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Posts posted by Smokemachine

  1. this people dont have to come here.

    we dont want here.

    can stay singapore.

    It is quite disappointing to see your comment. Not only Singaporeans like to come to Thailand for a good massage, nice delicacies, shopping spree, sightseeing and night activities. Singaporean also learn and respect the Thai culture. Not only this, some of my Singaporeans who have Thai friends, Thai girlfriends, Thai wife or Thai business associates are also concerned with the Thai politics and also helping in hand to see a better Thailand.

  2. If they have break the laws, by all means deal with the law breakers accordingly.

    We do not need any violence people around us.

    In the video there are people walking up Sunisa direction and later one man seems to grab her arm and the rest are covering her escorting her away. Is there other video can show us these people are assaulting her? Where is she at that time in the video?

    Outside the rally? Or is in the rally point? She reported physically assaulted.

    What is her reported medical examination result? Is she badly injured that day?

    All these guys look real nasty. I'm sure Sunisa a gentle looking lady should have gotten real hurt, at least few cribs broken.

    Is she recovering now?

  3. I think death sentence for corruption charges depend on case to case basis. The severity level and any causing innocent deaths like the rice scheme. Innocent farmers are dead, death sentence may consider for the culprits.

    As for normal graft charges, 10-20 years in prison is consider long time for 1 human being's lifetime. I meant in prison is really in the damn prison.

  4. If they can get their payment soon after coming to rally for a new govt then pls come asap.

    The red supporters will not bother much about the farmers plight, whether they die, owe big money to moneylenders, no food for kids, they couldn't care less.

    So poor farmers, pls come soon to fight for your rice payment. Don't believe any red leader from your province again.

    The red supporters are currently busy building their own army to protect the Ts regime (YL govt).

    Farmers are not their priority anymore

  5. I personally don't like violence but if this battle is unavoidable.

    Then let's fight this match once and for all. Rather than sit and wait. Innocent people get shot or bombed again.

    It is so clear that whoever instigated these "democracy" guards are losing their game.

    Their so called "democracy" is just protecting the TS regime and nothing else.

    "Democracy" = TS regime.

    It will just never ends if these bunch of terrorist leaders are around.

    • Like 1
  6. Whistle blowers: 1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif

    TS wife: dam_n it. Get the boys tonight and give them some "blows" as well.

    Gunmen: Shoot,shoot,shoot. Bomb,bomb,bombs!

    Police case reported.

    Policemen to whistle blowers: Charges: ''intimidation'', ''harassment'', ''assault'', public nuisance, annoying body language, fail to request for whistle blowing, tailgating......

    Weapon used: 1 tiny whistle wrap around each neck.

    Action: They use their internal strength from the ass to the lung and to the throat, giving a full tremendous loud vibration that propagates as a mechanical wave of pressure and displacement, through some medium (such as air or water). Sound is their tool for crime.

    Policemen to his buddies: "Hey Guys!!! What else can we charge these whistle blowers!?? Rack some brains man!"

    Policemen to Mdm TS ex wife:

    "Mdm TS ex wife, We have collected the evidence and watched the video of you been assaulted whistled in the shopping centre. The police has concluded that such actions bring ultimate physically and emotional eternal pain to you. It leaves a devastating scar in your weakening soul. As for the shootings/bombs attacks. Although there are no proofs that you are the mastermind. Even if you are the culprit, you will be acquitted. we have ruled the attacks are 100% JUSTIFIED. Actions have consequences. Whistle blowing is the most horrible crime we have ever seen. In fact, we suggested you to use Bazooka next time. One shot clear all. Hassle free, on target, mission accomplished.

    I Believe some of the TV members love this movie script. guitar.gif

  7. The polling took place in districts where the Democrat party is strong.

    Considering the past violence associated with the election and the recent drive by shootings, many people were not willing to run the risk of being injured. Keep in mind that the same group that attempted to block the last election is still present and voters have still experienced intimidation and threats that if they went to vote, they would suffer the consequences. When local agitators are sitting outside polling places making a record of who is voting, it is to be expected that people will put their life and safety ahead of casting a ballot.

    But the elections were unhindered this time around - I wonder how many 'no' votes there were, meaning that they garnered even less voters than the pathetic turnouts imply!!!

    Beyond farcical!!!

    I love how all the diehard Yellows scramble over to any thread they think supports their illegal and failing cause..

    Low voter turnout is an obvious consequence of one side boycotting the election.

    For example, If there was to be a boxing match held in Thailand between say, Rocky Balboa in the red shorts and Ivan Drago in the Yellow shorts - I'm sure it would be a sellout out.

    However, should Ivan p*ss and sh*t his pants, run off crying to mummy and not show up to the fight - then I think we could all expect the attendance to drop off.

    There are also red supporters boycotting the election.

    Then why did they boycotted?

    Oh, they have found out the Rocky Balboa in the red short is a fake imitation.

    It's not Rocky Balboa!!

    Is Rusty Baboo…

    No doubt individual Red supporters have opted out of the election - but the party didn't and that is the significant difference between the two sides. One trusts and respects the voters to choose their government and the other continually denies the voters their rights. There will eventually be a proper election, with no cowardly boycotts and I guess we'll all see what the voters truly think, until then....

    Of course the shameless party will want to proceed with the election.

    And if you want to see what the voters truly think, the latest result should bring you some light.

    Without DM participating, the shameless party should win easily.

    Did they? Where have all the red voters gone to?

    It's Rusty Baboo.

    Not a ROcky.

    I don't think a real Rocky will want to fight with dishonor , indignity or unethical opponent in the match.

  8. The polling took place in districts where the Democrat party is strong.

    Considering the past violence associated with the election and the recent drive by shootings, many people were not willing to run the risk of being injured. Keep in mind that the same group that attempted to block the last election is still present and voters have still experienced intimidation and threats that if they went to vote, they would suffer the consequences. When local agitators are sitting outside polling places making a record of who is voting, it is to be expected that people will put their life and safety ahead of casting a ballot.

    But the elections were unhindered this time around - I wonder how many 'no' votes there were, meaning that they garnered even less voters than the pathetic turnouts imply!!!

    Beyond farcical!!!

    I love how all the diehard Yellows scramble over to any thread they think supports their illegal and failing cause..

    Low voter turnout is an obvious consequence of one side boycotting the election.

    For example, If there was to be a boxing match held in Thailand between say, Rocky Balboa in the red shorts and Ivan Drago in the Yellow shorts - I'm sure it would be a sellout out.

    However, should Ivan p*ss and sh*t his pants, run off crying to mummy and not show up to the fight - then I think we could all expect the attendance to drop off.

    There are also red supporters boycotting the election.

    Then why did they boycotted?

    Oh, they have found out the Rocky Balboa in the red short is a fake imitation.

    It's not Rocky Balboa!!

    Is Rusty Baboo…

  9. BANGKOK: -- Red-shirt followers wore white headbands bearing the acronym “sor por por Lanna” ( the Democratic Republic of Lanna People) to welcome caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra during her visit to an OTOP trade fair held in Sankamphaeng district of Chiang Mai yesterday (Friday).

    So they have revealed their ultimate intention to have a republic country? Even the Shinawatra hoping for since there is stopping/objection from the current govt not to use the Republic / president wording. They should know very well about the consequences desiring for a republic state as it is clearly against the head of state. Is this consider openly declaring war with the highest authority?

  10. This is just an emotional triggering strategy. Her bunch of diehard red supporters will also come out and die for their "democracy".

    Let's see how many people can she trigger this time?

    And by the way, pls don't insult the uniform group.

    "I'm also the defence minister meaning I'm like a soldier who has to do his duty until the last minute. A soldier has to keep the last stronghold and die on the battlefield. I will die in the democratic battlefield," she said.

    Giving such a shameless statement. Where are you during the political crisis? Where are you during the death of the innocent people?

    Either you allocate your duties to others or hiding at somewhere else.

  11. Blowing a whistle at someone at close range is ASSAULT PERIOD if you attack people be it with a whistle or anything else expect to be attacked back

    Really ?? What kind of assault? Physical or emotional?

    I guess the next time lolly pop man blows his whistle , I should knock him out and cut him up in pieces .

    Good to see the red supporters are as intelligent as the reds, but then again I guess to be reds supporter one has to be alike


    if blowing a whistle at someone close range is consider ASSAULT. I will need to borrow your bomb and throw at the police officers.

    Sometimes they are whistling dam_n loud right infront of our faces while at the traffic stop.

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