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Posts posted by Smokemachine

  1. Hi guys, heard the culprit for the bombing at the victory monument has been csi out. Anyone has other info to share as well.

    Informer said Inside the photo the guy highly match with the suspect identity, info is that guy's brother is a red shirt and used to come out in the protest in 2010. And his brother is already dead. And now this guy is working for Ko tee.

    Anyone has other info as well. Good to know. Thanks...


  2. A very desperate hope for Suthep.

    The EC has blocked the payments to the farmers.

    Today, Suthep at this minute is heading to Sutisan to block the banks making payments to farmers.

    And he thinks the the farmers will be on his side when they see all this.. People in the North really are not stupid. Time some people learned that.

    The Government has had it's hands tied by the EC and Suthep closing the Bank.

    So protest number one if there is an Army Coup this week will be these same farmers marching to BKK demanding payments from the governement. Which in the unlikely event of a coup will then be Suthep.

    This is the measure of the man. HE is sowing seeds of discontent that if he suceeded would immediately rebound on him. Incredible that people are latching onto this in hope it will affect Yingluck. Nobody is pinning anything on her in caretaker mode as the decisions have been shifted onto the Courts.


    In the least, the farmers should be paid fair market value right now. Otherwise this country is looking at severe instability and civil unrest and let's remember many of these people are actually poor, there's a potential human tragedy on a large scale unfolding with this.

    Sorry, i didn't read this news. So how will this idea works? You mean the govt borrow from bank to pay the farmers? How they borrow, in what way? The bank lend them using whose money, or is it on bonds? or what?

    Anyone got a links with details can send me, thanks.

  3. The PDRC are not allowing the RTP to do security close to protest sites.

    More reason for the guards to be permitted to be armed.

    Do people seriously expect the protesters to whistle at an armed attacker? I hope they get him and expose him for what he is.... A THAKSIN paid terrorist.

    We expect them to stop trying to subvert democracy.

    Suthep and his backers are more than capable of doing this. Perhaps explains why then never caught.... They don't want to catch them.

    Only time any intervention was when it really was the reds and the police and army moved straigh in at cheang wattana

    Just a humble opinion of mine.

    Many should have agree that not all, but very high percentage of the RTP is supporting the Yingluck government or more directly is backing the TS regime. I'm not saying all these shootings/bombings definitely not done by the own anti-govt. But if people really doubt or believe these are actually created by Suthep and his co to gain sympathy/coup/protesters or whatever. Then why didn't the police strengthen up their force to catch the culprit?

    Once they caught the culprit, everything is exposed. Pdrc is finish. That's it. Why didn't the police do it?? Unless this time they have bought by SUTHEP, not TS. Do you think the police has bought over by Suthep?

    hmm..... I'm wondering...

    And for good reason too. They are not trustworthy and they and the wonderful Capo tried to do their best to blame the protestors on the death of one policeman. That was after the lies about who was actually on the roof of the Labour Ministry roof.

    Outside the protests how many have been arrested for the shooting at the Dem headquarters, Grenade at Abhisit residence, another explosive at Sukhumband's as well as shots, unexploded grenades and warnings at other protestors' homes?


    This reply is for op RIch Teacher

    As you mentioned: The PDRC are not allowing the RTP to do security close to protest sites.

    They can actually wear civilians, disguise as undercovers. They don't have to be at the protest sites at all. They just need to be at the surroundings a little bit far. Despatch every team at different road end. When the culprit finish shooting/bombing, will they stay at the scene?No right, they will surely escape by bike or car. The undercovers will just need intercept them when they approaching. Why didn't they do it and Pdrc will be exposed?

    Anyway it's just my own opinion. Probably the police have their own way of tackling issues.

  4. Where did you find out that it was a BB gun? Verified?

    Yes, it was verified.

    "Rifles" are BB guns. Other equipment (incl walkie talkies) are out-of-date "consumer" models.

    Other websites report that the equipment belong to a security company which has a contract to guard the properties belonging to Chula University, and 2 of their guards use this room to sleep. Hence the dated equipment and BB gun.

    It is uncertain whether there is any connection between the guards/this room and the grenade attack.

    It would be of great benefit to the rest of us for you to identify the source of your information so that a serious discussion on this incident can be more rational and objective. Thank you.

    Thanks for asking so nicely - we need more such civil intercourse on TV forums, so I have pleasure in responding to your polite request.

    Courtesy of my Thai colleague: http://pantip.com/topic/31529798

    It's in Thai, but there are several photos.

    The BB gun is conclusive (even in photos). The out-of-date walkie-talkie & other equipment are typical for security guards.

    The article also states the name of the security company (Yod Tep Phatan Ltd) (with a photo) and their contract with Chula U to guard the empty properties whilst Chula are clearing the area for further development.

    One comical reference therein is a photo of 1 red cap in the room, then another photo when the items were later displayed on a table outside in the street. The latter photo shows lots of red shirts (miraculously appearing) and even a (different) red Walls Ice-Cream hat, with a comment "Hey, I told you to bring red shirts, but I did not tell you to bring ice-cream caps", which is a reference to alleged "planting" of evidence.

    The inference is
    a) the room and (most of) the belongings/equipment belong to these Chula security guards
    b ) the PDRC blackshirts "augmented" to the belongings by adding several red shirts and a Walls icecream cap (the only red items the PDRC guards were able to obtain at short notice)
    c) there is no obvious link between this room/their owners and the bombing

    i saw the link. The red cap with the logo in the photo is it belong to the police? Some sort of special team i heard of?

    If not, just ignore it.

  5. Sorry i believe there are already some old posts in TV but it did not mention about the sandbag punching bag.

    Anyone have any good recommendation for the punching bag? pls provide the shop address, thanks.

    Affordable and not bad quality product. And the boxing glove as well.

    Few recommendations more better. Can have some comparison.

    Thanks alot...wai2.gif

  6. Do the words liar and thief mean anything.xwink.png.pagespeed.ic.pEtiH2upqe.webp

    whistling.gif Suthep whistling.gif

    The rice scam problems have bugger all to do with Suthep.

    How does Suthep have anything to do with the Rice Scam nor the Rubber Scams as they are initiatives from the ShinParty im sorry the PTP. btw what ever happend with those PTP members that imported cambodian rice selling it through the PTP Government Rice Scam...did they ever get convicted?

    I think Yingluck have to stock up on Crocodile tears now...she is loosing Isaan farmers as most of they are asking for their money or rice back. who will she blame for this she is on the Board of Directors for the Rice Scam.


    Suthep no good mak mak!!. EC no good mak mak!! They don't want give money to Yingluck government that why they can not give us back the rice money. Yingluck is innocent. She doesn't know about the rice scheme issue. "

    This is one neighbor (rice farmers)of my extended family saying to them today. They still trap inside the red propaganda.facepalm.gif

    • Like 1
  7. Just somebody with both a memory and a sense of morality. I can compare the events of now with those of government supporters in 2010 and understand that I am looking at a molehill, no matter how much some tiny minded cretin wants to make a mountain of it.

    And they call this a non-violence protest. Threading people and unlawful entry. Anti-government protester motto is "Do as I say not as I do"

    At least it's not a hospital.

    I'm interested in the concept of threading people. Are they drilling fresh holes or using the alimentary canal? What gauge is the string?

    Again your living in the past. Are you a history major or just can't accept the fact this is 2014 not 2010.

    You have no morality. You just another member of Suthep gang of thugs posting your liars here.

    Hey Mr/Ms Nowhereman60, how come you deleted your reply in the other article?Anyway i saw your reply to my post even though you deleted later.

    So coming back to this article, talking about morality, i don't think you have either.

    Praising red for their violence and condemned other party for their violence.

    Shouldn't we need to condemn everyone for their violence regardless who they are?

    Again, same conclusion to the other article.

    You are double standard.

    • Like 1
  8. I sure was, but I don't live in the past, what was wrong then is still wrong now.

    You mean the voice of the people is now coming out. But the voice of the people was coming out in 2010. They also wanted their rights to live and work without some weird people blocking their roads and buildings. Moreover they did not want their city and their buildings burned down.

    Were you playing the same tune in 2010? I bet you not.

    Mr/Ms Nowhereman60, i seems to see your posting in another article praising the current reds attacking the anti-govt protesters who are mainly walking peacefully on the road. Double standard?

    Red violence ok.

    Yellow/anti-govt/anti-TS/Anti-YL violence all not ok?

    Why is your reply deleted? Anyway I saw your reply.

    So conclusion is double standard.

  9. The voice of the people is now come out. Respect their rights to live and work without blocking their roads and building.

    You mean the voice of the people is now coming out. But the voice of the people was coming out in 2010. They also wanted their rights to live and work without some weird people blocking their roads and buildings. Moreover they did not want their city and their buildings burned down.

    Were you playing the same tune in 2010? I bet you not.

    I sure was, but I don't live in the past, what was wrong then is still wrong now.

    Mr/Ms Nowhereman60, i seems to see your posting in another article praising the current reds attacking the anti-govt protesters who are mainly walking peacefully on the road. Double standard?

    Red violence ok.

    Yellow/anti-govt/anti-TS/Anti-YL violence all not ok?

  10. But but but.... They were elected. But the Dems. But it's politically motivated.

    Maybe it's political that these charges were not probed long ago.

    It's part of the plan.The Democrats can't win elections so the choice for the old guard is either a military coup or judicial intervention.Suthep is doing the old guard's groundwork so that the country is as chaotic as possible.It's now understood a coup would be counterproductive so the chosen method of trashing an elected government is directed judicial activism.The courts have been packed with partisan yellow judges.


    So you are saying the YL govt has done nothing wrong?

  11. If it is, I'm not sure if this particular image from 2010 is really so relevant to what's happening now...

    This is just a reminder to people incase they have slip off from their mind. The red party is a destructive party. They have destroyed Bkk before and have the ability to do it again. There is one Op praising for the red attacking the common citizens and he even "remind" the weekend protesters whether they should come out for protest anot. I shall help to accomplish his will, so all the anti-govt/yellow/student/doctor/nurse/civil servant etc, pls consider again whether you are coming for the protest.

    Don't say we never "remind" you. wink.png

  12. What makes you so sure they were red shirts? Are you really so naive that you don't think these people will kill their own to justify a coup? You are nothing but disposable pawns to these people.

    I can see why you don't want to admit you are on he side of evil and corruption but your post is just pitiful

    I'm always wryly amused when a bunch of Farang keyboard warriors claim to know it all.


    As flawed as the process is, better to be warring at the keyboard than in the streets at the moment. Perhaps someone could convince the mad crowd to follow our example? wai.gif

    I'm afraid the war is coming soon.


  13. Well, lets look at some of the info.

    1/ This is a new protest route, the protestors have never been down this road before and only decided to do so just before they started out.

    So who knew they would be walking past these shop houses ? Just the PDRC leaders themselves one would guess.

    2/ Any crime scene which is contaminated is void. The PDRC guards rather than sealing everything off, went in with protestors and messed everything up. Who knows what was planted, moved, removed ? Stupid mistake by them, or did they do this on purpose ?

    Thank goodness nobody was killed. I have watched the video and the bomb went off just at the right side front wheel of the pickup, only a small explosion as seen on the video of it. I guess most are just shrapnel wounds with a small device like that, thankfully.

    Just my opinion on a couple of things.

    It can also be some insider in pdrc who leak the info. Likewise in the Thaksin regime, why are the outsiders know when TS call YL, when they have skype conference. If you still choose the culprit is pdrc. I will suggest there are betrayer in their group.

  14. The farmers cannot be paid as Suthep demanded the House dissolved and all the Democrat Party MP's resigned.

    So this messed up the payments.

    And until an election is carried out and a new government is installed, the payments cannot be made.

    So really, Suthep and Abhisit/Democrats are to blame for the lack of payment in many peoples eyes and those same people want an election as soon as possible else they will months and months without payment.

    Fail Fail for Suthep and Abhisit/Democrats.

    Fail as they are getting blamed for late payment.

    Fail as they want to delay the election.

    In my opinion the above of course.

    Good one.

    This is the same as the red leader deliver to the red village farmers.

    Do you live there as well?

    Exactly the same.

  15. Ladies and gentlemen,

    let recall the conference meeting again.

    Do you think they are "clean"??

    this is just a small clip of the meeting. A fantastic reporter giving them a hard time.

    Profit & loss, stock account all unaccountable....

    Seriously, justice need to be done for the farmers, especially the one who has committed suicide.

    NACC better don't disappoint people.

  16. You don't like it, block me. I can't wait until your master lose his bid for President for Life status. Anyone here who makes a comment you don't like you attack them. I wonder what the pay is for doing that these days.

    No I 'attack'; as you say people who flame and troll such as yourself because it is irritating not to mention against forum rules. If you don't like it then stop flaming and trolling....

    Truth hurts sleep.png

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Same sentiments....

    Many innocent thai citizens has feel the impact what has the YL govt done to them.

    Many of the TS regime followers have learnt the truth. And it hurts them deeply.

    You're right.

    Truth hurts. closedeyes.gif

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