militant group declare to have millions guns.

    The atmosphere is like "DO as we say or we will attack you (again like in 2010)"

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Where I live the are just now planting a new crop of rice while these farmers and protesting who planting the rice? No wonder their poor.

    In my wife's village, which is 100% red shirt, most have not been paid and have no money to buy supplies for a new crop. Many owe money to illegal money lenders and are in dire straights.

    I guess the farmer where I live are smart and have money or been paid by the government

    Where do you live exactly?

  5. Tragic events today but overall he has managed this delicate situation with great dexterity. With public opinion so strongly on his side, the protesters will be cleared off in short order...one hopes with minimum force but simply a very firm hand.

    Tragic indeed.

    With police being killed today I can assure you the world over that all police and families of police in every country are sickened by this disgusting action of PDRC protestors in my opinion. The PDRC protestors killing police with guns and trying to with grenades live on TV is now in everyones living rooms all over the world.

    It can be seen clearly their goal is insurrection - they do not want elections, they do not want people to be able to vote freely and they are willing to kill police in order to get their goal of an appointed government.

    All in my opinion of course.


    Then how about the protesters who are shot dead, a bullet in the face?

    They deserve it right? They are Pdrc protesters so they should taste the death.

    They are at the protest sites, nobody cause them death except themselves right?

  6. This poor police officer won't be walking straight for some time.

    He is a victim of a bomb thrown by the protesters...

    More and more crimes committed by the yellows are exposed... ph34r.png

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Is that a policeman? I'm just wondering why there are no police around him.

    If the protestors are peacefull then there would be no need for uniforms and riot gear so I would say the injured guy is a cop and so is the one kneeling beside him. Then again you may be right and they are protestors who have come dressed for a &lt;deleted&gt; fight.
    The injured is a police officer.

    It has been reported by the police already.

    Another disturbing picture is this picture of protesters apparently dressing up like riot police...

    But the trick is revealed because the fake police have the wrong shoes laugh.png

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I'm very interested in this info. Are you able to provide more info for this group of riot police really the protesters in disguise?

    Not other people in disguise or in fact they are the real police.

    We will show this truth to the rest of the world. Thanks

  7. I wish that all those irrational people supporting Suthep since the beginning of his criminal protest (and all those who supported this mad dog on the lose, even for a limited time) look at this picture and feel the responsibility they bear in this useless fiasco.

    But that would be too much to hope for, of course, ... So let's go on with the madness smile.png

    attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1392708535.761357.jpg

    Sent from my iPhone...

    Yes, the mastermind will get his karma soon.


    • Like 1
  8. Not guaranteed, given some protesters were wearing police uniforms.


    Could be also the third party again impersonating policemen attacking the protesters.

    Saw a post from the other article showing a group of policemen with full uniform except they are wearing sport shoes instead of boots.
    Wonder who are they exactly.
    • Like 1
  9. "Thaksin Shinawatra should "think really hard" about the country's wellbeing......"

    How can that be? He definitely is thinking really hard for his own ass. And also thinking really hard for his family asses.

    If you want him to REALLY THINK HARD for the country's wellbeing, the only compromised way out is

    to let him come back to Thailand as a FREE MAN.

  10. Not only telling lies, something is very wrong with the current govt. The other day was heard the parliament cleaner asking help to address their unpaid salary.

    Has anyone follow up this news? Is it true?

    And now saw a source from a social media showing the lunchbox for the riot police on duty is so pathetic

    and yet it cost 100baht per box? You order from the outside stall a packet of pak kap pow 30baht is even much valuable than this shit box.

    So the extra money goes into whose pocket again this time?


  11. What does he mean? left 4000 protesters mean Suthep fail?

    Don't forget people are working daily and have their own things to do as well.

    Not at the protest sites doesn't mean they don't support them.

    People finish their errands, off work back to home, after shower, sit down and relax watching bluesky.

    More comfortably at home. Sometimes i can even hear my next door cheering and blow whistle , with the bluesky tv on loud and clear.

  12. TS is at the losing end. He can only ask for negotiation, what else? The rice scheme has busted. nobody cause them in this plight except their own greediness. but worse, they destroy the innocent farmers lives. And now the legal way is coming. They need to solve it peacefully with the protesters fast not because they care about the people but more worried for the aftermath, what is the future of the shinawatra family.

    What a year 2557 for the poor farmers. Songkran is coming soon, how many will enjoy the new year?

    And how many will still grieving over the death of their family.

  13. Mole, on 11 Feb 2014 - 10:00, said:

    So, how many BILLIONS did the gov owe the farmers??

    20 million may hardly covers their daily expenses of being there such as transport and food.

    He's essentially paying them to continue the protests.

    "How many thousands did they owe you? Oh, here's 20 bt, hope it helps..."

    Two farmers have already committed suicide out of desperation.

    No, 20 million is a drop in the ocean, but it can save some lives and give some urgent assistance to some of the farmers.

    That is the contrast with the other side that they can offer nothing else than empty words of sorrow and crocodile tears.

    Should be around 6 farmers had committed suicide up to-date. The last one is from Sukothai.

  14. The Taskin Dictatorship has started

    Every think she says is law, and if she does not like it is against the Law

    A North Thai woman sent a Message to Yingluck

    In the message she wrote hat her child had a good breakfast waiting for him before he went to school and a good packed lunch during the day

    She asked Yingluck how can she look in the mirror and say she is good for the Country and the Thai people in the North when her own son has nothing on his plate before he goes to school and nothing to eat while he is there

    When I read posts on Thai Visa from Falang that preach how good Yingluk is and I read this mothers letter, I wonder what has Thailand become. and how selfish some Falang can be

    Maybe time for us all to look in the mirror, and imagine how many Thais are suffering while this corrupy Government just do not give a S...t

    Next Thai Visa will be closed because some of our members support the protest

    Hail Taskin our new Elected, unelected Leader

    I just watched a clip on Facebook of a lady farmer who is in this position and i wept. I wonder how these mad falangs who think this democracy is good feel when they see what it has caused.

    Please add a link so all the members can see

    and the Taskin backers can say it does not matter she is only 1 person

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