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Posts posted by phuketjock

  1. OK I will be the one to ask what in the name of the wee man is a tens machine??

    I have had a frozen shoulder and there is no real cure other than a constant     

    exercise regime, this was advice from a bone doctor which turned out to be correct.

    There are loads of online exercise regimes to correct frozen shoulder joints.

  2. 48 minutes ago, mhill93794 said:

    sorry I was referring to it as a visa, but it is an extension of stay for 1 year with a multiple entry stamp.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app


    This is exactly why I bang on about correct terminology, just look at the confusion it has caused

    on this small thread.

    Please please make an effort to understand what you are talking about and to get it right, please.

  3. 10 hours ago, DrDave said:

    The new policy regarding payment at outreach events is on the US Bangkok Embassy's website.

    Cash is no longer accepted. You must bring a bank draft for the correct amount when paying for service at an outreach. The Embassy updates the exchange rate periodically, and posts the rate that has to be used when paying.

    Sorry guys the thread is about money in bank for retirement extension not about US outreach or Embassy payments.



  4. 17 hours ago, Dan5 said:

    I'm not sure I understand your post. Are you saying you've been keeping your money in a Thai bank in pounds instead of Baht? And giving immigration a letter to immigration showing both the pound an Baht values?  I'm pretty certain immigration has no interest in pound values. The requirement is in Baht.  And is the bank saying that in the future they cannot give you the letter if your account is in pounds?

    Dan2 According to the IO I talked to at the Phuket office they don't care if the money is

    in Egyptian shillings as long as it equates to the required amount in Thai Baht.

    I have been keeping my money in a Foreign Currency Deposit GBP Account for the last

    10 years and my bank (SCB ) has been issuing me a letter verifying the balance in GBP

    and TBT for the last 10 years and immigration have been accepting said letter for the

    last 10 years. 

    This time a bank official told me that in the future, because of an agreement between 

    SCB and immigration they can only issue the letter if the money was in a Thai Baht

    account, but when I spoke to an IO at Phuket he said he had never heard of ant such ruling.

    or agreement?

    You were right you didn't understand my post, there is no, and has never been any requirement

    to keep the necessary 800,000, or 400,000 Baht in Thai currrency.

    • Like 1
  5. Did my annual retirement extension today at Phuket town immigration made sure all my ducks were in a row

    , did not need FNF or TM47, did need TM 2. and TM7. and pic in front of my condo door with no. showing, no problems,

    pick up PP tomorrow and do my Re-entry permit.

    But during my visit to my Bank for my FCD account statement and bank funds verification letter the bank clerk/officer

    informed me that I could have the letter and statement in GBP this time but in the future my funds would have to be in 

    Thai Baht, this being due to a new agreement between my bank SCB and immigration according to her. I have always

    used this GBP FCD account for my retirement funds for the last 9/10 years, has anyone else heard of anything like this 

    surfacing on their patch?? She also told me that the statement was 200 baht but due to the agreement with imm. it was

    free, but the verification letter is still 200 baht. the statement was free last year too, so I am not really sure what is going


    When I raised the matter with immigration in Phuket town they told me they have never heard of any such thing and one

    IO simply said change your bank.


    I have double posted this because it is particular to Phuket but could affect everyone on extensions?

  6. Did my annual retirement extension today at Phuket town immigration made sure all my ducks were in a row

    , did not need FNF or TM47, did need TM 2. and TM7. no problems, pick up PP tomorrow and do my Re-entry permit.

    But during my visit to my Bank for my FCD account statement and bank funds verification letter the bank clerk/officer

    informed me that I could have the letter and statement in GBP this time but in the future my funds would have to be in 

    Thai Baht, this being due to a new agreement between my bank SCB and immigration according to her. I have always

    used this GBP FCD account for my retirement funds for the last 9/10 years, has anyone else heard of anything like this 

    surfacing on their patch?? She also told me that the statement was 200 baht but due to the agreement with imm. it was

    free, but the verification letter is still 200 baht. the statement was free last year too, so I am not really sure what is going


    When I raised the matter with immigration in Phuket town they told me they have never heard of any such thing and one

    IO simply said change your bank.

  7. 14 hours ago, Rolanddrums said:

    My Progress :- Ok My sons UK B/C now has apostille from Milton Keynes & stamp from Thai Embassy in London. We both now have 60 day tourist visas ready for LOS start/mid  Feb . I also have 800K baht plus in my Thai account ticking away since 16 Jan for the 2 months retirement visa requiremnts.  I'm over 50 . After 16 March I will apply for my retirement visa from Jomtien Immigration. After that what do i need to do to get my UK born half Thai sons extension 'piggyback' so he can enter/leave officially as and when with me ? ...thanks.


    I don't know why no one has told you but you cannot apply for a retirement visa at Jomtien or any other

    immigration office because there is no such thing, you Can apply for an extension of permission to stay

    in Thailand on the grounds of retirement, it is NOT a visa, it is an extension.

    There is no such thing as a retirement or marriage VISA. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


    The office had all the fees on the board, but no mention of fees for the house visit, which I have heard before is standard for as visit.


    I just don't understand if its correct, why you would have to pay another 1,900 baht for renewing a Retirement extension of stay when you won't be using it, i.e. I am changing visa's in actual fact, one expires on the 24th and the other application starts on the 24th, 2,000 baht for the application, as for any charges to come to our place, sounds to me like pocket money which they won't be getting. 


    If its all above board I have no issues with it, that includes the extension of retirement visa to cross over to the spouse visa, as you can tell I am not too into the trust word 555


    There is so much wrong with your post it is difficult to know where to start.

    !. You have posted in the wrong forum this is the "Visa and migration to other countries" forum.

    2. You do not have a retirement visa or a retirement extension visa, there is no such thing.

    3. you cannot change from a retirement visa to a spousal visa because again there is no such thing.

    4. you are not, and cannot change visas because you don't have one and any visa you did have was used and/or 

    ran out some time ago.

    5. You are, I believe, wishing to change from an extension of permission to stay in Thailand on the grounds of retirement to

    an extension of permission to stay in Thailand on the grounds of marriage to a Thai national.

    6. I suggest that you do some serious research before you make any further posts with such an amount of serious inaccuracies.

    • Like 2
  9. 9 hours ago, Isac Szwarc Brasil said:

    Thank you.


    I am not sure of the situation these days but when I opened my FCD account only

    designated branches had the facilities to handle FCD accounts, that was with most banks,

    so make sure the branch you are seeking has such a service.

  10. 13 hours ago, merijn said:

     I'm sorry but that is wish full thinking.

    Immigration is not getting influenced by what is discussed here on TV but only by their own experience or by orders from higher up.

    The reason that currently no papers are required anymore when doing 90 day reporting is the fact that it is very busy at the immigration office.

    Same for the alien information form, it is stopped as the girls (who put the information into the computers) where overloaded which created a backlog and because there is no drive from higher up anymore to ask for the information.




    If what you say is true???  then I find that rather sad, it would surely be to everyones advantage to

    make the immigration process as easy as possible and by listening to people who have to go through

    the system on a regular basis surely they, the immigration officers and their bosses, could make things

    much smoother and easier for themselves and the annual extenders and even encourage tourists to

    visit Thailand and spend more money by making it simple for tourists to extend their stay.

    But what am I saying my imagination is running wild today............:cheesy:


  11. 17 minutes ago, Psimbo said:

    Just to confirm that the routine in Phuket Town Immigration as of today was get a ticket off the volunteers and wait for an official. Hand over passport with previous 90 day report and no other paperwork. Number sign wasn't doing 90 days so just had to listen out to be called

    New report printed off, passed to guy at the back for checking and returned within 5 minutes. 5 people ahead of me- in at 1030, out by 1048. Going in after the initial opening queue seems to be the way ahead as there were only 2 people in front of me to see the volunteers.


    As I stated before i planned this around other admin in town- from leaving home to getting car checked, 90 day report, PLTO and some stuff elsewhere in town the whole thing took 3 hours door to door.


    Not the hardship and drama some seem to turn it into. its a necessary evil so I just make the most of the trip.


    And there is of course the possibility that threads like this may or may not have had some influence on

    the apparent easing of procedures and unnecessary paperwork at immigration?

  12. 14 hours ago, prophet01 said:

    Appreciate the info Jock.

    As I said, already contacted Nathan for a meet on Wednesday to discuss the proposed work.


    Sorry prophet01 head in neutral again I didn't notice that you were the op

    when I posted duh.

  13. 1 hour ago, prophet01 said:

    Thanks Basil, good points to consider.

    I'll discuss them with Nathan at PSD who I got hold of today after reading this thread of a few years ago.



    He's coming to our place on Wednesday to take a look and discuss the work.

    I'll provide an update for reference.


    I have had double glazed windows fitted to two of our condos, both of which get the full afternoon sun everyday,

    for the last 6+ years and have so far had no trouble with deterioration of plastic or any locking mechanisms, other

    than a tenant who crossed the windows with the handle unstowed and broke it off.

    We did have some small problems with water leaks after the initial installation and again this year with the heavy

    rains, but all the leaks were external and were duly fixed for free by Nathans guys under their 10 year warranty so I

    would highly recommend them for any glazing work you may require.

    This is Nathans number if it's allowed, if not PM me and I will send to you.

    0870617631 Nathan at PSD.

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