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Posts posted by phuketjock

  1. It would appear that the thread has somewhat lost it's way, the OP was

    about doing 90 day report at an immigration office not online?????

    There are numerous and various threads about online reporting without

    the need to highjack this one, cheers.


  2. 3 hours ago, stevenl said:

    It is my experience that people who know better than the experts and those dealing with it on a daily basis are the ones causing problems.

    Sent from my ROBBY using Thaivisa Connect mobile app


    Oh wouldn't it be wonderful if we were actually dealing with experts and not wanabees who think

    they are?  Sound familiar Steven??

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, xylophone said:


    Looks like we are going to keep going round in circles on this one and you have your point of view and I and others have ours (which by the way differ from yours).


    Quote, "I beg to differ there is much more he can do like check that his info is true and accurate which in this case it was not and once again I say if you are not absolutely sure that what you are posting is 100% true then please don't post it"


    Let's just take this scenario: – he checks his info with the immigration officers before the office opens and they tell him exactly what is needed for processing the documentation. This is the information which he passes on.


    The office then opens and one officer or perhaps two, decide to implement their own process, which these guys are apt to do, "because they can".


    As I said, there's not a lot he can do about this and as I have stated previously, he has been of great help to me and by the looks of things, others on the forum.


    So in summary, he did check the information as it was stated by the immigration department;  this is how it was going to work they said; they told him one thing which he then passed on; someone in immigration decided to implement their own version.


    Let's call it a day, because there is no point in wasting time over something so petty, especially when Merijn was trying to help and passed on the correct information BUT someone in that office did not follow it. Not a lot he can do about that.





    It's a day then xylo.    :thumbsup:      :wai:

    • Like 1
  4. 21 hours ago, xylophone said:


    I believe Merijn works as a volunteer at the immigration office (or used to), so his info is hot off the press, as they say. Not much else he can do other than pass on what he is told??




    I am sorry I beg to differ there is much more he can do like check that his info is true and accurate which in this case  

    it was not and once again I say if you are not absolutely sure that what you are posting is 100% true then please don't

    post it. I don't believe he is obliged to "pass it on" is he? and if he must then pls. check it. 

    It has been my experience that these " volunteers " often cause more problems than they render assistance and this

    is just one more example of that.

  5. 3 hours ago, xylophone said:


    With respect PJ I think Stevenl meant that this last experience you had was a "one-off" whereas Merijn is in daily contact with the immigration guys, so his info is given to him by them on a day to day basis so is as current as you will get.


    That they still feel the need to make us jump through hoops if they feel like it just mirrors what another poster said when he likened them to "children".




    As well intentioned as I think you are xylo Merijns info is only as current as the info he gleans from the/a io on 

    a day he, merijn, decides to ask and it is obvious by this very thread that that is the extent of Merijns knowledge.

    It is quite glaringly obvious that he does/has not checked what is actually happening on a day to day basis, hence

    the reason for my criticism of his misleading, intentioned or otherwise, info.

    For him to post on here what he thinks is happening when in fact it is not happening as he claims is not in any way

    helpful to anyone, is it?

    Again I ask if he is not absolutely sure that his info is factual, hopefully, after checking its credibility then please

    don't post it as fact.

    As you so rightly point out we have enough hoops to jump through without someone muddying the waters further. 

  6. 3 hours ago, merijn said:

    Believe me if i say that i don't quote rumors or secondhand information.

    I get the immigration information firsthand from the officers (Phuket immigration office) directly.

    But this does not mean that some of the officers change their mind or procedures soon after. 

    Like i sad it can change very fast.


    You appear to be missing the point you can quote all the officers at Phuket office that you like 

    but what you stated was just not true, on my previous 90 day to this one, about three months

    ago, not six the duty volunteer told me the fnf was required and this time he told me it was not

    required. At least one other poster has told us that he had to fill in the fnf just last month.

    So you may well be telling us what the officers are telling you but you are not checking what is 

    really actually happening before you post your incorrect info.

    So your info is misleading people, have you got that now???

  7. 1 hour ago, stevenl said:

    You won't get more first hand information than from Merijn.

    Sent from my ROBBY using Thaivisa Connect mobile app


    Merjin's so called first hand info stated that there has been no requirement for the 

    Foreign National information form for 90 day reports for the last six months, first

    hand or not that is totally incorrect, as experienced by myself and others, being first

    hand info or not it is useless info nevertheless if it is not factual and in this case it

    was not factual. 

  8. 4 hours ago, merijn said:

    Like with so many things one day it is required the other day/officer not anymore.

    I only can give the information which is past on from the officer.

    It was reported before that for most activities the foreign information form was not required anymore in Phuket town office.

    For how long and if in every case nobody knows.

    If you are unlucky they can ask for everything. (best to keep everything with you just in case)


    As I previously said please don't quote your views or secondhand info as fact when 

    it clearly is not. Check that what you are claiming is true, not rumour or hearsay.

    "It was reported" doesn't make it factual.

    The experienced visitor to immigration does keep everything with them, including me,

    but you are misleading people when you claim fact from rumour and secondhand 


    If you are not absolutely sure that the info you are posting is true please don't post it.

  9. 2 hours ago, LivinginKata said:

    Just a few minutes ago I made my on-line  90 day report from the comfort of my home. Accepted, pending, and I expect confirmation in the next few hours. How easy can it get. I only wish my annual extension could be made on-line.  That's next month annual challenge, I need to crank up duplicate copies of everything possible. 


    You are lucky you can do online 90 days many of us cannot.

    I last entered the Kingdom in Jan 2011 and have not been able to do online reporting

    or find out exactly WHY I cannot??, despite making numerous and lengthy enquiries

    to the immigration authorities. 

  10. 11 hours ago, merijn said:

    Foreign information paper is not required anymore for most immigration activities.

    Indeed only a copy of the passport information page is required these days for the 90 day reporting. (this is already in place for about 6 months)

    Nonsense the reason I had the copies I did is because they were required my last 90 day, strangely enough 90 days ago, so not anything like 6 months. And right or wrong my post is the first I have seen on the subject of not needing the foreign national form in recent times.


    Please don't post your views as fact when they are clearly not!!!!

    • Like 1
  11. Arrived about 0930 the french embassy volunteer, joke if you have not read my previous posts, was

    my guide and instantly ditched my completed foreign national form with a not required and same

    with my retirement ext, and departure card copies. Copy of Picture page of Passport, Passport and

    last 90 day, which is of course in my passport all that is required he informed me, with the usual

    qualifier..........THIS TIME.    Who knows????????????????  

    • Like 2
  12. There is no such thing as a retirement  VISA.

    Visas cannot be extended and if you are renewing a previous extension your visa lapsed long


    You are, I believe, renewing your extension of permission to stay on the grounds of retirement

    and I believe you are still required to get your paperwork vetted by the wanabees but of course

    this could have changed as things often do with Thai immigration, don't forget your foreign 

    national info form (another new thing).

  13. Coming from Patong to Kathu, just before the traffic lights directly abeam the police box 

    on the central reservation on the left large shop full of new and second hand stainless


    Just bought a new fridge there yesterday, haggle strongly.

  14. 1 hour ago, Toscano said:

    The Thai visa in respect of marriage , requires a multitude of documents proving that you and your wife live together and there seem to be additional documents every year .

    You also have to have a letter from the British consulate in Bangkok showing your income exceeding Bt40,000 every month or you must have Bt400,000 deposited in the bank for 3 months .  I would recommend that if you have no problem with the Bt800,000 deposit , go for the retirement visa , far fewer documents , no proof of marriage , a quick in and out each year at immigration .  Further if the marriage doesn't work out , you can move out and live independently without any bother .


    There is NO visa in respect of marriage OR retirement they are extensions NOT VISAS.

    You have no idea the confusion you are causing people by using the wrong terminology.

  15. On 15/09/2016 at 8:48 PM, Estrada said:

    Wrong Info. The Non "O" VISA for retirement (as stamped in Thai above the VISA explaining that it is issued for retirement purposes) is the only visa routinely issued in Thailand by Changwattana Immigration. If you think about it logically you will realize that Thai Immigration can only issue a Non "O' Visa in Country providing they stamp above it that it is for retirement purposes only. They cannot issue a Non "O" in Country currently for any other purpose than for retirement. I have posted screen shots of the stamps in my passport several times before to prove this point. 


    You are the one issuing wrong info as a non "O" visa issued for retirement is NOT a retirement VISA it merely gives

    you the right at sometime during the period of that non "O" visa to apply for an extension of permission to stay in the

    Kingdom on the grounds of retirement, your non "O" visa does not garantee that your application for an extension of

    stay will be successful. 

    As correctly stated by DogNo1.

  16. 7 minutes ago, twozeds said:

    I did go to the bank and they rolled it over or started it again for 12 months…I think the interest rate is only 1.3%…..So  this should be ok?….my retirement visa runs out in January 2017…. ….  


    thailand49….I wasn't really concerned with the interest rate...I just wanted to be sure that this account was acceptable…thanks


    You do not have a retirement VISA as there is no such thing.

    You probably have an extension of permission to stay on the grounds of Retirement,

    which is NOT a VISA.


    1 hour ago, wgdanson said:

    Can a Foreign Currency Account be used towards Retirement Visa requirements


    Yes at Phuket.

  17. Sorry Phil I have no idea what a OGUK medical is but I am pretty sure any hospital or

    even one of the larger clinics would do you a medical to the standard you require.

    If you were to tell them exactly what you want I am sure they would accommodate

    you, for a price of course. Good luck.

  18. 4 hours ago, HermosaBeachGuy said:

    Sorry?  I'm confused...  


    I agree you are confused.  It is not possible to get a retirement OR marriage VISA but

    it is possible to obtain an extension of permission to stay in the Kingdom on the

    grounds of marriage to a Thai national or on the grounds of retirement, neither are


    It is the continued misuse of the terminology that causes you and many others confusion.


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