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Posts posted by Smokemachine

  1. Protesters not being paid? B.S.

    As I posted in another thread yesterday, my wife came home last night and told me that her and some of her co-workers (who all work for a major insurance company) were having dinner. Their table was approached by a man who smiled and spoke to them, offering them 2,000 baht a day to travel from CM to BKK to join the protests. One of the women stood up and loudly stated - "Yellow shirt trying to buy protesters" - at which point the man ran out of the restaurant, jumped in his car and sped away.

    My wife is NOT in the habit of lying or making up stories, and was laughing when she told me. So, please, don't bother trying to tell me that the protesters aren't being "recruited" and paid.

    Probably the same guy buying protesters during 2010...I kid you not!

    You could be right. lol. But my wife said she's never seen anyone move as fast as this guy did when one of her friends "outted" the guy. cheesy.gif

    P>S> My wife and her friends are all die hard reds. wai2.gif

    If this man is real agent getting protesters for the rally, not a fake one trying to discredit the anti-govt protest, i can say he is a real idiot.

    Knowing that CM has alot of red supporters. Unknowingly approaching strangers can lead him bang against the wall. And he did. BANG!!

    If he is really doing this, he should be going for those pro anti-govt provinces or individual group who are pro to anti-govt protest.

    All i can say this "agent" has no brain.

  2. If the military really wanted power, they could have easily hung on to it, the last time, after the coup. I do not believe, that the military has anything to do with this. Neither does Suthep, because if it was ever found out, that he had anything to do with it, it would completely discredit his movement and it would be all over. He would not be that stupid. Besides, he has led peaceful protests, when he could have resorted to violence a long time ago, to overthrow the Country, but it is not his aim to do it violently.

    So that leaves, the Red Shirts, the former Government (Caretaker Government), the Police and the Mafia.

    Red Shirts, under the guidance of Thaksin, is a possibility, because the protests are gaining momentum and anything his sister has tried to do, to stall the protests, has failed so far. Maybe he figures, by causing some violence (in a limited way), it will deter some supporters from attending the rallies, while not causing enough violence to trigger a coup.

    The police, because they tend to loose a lot, if Suthep or his new reform committee take power. They have their hands in all kinds of things, as previously mentioned by anonymous posters. Posting under my real name, I choose not to describe them here, but a lot of you, who have lived in Thailand, for a long time, know anyways.

    The Mafia, for the same reason as the police. wai2.gif

    Yup.. but some TV Op can even suggest the culprit are the Bangkok citizens.

    clap2.gif "Ser Jok Mak mak"

  3. Very good strategy.

    This is a good time for him to apologise to Prayuth. Giving an official apology will help to close the ties between the army and the govt.

    Secondly, his apology will affect Suthep deeper.

    How on earth do you glean from this some outlandish theory about Army and government bonding...?! And what impact does this have on Suthep?

    The guy broke several laws, starting with inciting kidnapping, and should be in custody awaiting trial...!! Such an apology is worthless, and it will not be taken lightly by Gen. Prayuth.

    Is Prayuth close with the caretaker PM?

    Who is this guy that threaten to kidnap Prayuth's daughters?

    Belong to PM's gang?

    The man has coming forward to give a apology to Prayuth. How do you know Prayuth will not taken lightly? Many Thai people are natural kind hearted and also a Buddhist follower. By coming out to apologise, Prayuth has actually gotten his "face" back.

    And Suthep now said he want to capture YL and her few comrades.

    This actually give him some demerit points. Some of the common people will think he is nuts and may feel him disgusting for such actions.

    And people will think that, even the red leader known as bad guy also know he is wrong and has express his mistake to Prayuth.

  4. This rice scheme scam has putting many innocent citizens in big trouble.

    It shouldn't has happened. And a farmer has died for nothing. Many are still in debts. Some borrow from illegal moneylenders. Imagine the interest they need to pay.

    Piling higher and higher.

    He didn't die. He committed suicide. His only crime was he trusted a Shinawatra.

    That does not deserve the same death sentence that the corrupt convicted criminal Shinawatara handed out to innocent people that were suspected of drug use during the brutal drug war in Thailand.

    That suicide alone shows that farmers desperately need to be educated so no more innocent victims die.


    But too bad some people just can't learn it. Till now there are some farmers still believe the govt can't pay them the payment is because of SUTHEP/anti-govt protesters.

    omg... facepalm.gif

    Sometimes i'm wondering does they really believe the red leader explanation or they just can't accept the fact that the beloved leader who they voted for ends up screw them up.

  5. This rice scheme scam has putting many innocent citizens in big trouble.

    It shouldn't has happened. And a farmer has died for nothing. Many are still in debts. Some borrow from illegal moneylenders. Imagine the interest they need to pay.

    Piling higher and higher.

  6. This is not red shirts/white shirts, this is citizens of Bangkok who are sick and tired of the southern thugs destroying their city and economy.

    You must be that sick citizen in Bangkok!

    Bunny you love to quote me. Why? You can't stand the truth being told. licklips.gif.pagespeed.ce.v-hsVd-Wpu.gif alt=licklips.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2507030023 width=25 height=25>

    and what make you sure that is the truth ? you have information that nobody else have ?

    In fact I do. giggle.gif

    In fact I do. giggle.gif

    Pls show us the proof.

    And below is a link showing 4 people get caught with deadly weapons.

    On the very left the lady is a red shirt member.

    This is not red shirts/white shirts, this is citizens of Bangkok who are sick and tired of the southern thugs destroying their city and economy.

    Oh really?


  7. of course you are a minority because you are not paying 500BHT a day as the red shirts do...right now they are spreading the word through our villages hear in the deapest Northeast offering to the people if they are going to BKK 500BHT a day. And it is true for many the best what they can do to get some money and it has nothing to do with their political ideas...they have none

    You really believe that... I do believe the reds pay, although i have never seen prove, but I also believe the yellows do the same thing, they would not get support from Southern workers without paying them.

    Its common in Thailand and sadly you terrorist followers think it's only from one side.

    Hi,happen to see your comment. Just dropping by to share a video with you. The reds are protesters paid in 2010. This is not new,just wana share with you. Will update again if any new video coming up in the current protest.

    That's not new, every one knows they were getting paid, just like Suthep's drug popping southern thugs are getting paid. But Suthep has to pay more money to get them to come. clap2.gif

    Why are you keeping generalise the whole Southern Thais as drug popping southern thugs?


  8. of course you are a minority because you are not paying 500BHT a day as the red shirts do...right now they are spreading the word through our villages hear in the deapest Northeast offering to the people if they are going to BKK 500BHT a day. And it is true for many the best what they can do to get some money and it has nothing to do with their political ideas...they have none

    Prove it or shut up. So sick of this constant bs, all talk and no evidence.

    It's been proven here many times by reliable sources, so maybe it should be you who should zip it.

    Interesting. You claim things are proven - when they're not. Here say is not proof. Then you tell the poster to zip it for daring to challenge something or ask for proof. On another post you tell people to block your allegations which you try to pass off as fact, rather than respond to them on an open forum.

    Hmmmm. Not a fan of debate, free speech and people expressing different views or asking questions and challenging bull shit statements. Go on, tell us, are you posting from overseas, a warm place, lots of sand and posh buildings? Is it you ?? thumbsup.gif alt=thumbsup.gif pagespeed_url_hash=1443177670 width=25 height=19>

    I can not release my sources or location for security reasons. thumbsup.gif


    The sniper will come after you?

  9. of course you are a minority because you are not paying 500BHT a day as the red shirts do...right now they are spreading the word through our villages hear in the deapest Northeast offering to the people if they are going to BKK 500BHT a day. And it is true for many the best what they can do to get some money and it has nothing to do with their political ideas...they have none

    You really believe that... I do believe the reds pay, although i have never seen prove, but I also believe the yellows do the same thing, they would not get support from Southern workers without paying them.

    Its common in Thailand and sadly you terrorist followers think it's only from one side.

    Hi,happen to see your comment. Just dropping by to share a video with you. The reds are protesters paid in 2010. This is not new,just wana share with you. Will update again if any new video coming up in the current protest.

  10. College educated public servant friend of my partner's from Isaan, goes to BKK to protest against the government and what do the BKK protesters tell her? "What are you doing here?", "You people from the NE are all ignorant and uneducated". This is how they treated someone who came to protest alongside them. The vote buying is not the only reason people from the NE voted for Thaksin and his sister. This is a common fallacy. They are tired of being sh*t on by the elite minded. You can be rich and educated and still be ignorant.

    Not all protesters are like what you said. We welcome them to join us and we are appreciate for their Issan cooking as well. Some of them even having nice conversation, joking around. All are Thai people but just different provinces.

    • Like 1
  11. Police agree to work closely with pdrc guards to step up security.


    They don't try to harm the protesters consider very good already.

    Below is a fb link showing 4 people are caught with all the weapons,bombs, ammunitions.

    The lady circled in red is a red guard.

    And you know who she call for help?

    She calling her policeman Mr. Pracha to get her out.

    Another photo at the left you can see alot of weapons but they are not show out at the police station. Where have those weapons gone to??

    step up security??

    What a joke..



  12. They are now in war game. It's just a strategy. The red threaten to capture prayut's daughters, to actually give pressure on prayuth to side over their group. Do you all think they really intend to kidnap them?do you think they will be alive staying peaceful in Thailand after kidnapping his daughter? Likewise,now Suthep also give pressure on them back and see their response. Just a warfare strategy tactic movement.

  13. "and talked via Skype with Thaksin, who said the Constitution did not allow her to resign"... "She would face a jail term, he warned."

    It also wrote that YL is about to resign right but after having a skype talk with Thaksin, she change her mind and stay on as a caretaker.

    Is it ok for a convicted criminal on the run to manipulate a prime minister to do things as he wishes? I really can't see how does this really help contribute the nation?

  14. Why does she have to leave the country Suthep?

    I think by Suthep's meaning could it be the same as Yingluck's brother TS. Probably Suthep know alot more what's going on in the government administration or any illegal deals/transactions. So if a throughly investigation is conducted, more or less she will be charged and the result may ended seeing her absconded?? She probably does not want to stay at the Bangkok Hilton hotel as well.

    And why he said "She have to leave the country"

    This is just my pure guess. When the time comes, we will know why. wink.png

    • Like 1
  15. Indeed, @Robby nz, completely true. This whole rice subsidising system is the base of all current problems. But logically the ricefarmers want to stick to it. They do not understand that their product will become to expensive on the worldmarket when the governement wants to get it s paid subsidies back by adding it to the sellingprice. They do not see that this is not a subsidy at all, it s money to buy votes. It is corruption on a megascale. Peter Scheffer

    Corruption ? For there to be corruption someone who is dealing out the money has to steal the money and put it into their own bank account.

    Subsidy ? Well yes, the rice pledging scheme is a subsidy. Rice farmers have made big profits on their rice and the government, but way of a subsidy has run a loss making subsidy.

    Loss making subsidies are quite common by governments all over the world.

    Are governments all over the world buying votes by handing out subsidies ? Well basically the principle of staying in power is to keep the majority of the people happy and subsidies are a method that is approved worldwide as acceptable.

    If you have a problem with government subsidies then look all over the world, pretty much all governments subsidize things.

    Provided there is no corruption then a rice subsidy scheme is perfectly legitimate.

    Provided there is no corruption then a rice subsidy scheme is perfectly legitimate.

    You are right, if it is just a subsidy scheme is considered legitimate.

    So it's best to ask Nattuwat and his gang to give a full report on the rice scheme. Tax payers are keen to know the outcome.Below are the links of them having conference meeting about the rice scheme. As the govt in-charge of the rice scheme, don't tell us that they can't even provide the profit and loss record? Not even know about the stock account? They can't just simpy give a unknown figure and people probe further abou the related figure. They are unable to provide any details. How to convince people that they are "clean"?

    • Like 1
  16. Sounds to be about the same numbers as those who have gone to BKK from each place.

    Wait for another couple of days when the rice farmers have still not been paid then see how many love PT.

    Actually you will find its the reverse now.

    Most rice farmers I am informed are now really upset, even more than normal, with the Democrats and Suthep and blame the late payments on them in full.

    The late payment and the blame put on Suthep and the Democrats for causing all these problems is actually making people more determined than ever to vote and vote PTP, I am quite well informed.

    you mean the farmers have not been paid for months because of the recent protests?

    Who informed you of this? Which bridge?

    Actually he is trying to say govt is pushing blame to anti-govt/DP?Suthep for the late payment. Am i right, Levelhead?

    A neighbor of my extended family is a rice farmer. They have not collected the rice payment and even believe is the anti-govt protest causing them to unable to collect the payment. There are a group of farmers still fall into the red propanganda. Therefore they will still vote for ptp.

  17. In the northeastern region of Nakhon Ratchasima, a group calling themselves ′People of Korat Love Democracy′ staged a rally in front of The Mall department store, which was joined by over 3,000 people from 32 districts. The group was protected by UDD guards and 30 police officers.

    Why Bangkok no see our policemen? sad.png

    saai.gif So sad...

    • Like 1
  18. Even he expected the rally to end be it 5 days, 7 days or 10days. And if it doesn't end, it does not matter to them at all especially Yingluck.

    There is always others doing her duties. She just simply doing her own errands, spending time on her shopping list. After 3,5 or 10days, she came back and still see the protesters.

    YL: "Oh! You all still here protesting!? Oh,ok.. cool man"

    Anti-govt: "TS Get out! YL Get Out!"

    YL: whistling.gif "chill guys...." giggle.gif

    Anti-govt: "Resign! Resign! Resign!"

    YL: "No, I will not. I have the duty to take care of the govt till the election came and a new govt is elected."

    "No, I will not. I have the duty to take care of the govt till the election came and a new govt is elected."

    "No, I will not. I have the duty to take care of the govt till the election came and a new govt is elected."

    "No, I will not. I have the duty to take care of the govt till the election came and a new govt is elected."

    "No, I will not. I have the duty to take care of the govt till the election came and a new govt is elected."


    Seriously, what can they do to her? I'm wondering......

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  19. whooooo can't win an election have to find other ways to get into government again!

    How pathetic the democrats have become!

    Where is a new Thai political party ?? - electable - everybody is craving for it!!!!!!

    Don't worry, Yingluck has not done anything wrong. She will be fine, as always.


    Perhaps what you meant to say is that "She's done nothing at all?" wink.png

    As always. wink.png

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