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Posts posted by phuketjock

  1. Actually there is a visa issued for retirement - it is called the long stay O-A visa and it indeed is a visa.

    Actually that is not a retirement VISA it is a long stay non immigrant o-a visa which on completion of

    the visa life the holder may apply for an EXTENSION OF PERMIT TO STAY BASED ON RETIREMENT.

    The long stay O-A visa is simply that it is NOT a retirement visa because no such thing exists.

    Nowhere on a long stay visa is the word retirement used or printed in the holders passport!!!..............


    There is however such a thing as an extension of a permit to stay on the grounds of retirement.

    This can be granted for up to one year at a time and it is NOT a visa............................facepalm.gif

    Can't see where he mentioned anything about a retirement visa, but he is seeking to obtain a visa, not an extension of stay.

    To the O/P, the O-A visa has it's benefits. I got one prior to taking up full-time residence here, but it not necessary. You could just apply for a standard non-imm O, which would not require a criminal check. You can give the reason as being the intention to apply for an extension based on retirement in Thailand. During the last 30 days of any entry you make with the non-imm O, you can apply for an extension of stay based on retirement at your local immigration office.

    Actually I get the impression that most people who intend to get an extension based on retirement in Thailand start out with a non-imm O because they think the O-A has too many hoops to jump through.

    The O-A is nice because you can get nearly a two year stay. During the first year you wouldn't need a re-entry permit if you want to travel out of Thailand return and you could get two years in Thailand without having to come up with the financial requirements needed for the extension. BUT if you're worried about alerting the consulate/embassy to a criminal issue in the past, it might be better to skip the O-A and apply for the O.

    Some people even come to Thailand on a tourist visa, convert to a non-imm O entry in Bangkok and then apply for the extension of stay. More running around required if you go this route, but it also is doable and no criminal check.

    to obtain an O-A long stay visa from the Thai Consulate in Washington D.C.

    Thailand is represented in DC with an embassy. Consulates operate outside a nation's capital. Thai Consulates such as in LA and Chicago might be easier to deal with than the consular section of the Thai embassy. In general embassies tend to be more rigid than consulates.

    "After reading numerous topics in the forum about obtaining a retirement visa,"

    This is the first sentence of the original post by the op, so that is where he mentioned

    something about a retirement visa.

  3. remember the work permit, do not get caught without one

    Owning or part owning a business of any kind in Thailand doesn't require a

    work permit unless you are actually working, mere ownership is not considered

    as employment or work. So let the girlfriend run the bar and brief her and all the

    staff that should anyone enquire that they should tell them you do not work there.

    But don't be seen behind the bar, you can easily run the place from the punters

    side of the bar without being obvious. It's not rocket science. I wish you all the very

    best but unfortunately an old saying springs to mind "A fool and his money are soon

    parted" Good luck.

  4. What is the date of your stamp? Sounds like you spent about 20,000 thb more than if you had got an O-A from your home country, and just showed them the 800K equivalent in a bank there.

    Stamp for what? I got 3.

    But don't worry, I can count 15 months forward. smile.png

    Also, why would I go back to the USA for that? Pay airfare, etc. It would cost much more and be an unknown delay with a medical exam and questionare, and a criminal background that they want done thru Livescan. The FBI portion for Livescan can take up to 3 months? So I make 2 trips to the USA to get what I got here in one hour. HAHAHA. How much is that worth???

    So I got it, I can stay here, and am loving it!!

    PS: I paid a reasonable price compared to what I have read. But I would have paid more for the expediency and peace of mind.

    I am happy that you are so happy and that you feel you paid a reasonable price, so why the reluctance to tell

    us how much you actually paid???

  5. Ah, nice to see that a one-day conversion and extension are still alive. Used to see quite a bit of this at the seaside Immigration offices. Makes sense, if the applicant's financials at conversion to a Non Imm O also qualify for the one-year retirement extension, i.e., it's an income statement or a bank account aged over 2 months. Why force the guy to come back in two months if all is in order for a retirement extension on conversion day? Immigration's efficiency would certainly be improved if they eliminated more unnecessary visits.

    I wonder if this good fortune only occurs with an agent...?

    My observation was Yes reference the agent.

    I was finished with everything and there were still many people sitting in the same seats when I arrived, waiting to start the process.

    The question that you have failed to answer despite several requests is how much did the

    agent charge you for his/her services??? Your reluctance to divulge the fee implies that it

    may have been quite hefty??

  6. Somewhat difficult to determine what you or the bank may mean by a "fixed" deposit account; however, if it's a term account (doesn't mature until some length of time) and you're able to withdraw the money (with loss of accrued interest) at any time, then you'll have no problem getting the standard bank letter for your "retirement" extension. If, however, you got a truly fixed account where you can't get your money under any circumstances until the end of the time period, it won't qualify.

    When opening any bank account which you plan on using as your 800,000 baht requirement for a retirement extension, it's wise to make sure at that point in time that it qualifies for the bank letter. Just ask them then and they'll tell you "yes" or "no."

    As far as I am aware Bob the "fixed" refers to the interest rate for the term of the account.

  7. 1. Be very sure about this "company" and your legality in Thailand - there are a lot of bad apples here.

    2. Be aware more than routine medical care will likely require travel to Bangkok or Singapore - will you have adequate insurance?

    3. Will the wage really replace the wife's income - and more importantly her self esteem?

    4. Income tax will involve much more paperwork - who will be doing that?

    5. Stay in Thailand requires annual extensions based on work permit/income as well as 90 day reporting of address so may not be a comfortable feeling.

    6. Western food in general will be more expensive - but good Asian food quite inexpensive. But safeguards are not high.

    7. You will not have heating expense - but air conditioning will be required and electric is moderately expensive.

    8. If fan of TV there will be changes required.

    9. Cars are expensive in Phuket but may be required as taxi service not up to city standards.

    10. Housing/rents are reasonable if not in most expensive buildings/areas. Who is paying?

    11. Domestic help is available - but likely 3rd country national and may not be worth the efforts.

    12. There are probably more foreign marriage relationships ended in Thailand than any other country.

    Point no. 2 is somewhat inaccurate, there are international standard medical facilities more

    than capable of routine and highly specialist medical care on Phuket, there is no valid reason

    ,other than preference, that would require travel outside Phuket for " routine medical care ".

    I suspect lopburi3 does not actually live in Phuket??

    My statement was routine care was available but other than routine care may require travel - you have changed what I said. I stand by my comment that qualified/specialist medical care would likely require travel to Bangkok or Singapore. As for where I live - I live in Bangkok.

    And my statement is, as a long term resident of Phuket, there is no valid reason to

    travel to Bangkok or anywhere else in Thailand for any kind of treatment as there

    are more than adequate international standards of medical care available, on all

    levels, in Phuket. I find it difficult to comprehend how you could possibly know the

    level of medical care available in Phuket when you don't live here??

  8. 1. Be very sure about this "company" and your legality in Thailand - there are a lot of bad apples here.

    2. Be aware more than routine medical care will likely require travel to Bangkok or Singapore - will you have adequate insurance?

    3. Will the wage really replace the wife's income - and more importantly her self esteem?

    4. Income tax will involve much more paperwork - who will be doing that?

    5. Stay in Thailand requires annual extensions based on work permit/income as well as 90 day reporting of address so may not be a comfortable feeling.

    6. Western food in general will be more expensive - but good Asian food quite inexpensive. But safeguards are not high.

    7. You will not have heating expense - but air conditioning will be required and electric is moderately expensive.

    8. If fan of TV there will be changes required.

    9. Cars are expensive in Phuket but may be required as taxi service not up to city standards.

    10. Housing/rents are reasonable if not in most expensive buildings/areas. Who is paying?

    11. Domestic help is available - but likely 3rd country national and may not be worth the efforts.

    12. There are probably more foreign marriage relationships ended in Thailand than any other country.

    Point no. 2 is somewhat inaccurate, there are international standard medical facilities more

    than capable of routine and highly specialist medical care on Phuket, there is no valid reason

    ,other than preference, that would require travel outside Phuket for " routine medical care ".

    I suspect lopburi3 does not actually live in Phuket??

  9. Regarding the withdrawal of the item from eBay...

    attachicon.gifsm 700 Screenshot 16-04-09 02-33-42.jpg biggrin.png

    Anyway, I just found the manufacturer's site, and I've got bad news for you!:


    attachicon.gifGreenmate SM 700 .jpg

    So JohnC is right. Sorry about that... smile.png

    No problem Jetset I have no qualms about being wrong, it happens and I

    am quite happy to admit my mistake and apologise for making it sorry JohnC

    Its telling the wife that she was wrong that is going to be the problem, I think I

    will just let that one slip by lol.

    Cesspit re-activator it is then! facepalm.gifsad.png

  10. Well you can tell your dear wife she is wrong, in English on the side it states " toilet waste digester"

    As I said " toilet waste digester " = drain/toilet drain cleaner. nowhere on the packet does it say

    it is a cesspit re-activator or anything like that, so drain cleaner it is.

    It was on ebay: http://goo.gl/es5PYk

    Can anyone read Thai?:

    attachicon.giftoilet activator or cleaner.jpg

    Its says

    Top line " Green Mate "

    2nd line "SM 700 "

    3rd line and below " Removes the bad smells from sinks and toilets

    by removing the stagnant or stuck feces from the

    drains ".

    BTW the sale you have quoted in your link has been removed for some reason??

  11. Well you can tell your dear wife she is wrong, in English on the side it states " toilet waste digester"

    As I said " toilet waste digester " = drain/toilet drain cleaner. nowhere on the packet does it say

    it is a cesspit re-activator or anything like that, so drain cleaner it is.

  12. Your next 90 day report is dated 90 days after your last 90 day report, your retirement

    extension is a completely separate entity. Having said that if you happen to do a 90 day

    report when you do your extension or, as happened to me, the IO did my 90 day unasked

    then co-incidently your next 90 day will be 90 days from the date of your extension date.

    • Like 1
  13. So apart Sadao which solution is the best for her,border crossing and with 30 days visa stamp?

    I have no idea where sunnyjim is located but I can assure you that the nearest border

    to Phuket is Burma which is about 4/5 hours drive from Phuket and is the go to place that

    all the visa runners use. there are several visa run agents in Phuket, might be a good idea

    for this girl to contact one of them for the facts rather than the knowalls nothings on here

    Visa run buses use this border run on a daily basis from Phuket leave early morning and

    return same evening.

  14. We appear to have a case of apples and oranges here. Pseudophakic IOL is a very common procedure used to completely replace the lens in millions of people affected by cataracts every year and by default what most people would call "IOL". But OP does not appear to be talking about this but the must less common phakic intraocular lens (PIOL) which is an additional lens over your natural lens.


    Edit: After review of OP seems I am wrong and he needs for presbyopia so probably would be pseudophakic IOL of the multi vision type. Sorry.

    Thank you lopburi3 for having the good grace to admit to and apologise for your mistake

    unlike a couple of other posters on this thread, I take my hat off to you sir/madam. wai.gif

  15. phuketjock I had the Refractive Lens Exchange with Multifocal Lens replacement done at Bangkok Hospital Phuket. I had the lens operation done by Dr Captain Wiriyaluppa. My operation was done in 2010. I did not get the results I was hoping for.

    I suffer now from blurred vision, sometimes depth perception difficulties and light halo's during night driving.

    I had my operation to correct Presbyopia and hardening of the biological lens.

    Not everybody gets the excellent results that you got. I must also add that I am a type 1 diabetic, over 50 years young.

    Incepto I am sorry to hear you did not get the hoped for results from your lens replacements procedure and

    I would hope that you were well informed about the possible consequences of it not going exactly to plan as

    I was by Dr. Sinchai.

    It is, of course, little help to yourself but you are the first person I have heard of that has had the procedure

    and had any problems whatsoever.

    I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes in 2000 and have had glocoema ( i never can spell that right ) since then

    so I count myself fortunate that I have had and still do have Dr. Sinchai to monitor my condition on a regular, 4

    monthly basis. Thanks for your input.

  16. I am not aware of any TV members who had IOL for correction of presbyopia except in conjunction with cataract removal.

    It has only very recently become available in Thailand (only 2 places that I know of: Rutnin and TRSC, and even there I don't think they have done many). So I can't recommend having it done here in Thailand if that is what you have in mind. Better done in a Western country where the technique has been around longer, and that is also where you are more likely to find some online first hand accounts.

    Might do better to do a sear

    4/5 years ago could hardly be classed as " only very recently " can it?

    As well as my own experience Sheryl I am aware of at least 4/5 other people here in

    Phuket who have had the same same procedure and some of them before me.

    I am fairly sure that at least 2 eye doctors at Bangkok Phuket Hospital have been carrying

    out this procedure for at least the last 8 to 10 years so I am afraid I would have to say your

    perceived knowledge and information is some years out of date!!

    Because you only know of 2 places does not make your limited knowledge fact, perhaps

    it is you who needs to do a search before you post your OPINION as fact??

    Can you name the implants you received ?

    Unless you underwent a procedure designed to specifically relieve Presbyopia (which you did not according to an earlier post you made) you comments are ill-informed and unhelpful.

    Intraocular lens replacement procedure is the same for cataracts, relief of presbyopia,

    or for whatever the reason for the procedure, the name or type of implants/replacements

    lens is irrelevant the procedure for intraocular lens replacement is the same no matter what

    the reason for it or the type of replacement lens fitted, excepting possibly a larger or smaller

    slot in the outer ocular membrane to accommodate different sizes/types of lenses.

    If you or Sheryl have not had the procedure then it is you who's comments are ill-informed

    and useless to someone looking for real information to enable them to make a reasonably

    informed decision on a procedure that once performed cannot be reversed, albeit I have yet

    to come across anyone who has had the procedure, for whatever reason, who is not wholly

    happy with the short and long term results of said procedure. Do you, or for that matter Sheryl

    actually know anyone who a. has had the procedure and b. who is not happy with the results???

  17. Hi all,

    The clinic I have been recommended is Medipolis in Belgium. They call it a IOL, they call it literaly translated, lens replacement.

    This is done to all people who have no specific problems with eyes, just suffering from farsightness caused by ageing or also called presbyopia.

    Lasik and all other methods are, according to Medipolis not recommended, because when adjusting the eye for better reading, you will eventually loose sight for objects far away.

    Therefor, a lens replacement is recommended.

    I try to find people who have experience about this procedure.

    In Belgium, the entire operation is at a huge cost (€ 7200).

    oz457 I would have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Sinchai at the Bangkok Phuket

    Hospital for your requirements and for the same cost or possibly a little less you could

    have yourself a couple of weeks holiday in Phuket. Hope I have helped you.


    Just carried out a quick search on google for " intraocular lens replacement Thailand "

    Lots of info there for you oz..

  18. I am not aware of any TV members who had IOL for correction of presbyopia except in conjunction with cataract removal.

    It has only very recently become available in Thailand (only 2 places that I know of: Rutnin and TRSC, and even there I don't think they have done many). So I can't recommend having it done here in Thailand if that is what you have in mind. Better done in a Western country where the technique has been around longer, and that is also where you are more likely to find some online first hand accounts.

    Might do better to do a sear

    4/5 years ago could hardly be classed as " only very recently " can it?

    As well as my own experience Sheryl I am aware of at least 4/5 other people here in

    Phuket who have had the same same procedure and some of them before me.

    I am fairly sure that at least 2 eye doctors at Bangkok Phuket Hospital have been carrying

    out this procedure for at least the last 8 to 10 years so I am afraid I would have to say your

    perceived knowledge and information is some years out of date!!

    Because you only know of 2 places does not make your limited knowledge fact, perhaps

    it is you who needs to do a search before you post your OPINION as fact??

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